HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/20/2005 - Transportation Commission TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING
Wednesday,duly 20,2005
Aldermen's Conference Room, 6:30 p.m.
`-- In Attendance: Commission Members: Chairman Wimmer, Alderman Santi, Aldertnan Glab,
Alderman Condon, Neal Schepler, Director of Public Works Marcinko, Director of Community
Development Napolitano, Bob Wegener Absent: City Clerk Jones, Roger Thacker, Kay Rial Bates.
Also in Attendance: Mayor Low, Alderman Murgatroyd (arrived at 6:40 p.m.), Alderman Peterson,
Assistant to the City Administrator Martin, Assistant Director of Public Works Fink, JeffPisha of Smith
Engineering Consultants and Deputy Clerk Kunzer.
Chairman Wimmer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
�'resentatian: Citv of McHenry Comurehensive Transnortation Studv
Bob Wegener of Smith En�ineerin�Consultants
Mr. Wegener stated the documerrt before the commission this evening should ultimately be a
living document to be used as a bench mark as further development projects come before the City. With
the Comprehensive Transportation Study complete, Council will ultimately have a guide to be followed
and utilized as land develops within the City.
Mr. Wegener noted the Study is currently 15-20% under budget due to the assistance provided
by Staff in accumulating and providing data. Steps 1 through 4 are now complete. Mr. Wegener stated
the commission should next review the potential transportation projects outlined in the Study in order to
better understand the, prioritize them and determine funding origin for each, if the project is deemed
necessary and feasible.
The following list of specific locations/projects was reviewed, discussed and clarified:
1. Adams Drive eatension north to Lincoln Road
This project would provide an e�ension from the existing Adatns Drive north to Lincoln Road,
as well ad additional access and use of alternative routes into the business park. The e�ension would
connect to Lincoln Road at Reagan Boulevard creating a four-le�ged intersection. As a traffic signal
would ultimately be warranted at the Adams Drive/Route 120 intersection, this project would provide
safety in accessing Hilltop School, Liberty Trails and McHenry Middle School.
2. Elimination of Hillside Drive access to Route 120
If the direct access to Hillside Drive is closed, another location would have to be found to exit
traffic from Eastwood Manor to Route 120. This wauld require a cut through to Adams Drive. As this
would bisect the business park, this option appears not to be feasible and is not currently being
3. Eztension of Shore Drive and Oak Drive to Lakewood Road
This project would provide residents with direct access through Petersen Park from Lakewood
Road to Oak and Shore Drives in Lakeland Park. It would also provide a more direct means of gaining
access to McCullom Lake Road from Lakeland Paxk. This project would require e�ensive tree removal,
relocation of bike/pedestrian path, relocation of parking facility, and would increase tr�c through
Petersen Park. Additionally, Lakewood Road is private, would have to be widened to accommodate
� traffic. Based upon the improvements needed and the potential impact on Petersen Park, this option
might not be feasible and is not currently being recommended. If Lakewood Road is dedicated to the
City at some time in the future, the City should accept it only if it has been brought up to City standards
prior to dedication. At that time, this option might be feasible.
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July 20, 2005
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� 4. Connection of Royal Drive to Oak Drive
The current intersection of Royal Drive and Route 120 is located east of the signalized
intersection of Oak Drive and Route 120. This project would relocate the Royal Drive connection further
west to align with the Oak Drive intersection. This would result in a four-way si$nalized intersection
increasing the safety of all who use the Royal Drive access. Mr. Wegener stated from a traffic flow
standpoint, this project makes sense. It would provide safer access not only for Whispering Oaks
Subdivision residents, but for Fort McHenry park users as well. He stressed this option should not
increase cut-through tr�c in the subdivision. The improvements would create a safer point of access to
Route 120 from the subdivision and park.
Alderman Glab expressed strong concerns rega.rding the potential impact of this project on
Whispering Oaks residents caused by cut-through traffic. Alderman Murgatroyd opined tr�c now
flows more quickly on the arterials than cutting through the subdivision. He stated if this project were
implemented, the amount of cut-through traffic would not likely increase.
Alderman Glab stated there would be intense opposition from the Whispering Oaks residerrts to
this project. They would not be in favor of increasing cut-through tr�c. Alderman Condon noted
residents who oppose cut-through traffic at times utilize cut-throughs themselves. Alderman Condon,
noting the proximity of Fort McHenry to the Royal Drive access to Route 120, opined the safety of the
children should be considered. For that reason she would be in favor of relocating the Royal Drive
access to the west in alignment with the signalized. Oak Drive intersection. She stated if makes good
sense to pursue this option.
Mr. Wegener noted it might be cost-prohibitive to crass the Boone Creek in order to relocate the
roadway further west.
Alderman Murgatroyd stated residents in the area might be opposed to this project, however, it
would be for the overall gaod of the City to move tr�c more efficiently and safely. Alderman Glab
noted it might be for the good of the City, but may not be the best for the neighborhood.
5. Elimination of Court Street barriers to allow through traffic
Mr. Wegener noted there aze currently barriers located on Court Street between the corporate
boundary and the unincorporated area to the north. If the barriers were removed, more direct access to
McCullom Lake Road would be provided to residents south of the barriers. Conversely, residents to the
north of the bamers would have more direct access to the downtown area.
Mr. Wegener stated unincorporated Court Street is a private road and the City cannot force
access. This project would require minor roadway work for grade adjustment. Mr. Wegener stated this
project is feasible and recommended if the unincorporated residents would agree to provide the
connection for continuity or if the City could gain jurisdiction.
6. Eatension of Pearl Street we�t to Freund Avenue
This project would provide safer access for residential neighborhoods west of Route 31 and north
of Rou#e 120. It involves removing a residence on Richmond Road and might impact St. Mary's rectory
� as well. This project would also eliminate access onto Route 31 (Richmond Road) from Grand Avenue
and Broad Street. Traffic from this street would be redirected to the Pearl StreetrRoute 31 intersection.
Mr. Wegener noted there are many moving components in this project.
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July 20, 2005
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`► Mayor Low noted attempting to go north from the Millstream Subdivision is impossible. This
project would greatly aid residents who aze going north.
7. Connectian of Dartmoor Drive across railroad tracks
This project would connect Crystal Lake Road and Route 31 but entails crossing the railroad
tracks. The possibility of Union Pacific granting a crossing is not likely. Mr. Wegener noted for every
new at-grade crossing introduced, two existing at-grade crossings must be eliminated. Securing this
crossing is not worth losing two existing crossings. This project appears to be unfeasible.
8. Eatension of Municipal Drive west to Route 31 and signalization of Dartmoor Drive/Raute 31
The improvemerrt and extension of Municipal Drive is already underway. This would culminate
in a full intersection at Route 31 at Bank Drive. This signalized intersection will be crucial to the
development of the Pacini Property west of Route 31.
Alderman Glab suggested "Dartmoor Drive" name be changed to prevent confusion as it would
not extend to the existing Dartmoor Drive west of the railroad tracks. This should be accomplished prior
to the Pacini Property development west of Route 31. He further suggested the name could be changed
to"Ridgeview Drive". Members of the commission concurred with this suggestion.
Mr. Wegener noted the deletion of the following from this project description: "In addition, it
should be considered to restrict the entrance along Illinois Route 31 to the bank to right-in/ri�ht-out
� movements only." As this is a full access intersection at this time, it is not appropriate to restrict traffic
to ri�ht-in/right-out.
8A. Eatension of Dartmoor Drive to Ridgeview Drive
The connection of Dartmoor Drive (name to be changed as per above suggestion) to Ridgeview
Drive is already in design stages. Once tr�c signalization of this intersection with Route 31 is
warranted, it should be signalized.
Alderman Murgatroyd suggested as Council has previously indicated no desire to cross the
tracks with Dartmoor Drive, the northwest stub from Ridgeview Drive to existing Dartmoor Drive
should be vacated. If this stub were vacated, Pacini would be able to put in the Ridgeview Drive
connection between Bull Valley Road and Route 31.
9. Restriction of access along Miller Road
Mr. Wegener stated the City and County are iooking at improving Bull Valley Road and Route
31 intersection. This issue cannot be resolved unless the McDonald's access o�to Charles Miller Road is
moved. This project would create a north-south access road between Municipal Drive and Charles
Miller Road. McDonald's would then be required to utilize the access road and vacate their direct access
onto Charles Miller Road. The access road could also provide access to the strip mall north and east of
McDonald's. l�emoving the current access would alleviate traffic flow issues at the Route 31Bu11
Valley Road intersection.
� Additionally, the following access would be changed:
a)McDonald's full access to Charles Miller Road to be closed;
b)right-in/right-out access to Charles Miller Road from north-south access road;
c) close old Bull Valley Road access west of Green Street
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July 20, 2005
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`-- d)retain full access of old Bull Valley Road east of Cneen Street
e) change third access point of old Bull Valley Road and Miller Road, also east of Green Street
to right-in/right-aut only;
� eliminate access north of Charles Miller Road to Village Green
g) eliminate access to McHenry Avenue to the north
h) maintain access to McHenry Avenue to the south as right-in/right-out only.
10. Close Lawrence Drive, Connect Medical Center to Ridgeview Drive, and Consolidate/Restrict
This project would close/vacate Lawrence Drive between Medical Center Drive and Bull Valley
Road. Medical Center Drive would extend west to Ridgeview Drive to provide safer access to/from the
hospital. As Ridgeview Drive's signalization is imminent, this project would enhance the safety of
hospital patrons and employees.
This project would also restrict access to Medical Center Drive at Route 31 to right-in/right-out.
This project is feasible and being recommended.
11. Eatension of Shamrock Road to Ridgeview Road
This project is not possible and is being eliminated.
12. Connection of Centegra Drive to Shamrock Lane
A connection is also proposed between Medical Center Drive and Shamrock Lane thereby
� creating a means to utilize the Shamrock Lane traffic signal for patrons, patients and employees, as well
as Centegra day care users. This project is feasible and recommended by City En�ineers.
13. Eatension of Valley Road to Milier Road at Broadway Avenue; Close off other stubs to the
This project will provide direct access to Charles Miller Road from the Valley Road extension.
This connection will provide an opportunity to eliminate some of the access points along Charles Miller
Road describe in Project #9. The Village Green and City South Wastewater Treatment Plant will be
accessed from Valley Road. Current access to the Village Greens and the City's Wastewater Treatment
plant could then be closed. This project is considered feasible and is being recommencled by City
14. Eatension of Fairway Drive east to Country Club Drive
This projeet if implemented would provide access to Country Club Drive and offer those
residents and alternative means of entering/leaving their subdivision. Country Club Drive is currently
the longest single entrance cul-de-sac and providing an alternate means of access if desirable for safety
and emergency purposes. Additionally, this connection would create better traffic flow from one
neighborhood to another. Further investigation is required if the City deems this a viable project. It is not
certain if the McHenry Country Club would favorably view such an improvement as the roadway would
bisect its property.
15. Connectian between Mineral Springs Drive and Emerald Drive; Consolidation of accesses to
� Chapel Hill Road
In order to consolidate accesses onto Chapel Hill Road, connection between neighborhoads is
required. Currently Mineral Springs Drive Subdivision and Emerald Drive Subdivision are not
connected. If they were connected, residents would no longer have to go onto Chapel Hill Road to travel
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July 20, 2005
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�-- back and forth. However, these roads are privately owned. The City would have to gain jurisdiction in
order to force the connection. This project could be recommended only if the City is willing to acquire
jurisdiction of these roadways.
16.Eatension of Hilltop Boulev�rd south to State Park Road
The proposed e�ension of Hilltop Boulevard south to State Park Road would provide a direct
route to Veteran's Parkway for a more direct access to Route 31. This is a project which cauld be
required of a developer of the vacant land south of Hilltop Boulevard. This project is feasible and
recommended to assist traffic flow to Route 31.
17. Realignment of Curran Road north to Route 120
Mr. Wegener stated the radii of Curran Road are not good for a major collector road. This project
would soften the curves which would provide a safer tr�c flow.
18. Eatension of Kresswaod Road; Relocation and restriction of c6urch access; Development of
collector between Bull Valley Road and Crystal Lake Road
This project would be�in with restricting access to Kresswood Drive subdivision entrance as
right-in/right-out. Additionally, Kresswood Road should be extended west and then south to a point of
intersection on Bull Valley Road at the Gilger Property. This southern extension of Kresswood Road
would ultimately connect with the northern stub from the Patriot Estates Townhomes. The project would
also include restricting the Holy Apostles access onto Bull Valley Road to right-in/right-out only and
providing a frontage road along the south side of Bull Valley Road connecting the church to the
� collector road (Kresswood Road south extension). This collector road intersection with Bull Valley
Road would ultimately be signalized.
Alderman Glab suggested the City's definitions of types of roadways be clarified to match the
City Engineer's definitions of various roadway terms(i.e. arterial, collector, local, etc.).
Mr. VVegener stated the Study also included traffic issues raised at Duker School. The goal is to
provide a safer environment in the parking lot for pickup up and dropping off children. The Study has
looked at several ways to make this happen. The Study suggests no parking signs be installed on the
north side of Kane Avenue between the gate to McCracken Field and the intersection with Green Street.
There were no safety issues or concerns with Hilltop or McHenry Middle School. Alderman
Condon requested Parkland School be reviewed for safety concerns. Mr. Wegener concurred.
A brief discussion occurred regarding means of improving traffic at the Route 31 and Bull
Valley Road intersection. Mr. Wegener suggested a frontage road be constructed to remove direct access
of those businesses along Route 31 between Medical Center Drive and Bull Valley Road. Additionally,
this frontage road could assist with access to the Morrie& Sons property and the Alliance Bible Church
Mr. Wegener stated the ne� step is for the Commission to deternune which of these projects are
feasible and to prioritize them. The Commission also should determine where funding for each project
� would be derived. This could impact the prioritization level of the projects as well. Additionally, the
Commission may choose to revise certain projects. This should be done before the prioritization has
been completed.
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July 20, 2005
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`-- Alderman Condon suggested the commissioners complete a prioritization list similar to the CIl'
projects listing done each spring. Assistant Director of Public Works Fink will provide each
commissioner with a list of projects for prioritization. Staff will compile a spread sheet of the submitted
lists which will give the rankings of each project.
The next meeting will be scheduled in late September or early October.
Motion by Glab, seconded by Condon, to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. All Ayes. Motian
Respectf�l s�bmitted,
��/� L'1J.,�....�..�
Richard Wimmer, Chairman