HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/7/1995 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF MCHEfRrY LANDMARK camissioN MEETING, NOV. 7, 1995 The November meeting was called to order at 7:25 by Chairman Barb Gilpin. Roll call was taken and those present were: Stacy Bjorkman, Tam Bolger, Barb Byron, Nancy Fike, Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, Donnabelle Glossan, Larry Huck, Debbie Lane, Greg Lofgren and Lori Wilhelm. Those absent were: Marya Dixon and Carol Jean Smith. Chairman Gilpin welcomed guests Brianne Fowles, high school student, and her mother, Amy. The minutes were approved as sent. Motion by Adele Fro â–ºich and seconded by Larry Huck. The Treasurer's report was presented by Debbie Lane who noted there had been no expenditures this past month. Chairman Gilpin pointed out that the report now contains all parts of the budget on one page. As of November 7th the Commission had a total of $2,920.00 remaining in the 1995-96 budget combined with a total of $12,267.27 remaining from past unspent budgets and earned income leaving a combined total of $15,187.27. Motion to accept by Lori Wilhelm and seconded by Barb Byron. camcirrEE REPORTS. Reversing the order of the reports, Chairman Gilpin asked for a report an the Landmark Sign Pictures for the three downtown business districts. Committee member Greg Lofgren had nothing to report at this time. Lori Wilhelm reported that as of yet no work had been done an the Files Reorganization at the Municipal Center. The committee an the Northwest Herald Column was shown a number of pictures by Chairman Gilpin that she had borrowed from Jim Althoff and the Library. With such pictures Adele Froelich will proceed with writing a history column for the Herald and use such pictures with the feature. Nancy Fike reported an the Backhaus Project offer to donate the old Whiting brick farm house to the Commission within a two year time frame. According to the understood terms of the donation, the Commission would have to move the structure. Professional building movers J.C. Muehlfelt and Sons of Wheaton were contacted for moving estimates. According to Gary Muehlfelt, solid brick homes were extremely expensive to move. One like the Whiting home could weigh over 200 tons which would cause problems on state highways. It was difficult to get permission to move such heavy structures as a result. Also, if the house was 40 feet wide, most 2 lane highways measured only 23-24 feet wide. Trees and wires also posed problems. Their company experienced a demand from the telephone company in a recent move a fee of $6,000.00 to lower one cable! Also, distances cause problems; the structure must be moved in one day thus limiting the location of the lot to move to. Two years ago, they moved an 1860's brick two story home and the cost of that move was between $60,000.00 and $70,000.00. Ours could cost between $80,000.00 and $100,000.00. After Commission discussion it was decided to ask the developers for property to go along with the structure donation, more specifically an onsite location. The Commission would try and seek the developers interest in keeping the structure an the same site. Barb Byron will title research the house for historical background material before we approach the developers. Committee reports continued with Barb Gilpin's report an the Downtown Revitalization Project. Due to the unavailabity of key downtown business participants no meetings had been set up. Discussion came up on the facade improvement grants as part of revitalization and how__ such things as fire codes seemed to prevent owners of older structures from carrying out restorations. Specifically the discussion centered on the building located at the sw corner of Pearl and Riverside Drive. Tam Bolger will check contacts in Galena to see how rehabilitating older buildings in historic districts complied with such life safety codes without loosing their historic character. Debbie Lane will contact Steve Lange of the McHenry Fire Dept. to see what the Dept. will allow for historic buildings and codes. Stacy Bjorkmmn volunteered to contact Green Street businessman Chris Cardamon about the Commission's interest in downtown revitalization. The Preservation Ordinance Committee of Greg Lofgren, Larry Huck and Nancy Fike presented a proposed Article II portion of an ordinance for the Commission's discussion and approval. This part of the ordinance dealt with the organization of the Commission, the selection of officers, their responsibilities, filling vacancies, setting meetings and powers and authorities. The Commission went through Article II line by line, rewording some parts and changing others. A copy of this portion of the proposed ordinance was included in the Commission packet. In other business, Chairman Gilpin reported receiving a letter from the City Building Officer in regards to the possible demolition of a structure on the sw corner of McCullam Lake Road and 11. Route 31. The Commission was asked for a recommendation regarding the structure's historical significance. The Commission directed Barb Gilpin to inform the Building Dept. of no objections to the demolition. In further business, the Chairman noted that Janet Lamtnu, owner of property at 3718 Main Street was interested in pursuing landmark status for her home. Barb Gilpin will ask Carol Jean Smith to deliver an application to Mrs. Lamm. (The above measures all fall under NEW BUSINESS. OLD BUSINESS: Tam Bolger reported that the McHenry State Bank owned building on the ne corner of Green and Elm had had the windows washed. He also indicated that the property would be offered to the City of McHenry as park property and, perhaps, the Commission should contact the City to have the park designated as a Landmark Park and have signage relating to the downtown history displayed there. Mrs. Gilpin will do so. Discussion again followed and Nancy Fike will seek permission from the State Bank to document by pictures the building before any demolition takes place. Finally, with a brief lull in the meeting, Adele Froelich moved for adjourmniwut and Dosumabelle Glosson seconded. The time was 8:43 and, no, there was no discussion. Respectfully submitted, Imr/ L.