HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/5/1985 - Landmark Commission � MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF McAENRY LANDMARR COMMISSION 5 June 1985 Phyllis J. Bauer, Secretary Those in attendance were Chairman Nancy Fike, Phyllis Bauer, Don Howard, Frank Gans, Earl Walsh and Dick Rabbit. Also in attendance were Mayor William Busse and Fran Olsen, secretary of McHenry Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. Due to the small number of commission members in attendance, some items from the agenda had to be postponed. Chairman Fike reviewed the City of McHenry Comprehensive Plan dealing with Historical Preservation and material available from the State Conservation Department and National Register of Historic Places. It was her suggestion and the commission mem- bers present concured that such material be made known to the public through publicity, hoping to spark interest in the preser- vation of structures with historic signifigance. � Chairman Fike has consulted with the Chairman of Historic Buildings Survey of Woodstock, Margaret Field, about the concern shown by our commission members at the meeting May 7, regarding how the public viewed a landmark survey committee. The response from Ms. Field was that a great deal of publ icity was done about the program, so everyone knew what was going on. The survey committee also carried letters of explanation and identification to use in the case of concerned residents. The comment was made by Ms. Field that the biggest concern of residents was that the survey might raise their taxes. Chairman Fike displayed a "Sanborn Fire Map" available from the Library of Congress for cities in the United States, includ- ing McHenry. This map shows structures present in the city for the year 1893. It was suggested by the Chairman that a 1912 map be purchased by the city of McHenry for use by the Commission. This prompted a suggestion from Mayor Busse that perhaps the commission submit a request to the City Council for an alotment of funds to be used in the business of the Historic Landmark Commission The review of the proposed Historic Plaque Qualifications as drafted by the Chairman met with general approval . The services of an architect for this program have been v olunteered by Dennis � Wonderlick. Frank Gans and Earl Walsh expressed the opinion that stringent rules be used for the qualifying of structures for the i plaqueing so that this honor will not be a commodity. Other members of the commission agreed. Chairman Fike inquired of � Mayor Busse whether or not the qualifications needed to be re� viewed by the city attorney. Mayor Busse did not feel there was any need to consult the city attorney. With a few minor changes in word usage to be made, the qual ifications were approved with a motion by Dick Rabbit, seconded by Don Howard. The question was asked what form the historic marker plaque might take. The conclusion was that the Chairman will consult with Fran O1 sen of the Chamber, for. a 1 ist of businesses that do that type of work and will then have some possible designs to offer to the commission for their approval . There was a review presented by the Chairman Fike regarding the Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois Fact Sheet, Illi- nois Department of Conservation Historic Preservation Grants-in- Aid-Program and the National Register. Information is available for owners of historical l y and architectural 1 y significant build- ings on how they can receive tax consideration for the preserva- tion of their buildings. Mention was made by the Chairman, of the fact that in some communities where Historic Land Commissions are in operation, Banks and Savings and Loans sometimes give low interest loans to owners wishing to make restoration improvements. Fran Olsen of the Chamber of Commerce was asked what plans �, have been made by that organization for the celebration of the Sesquicentennial during Fiesta Days and otherwise. Ms. Olsen pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce Board and the Fiesta Days Board are now two separate entities. She also noted that the Fiesta Day Celebration for 1986 will have the Sesquicenten- nial as it�s theme and that a great effort was being made to bring back the drum and bugle corp groups to the parade, but that was the extent of any specific plans being made so far, for either of those organizations. Mayor Busse broached the idea that since the Sesquicenten- nial Celebration was in essense the birthday of the City of McHenry, it was f itting for the City to take the 1 ead in organiz- ing a steering committee to coordinate events, happer�ings, pro- grams, etc., to make this a truly memorable occassion. The Chairman reminded commission members that the next meeting would be July 2. A motion for adjournment of the meeting at 9:00 p. m. was made by Earl Walsh and seconded by Dick Rabbit. � � 2