HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/1/2011 - Police CommissionMcHenry Police Commission
June 1, 2011
A regular meeting of the City of McHenry Police Commission was called to order by Secretary
Gregorio on June 1, 2011 at 4 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference
Room. In attendance were Police Commissioners Ramon Gregorio and Michael Roberts. Absent:
Commissioner Sean Haley. Also in attendance were Deputy Chief Lumber, Deputy Chief
Kreassig, HR Manager Zinanni, and Deputy Clerk Kunzer.
Consideration of Minutes: May 4, 2011 Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Motion by Roberts, seconded by Gregorio, to approve the Police Commission minutes of the
May 4, 2011 regularly scheduled meeting as presented.
Voting Aye: Gregorio, Roberts.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Haley.
Motion carried.
Review Application Process and Update on Applications Acquired and/or Submitted
HR Manager Zinanni stated the City posted internally and externally for the position of patrol
officer on May 18, 2011. Thus far 38 applications have been sent out, although none have been
returned to date. HR Manager Zinanni confirmed the testing procedure is scheduled for July 9th
at East Campus with interviews tentatively scheduled for mid to late August.
Deputy Chief Lumber asked Commissioner Roberts to confirm the City’s use of the East Campus
facilities for testing on July 9th. Commissioner Roberts agreed to verify the site’s availability
from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on July 9th.
Review and Discuss Scenario Questions Submitted by Deputy Chiefs
Deputy Chief Lumber suggested this matter be deferred to the July 6, 2011 commission meeting
as the Chairman and Chief were not available to attend today’s meeting. The Commissioners
Other Business
Deputy Chief Lumber announced Officer Ken Klean tendered his resignation on May 17th which
results in an opening on the force for the top candidate from the new list when it is posted.
Deputy Chief Lumber also reported he reserved space for a new recruit to attend Police
Training Institute at the Champagne Police Academy in October.
Deputy Chief Kreassig noted he is working on the submittals required for CALEA re‐certification
and noted discrepancies between the Police Commission Rules and Regulations and actual City
practice relating to discipline of officers. He questioned whether the City’s attainment of Home
Rule necessitated amendment to the Commission’s Rules and Regulations. HR Manager noted
the police officers collective bargaining agreement provides for remedies relating to disciplinary
Police Commission Meeting
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June 1, 2011
measures. She stated she would confer with Attorney John Kelly regarding any requirement to
amend the Commission’s Rules and Regulations. Some discussion occurred. It was the
consensus that the City’s attaining Home Rule status did not impact the Commission’s Rules
and Regulations, which were required to follow State Statutes.
Deputy Chief Kreassig asked Deputy Clerk Kunzer to provide him with the date the City
established Home Rule status by ordinance.
Further discussion ensued regarding the function(s) of the Police Commission. It was suggested
discipline of patrol officers would revert back to the Rules and Regulations of the Police
Commission if the union contract was not in place. It was also suggested that the disciplinary
functions of the Commission would come into play with regard to sergeants, deputy chiefs, etc.,
i.e. those not covered by the union contract.
Deputy Chief Kreassig also reported that an official security procedure policy should be
established for the City’s Administrative Adjudication Process. He noted this is also a CALEA
requirement inasmuch as the City has established the Adjudication Process within the past
year. Typically, with the Branch 3 Court, the Circuit Clerk’s office provides security while court is
in session. As the City has initiated the local Adjudication process, the City must likewise
establish a security policy and procedures manual. The manual would be a required submittal
as part of the CALEA recertification. Deputy Chief Kreassig stated he would begin preparing the
Commissioner Roberts inquired as to the education requirements for patrol officer candidates.
HR Manager Zinanni replied that a minimum 2‐year degree is required when combined with
military or previous police experience; a four‐year degree is required when no previous police
and/or military experience is indicated.
Motion by Roberts, seconded by Gregorio, to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Voting Aye: Gregorio, Roberts.
Voting Nay: None.
Absent: Haley.
Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen M Kunzer, Deputy Clerk