HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/4/1986 - Landmark Commission MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY I,ANDMARK COMMISSION 4 NoveMber 1986 � The monthly meeting of_ the City of McHenry Landmark Commission u�as called to order at 7 : 05 P.M. at the McHenry Library. The change of time and location was due to election dav, �nd the regular meeting place is a polling place. Preser_t were: Nanc;� Fike ( chairman) , Adele Fr_oelich, Frank Gans , Karla Meyer, Tom Hopkins , Mar_y Vycital, Marya Weber, Keith Adams , Don Howard ( late) , Dick Rabbitt, Dorothy Uttich, Earl Walsh; all members were present. Guests were Carl & Mary Lou Weber. The minutes of the previous meeting are hereby corrected as follows : Mary Vycital was not present at the Zoning Ordinace hea.ring, as had been stated in the minutes. The minutns were approved as corrected. Carl & Ma.ry I�ou Weber were at the meeting to present historical information on their residence �t 3801 W. Main 5t. , the "George Gage Home" , for which a plaque application had provided earlier . Dick Rabbitt, Don Howard, Tom Hopkins , Nancy Fike, & Fra.nk Gans had visited the house on Saturday, October 25 at 8 : 00 A.M. in regard to the application. George Gage was the founder of_ West McHenry, and a Senator. The earliest date that could be found concerning existence of the residence was 1858 , when the Gage ' s daughter was married in the house . Followin� presentation of the histori_cal data by the Weber ' s , the Commission proceded to vote . Dick Rabbitt & Keith Adams tabulated the votes . Total average score received ��as 87 . 27 , greater than the score of 65 required. The structure will be recommended to the City � Council for final approval before a plaque can be issued. The CornMission had previously been requested to particpate in a st�tewide survey of landmark commissions . Results were recentl_y r_eceive� bv Nancy and were passed around. 18 commissions from the state had participated in the survey. No n�w plaaue applications have been received this month. Franlc Gans was not prepared for his presentation on Riverside Drive, it has been re-schedu]_ed for the December meeting. Tom Hopkins presented proposal sketches of the business area Historical Markers for review by the Commission, and the design was tentatively approved. A few of the details concerning a.ccess tQ the material inside the markers and security need to be resolved. Nancy will check with Pete Merkel of the Park Distr_ict concerning construction of the mark�rs and will check into possible permit requirements . The cost needs to be determined and whether or not the City will participate, since the markers will probably be located on private property. Discussion of the plaque application procedures and public awareness of them was discussed. It was suggested that possiblv somethina in the local paper in conjunction with the pictures of plaques being presented at a City Council meetir�g may help. Also, the Commission still intends to send letters to possible qualifying applicants upon completion of the McHenr_y Surveys of_ historical structures . � City of McHenry Landmark Commission, 4 November 1986 ( continued) `- Surveys of historic structures is to be completed by the end of December, for tabulation of the results to take place in early 1987 . The importance of completing the surveys �aas stressed so that the Cornmission will have hard data concerning the preservation of older structures when threatened by developMent and changes or va.riations in the Zoning Ordinance. It was suggested that the Commission prepare a set of guidlines for presentation to the City Council concerning historic areas, their significance, development, adaptive re-use, etc. upon completion of the surveys . The railraad st�tion still has not found a new use. The possibility of forming a cooperative of local non-profit and service organizations to utiliz� the facility was discussed. This has been done in other communities, particularly Broadhead, Wisconsin. This effort would re�uire well ]developed organization. This suggestzon will be studied furthe.r at future meetings . Adele Froelich read a rough draft of the letter proposed to be sent to possible �ualifying applicants for plaquing, and solicited comments from Commission members , which she received. "Sources of Information on Local Structures" guide for plaqu� applicants �aas completed by Dorothy Uttich. This will be included in future �acicets of information to plaque �pplicants . Karla Meyer sugaested possiblv developing a nrogram of_ selling postcards with older pictures from McHenry as a source of income to the Commission. She will obtain more information on this for future �- meetings . The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 20 P.M. Respectfullv Submitted, � � ' �