HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/5/1994 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION December 5, 1994 The regular meeting of the Landmark Commission was brought to order at 7 : 20 pm at the Munical Center by Marya Dixon, Secretary, in the absent of Larry Huck, Vice-Chariman. Members present were: Barb Byron, Carol Jean Smith, Ruth Fenwick, Tom Bolger, Adele Froehlich, Lori Wilhelm, Nancy Fike. Absent were: Donnabelle Glosson, Debbie Lane, Barb Gilpin, Larrry Huck. Our Guest was Mr. Greg Lofgren, who is interested in becoming a member of the commission. We all wish Larry a speedy recovery and hope he will be back with us soon. FINANICIAL REPORT The City of McHenry, Landmark Commission has a balance of $1 , 931 . 75 . There was a question on 5-26-94 Landmark Pres . Council of Ill . $91 .00 and 7-26-94 Ill . Assoc. of Historic Pres. Council $35 . 00 , are these one in the same or different accounts. Our Treasure, Donnabelle will check this out and report at the next meeting. The Facade Improvement Savings Acct . has a balance of $3338 . 65 . Lori will deposit $193 . 90 she received from the sale of Shirts at the Edgebrook Craft Fair. Lori sold all but 8 hirts at the fair. Barb made a motion to give the relining shirts to Audrey Regner as a donation to be given to needy children. Motion 2nd by Ruth. MINUTES Correction to the Nov 1 , 1994 minutes, wording was wrong, read as Larry Huck (Acting Chairman) sent a letter to Mr. John Lobaito giving permission to Prime Commerical to issue permits. Delete Prime Commerical from sentence. Mintues then approved by Barb, 2nd Ruth. PLAQUING PROGRAM The vote was unanimous to plaguing the Church of God on John st . A letter will now be sent to the City Council for their appoval . An 'sanquiterm about plaguing a home has been received. Jean will sent a 3form to the interested party. MISCELLANEOUS After much discussion and a vote by the members Carol Jean will write a letter to Mr. lobiato giving him permission to issue permits for the demolition the home next to the Warsaw Inn on Rt. 31 . It is of pre war constrution and has no historical value to the city. We must have a better format for the homes to be demolished the city only gives us two weeks to reseach the history before they tear it down. If we dont have a meeting scheduled we must call each other by phone and this does not always work well . A Watch list will be made up of all the historical buildings and homes in the city in the hopes that we can be a step ahead of the demolition crews and get to Mr. Lobiato and ask for extendtions and time to save some of these structures . The January meeting will be devoted to puting together a policy and proprose an Preservation Ordinance to present to the City Council . Jean made a motion to name Nancy as Chairman. 2nd by Lori . We will all be assigned to work on this and it is a priority. Jerry Petersen send a letter asking the commission on our plans for the coming year. He outlined what he thought would be good to do. Jean will send a letter thanking him for his input. We will try to set up a meeting with the different commitees planning , zoning, etc . in the hopes we can all work together for the good of the city. The meeting was adjourned at 8 :45 pm. motion by Marya, 2nd Adele.