HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 3/7/1995 - Landmark Commission (2) THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MEETING OF March 7, 1995 The March meeting of the McHenry Landmark Commission was called to order at 7:20 by Vice Chairman Marya Dixon. Roll call was taken and the following members were absent: Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, Larry Huck. All other members were present. No guests were present. The minutes were approved on a motion by Lori Wilhelm and a second by Donnabelle Glosson. TREASURERS REPORT: Treasurer Debbie Lane presented copies of the monthly treasurer's report noting a total of $3,571.76 in the budget. This figure has not changed from last month. OLD BUSINESS: The order for old business was changed bringing about a discussion of the plaguing for the Church of God on John St. Member Carol Jean checked wording on previous plaques and supplied the Commission with a suggested wording for the plaque as follows: ZION LU1H)RAN CHURCH Congregation formed in 1876 under the direction of Pastor Henry Schmidt, Jr. Built in 1891 City of McHenry Landmark Plaque # 17 1995 Discussion followed concerning naming the original church on the plaque. At the March 15, 1995 City Council meeting member Carol Jean Smith will let the Council know that the plaque is being prepared and that a presentation at a City Council meeting would be appropriate. As corresponding secretary she will also send a letter to the Church of God letting them know of the plaque wording and make them officially aware that the plaque will be presented at a City Council meeting with an additional opportunity for a ceremony at the church on a Sunday . On a suggestion by Tom Bolger, Carol Jean will also forward a copy of the previous letter to the Church of God (the one informing them of plaque approval) to Zion Lutheran Church. Marya will make arrangements for the plaque to be painted. In other old business, the letters to District 15 and the Library commending them for adaptively reusing existing structures was approved by the Commission and signed by Vice Chairman Marya Dixon. In addition, Carol Jean will send a combined version of the two letters to the newspaper. Discussion on the proposed Historic Preservation Ordinance continued and centered on completing lists of landmarks as well as looking more closely at how the 3 older commercial districts might be viewed in terms as qualifying as historic districts. Nancy Fike will continue to collect comments and lists of structures and sites for listing as landmarks as well as begin the text proposal for In ordinance. The overall feeling of the Commission was that other Iity committees need to be brought into the planning process for such an ordinance. Nancy Fike will talk with Chairman Barb Gilpin about arranging a joint meeting with the Planning Commission, Environmental Committee and the Zoning Board of Appeals through City Manager Gerald Peterson. NEW BUSINESS Under new business discussion was held on setting up a committee to update the original 1985 survey of older buildings in the city. Member Jenny Lange requested information about the survey as a possible way to involve local high school students who would like to do community service projects that might also earn credit in classes. A zoning map showing city boundaries will be supplied to Jenny as will a copy of the survey sheet. Before surveying would be undertaken a training session that prepares survey takers for identifying various bulding elements would have to be set up. As a result of the discussion concerning Landmark Commission survey sheets and other records of the Commission members felt that the easy public access to the meeting room where records are stored has the potential for loss of those materials. It was moved by Nancy Fike and seconded by Lori Wilhelm that a request be made to the City to store Landmark Records in a locked and secured area of the government center. Motion approved. Nancy Fike will make that request. Under the next order of new business, Marya read a letter of resignation from Ruth Fenwick . The Commission members wished Ruth their best wishes. Next, Marya read a letter from the McHenry County Historical Society Historic Sites Chairperson Grace Moline. The letter requests our participation in a public historic preservation program with other interested preservation groups at the college in May (date not decided yet). Each group would present a short selection of plagued sites/structures with the owners making the comments during the slide presentation. Lori Wilhelm moved the Commission participate and Carol Jean seconded. Motion approved. Additional new business concerned placing survey photos in archival quality plastic sleeves. Carol Jean had samples and prices from one company and Nancy Fike would check prices with another company and get back to Carol Jean for ordering. `, Finally, Nancy Fike reported making an initial contact with Habitat for Humanity over the possibility of using donated older structures received by the Commission for Habitat homes. No word back from the Director but they will contact us. Nancy Fike also contacted Alan Miller from Meyer Materials about the Eugene Eppel house. According to an arrangement made about 6 or 7 years ago, when the Eppel house became available through the death of Eugene, the Gravel Company would allow the Commission some 3 years to have the house moved . The home is a classic small Greek Revival home original to the Andrew Thomas family. In taking with Mr. Miller, there did not seem to be a sense of urgency about doing something with the house as there were no plans to mine gravel up to Route 120. The only problem that might arise would be vandalism that could force the company to have an unsafe structure removed. The Commission will pursue options for moving. At 8:55 Tom Bolger moved for adjournrment. Debbie Lane seconded. Respectfully submitted, `) Nancy J. Fike Commission Secretary