HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/1/1987 - Landmark Commission MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION 1 December 1987 The regular monthly meeting of the City of McHenry Landmark Commission was called to order at 7 : 30 P.M. at City Hall . Two new members : Jesse Freund and Loretta. Wilhelm were welcomed. Commission members present were: Nancy Fike (Chairman) , Adele Froelich, Frank Gans , Tom Hopkins , Jesse Freund, Dick Rabbitt, Mary Lou Schaeffer, Marya Weber, and Loretta Wilhelm. Absent were: Don Howard, Dorothy Uttich, Mary Vycital , and Elizabeth Serritella. The Commission has been expanded to 12 regular members and 1 student member by the City Council. Minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved. Financial Report: Previous expenditures of $1 , 917 . 87 . Rent of McHenry High School theater: 18 . 00 . Total expenditures to date: $1 , 935 . 87 . On November 24 , the City Council awarded plaque No. 8 to the Schaeffer Residence at 3619 Waukegan Rd. Mary Lou & Carl Schaeffer accepted the plaque. Voting for the plaque application for the Cavanaugh Residence at 3715 Waukegan Rd. proceded. The average score received was 86 . The structure will be recomended to the City Council to receive Plaque No. 9 . Adele Froelich has drafted a letter to be delivered to Owners of structures that may qualify for plaguing from the survey. Nancy read the letter to the Commission and recommended that the letter be prepared for distribution after the first of the year. Adele suggested that a newspaper article and photo of a plaque presentation at the respective structure may provide better publicity than the usual photo at the City Council meeting. Nancy suggested contacting the new McHenry-Richmond newspaper for publicity. Adele will contact the Northwest Herald and Nancy will contact the McHenry- Richmond News to determine the possibilities for this . Nancy Fike met with John Zabor (McHenry Building & Zoning Officer) concerning the proposed "Streetscape" plans prepared for McHenry. She reviewed the plans for Green Street, which provide for the creation of landscape areas and new lighting without the loss of parking and suggested that other Commission members look at the plans . Nancy also passed around older photos of Bolger ' s Drug Store and an old pump house that was on west Main Street as inspiration for other ideas in the development of the "Streetscape" concept. The Commission discussed memorials to recognize the efforts of local citizens efforts and contributions after their death. The recent death of Earl Walsh was recognized with a gift of flowers . The Commission decided that a policy should be formed for the future. Suggestions for possible memorials included: planting a tree, donating a book to the library. A motion was made to recognize only current and past members of the Landmark Commission, with the type of memorial to be selected on an individual basis. Motion by Mary Weber, second by Dick Rabbit, motion approved. City of McHenry Landmark Commission, 1 December 1987 page 2 Nancy Fike, Mary Lou Schaeffer and Dorothy Uttich will meet after the first of the year to discuss and begin preparation of the slide program. They are in need of old photos and slides . Nancy Fike suggested a future project of placing small signs on each of the older commercial buildings in McHenry to describe briefly the history of the structure. The signs would need to be relatively small , and economical. This would be a long range project. Members were asked to select a few structures and be resposnible for collecting the history. Nancy Fike received a call from John Zabor recently concerning an annexation of property west of McHenry by McHenry Sand & Gravel that contains 2 historic structures built by the Thomas family in 1840 & 1850 . The houses will be demolished unless they can be moved from the site. The Owners of McHenry Sand & Gravel have offered to give the structures to anyone willing to move them. Both houses are currently occupied and will remain until the deaths of the occupants . The 1850 house was previously moved to its present location, the 1840 house is in its original location. Nancy contacted the McHenry Park District and the County Conservation District to see if they may be interested in the structures . Anyone else who is interested should contact Nancy or the City. A motion was made to draft a letter to the City stating that every effort be made to save the structures , and that the Landmark Commission will cooperate in that effort as needed. Motion by Adele Froelich, second by Marya Weber, motion approved. Nancy will write the letter and deliver to the Mayor before the December deadline that had been mentioned by John Zabor. The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 30 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, LA4 igi—Z; Tom Hopkins Secretary