HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/1/1986 - Landmark Commission , � MINUTES OF THE CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMIS.QON 1 April 1986 The mrnthly meeting of the City of McHenry Landmark Commis�ion came to ortler at 7:30 p.m. Roll call gave those present as Nancy Fike, Chairman; Phyllis Bauer, Ade1e Froehlich, Frank Gans, D on H ow ard, Dick R abhitt, Joe Etten, M arya W eber Dom�thy Uttich, Mary Vyc�tal, Tom Hopldns and David Gelwicks. Absent was Earl Walsh. Gues-ts were John WalteYs arid Heather Hunt of the Elcpn Heritage Com m;�nn; Mayc�r william Busse arri City Clerk Ba�ara Gil�n. D avid G elwicks brought t,o the at#�ntion of the secret�y that his na m e w as o m- mitt�d from the previs�us mcnths mll call results, The minutes of 4 March me�ting sYx�uld reflect that he was absent from that meeting. Dick Rabhitt moved the minutes be approved and Joe Etten seconded the m atzon. Tn consideration of the distance fc� the return home tsip of the guest� from the Elgin H erit.age C o m m;�i nn, C h. �ike asked the m to m ak e their preseritation before "old busness" porti_on of the Land m ark C o m mi.s�on. Heather Hunt, one of the ori.cpnators of the Elgin Heritage Com m;�inn spoke of � how the concern far� the p�servat�n of Elcpn"s his�torically and architect�al.ly sig- nificant structures started vvith the format�n of the Gifford Park As9oca,atifln in 1979. This area is the oldest secdon of the City of Elgin. A His�rical D��ct was formed in 1980, "Housewalks" took plaoe in 1gg2 and finally � Elgin Heritage Com mission was created by the City Council. in 1984. The Com mi_s�si..on is made up of persons f�rom varinus sec�ti.ons of the city and from vari.ous backgrounds, such as �WY�� �'�tec'ts. zt'al estat�e p�rsons. The main thru,st of the Com mi..�n far� the past two years has been the effort to m ake the publ.ic m ar�e aware of the pur- poses of the C am misson and to dev�se a city ord�nance to im ple m ent the p�a- tion of particular structl�s, The means used for the Public Awareness segment of the Com mission have been workshops concerning the preservation of st�ruuctures; neighborhood organizations and a newslett�r. A P���g P�'am fo�' recogni.ti�n of the oldex and a�hitecturally significant �� has been instituted. Structure owners m ay apply for this recognition m uch the sa m e as the progra m that is being started by the M c H enzy Land m ark Com mi.ssion. The pmspect�ve rec�i.ent of the plaque receives a packet including the application and suggestions on how to go about finding the data needed to verify the age and history of the struct�e, The benefits received from having a Historic Presexvation Ordinance for the City were outlined by John Walters of the Elgin Hertiage Comm;�;�n. One of the main purposes of having this type of ord�nanc�e is � help obtain a decxee of C ertifi�d Local Govemment by the Tllin� �ri� �� Advi�ory Councal. There is then a � chanae of obtaining money from the State of I7linais for the puzpose of preservation. ♦' \^ � THE CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSTON (Corrt.) The scope of a Hist�ric prese�vati�n Ordinanoe can be either ve�, wide or very narrow. The Elcpn Ordinance has "escape rrlauses�� to �o�,er unusual c�umstances of p�ticular s�.,tuati�ns, It W a� t�e advi_�e of Mr. W alters that an o��inance m ust be created for the pazti�ular city rather than Gi m ply capying an ordinanoe fro m from another city, Mayar� Busse inquired as tr� whether or not it was advi.sable for a Preservatifln Ordinance to become part of the Zorring Orc�nances. Mr. Walter answered in the aff�rmative and that t�is is vexy specif�.cally indicated in the Cer- tified Local Governm ertt progra m. T� P�� �ng used by the Elgin Heritage Com m;�;nn fc� the recognition of the hist:oric struct�es was shown ar�d discu_ssed by those p�sent Mr. Walter and Ms. Hunt gave further int�xesting �nformati�n about the City of Elcpn"s effoxts tr� preserve it"s heritage. The dedicatis�n far the renaming of Riversi.de Park to Weber park was dis��ed, the dat� being set for the S�.inday of Labor Day weekend, Auc�ust 31, 1986 at 2:00 p.m. `' Plans for the D edication D ay revolving amund the rena ming of P earl Str�et Park to Veterans Memc�-ial Park and the dedicatis�n of the cite of the first county couzfi- house were reviewed by City Clerk Barbara Gilpin. The plaque for the designati�n of the Cite of the �izst Courthouse is being taken care of by Tom Hopldns who is negotiating with several companies for the best pri�e for the specafied design of the plaque. The Land m ark C o m mission is sponsorinq tw o progra m s in A�1, set for the 16th �and the 3 Oth at M c H enzy Library, 7:3 0 p,m. The 16th w�7.1 be tw o slide progra m s, Preparing for Res-torati�n" and "How to Read an Old Building." The April 30th progra m will be "Hist�ri.c W all�per and Housepaint." It is hoped the tw o pmgra m s Will- stimul-ate public awareness of the Landmark Com mission and its goals. The need w as e�ressed by C h. Fike, for m ore surveyors for the Histbrica Struc- tures Sun;ey. The m e�ting w as ad journed at 8:4 5 p,m. with a m otion by D orothy Utt�h and seconded by Tom Hopldns. Respectfully submitt�d, ���7�.�. � . � '� ;. r� , - , ., `"� � -.' � : . , _ - , . _ . , � r, �� , . � � , � , ,� . � - � � , - .. � � � ,. - . , .., , . , � , . , �� - - I � , ��