HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/3/1995 - Landmark Commission City of McHenry Landmark Commission Meeting February 3, 1995 TheiJanuary meetinglof the Landmark Commission was called to order at 7:19 by newly appointed Chairman Barbara Gilpin. Mrs. Gilpin then furnished a rough agenda which was followed for the meeting. Members present included: Barb Byron, Marya Dixon, Nancy Fike, Adele Froelich, Barb Gilpin, Debbie Lane, Carol Jean Smith, Lori Wilhelm and student member Jenny Lange. Absent members: Tom Bolger, Ruth Fenwich, Donnabelle Glosson, Larry Huck. The Treasurer's report was given by Marya Dixon in the absence of treasurer Donnabelle Glosson. Two questions from December's report have yet to be cleared up. One concerned the possible extra payment of dues for the combined Landmark Preservation Council of Illinois and the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Councils. The second question concerned a bill of $28.60 to Shirt-Works. President Gilpin will check on both bills. As shown on the report, the Commission has $3,552.18 available for Facade Improvement Grants. Of that amount, over $2,000.00 resulted from the sale of Landmark School shirts. Lori Wilhelm noted that the remaining 8 shirts will be delivered to Landmark School to be given to needy students. Discussion followed as to the amont actually available for the Grants as Carol Jean had talked to City Manager Peterson about money in the Commission budget being carried over from year to year with a possible amount of $12, 109.30 being available. Discussion followed on the Facade Improvement Grants. Nancy Fike will contact a Northwest Herald reporter for a story on the availability of the grants for applicants. Barbara Gilpin will contact the Chamber for networking the same information. The Treasurer's report was moved for approval by Nancy Fike and seconded by Marya Dixon. All approved. Under New Business. The first order of business was the election of a slate of officers. With the President being appointed by the Mayor, other officers voted on by the Coo®ission included: Marya Dixon as Vice Chairman, Debbie Lane as Treasurer, Nancy Fike as Secretary, Carol Jean Smith as Corresponding Secretary. On a motion by Adele Froelich and a second by Barb Byron the slate was approved unanimously. A motion by Lori Wilhelm and second by Debbie Lane appointed Jenny Lange, an honors senior at East Campus High School, as the Commission student member. Motion passed. Jenny noted that she had lived in McHenry all her life but knew little of its history. She hoped to learn more about the history of McHenry's buildings. The Commission welcomes Jenny and the perspective she will bring. In other new business, Barbara Gilpin reported that she had talked to the Librarians about acquiring space in the new library for the collection of McHenry items being developed and acquired by the Commission on McHenry history. That possibility sounded promising. Carol Jean raised the question of security for documents and primary materials of the Commission being available at the library. Provisions for the protections of one of a kind materials would have to be made with the library. Also noted was a request from the library to help with fund raising for special projects such as this. Further discussion included how to involve students in their local history by making them aware that the Commission has materials available for such study. Teachers also need to be informed as to the Commission and its willingness to help. Jenny Lange will contact writers for the high school newspaper for a possible article on the Landmark Commission resources. Along with this project was the examination of a recent publication in Marengo on the historic houses of Washington and Prairie Streets, Vol I. as a possible project for our Commission. Under final new business it was reported that McHenry Junior High Social Studies teacher Greg Lofgren had taken out an application for the Commission. Under Old Business: As of yet the City Council has not voted on the landmark status of the Church of God building on John Street. Barb Gilpin will have it put on the agenda. A question arose as to where the remining landmark plaques are located as well as what the current costs for the recipent would be. Nancy Fike will check the past minute records to see if charges have been changed. Barb Byron will check to see which plagued sites were displaying their plaques. Barb Gilpin will check to see if the plaques are at City Hall. Old Business continued. No report yet as to whether the architect William Ewald had been contacted by Tom Bolger as a possible Commission member. In other business the questions the Commission had with the short notification period over buildings up for demolition remained unanswered. Barb Gilpin will check with the Building Inspector. The Commission discussed the possibility of joint meetings with the Planning Commisssion, Zoning Board of Appeals and the Environmental Commission. As several new members had been appointed to those bodies it was decided to wait a few months before approaching them. Old Business continued. Carol Jean raised the question of Commission operations and effectiveness if those who do not attend meetings on a regular basis and participate continue to remain on the Commission. It was decided to send a yearly report of Commission accomplishments to the City Council in March of each year along with an attendance report on members. Historic Preservation Ordinance Discussion. Members received at the January meeting a proposed list of questions that need to be answered in connection with establishing an historic preservation ordiance for McHenry along with the elements needed in such an ordinance. Nancy Fike went over the sheets (absent members will be sent copies) and at the next meeting the Commission plans to discuss the plan and, perhaps, establish a time table. Members will work on the first section of the proposed ordinance material for the February meeting (question 4 A through G). Members are also asked to bring in a list of their own candidates for landmark status for discussion. Barb Gilpin will get copies of the current Landuse Plan and Zoning Ordiance to see how historic preservation fits into these documents. In addition, a copy of the 1987 (?) Historic Survey Report will be made available to the Commission members. 1995 Goals: First priority is preparing an Historic Preservation Ordiance for the City to review. Secondly, was to refamiliarize members with the historic landmark survey undertaken by the Commission in 1985-86. Members will try to review the materials worked on by Donnabelle Glosson and Jerry Freund now at City Hall. There was some final discussion raised in a letter from City Manager Jerry Peterson to Carol Jean Smith about a low interest loan program the Commission could involve itself in but no conclusions were made. At 8:50 on a motion by Adele Froelich and a second by Carol Jean Smith the Landmark Commission adjourned. Respectfully submitted, -7)(491ey, 7462 Commission Secretary