HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/2/1994 - Landmark Commission THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION
August 2 , 1994
The regular meeting of the McHenry Landmark Commission
was brought to order at 7 : 25 pm at the McHenry Municipal
Center by Vice Chairman Larry Huck. Present were Barb
Byron, Carol Jean Smith, Lori Wilhelm, Donnabelle Doherty,
Marya Dixon, Adele Froehlich. Absent were Tom Bolger,
Debbie Lane and Ruth Fenwick. Our special guest was
Mr. Greg Bates , Alderman of the 3th ward.
There were no minutes from the last meeting .
The consensus of the members is that we must get the Facade
Grant Program form redone and up dated as soon as possible.
Some business in town have approached one of our members
about grants to remodel their buildings . Carol Jean will
call Tom and Debbie to see if a meeting can be set up to
start work on this .
`. This was a very successful day, many people stopped to look
at the pictures of our plagued homes . Two people gave us
their addresses so we many look at their homes , to see if
they can receive a plaque. The Avis Fisher home on Court St .
and the Phil Schimke home on Riverside Dr. . WE sold two
sweatshirts and two tee shirts for a total of $64 . 00 .
Marya will send a Thank you note to Bill Jones , Son in Law
of Larry Huck, for his help in seting up the canopy for our
booth. Lori will check for next year to see if we can have
more room as we didn' t have enought space to set the canopy
installed right . All in All it was a fun day and thank you
to all the members for doing their part.
Barb asked about getting the History of the Walsh home on
Court st. She was told to contract Mr. Melvin Walsh as he
lived there for many years. Barb said it is a very
interesting home and must have a lot of history. This home
is presently for sale .
Marya said that the boxes are now finished. The total cost
was about $315 . 00. A new piece of plexi glass had to be
replaced due to some one thowing a brick and breaking it.
Also new cork broad was purchase. Wayne and Marya put them
together and caulked all around them to seal it. Jay Weber
did the Art Work and all the running around looking for the
best way and best price. It was motioned by Donnabelle to
give Mr. Weber $100 . 00 for his time and 2nd by Carol Jean.
Carol Jean would like the committee who worked on this project
together for pictures for the next City newsletter.
Mr. Bates is very interesed in the history of McHenry and he
is willing to help us all he can. He would like to see
impovements to the Green St . Mall , and he will talk to Debbie
Harr of the Chamber about this. Mr. Bates will also see if
we can get a locked cabinet for our pictures etc . so we may
keep everything at the City Hall . Carol Jean will keep all
the pictures for the time being at her home for safe keeping.
We also ask Mr. Bates for his imput on the possibly of getting
Mr. Michael Ward, Community Services Director for the Illinios
Preservation Agency to come and give a talk to the businessmen
about long range historic preservation planning , Mr. Bates said
he would be very interested in this program and would help
promote it . It will be given by the Landmark Commmission.
Carol Jean will check with Mr. Wards office to set a time.
Hopefully we can get this going so as to put some information
in the City newsletter.
A Thank you was sent to Carl Fredrickson for a job well done
for his period of time on the commission.
Mr. Bates thanked us for all our work. He was sorry it took
him so long to attend one of our meetings. He said he will
We apprecated Mr. Bates taking the time to attend and thanked
him for coming.
We have received some names of people who expressed an interest
in joining our commission. They are Mr. Scott Nolan, Mr. Greg
Lofgren, Mrs. Barb Glipin, Mrs . Kay Bates and Mrs . Nancy Fike .
Meeting was ajoured at 8 : 45 pm.