HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/1/1986 - Landmark Commission MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION
1 Jul_y 1986
The monthly meeting of the City of_ McHenry Lnadma.r_k Commission w�s
called to order at 7 : 32 P.M. Present were Nancy Fike ( chairman) ,
Marya Weber, Dick Rabbitt, Dorothy Uttich, Karla Meyer, Tom Hopkins ,
Adele Froclich, Fra.nk Gans , Earl U7�.lsh, Don Ho���ard� Mar_y Vy�ital was
Nancy Fike introduced the newl_y appointed member of the Commission:
Karla Meyer, and guest: Dick Rosing (City of McHenry Building & Zoning
Official ) e
The :riinutes of t�2 �,=evious meeting were approved.
Dick Rosirict discussed the proposed nec� Zonin_q Ordinance for McHenry
and displayed the proposed revised Zoning Map. The new Ordinance
would. conta.in additionaJ_ residential and comr�zrcial zonina districts
and catnaOr�_AS , expa.nding on the existing system. Revisions are
pr_oposed concerning "Downtown Areas" , eliminating current setba.ck
requirements . Most existing residential zoning will remain as
residenti�l wi�h the exception of 3 individual parcels , making existing
commercial areas more contiguous . The new Ordinance is to be much
more comprehensive than the existing, based on other area and national
Pxamples , No provision is currPntl�� proposed far the n�ca Ordinance
relating to the Landmark Commission and preservat�_on of historical
structures . The proposed Ordinance will be presented to 'the public
at a public h�aring in the fizture, after whi_cn tlze City �outicil will
�.dopt the Ordinance. The date of_ the hea�ing is not ��et known.
�" Nancv Fike suggested that the Commission nrepare a statement and/or
at�end a meeting of the City Council Committe�: to provide input �_nto
t�e pre��ration of the Ordinance �s it aff_ects the Lanc�mark Commission
and historic preservation. The first step would be to ab�ain a copy
of the proposed Ordinance for review and then to make x-ecommend�tions .
A statement shoulc� include stating of the nurpose of the Landmark
Cammission. �
The June 8 c�r_emonies at Vet�rans Memorial Park we_re discussed. The
turnout was dissapoint�ng, oth�rwise everything went well .
The nrapos�d Budg�t which had been distributed to Commission .members
was discussed. No amount had been included for plaqui_.ng historic
cammercial areas in the City. It was suggested that donations cou.ld
be a source of revenue for these. mr.e Commi�sion voted to. rai�e the
pro�ose� Conting�ncy Fund to $300 and approved same. The nev�� budget
of $2 , 000 with the above change was approved by the Commission and
will be submitted to the Citv Council .
Copies of the new Historic Structurc�s Plaqtzing Application an�
Rec�uirements were distributed and reviewed. Under "Build.ing Plaque
Criteria" the last sentence will be changed to read: " A quorum of
six members of the Landmark Commission wi]_1 vote. . . . "
It wa�� suggested th�t a °'help shent" be p.rovid�d with the application
concerning wherE to research a building. Dorothy Uttich will check
with City and County agenc�es to determine h�w far back information is
� availa�l� to assist in z�r�pa.ration of the "help she�t" .
City of McHenry Landmark Commission, 1 July 1986 (continued)
The goals of the Commission were d�_scussed. Nancy Fike rev�_ewed a
�, list of goals which she had prepare�, �vhich �aere briefly discussed.
Additior�al discussion is to take nlace �t a future me�ting. It was
suggested that the goals be presente� to the City Council at a
_regular meet�ng.
Continuation of the Commission membe�shiP in the Lan�marks Preservation
Council cf Illinois and the Illinois Association of Historic
Prese.rvatio.n Commissions at the annual f�e of $50 was approved.
The next meeting is to include: a presentation by Frank Gans , and
We�ers ��rl� �edication.
The m�eting was adjourned at 8e58 P.M.
Resp�ctfully Submitted ,