HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/3/1987 - Landmark Commission _ _
� 3 February 1987
The monthly meeting of the City of McHenry Landmark Commission was
called to order at 7 : 30 P.M. Cor�mission members present were:
N�ncy Fike, Adele Froelich, Frank Gans , Tom Hopkins , Don Howard,
Karla Meyer, Dick Rabbitt, Dorothy Uttich, Mary Vycital , and
Earl Walsh. Keith Adams and Marya Web�r were absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
The plaque for the Harrison Smith Home which was approved at last
month ' s meeting and approved by the City Council is not yet completed.
Tom Hopkins will check on the progress .
Marya Weber has been contacted by the City concerning photographing of
her house (Count ' s House) for use on Citv Vehicle Stickers. The City
will use other plaqued houses on future stickers .
Plaque applications wer_e distributed for the Riverside Hotel and the
Barbian House, both located on Ri��erside Drive. The Commission will
meet at the riverside Hotel on saturday, February 7 , 2 : 00 P.M, for
a tour, then procede to the Barbian House. Voting will take place on
the applications at next months meeting.
Earl Walsh was unable to find a speaker for a neighborhood history
presentation at tonight ' s meeting. He will speak about Main Street
at a future meeting.
"Houses by Mail" was ordered by the City for donation to the Library
� by the Landmark Commission.
Karla has written letters to other area landmark and historic
preservation commissions to solicit information about possible f_und
r_aising techniques . She will report on the responses at future meetings
for discussion by the Commission.
Busi_ness District Historic Markers are to be completed sometime in
early summer. Adele Froelich will write the text for t�e Riverside
Drive area and edit the others . Tom Hopkins will meet with Pete
Merkel of the Park District to finalize design and details of the
markers prior to next months meeting. Unveiling and dedication of
the markers will be coordinated with the City.
The sur_veys having been completed, Nancy prepared a rough prela_minary
list and classification of the building types and styles . The locations
of the structures will now be marked on a city map anci color coded as
to style. A few of the surveys are yet to be reviecaed to determine
the style and local significance of the structures .
Dan and Judy Porter will conduct another walking tour on Saturday,
May 16 , 10 : 00 A.M. Additional details will f_ollow.
City of McHen.ry Landmark Commission, 3 February 1987 ( continued)
�, Nancy Fike passed out copies of a draf_t lette.r to the Main Street
property owners concerning inviting them to one of our_ meetings for
an op�n discussion about the role of the Landmark Comm�_ssion in
the future, and historic preservation for the Main Street area in
particular. The letter was read and comments made by the Commission
far minor revisions . Adele will do final editing. The Cammission
agreea to invite the Main Street property owners �o our next regular
meeting, March 3 .
Earl Walsh agreed to prepare his presentation on Main Street for
the next meetin�, when the Main Street meeting will take nlace.
Nancy Fike had been contacted by the Woodstock Environmental
Enhancement Committee concerning co-sponsoring of a presentation by
Ann Swallow of the Illinois Office of the National Register. The
McHen..ry County Historical Society was also asked to co-sponsa.r the
event. Total cost would he approximately $70, divided among the three
sponsors . The Commission agreed to co-sponsor the event.
The presentation will take place at the Woodstock Opera House on
Mon�ay, May 4 , at 7 : 00 P.M.
The meeting was adjour_ned at 8 : 30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
� � �
Tom Hopkins