HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/6/1987 - Landmark Commission ' �������� MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARR COMMISSIOI�' �f;l 1 �� ty�; 6 January 1987 - ��� ���N � The monthly meeting of the City of McHenry Landmark Commissio �j called to order at 7 : 30 P.M. Guests , Mr. & Mr_s . Thomas , owners of t?�� "Harrison Smith Home" at 3904 W. Main St. , were welcomed. Commission members present were: Nancy Fike (chairman) , Adele Froelich, Frank Gans, Tom Hopkins , Mary Vycital , Marya Weber, Keith Adams , Don Howard, Karla Meyer, and Dick Rabbitt. Dorothy Uttich and Earl Walsh were absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. All of the surveys have now been completed and turned in. Tom Hopkins will be reviewin_q them this week to determine architectural style, after which they will be distributed to other members for comments concerning histo.rical and community significance. The Commission appreciates the efforts of Bud Uttich for the photography work in connection with the surve_ys , and will send him a letter expressing that appreciation. The Plaque Application for the "Harrison Smith Home" was voted on by the Commission and approved. The Applicatian will now be referred to the City Council for final approval . New Plaque Applications were received for the "Barbian House" and "Riverszde Hotel" , both on Riverside Drive. Nancy will forward copies of the applications to Commission Members and arrange times for inspection of the structures for voting to occur at next month ' s �- meeting. Plac�ue No. 3 for the "�eorge Gage Home" was presented to the Webers at the DecembPr 10 Citv Council meeting. Historic Marker locations for Riverside Drive, Green Street, and Main Street business districts have been apporved in writing by t�ze City and respective land Owners for the locations previously discussed. The Commission will finalize design of the Markers and organize ceremonies for the summer of 1987 for their placement. It was suggested tha.t these ceremoni_es might be coordinated with another activity, all of this will be discussed at the next meeting. Karla Meyer has been researching fund raising possibilities and presented information concerning distribution of post cards . A minimum order would be 4000 cards , costing $475 f_or black & white. Woodstack presently sells post cards for 15� each or 2 for ?_5� and sells approximately 100 in a 6 month period. This does not work out to be a large m.oney making project unless the selling price can be increa.sed. Additional details would have to be worked out concerning the selling arrangement, such as where to sell them and whether a direct sale basis or consignment to the merchant would be best. OthPr possibilities were discussed such as dirct giveawa_ys by local businesses after purchasing items from the Commission. Karla will contact other local Landmark Commissions to discuss additional methods of fund raising that have been successful . � City of M�Henry Landmark Commission, 6 January 1987 (continued) � The Commission unanimously approved the donation of the book Houses by Mail to the McHenry Library. The book is a guide to Sears , Roebuck & Co. m�il order houses , at least one of which was built in McHenry. The book is available through the National Trust for Historic Preservation, of which Nancy Fike and Tom Hopkins are members . Future public proqrams were discussed. Suggestions �ncluded: additional "how-to" film programs at the library ( if attendance can be improved) , walking tours , house walks (with the houses open) for which a participation fee could be charged as a fund raising possibility. The greatest problem is publication of the events for worthwhile participation. Nancy Fike received information concerning the writing and implementation of Landmark Ordinance, including a "Landmark Ordinance Checklist" , which was distributed to Commission members and discussed. If the Commission is to become involved in requestina such an ordinance from the City Council , public and City Council input would be necessary. Don Howard sizggested inviting Alderman Teta (who had expressed an interest in such an ordinance) & Mayor Busse to a meeting for discussion. Further discussion by the Commission resulted in a recommendation to hold an open, informal discussion with City Council members , local business owners and residents , to determine public support and reservations concerning such a measure. It was decided to start with the Main Street area for discussions . Nancy will speak with the respective people to try to arrange a discussion at the February or March monthly Commission meeting. � The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 40 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, � � Tom Hopkins Secretary �