HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/3/1986 - Landmark Commission MINUTES OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY LANDMARR COMMISSION 3 June 1985 L The mon'�h7__y meet?ng of t:ne City of McHenry Lanc�mark Commission w�s called to order at 7 : 35 PM. Present were Nancy Fike ( chairman) , Mary Vy�ital , Marya Weber, Tom Hopkins , Adele Froelich, Dorothy Uttich, Frank Gans , Earl Wa.1sh, Don Howarc��, Dic]c Rabbitt. The minutes of the previov.s meetinq were approved. Final preparations for the June 8 ceremonies a� Veterans Memorial Park w�.re discussed. Nancy Fike �ead. a copy of the proposed Pr.ogram, which wi?1 �nclude : a cancert by the Ci�y Band, spePches ( �hort) by M�yar_ Busse, Nancy Fike, Ed Buss, and other dignitaries, introc?ucti_on af the members of the Landmark Commission and Sesquecentennial Committe . The Commission discussed the historic structures plaaui_na prograr? anc application requirements . The f_ollwoing changes to the existing requirements were approved: QUALIFICATION FOR LANDMARK STATUS 1 . remove: "A nominated structure must d�t� before 1910 . " 2. . no char.ge 3 . a.c�d u�orc�: "Archit�ctural" 4 . remove: " 1985" 5 . .remove: "at least 2/3 should be intact and original" and �dd � comm? after "nomznated" 6 . �liminate entirely 7 . to be re-worded by Nancy Fike 8 . remove : "an A_nc�itect" arid substi_tizte "the Commission'° � PLAQUE CRITERIA 1 , r�move: "cement marker" and revise the information to be included on the plaRue ( see page 2 of these minu�es ) 2 , 3 , 4 no change Additional d.iscussion of the plaquing a�piications �nd _recsuirements _yie]_�Jed the following suggestions : -The plac�ue should be presente� to the O�aner at a Cit_y Caunca_1 meeting; -The Landma.rk Cammission s�ould review the apnlications and r:l�ke recommendations to the City Counci� for apnroval ; -DiscuJsion should be undertaken wi-th t::e Zoning Board for proper l�nguage to be included in the Zoning Ordinance �or the nrotection of plaqued structures ; -�rrana,e for a r�ember_ of the Za�ina Board to atten.d a Lanc?ma.rk Camma_ssiozl m�etinq to discusss the a�ove; -1�pplicatians should be submitted to the Commission at least 2 weeks before a regular mee-ting for proner time to review them; -Infor:nation concerning th.e plaquinq app]_ication and rec�u�rements shouJ_d be sent to all Owners of older structures that may qua]_ify to encour_age a.nd promote the plaauing. The Coanmission also appraved the use of a point system, simi_Zar to the system used. by Elgin for approval of plaque applications . The above chang�s will be incorporated into a new application iarm. � City of Mr.Henry Landmark Commissinn, 3 June 198� ( co�tinu�d) The Commission also approved using a paint systern, similar to the one `— used by the Elgin Commission for_ approval of pla�uin� applications . The above changes wi11 be incorporated into a new apPlicati.on form fc�?" final approval before beinq distribizted. Tom Hopkins presented information and .recomendations for the plaaue to be used: 12" x 20'° durapl_y painted plaque, black letters on white backqround, to contain the follow�ng information: City of McHenry Landmark Commission, Plaque Number_ Simple shape and border. 2 of t�e following: Original Owner_ , Build�r, Architect Construction Date Style, Significance Mike Cjtham� of C��scorp caas selected as the contractor fc�r � minimum order of 20 plaques at $30 each. The p.l�ques w�ll be sold to c,ualifiec� Ovmers at cost. The first 15 succesful applications will receive a. discount o.f_ $ 15 . Mayor Busse a.nd Barb Gilpin arrived for final discussi�n of the June 8 ceremonies . Mayor Busse suggested that the C�urt House plaque not be installed prior to the dedication, so that i-� could be shown to the people in attendance, from the Gazebo. The Plaque will be �_nstalled �..fter w�rds . The ;�rogram was updated as .follo�as : the ice crezm sacial will not be �art of the program. A historic house wa.lk will -take pZace beginning �— at 6 : 30 P.M. , following the ceremonies and �vill be anounced by Mayor Busse. The ra.ewspap�r will 'n�ve a front �age stary on the Program on Friday, June 6 . Nancy updated the surveys . Pohotography has begun. The surveys sholald be completed by the end of June. Surveyors wno have not comUleted -their routes have been contacted to urc�e them to finish. Th.ere ar� st�_11 a f�w routes that have not been assigned. It was decided to delay the Ne�v Business portion of the agenda until the nest meeting, due to the time. Alsa to k�e duscussed at the next meeting are plans for thP We�aer par]c dedic��ior.. The meeting was adjourned at 9 : 05 P.M. R�spectfully Submitted, �� � . �