HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 9/2/1986 - Landmark Commission r MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHEItTRY LANDMARR COMMISSION 2 Septer,lber 1986 � T�ze moz?��1�� meeting of the City of McHenry Landnla.rk Cammission �vas r_alled to order at 7 : 50 P.M. Present �aere Nancy Fike (chairman) , Adele r'ro�lich, Frank Gans , Don Howare7, �Karla Meyer , Dick Rabbitt, Tom Hopkins , Dorothy Uttich, Mary V��cital , Earl •Walsh, Marya Weber, and Keith 1�dams . Guest: Sandy Ec:kert. The minutLs o.f the previous meetinq were approved. The Landmark Commission had met at 7 : 00 P.M. , before the regular meeting, �t tl�e Depot Hotel and praceaed to the Count' S House for viewing of tl�e 2 structures , which had anplied f-or City of McHenry Landmark Commission plaques . Fir�t order of business was to vote on the plac�u�nc� applications of the 2 structur_es cited above . Votinc� nroceaecl using, the forms: and point system previously apnroved. Votes were tabulated and ' averaged by Dick Rabbitt & Keith Adams . A minimum average oi 65 points �is requir�d tor approval of the plaque by t:�e Commi��ion. The Depot Hotel received 78 . 64 points , an�l the Count' s House received 90 . 90 points . Therefore, both applications were approv�d and will �be re�ommend�d � to the City Cauncil for final approval . �'he Depot Hotel va�l1 receive plac�ue No. 1 , a.n� the Count ' s House plac�ue No. ?. upon approval by the City Council . Tom Hopkins will then confPr with the Owner� concerning the content of each plaqae and arrar.ge for painting with Mike Cj��haml . � Co�t of �he plac�ues to the fi_rst 15 JUCC��JJful applicants �aill be $15 each, thereafter $30 each (per minutes of ineeting, 3 June 1986 ) . The proposed n�w Zoning Ordina.nce was discusse�. Nancy Fike distributed copies of tl:e prono�ed "General Prov�.sians" of� the ardinance. It wa.s noted that ther� is no provision or statemen� concernzng pr.eservation of any ;�ind concerning older struc�ures . It was pror�osed and �pproved that the Commission recor��end adding the fallowin.g statement to t:�e Genezal Pr_ovisions : "To preserve our historic�l envixonmPnt" . A letter wil]_ be sent to the City Council w�th this recommendation.. The Commission members ar� urged to ..attend the public (-still to be announced) to ��oic�: their opinions on the proposed orc�inance, Psnecially concerning the pr�serva�tion issue. Don Howard reparted on the Weber Park dedication. Approximately ? 00 people were in attendance, includi�cz �� `lara,e r_eprecent�tion of_ the .family. W�athe� was excellent. Dick Rabbitt was thanked for his fine spea)ci:�g. After th� cer.emoni�s , the family moved to Veteran ' s P�rk for a �icnic. Publicity prio.r to the event h�d .been ve.ry . c�oad. Frank Gans presentation on Riversi�e Drive ca�s scheduled for the December meeting. Earl Walsh will. endeavor to arrange other presentations on the Cit�' s hwstory at tuture meeting� . NancX auga,ested t�ping the presentations for transcribing tivith .copies to be �zvailabl� at the library. � Citv of McHenry Landmark Commission, 2. September 86 (continued) Dar_othy Uttich distri�u�ed updated copies of the "SourGes of `• Information on Local Structures" f_or re��iew b� the rnembers . The guide for n�aque applicants is almost complete. Nancy Fike caill add some inform�tion to final•ize the gtzide at the next meeting. Reports on Hi_storical Markers for_ McHenry' s. major business areas : Adele Froe)ich has prepared a short history and h�s tentatively selectec? 3 potential sites , f_or V�est McHenrv. Mary Vycital :�as a?so prepared a shart history for the Green Stre�t area and has suggested � site at McHenry Savings & Loan. Na progress was made on the Riv�rside Drive arPa. The marlcers will contain a permanent short history and map of t:�e respective area, witn pictures that can be changed. periodically, and other data to be discussed. A design needs, to be determa.ned, prov_dzng for protection from the elements, eoMpati-ble with the selected sites and uniformity & visibility. Th� mee�ing was adjourned at 8 : 45 P.M. Respecf_ully submitted, � . � �