HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/6/1986 - Landmark Commission ' MINUTES OF THE CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION
6 Ma�� 1986
The montril�� meeting of_ the City of McHenry Landmark Commission was
c.alled. to order_ at 7 : 35 P•m• Present were Nancy Fike (C���-�m�n� ►
Dorothy Uttich, Marya Weber , Mar_y Vycital , Tom Hopkins , Don Howard,
Dick Rabbitt, Earl Walsh, Fran�S��bsentdelGuesteh�Carol ge}�,����tiona.l
member_ , yet to be appo�nted, w '
Nancy Fike read a letter f.rom Mayor Busse concerning the make-uP
and terms of the commission ��ebe�nd�Dav�dPGelwicks�havingrr..esigned.
members Phyllis Bauer , Joe E
their appointments prior to City Cauncil act�_on on appointments for
the next ye1r . Commission has been red.uced to 11 members from 13 .
A resolution was p.roposed and unanimously approved to 'thank Phyllis
.for an excellent j
o b as secretar y during the previaus term.
O_fficers for the curr�ntVicemChairman�cTom Hopk�ns�,WSecretary.Fike,
Chairman; Dick Rabbit , l�ilt being made
Carol Sek gave a. presentation on the progr_ess of a q
by local residents in honor of the sesc�uicentennial celebra.tion..
Sq.uares depicting local histor�c build.inqs and °uilt for�preoentation
were shown, which ar_e to be assembled ir�to the q
to the City when complete. The panels have been mad.e by sewing,
qui]_ting and painting b.Y. mhearsePandeothertitemslforrotheresqu.aaes
of the Mi11 Pond, and old
to be made.
Nancy Fike and TomPrepervationlCouncilemeet�ng�in AuroranduQfng the
Illinais Landmark
first week in June.
Nancy Fike gave �. report on the two slide shows at the Lib�Qn1Ph�nd
durina, Apr_il . The fir_st presentation was �nt�resaeayinOthe pres�nt-
the second by 5 . Al1 attendees were ve__y
ations .
Tom Hopki_ns repontPda�l SLrgeesp�ok•�hT��lpqa�ue�will�notdbe�delivered
House locat�on i nr�m,sed at the time �f
untiJ_ M«y 23 , two weeks after the da�e �
orde.rina, . This will still allo�a enough time for ins�alla�ion. The
stand for the nl�que has been made by the City Park Distr_�ct and Laill
be erected soon.
plaquing requirements and the ap�la_cation fox' plac�tiing by lacal
residents for_ qualifying historic structures was discussed. Membe.rs
are to review the existing form prior to the next meetinr an� make
suqgest�_ons far revisions at the June m�etinq of the Commisssion.
Dick Rabhitt and Tom Hopkins were appointed to study the design and
type of plaque to be used a�d�nm�k�eba includecl�onle�chtplaqueuwil�
meeting. Cost and �nformat
also be studied.
City of McHenry Landmark Commission , 6 May 1986 ( continued.)
Nancy Fike upda-ted pre�aress on the surveys . Man�� surveys �.re still_
� not com�ale�e. It is hoped th�t all surveys will be cor.-ipleted durinq
May. Photography of the s�ructure� is to b�gin sooiz. Members of the
Commission with knowle�ge of_ the historic structur�s will be asked to
campletP the section o� the SUZ'VP_.�7 form conc�rnina car.lmuni}y and.
architectural signif�cance. The entire program sho�zld be completed.
before the end of the summer.
Goals f_or the Commission for the upcoming ��ear are to be established.
at �he June meetiz�g. Comrtission members are to be prepared with
sue�gestions f.or these aoals for discussion at that meetinq.
The Budget Commi�tee �vas appointed as fo]_lows : Nancy Fike, Don
Howard, Dick Rabbitt. They will meet this month to establish a
btzdqet For nex-t year.
M�yor Bu�se �nd Barb Gilpin arrived ta discu as plans for tne Old Cc�ta.rt
House plae�ue unveiling and dedication of th� new gazebo on ,.Tune 8 .
It was agreed that a short program of 1 -1z hours wou_ld be des�_rable.
Mayor Busse sugc�ested that the reading of a short essay by th.e wi_nner_
o:t � contest to be held in the school� �aould be a�propriate. Mayo-r
BussQ will confirm the City B��nd pe.rformance for the �vent. A_ll
speakers are to speak from the new gazebo. The City will prepare the
official program fo_r the event. It vaas suggested that �n ice c.ream
soci�l be helc� after the c�remonies cvhile the band is playix�g. Plans
will be finalized early this month.
The meeting wasadjourned at 9 : 00 P.M.
Respectfully subr�itted,