HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/2/1995 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING
May 2, 1995
The May meeting of the McHenry Landmark Commission was called to order
at 7:20 by Chairman Barb Gilpin. Roll call was taken and the
following members were absent: Barb Byron, Donnabelle Glosson and
Debbie Lane. Members present: Tom Bolger, Marya Dixon, Nancy Fike,
Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, Larry Huck, Jenny Lange, Carol Jean
Smith, Lori Wilhelm. One guest was in attendance: Ward 3 Alderman
Greg Bates. The minutes were approved as sent on a motion by Jean
Smith and seconded by Marya Dixon. The Secretary was requested to
list present members as well as absent members on future minutes.
In the absence of Treasurer Debbie Lane, Chairman Gilpin reported that
no expenditures had been made the past month leaving a total in the
budget of $1,930.57. Adele Froelich moved to accept the report as
presented. It was seconded by Lori Wilhelm.
A. Member Jenny Lange reported on the request by the Commission for
students from the World Studies Honor Class to help this spring with
updating building surveys. After talking repeatedly with Mr. Johnson
about arranging for school approval and time, Mr. Johnson did not get
back to Landmark Committee person Barb Byron. It was decided that
there would not be enough time to coordinate the surveys and schedules
this spring. After same discussion the Commission decided to delay
action on surveying until this fall. At that time the ground work for
such a project would have been laid. Barb Byron and Nancy Fike will
work on the survey project. Jenny Lange will assist the Commission by
getting another student to serve on the Commission when she leaves for
college in the fall.
B. Under the Downtown Preservation Project Chairman Gilpin again
talked to City Administrator Peterson. He provided her with video
tapes on downtown revitalization. Those tapes were given to
Commission members Tom Bolger and Larry Huck to review. After their
viewing, they will pass the tapes to other members. Barb Gilpin also
located the results of downtown revitalization surveys that had been
undertaken in 1988. They are divided into the 3 districts-Green
Street, Main Street, Riverside Drive. When we tackle this project
again the Chamber indicated an interest in being involved. In the
meantime, those packets were given to Marya Dixon (Green St.), Adele
Froelich (Main St.) and Lori Wilhelm (Riverside Dr.) to review and
make suggestions as to how that information will fit into a plan for
today. They will report at the June meeting.
C. Under the Library Historic/Genealogy Room Project Carol Jean Smith
made a motion to purchase one copy of the new McHenry County History,
MCHENRY COUNTY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY in memory of Commission member
Jesse Freund and present it to the library for the research room.
Adele seconded. Motion passed. On a second motion Carol Jean moved
to purchase a second copy for the Landmark Commission. Adele
seconded. Motion passed.
A list of 10 proposed purposes for a City of McHenry Landmark
ordinance was presented by Nancy Fike (see attached list). These
purposes were adapted from the county preservation ordinance to fit
the more specific goals of a McHenry ordinance. There was a general
consensus on the list of ten.
Carol Jean reported on a recent newspaper article that contained
�-- information on a source list for financial support/grants/loans for
home rehabilitation. It was a book published by a consumer group for
$19.95. On a motion by Loir Wilhelm and a second by Jenny Lange the
Commission will purchase a copy of this book and present it to the
library. New Business continued with a discussion of goals and
objectives for 1995-96. Commission members prioritized the list into
the following order of importance: First-Complete the preservation
ordinance and work with other city commissions for united historic
efforts. Second-Establish downtown history and development goals with
business owners and tenants and investigate local sources of economic
support for business preservation. Third-Resurvey a section of the
city with help from the high school honors class and continue to
present public programs. Fourth-Consider doantions to the public
library for archival preservation. Fifth-encourage the city to
develop an overall long range plan that includes historic preservation
and Six- Participate with other county preservation groups. Mrs.
Gilpin will present this list of goals and objectives to the City
Council at the next meeting.
Carol Jean reported on the upcoming County Preservation Program on
Wednesday, May 17th at MCC from 7:30 to 9:30. She had sent letters to
all owners of plagued structures in Mdllenry and invited them to attend
to be recognized. Those that wished to comment during the showing of
slides of our sites could do so. We have 20 minutes to present our
portion. Commission members were encouraged to attend.
Before adjourning Alderman Bates commented that he had seen the
downtown revitalization video tapes and they were worth viewing. He
urged to Commission to work on a downtown plan. He indicated he was
interested in the work being done by the Commission. The Commission
thanked him for his attendance.
The meeting was adjourned by official adjourner, Adele Froelich at
Respectfully submitted,7
Nancy F. ike, Secretary