HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/3/1995 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF MC HENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING, OCT. 3, 1995 The October meeting was called to order at 7:20 by Chairmen Barb Gilpin. Roll call was taken and those present were: Tan Bolger, Marya Dixon, Nancy Fike, Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, Do nabelle Glosson, Larry Huck, Debbie Lane, Greg Lofgren, Carol Jean Smith and Lori Wilhelm. Those absent were: Barb Byron and Stacy Bjorkman. The minutes were approved following a spelling correction of Mancy to Nancy. Motion made by Marya Dixon and seconded by Donnabelle Glosson.Chairman Gilpin introduced two guests, Bob and Chris Novak fram Petals and Stems Floral on Riverside Drive. Mrs. Gilpin reported to the Commission that members Lofgren, Gilpin, Fike and Wilhelm had attended a meeting Wednesday, Sept. 27th of the Riverside Merchants Association. She noted that we presented possible ways for the Landmark Commission to became involved in downtown revitalization on Riverside Drive including possible facade improvement grant money going towards uniform awnings. Those attending the meeting seemed to favor such involvement. She also mentioned a discussion on community reinvestment funding. Bob Novak noted there was interest on behalf of the local merchants to do something to improve Riverside Drive. He felt the river was our greatest asset and that not enough had been done to pursue encorporating the river as a major area feature. Discussion followed about the need for a plan to possibly present to the city for their assistance. Chris Novak will check with McHenry County College for possible student involvement in developing a design plan for the street. TREASURER'S REPORT-The report was presented by Chairman Gilpin. There was no change in the budget since last north leaving a total of $2,920.00. The treasurer's report was approved on a motion by Larry Huck and a second by Nancy Fike. COMMITTEE REPORTS-Adele Froelich reported she had contacted the Northwest Herald about our providing a weekly old photo and outline. They were receptive but could not promise it would be used each week. It was suggested to try writing an occasional "old business" in Mdlenry article for the Business Journal but the Commission seemed to favor submitting photos to the Herald as our first effort. Adele will follow through. Carol Jean will look for pictures as will Barb Gilpin. Under DOWNTOWN CONTACTS, Chairman Gilpin had also contacted Chris Cardimane on Green Street and Chris Wirtz on Main Street to see if they wanted the Commission to meet with their street merchants. They will contact her. The BACKHAUS PROJECT was also reported on by Chairman Gilpin. According to her contacts, the developers of the old Whiting Farm on the Crystal Lake Blacktop were not ready to turn over ownership of the farm house to the Commission. They felt it would be at least 2 years. The Commission expressed concern that at that time we would be required to act quickly and that we better develop a plan for the building long before the two years came about. Tam Bolger will get the building measurements and Nancy Fike will contact a house mover in Wheaton for same moving cost estimates. Marya Dixon pointed out that the Old House Support Group newsletter had info. about the house in its last edition. PRESERVATION ORDINANCE-Nancy Fike inquired if an earlier letter notifying the city of work being dome an the ordinance had been sent. It had not. Tam Bolger suggested revising the letter stressing the positive result of passing an ordinance. His suggestion was approved and once that is done, Mrs. Gilpin will send the letter to the Mayor and City Council and the Chairmen of the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. After discussion an Commission priorities, Greg Lofgren and Larry Huck volunteered to be on the ordinance committee with Nancy Fike. The Commission felt that completion of the ordinance was its top priority. Discussion on Article II of the proposed ordinance was left to a future meeting except Carol Jean did ask questions concerning the ordinance that created the original Commission and that too many features of operation were left out of that one. PROJECT PRIORITIES-After asking whether the Commission was trying to do too many things without accomplishing enough, discussion focused an the need for two main areas of concentration and a long range third project. First, was completion of a preservation ordinance for the city. Committee members were mentioned above. Second, Downtown Revitalization headed by Barb Gilpin with Debbie Lane and Barb Byron. Of a longer range nature was to publish same sort of history or historic structure book an McHenry. Lori Wilhelm will begin collecting material and Do nabelle Glossal who will straighten Commission files and Adele Froelich will also work an this. Carol ti... Jean will work an acquiring pictures for publication. Greg Lofgren will work an providing new pictures for the landmark signs in the three downtown districts. OLD BUSINESS-Carol Jean passed around copy of her remarks at the plaguing ceremony for the old Lutheran church on John St. A nice article and picture followed the presentation in the Herald. She also talked to the Diedrich's and the Joyce's about certificates for improvements they have made to their hares. She will continue to follow up with certificates. NEW BUSINESS-none. Final notes: Lori Wilhelm expressed concern about the unkept condition of the old Unti building an the NE corner of Green and Elm. The windows which were expecially dirty were inviting problems. The owner will be contacted for cleaning. Debbie Lane also was concerned about the increasingly rundown condition of the plagued David Dunlap have on Main Street. An unsolved discussion took place as to what could be done about plagued properties left to run down. At 8:49 Adele Froelich moved for adjournment and Debbie Lane secanded.Good night! Respectfully submitted, Nancy J. Fike, Secretary