HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/2/1991 - Landmark Commission CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION 2 April 1991 The regular monthly meeting of the City of McHenry Landmark Commission was called to order at 7 : 30 P.M. in the conference room of the Chamber of Commerce; the change of location due to election day, with Council Chambers being used as a polling place. Members present were: Marya Dixon, Donna Belle Doherty, Adele Froelich, Jesse Freund, Frank Gans , Marlene Goetschel , Tom Hopkins , Jean Smith, and Lori Wilhelm; absent were: David Mohan. The resignations of Susan Goldberg and Don Porter were effective as of this meeting. Guest present were: Barb Gilpin, Mayor Busse, John Swierk, and Andy Halik. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Barb Gilpin distributed copies of the Landmark Commission financial status to date per the City' s records . The report did not distinguish between the General Fund and Fall Heritage Fair / Facade Improvement Grant amounts . Tom Hopkins will evaluate the report and the status of both accounts for next month. Demolition Ordinance Questionaires : 180 were mailed by the City per the list prepared by Donna Belle and Jesse, approximately 30 have been completed and returned to the City. Tom will tally the results for the May meeting. Tom reported having recieved a few phone calls also in response to the questionaires . Tom Hopkins reported having received a phone call from the new owner of the former Schaeffer residence; she reported having heard rumors that someone was attempting to purchase the properties on the north side of Waukegan Road in the same block of the Owen property for demolition and a planned new development. Barb Gilpin has relatives in one of the houses and confirmed that inquiries are being made. The Owen property is zoned "Highway Commercial" , the houses zoned "Attached Residential . " Barb Gilpin and Marya Weber will attempt to have more information for the may meeting. May 7 Public Program: Tom will confirm program via Nancy Fike. Barb Gilpin will have coffee for the guests . Adele has publicity ready, Lori will arrange for publicity on Bank and Lions Club signs . The Commission decided to pay the speaker $50 and provide a donation box at the door, $1 donation suggested. John Swierk presented his application for a Facade Improvement Grant for 3922 Main Street, with work to procede in the fall after the current tenant has moved out. Exterior work incudes window replace- ment, new entrance doors , and construction of a new parapet resembling an earlier design on the building, for an estimated cost of $12 , 000 . The axact amount of funds available will not be known until next month, the Commission will vote on the application and determine the amount of the grant at the May meeting, time permitting, or June. Jean Smith requested a temporary leave from the Commission until fall . The Commission needs 3 additional members , one application has been picked up at City Hall . Tom will contact nancy Fike for names of possible members . Barb Gilpin will publish requests for applicants again in a future City newsletter. City of McHenry Landmark Commission page 2 2 April 1991 New officers for the Commission are to take office on May 1 . Mayor Busse appointed Tom Hopkins as Chairman, with the approval of the Commission members . Marlene Goetschel agreed to continue as Vice- Chairman, Lori Wilhelm agreed to serve as Secretary / Treasurer. The City will provide a typewriter or typing service for Lori ' s use. Lori and Jesse met at Lori ' s house on Thursday, March 21 to discuss and outline the events for the Fall Heritage Fair. Copies of the proposed outline and Committees needed. The Committees will be assigned (or hopefully volunteered for) at the next meeting. The date has been selected as September 15 . The quilt is proceding well and will be finished by next month. The Chamber of Commerce has agreed to sponsor the quilt raffle, Tom will contact them and submit the permit application, and have tickets made for ticket sales to start in early June. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, (-16) / Tom Hopkins Secretary