HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/3/1994 - Landmark Commission City of McHenry 333 South Green Street ; McHenry, Illinois 60050-5642 7-114' THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MAY 3, 1994 The regular meeting of the McHenry Landmark Commission was brought to order at 7:20 p.m. at the McHenry Municipal Center. Members present were: Marya Dixon, Adele Froehlich, Carl Fredrickson, Barb Byron, Carol Jean Smith, Lori Wilhelm, and Donnabelle Doherty. Members absent were: Larry Huck, Debbie Lane, and Tom Bolger. Our special guests were Gloria Mack (McHenry County Historic Commission) and Pam Althoff (our new City Clerk) . MINUTES There was a question on the amount of money owed to Scott Wilhelm. Jean thought it was only $15.00. The understanding of the Commission was that it was for the amount of $50.00. Scott has received the monies. The minutes were approved as read. Motion was made by Barb and seconded by Donnabelle. PLAQUE PROGRAM Invitations have been sent to the members of the Landmark Commission for the program and plaguing of the Landmark School . Carl will be presenting the plaque and we would like to see all the members present. The date is scheduled for May 22, 1994 at 2:00 p.m. Lori and some of the members will be selling shirts after the program. NORTHWESTERN HOTEL We didn't have a forum so therefore the Northwestern Hotel will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting. GUESTS Gloria Mack of the McHenry County Historic Commission talked to us about their organization and what they are doing at this time. She told us about the National Trust and that there's grant money available to restore downtown business areas. The Historic Commission has received a certified local government status and can apply for state funds. She told us we must design an ordinance to protect our old buildings and to join the National Trust. Mrs. Mack gave us literature on different programs. We will give Jerry Peterson copies as well . We appreciate her input and help. ) Clerk's Office and Administration Public Works, Parks and Police (815) :36:3-2100 Building and Zoning Recreation (Non-Emergency) FAX: (815) :36:3-2119 (815) 363-217(1 (815) 363-2160 (815) 363-2200 PAGE 2 GUESTS (Continued) Pam Althoff (our new City Clerk ) is very interested in the preservation of the City. She expressed that she will help us all she can and will attempt to attend our meetings. We enjoyed meeting both of these ladies and thanked them for coming. DISPLAY BOXES Donnabelle reported that the boxes were finished. The total price was $285.00 ,for all three. Marya reported that one estimate was received for $225.00 per box. Other estimates are needed and Marya will call Carl as soon as they are received. Jean made a motion to allow Carl to decide and to accept the lowest bid without approval of the Board. Motion was seconded by Barb. MISCELLANEOUS Carl will speak to John Lobaito (our Building and Zoning Director) about the Simon and Tonyan homes on the corner of Richmond Road and Pearl Street. They have no historical significance so they may be removed or demolished. The Unti building on the northeast corner of Elm and Green Street has been sold. The Gladstone building on Green Street will be remodeled. • These sites will be discussed at the next meeting. Jean will attend the Illinois Preservation Program at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL on June 2 through June 5th. Pam Althoff expressed that she would like to attend. We have received a good response to the letters Jean sent out to the homeowners about receiving a certificate to honor their homes. Pictures will be taken with a Commission member and the owners. Jean asked for volunteers and she will ask Brent Lane to take the photos. All members received the demolition draft. We are to read it and express our comments at the next meeting. Jean will attend the next City Council meeting. She will speak about the new history display boxes and the plaguing of Landmark School . Motion by Donnabelle, seconded by Adele, to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. All members approved. Respectfully submitted, Marya Dixon Secretary