HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/1/1995 - Landmark Commission LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 1 , 1995 At roll call , the following members were present : Marya Dixon, Adele Froehlich, Donnabelle Doherty, Larry Huck , Greg Lofgren, Carol Jean Smith , Lori Wilhelm. Tom Bolger arrived at 7:25 P .M. Barb Gilpin arrived at 7:35 P .M. Absent : Barb Byron, Nancy Fike, Debbie Lane, Jenny Lange. In the absence of Secretary Nancy Fike, the minutes were to be taken by Chairman Barb Gilpin off a tape recorder. However, the recorder did not function correctly so these minutes are mostly from memory. New member, Greg Lofgren was introduced and welcomed to the Commission. Prior to the next meeting , he will be given background material and current documents to update him on Commission matters. Motion by Marya , seconded by Carol Jean, to approve the minutes of the June meeting as presented . All ayes. Motion by Marya , seconded by Carol Jean, to approve the monthly treasurer 's report as presented which indicated there was a balance of $3,619.78 in the Facade Improvement Grant Fund and a balance of $3,000.00 in the General Fund . All ayes. Letters from Building and Zoning Officer John Lobaito indicated demolition permits had been requested of the City by the owners of buildings at 3311-3317 W. Elm Street and at 3314 W. Waukegan Road . Commission members viewed the sites and researched the historic significance of the buildings. None was found . It was determined there would be no problem in granting the demolition permits. Motion by Lori , seconded by Marya , to inform the Building Officer that the Commission had no objection to issuance of the demolition permits. All Ayes. During this discussion, it was noted that one of the buildings on Richmond Road which had been slated for demolition, had been gutted and stripped prior to issuance of the permit . The Building Officer will be notified of this situation by Barb . Discussion on the proposed Preservation Ordinance was postponed until Nancy returns to conduct the review. Committee Reports: Downtown Redevelopment--It was decided to hold a joint meeting sometime in September or October with businessmen, business owners, the Chamber of Commerce, the City Council and the Landmark Commission to determine if there is any interest in having the Commission prepare a program for downtown redevelopment. Barb will contact the � City Administrator and set up a proposal for financing such a program. She will also see when a large meeting room �., would be available at the Municipal Center to hold this meeting . A list of addresses for businesses will be requested of the Chamber. Invitations will be mailed to all . It was also decided to order pamphlets from the National Main Street Center re downtown redevelopment . New Business ---Discussion was held on the City 's Mass Barn renovation on McCullom Lake Road . Since this property is not within City limits, it was decided to work with the County Historical Committee on this project . More information will be obtained before our next meeting . The property on the northwest corner of Bull Valley and Crystal Lake Roads is preparing for commercial development . Owners of that property (the former Whiting Farm) supposedly put in their annexation agreement that the farm house on the site would be donated to the Landmark Commission if the Commission would move it . Barb will get a copy of the annexation agreement and report back at the next meeting . Under membership renewals, a motion was made by Carol Jean, seconded by Donnabelle, to renew annual memberships with the McHenry County Historical Society for $20.00 and with the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commissions/Landmark Preservation Commission of Illinois for $60.00. All ayes. A letter was received from Wayne L . Dixon of 3511 Washington Street commenting on his dissatisfaction with the way the setup and manning of the Landmark booth was handled during Art in the Park . Barb feels it was her lack of experience with project which caused the trouble. A letter of apology and an explanation will be sent to Wayne and Larry. Motion by Adele, seconded by Donnabelle, to adjourn at 8:40 P .M. Chairman Barb Gilpin '