HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/1/1985 - Landmark Commission_�,� � • � � � CITY OF McHENRY LANDMARK COMMISSION NINUTES OF THE MEETIN6 , 1 October 1985 by Phyllis J. Bauer, Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m.. Roll call gave the following members as being present: Nancy Fike, Chairman; Phyllis Bauer, Dorothy Uttich, Adele Froelich, Joe Etten, Frank Gans, Dick Rabbitt, Don Howard, Charles and Mary Vycital. Absent were: Earl Walsh, Marya Weber and Dave Gelwicks. Dorothy Uttich motioned the minutes of the previous meeting be approved, second- ed by Mary Vycital. The motion was unanimously approved by those present. A financial report was given by the Chairman. Expenditurea to dete were not complete, es the survey forme were to cost 5 cents per sheet with 1500 sheets et a total of $75.00. There were supposed to be 500 aurvey forms at the Survey Orientation Meeting on September 26, but it was obvious not that many had been supplied es there were not enough for those present. The Sanborn Fire Maps were $54.00; slide film at $10.95 and processing $7.90. The slide film and proces- aing was for the Orientetion Program. Total expe�ditures to dates $147.84. A progress report on the location of the firat courthouse was the next item on the agenda. Adele Froelich said Earl Walsh asked her to report that he had �' talked to Mrs. Larsen the preaent awner of the Town Club and ahe ia looking for papers in her possession regarding the property which is located at the north� west corner of Pearl St. and Riverside Dr. It is eaid that the original court house is part of that structure or perhaps part of some out-buildings on the property. Adele Froelich reported that she had talked to Gussie Diedrich who has had George Barbian livi�g with her in the past but not at the previous time. He is expected to be back with her soon, and at that time Gussie will talk to Mr. Barbian about papers in his possession that may prove that the N. S. Hait dwelling was on the property where et one time Mr. Barbian's grocery atore was located. There ia a reference to the "N. S. Hait dwelling house" in the origi- nal description of the plat of the village of McHenry. It is hoped this des- cription which also mentions the "corner of the courthouse" will help to ascer- tain the exact location of the firat courthouse. Mary Vycital reported that she has on loan an abstract of the property on which the Old Bridge Tavern is located on the SW corner of Pearl St. and Riverside Dr. There is mention of the courthouae in this abstract, but again an exact location is not pinpointed. It was reported by the Chairman that Deve Gelwicks went to office of Mr. Perry, the County Surveyor where the original aurvey maps are atored. These records are not in any kind of order so it is very difficult to find a apecific record. He did not find anything of note but will go back and try again. � Engineers Bob Conway and John Smith elso went to Mr. Perry's and they also will go back to try again to find something. 1 ^►•�_ . . Phyllis Bauer reported that she checked the land records for the purchases of � Land by N. S. Hait to see if it could be ascertained where his "dwelling house" property was. It was found in the land recorda that N. S. Hait not only .owned the lot that has appeared to be the one where his house was, that being where the old Barbian building now atands on Riverside Dr., but Mr. Hait also owned the lots from there to Elm St. and also two in the middle of the east side of the block. Because of this, nothing can be drawn conclusively from these land records as there is no mention specificelly of a dwelling being on any of them. She suggeated that another possible way of finding out something ebout where the Hait dwelling was, would be to check the probate records, which she will da. The Survey Orientation Program held recently at the Library was reviewed. The Chairman thanked Cammission members who attended this orientation. It was generally agreed by thoae who attended that it was very encouraging to note the number of enthusiastic persons who were in attendance. Routes were assigned, but there are a few left, particularly for the out-lying areas. The map with the routes on it will be located in the community room of the Library for anyone's easy reference. Other supplies such as the letter of introduction, survey forms and badgea will be availeble at the city hall. It was suggested that some more publicity be in the newspapers, in order to make the public more aware of the program and also to attract more workers for the surveying portion. Adele Froelich suggested that a picture of a survey team be taken for the newspaper as that will attract more attention than juat an arti- cle. She will make errangements with a survey team and the Plaindealer photographer to take this proposed picture. � Chairman Fike spoke of the great debt of gratitude owed to Mr. Thomas Hopkins, the architect who has contributed so very much to the Landmark Commission needs. Mr. Hopkins finalized the design of the survey forms, designed the "cheat sheet" which shows the various architectural features of roof lines, window atyles, etc. for easier identification by the aurvey persons. Mr. Hopkins also put the slide presentation together from pictures taken by Steve Fike for the orienta- tion program. He will also be the profesaional consultant for determining the actual architectural style of the buildinga submitted on the survey forma. Mr. Hopkins has even teken a survey route himself. Without his professionel exper- tise the Commission would not heve been eble to perform it's duties as well and in a manner befitting the program. It was suggeated by the Chairman that perhaps at the end of the aurvey program a certificate of appreciation might be given to Mr. Hopkins. The availability of an appropriate pleque for the plaqueing portion of the Landmark Commiasion progrem was discusaed. It was recommended by Joe D'Angelo who does business as McHenry Specialists, that a bronze plaque would be best for use out of doors. The price of such a plaque would depend on whether or not all plaques would be the same or individually inscribed the size and thickness of the pleque. The price of a bronze plaque atarta out at about $170 but Mr. D'Angelo felt he could get the price down to ebaut �40-50 each, for a plaque that was bought in a multiple number and would all be the same inscription. Chairman Fike mentioned the historical society had used a plestic ane at the beginning of their county plaqueing program, but found it to be unsetisfactory and have since gone to a stainless steel plaque which is donated by a Cary � business. She will ask this business what the cost would be for the City of McHenry Landmark Commission for this type of plaque. 2 �.,.,_.._ . . . , The City of Woodstock landmark program uses a wooden plaque that is painted white with black letters indicating the name of the original building owner and � the date it was built. The advantage of this type of plaque is that it can easily be seen end read from the street. The cost of the painted lettering for this type of plaque will be inveatigated by Dorothy Uttich. Joe Etten will talk to Mr. Howe the owner of the business on Rt. 120 near E. Wonder Lake Rd. who makes wooden signa. He will get a price from him for a wooden plaque. The Chairman announced plans for Mr. Robert Coffin an architect from Barrington who ia well known in the preservation field, to give a very interesting slide program showing various forms of architecture. This program will be open to the public and is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, October 24. The locetion for this program has not been determined. Various locations for the program were discussed, but it was suggested that perhaps the city council chambers would be a preferred location. The location will be announced in the newspaper advertis- ing. Chairman Fike brought to the attention of the Commission that a tax credit has been available to persons who have preaerved their hfstoric atructurea and are recognized by the National Register, State Register or e Local Regiater such as the McHenry Landmark Commission. With the tax reform proposed by the current administration, this tax credit ia in danger of being eliminated. The Chairman asked the Commission if a letter should be written to the local congressmen expressing a concern that this tax credit should not be abolished. Adele Froelich motioned that a letter be written to the local congressmen in this regard. It was seconded by Mary Vycital and approved by the Commission that �- this should be done. The next item on the agenda "Prioritiea of the Commisaion" was shelved until the next regular meeting. The Landmark Commisaion's part in the Sesquicentenniel Celebretion was men- tioned. The part the commission will play consists of the programs of surveying and plaqueing, as has already been initiated. Joe Etten motioned for adjournment and Frank Gans seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m. �.�. 3