HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/5/1986 - Landmark Commission MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION 5 August 1986 � The manthly meetina, of the City of McHenry Landmark Commission was c�lled to order at 7 : 32 P.M. Present were Nancy Fike ( chairman) , Adele Froelich, Tom Hopkins , Don Howa.rd, Y.arla Meyer, Dic� Rab�itt, Dorothy Uttic�, Mary Vycital, Mary Weber. Frank Gans & Earl Walsh werP absent. Guests were Sandy Eckert and Keith Adams ( student obser_ver, West Campus ) . The mi_nutes of the previous meeting were approved. Tr_ank Gans was unable to �ttend the me�ting, therefo.re hi� scheduled presentation will be at a later meeting. The buc�get which had been approved by the Commission at the previaus meeting vaas presented to �he City Council by N�ncy Fik�� anc� it has been ir.cluded in the City Budget. � Nancy Fike has written a letter to Mayor Btzsse concerninq the propased new Zonina, Ordinance as it pertains to the .L�.ndmark Commission. Copi�s we.re distributed �to the Commission mem;��rs . Cop.i�s of th� letter we-re also sent to members of the Zoning Board. No response has been .received to date. The Public Hear_ing concerning the new Zoning Ordinance has been tentatively scheduled for late August. The revised. plaqL�ing �pp�ication farms have been completed.. Dorothy Uttich �aas prepared a list of information sources far applicants , which will be distributed �aith the ap�lications . The Commission _revie�aed � the �reliminary list and discussed addii_ional sources , which will be added. The final list o� information sources will be prepared in outJ_ine .form for c�istribution. Tom Hopkins shov�ed a drawing of_ the placxue desiqn, Final confirmation of cost ( $30 each) has not yet been corfirr�e�. bv Mike Cjath�ml . When tYie cost is confirmed, 7_0 plaques will be made.LL Sandy Eckert presented a plaRue app]_ic�tion for the Northwester_n Hotel (McHenry Depot Hotel ) and showed copies of original con�truction drawings ta Commi.ss�_on members . The ap�lication will be cansidered f_or :Einal voting by members �.t the next meeting. Mary Weber has also submitted a plaque application for her house (the "Count ' s House" ) , c�pies of which will be s�nt to Cor�mis��ion members . L�ndma_rk Commission member..s are to meet at the Hotel at 7 : 00 P.M. , before the next regular meeting on Septer,lber 2 , then �rocede to Weber ' s house for viewing of the two structur_es , with votinc� on the �laque ap�lications to take place at the r�gular meetinq. � �� City of McHenry Landmark Commission, 5 Auc�. £�6 ( continued) L. New P.rojects for the Commission wer_e discussed: Historic Markers or plaques for_ the McHenry Bu:�iness area� were discussed. The markers or �laques would be use� to display info_rm�tion concerning origins , history and important people in the deve]_opment of the business areas . Locations for the markers or �]_aques need to be c�ete�r-iined, as well as the c'esiqn anc� eost. Possibly donati.ons can be solicited fr_om businesses for placement of the markers . Nancy Fike and Mary Vycital will check with Green Street area. businesses for �ossible locations ; Ade1e Froe]_ich will check in West McHenry; Frank Gans and Dicic Rabbitt wil check Riverside D,-ive. Tom Ho�kins ��ill study the design of the proposed markers , All Commission members are to consider_ uahat in_formation the markers shoulc� contain. The [�7eber Par' dedication is scheduled for Sunday, August 31 , 2. : 00 P.M. Dan Howard will cont�ct Mayor Busse to make �lans for the dedication and arrange for pu�licity. The ceremony will include introduction of_ W�b�r family zner�bers , a sho_rt h.istory, a.nd shor_t speech�s �y local di�nitzries , T'�e design of a sign is yet to he �eterrlined. Nancy Fike urged Commission members to go to the library to see the dispJ_ay of historic plates and the quilt. The meeting was a�journed at 8 : 30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � � . �