HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 1/7/1986 - Landmark Commission �.. CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING 7 January 1986 The meeting of the Landmark Commission was called to order at 7:37 p.m.. Roll call gave the following members as being present: Nancy Fike, Chairman; Phyl lis Bauer, Marya Weber, Dave Gelwicks, Adele Froelich, Frank Gans, Dick Rabbitt, and Mary Vycital. Earl Walsh, Charles Vycital , Joe Etten, Don Howard and Dorothy Uttich were abscent. Tom Hopkins, Architectural Consultant to the Commission was welcomed. Dick Rabbitt motioned the minutes of the December meeting be approved and it was seconded by Dave Gelwicks. The motion was unanimously approved by those pre- sent. Old Business included the location of the first McHenry County Courthouse. Everett Thomas of Woodstock was asked by Chairman Fike to see if he could be of assistance in ascertaining the exact location of the first courthouse for the county. A native of the McHenry area and interested in its local history, Mr. Thomas has also had experience in searching property titles, which is a very time consuming task when working with the first land record indexes of the county. Using the information gleaned from the 1885 History of McHenry County and other information found by previous endeavors and supplied to him by the � Chairman, Mr. Thomas went to the Recorder of Deeds Office and located in these early records the first owners of lots in the vicinity of what is now Riverside Dr. It was one of these lots which was particularly referred to in the location of the courthouse. Through his calculations from this data, he has ascertained that the courthouse was located on the west side of the Pearl Street Park, just north of the half- way point, being in what would have been Block 15, Lot 6. This is the same location calculated by land surveyors Bob Conway and John Smith. Mr. Thomas also mentioned some other important locations pertaining to the beginning of the county government, that the Landmark Commission may wish to consider for plaqueing. These locations are: Block 19 Lots 1 and 4 owned by Samuel Greenleaf at the southwest corner of the intersection of Riverside Dr. and Pearl St. His shop at this location was rented to the county for use as the Circuit Court. Block 16 Lot 12 at the northwest corner of that intersec- tion, Horace Long first owner, is where the original courthouse was moved to, after the county seat was relocated in Woodstock. Block 18 Lots 5 and 6 at the northeast corner of the intersection of Elm St. and Riverside Dr., were first owned by B. B. Brown, who rented a room to the county for use as the first court room. The building was also used as a hotel, church and a school. Chairman Fike made the suggestion that perhaps a sign with a diagram indicating the locations of these early beginnings of the county government, be erected in the Riverside Dr. area. Taking this one step further, she suggested this might also be done with the Green St. and West Side business sections. This would �. enable persons visiting those areas to be aware of all the particular sites. 1 CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING, 7 January 1986 (cont.) �. Phyllis Bauer suggested a letter of thanks be sent to Everett Thomas, Bob Conway and John Smith for their help in locating the site of the first courthouse for McHenry County. The plaqueing of the First Courthouse Location will take place on Sunday after- noon, May 18, 1986, with an appropriate ceremony. Charles and Mary Vycital are co-chairman of this event. Suggestions for possible parts of the program were music to be provided by a chorus from the high school and the City Band; Mayor Bill Busse and Ed Buss, Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors to say a few words; County Board Supervisors; Everett Thomas; an invocation by Fr. Fish a chaplain at the Northern Illinois Medical Center. It was suggested representa- tives from the local military organizations be invited, but this was decided against as then other service organizations would have to be specifical ly in- vited. Chairman Fike will send invitations to the persons aforementioned. Dave Gelwicks suggested that a nice, quality keepsake type program booklet be available for distribution to those attending the event. He agreed to look into the cost of such an item. A temporary platform and perhaps shelter in case of inclement weather was sugge sted by Dick Rabbitt. Chairman Fike said this could no doubt be supplied by the Park Dept. Phyllis Bauer suggested the Park Dept. could perhaps also supply bunting and flags to dress-up the area to suit the occasion. Pete Merkel, Park Dept. Supervisor has supplied a flyer from the source of signs � and plaques used by that department. Ch. Fike suggested Tom Hopkins take care of helping to select material of the special sign commemorating the site of the first county courthouse. Scheduling was discussed for the four programs to be presented to the public this spring concerning "How to Read an Old Building," "Preparing for Restora- tion," "Historic Wallpaper," and "Historic Paint." These programs have been scheduled for April 16th and 30th, 7:30 p.m. at the McHenry Library. The first two subjects will be combined for the April 16th program and the last two subjects for the April 30th program. Ch. Nancy Fike will be presenting these subjects with the assistance of slides and Tom Hopkins. The help of a local person knowledgeable in the removal of layers and layers of old wallpaper and paint is being sought to assist with the last of the presentations. Dave Gelwicks will notify local realty businesses as it was thought perhaps some of these persons might be interested in the programs. A concern was voiced by Adele Froelich that newspaper publicity for events such as these special programs may not be an adequate means for notifying the public. Dick Rabbitt reported that in his contact with Joe 0'Angelo of McHenry Special- ties, the proposed plaque for the marking of historic structures by the Landmark Commission would be wooden and covered with a durable enamel type paint. Be- cause of business and personal commitments, Mr. D'Angelo did not have the time before this meeting to make a sample of the sign he is proposing, for the consideration of the commission. Due to the absence of Joe Etten, a report was not available concerning his contact with Mike Cajthaml from whom the commis- L- ssion is also seeking a proposal of an appropriate plaque. 2 CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE MEETING, 7 January 1986 (cont.) �' Ch. Fike made reference to the fact the Landmark Commission has joined the Illinois Association of Historic Preservation Commission. It was agreed this will be an advantage to the Commission, enabling it to be well informed concern- ing the matters of historic preservation. No other business being brought to the floor, Adele Froelich moved the meeting be adjourned at 8:22 p. m., Dick Rabbitt seconded. The motion was unamiously passed. Respectfully submitted, i , ^�'� Phy is J�Bauer Secretary � � 3