HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/3/2009 - Police CommissionCity of McHenry Police Commission Meeting June 3, 2009 The June 3, 2009 meeting of the City of McHenry Police Commission was called to order by Chairman Haley 4:00 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room. In attendance were Police Commissioners Sean Haley, and Michael Roberts. Absent: Ramon Gregorio. Also in attendance were Police Chief Brogan, Deputy Chief Jones, Deputy Chief Pechous, HR Manager Zinanni and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. Approve Minutes of 5/19/09 Meeting Chairman Haley noted he received written correspondence from Commissioner Gregorio advising of his inability to attend this afternoon’s meeting. Commissioner Gregorio noted he approved of the minutes as presented in the meeting agenda packet. Motion by Roberts, seconded by Haley, to approve the minutes of the Police Commission meeting of 5/19/09 as presented. Voting Aye: Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Gregorio. Motion carried. Update: Agreement with Stanard Testing Company Deputy Chief Jones acknowledged he had contacted Stanard with regard to the company’s providing testing services for the City’s Police Department relative to the creation of an officer candidate list and promotion list. He confirmed Stanard and Associates has been hired to conduct testing services as required by the McHenry Police Commission. Update: Officer Candidate Application and Testing Timeline Deputy Chief Jones reported only seven completed applications have been submitted thus far. The current deadline for submittal is Friday, June 5th at 5 p.m. It is Staff’s recommendation to extend the deadline for submittal of completed applications until 5 p.m. on Friday, June 19th. If the Commission approves the extension, the candidate process timeline would have to be amended accordingly. Responding to an inquiry, HR Manager Zinanni stated to date 71 applications have been sent out/distributed. She concurred with the recommendation to extend the submittal deadline. Commissioners inquired if there had been many concerns raised as to the fast turnaround process required between public notice of the opening(s) and application submittal deadline. HR Manager Zinanni responded several concerns were expressed in addition to the quick turnaround. Potential applicants commented on the applications not being online, the education requirements, etc. Following a brief discussion, Chief Brogan stated he would have Staff make follow-up phone calls to all who have received application packets advising of the extension of the submittal deadline. The Commissioners concurred with the extension as well as the courtesy calls to all of those who have received application packets. It was noted the candidate timeline would be adjusted according to the new deadline. Police Commission 6/3/09 Page 2 Deputy Chief Jones stated the proposed new testing date would be July 11th (subject to Stanard & Associates availability) and the candidates would be enrolled in the September academy in Springfield. It was the consensus of the Commission to proceed with the amended candidate timeline as presented by Deputy Chief Jones: Completed applications submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 19, 2009; Testing (Physical/Written) and orientation to be held on Saturday, July 11, 2009; Candidate interviews commencing on Saturday, July 25, 2009; Polygraph and Psychological testing of top five candidates prior to August 31, 2009; Offer position to four top applicants; Recruits attend Police Academy in Springfield beginning September 20, 2009. Commissioner Roberts inquired what would happen if the Commission is not happy with the results of the process, i.e. the candidate list as posted. Chief Brogan explained that the list is posted for two years. The Commission could choose to initiate the process prior to the two year expiration, however, and co- mingle the two lists. He stressed that the initial group of applicants would be whittled down considerably as a result of the physical pass or fail test, written test (candidates must pass with a score of 70 or greater), and the interview process. Any candidate offered the position must also pass a polygraph and psych evaluation, as well. Consequently, the process will ultimately weed out candidates which the Commission may not wish to place on the list. Deputy Chief Pechous inquired if the City has ever discussed lateral transfers, i.e. transfer of officers from one Village/City department to another which would result in a higher initial pay scale for the transferred officer, based upon his experience. Brief discussion followed. HR Manager Zinanni noted there might be collective bargaining issues, stating the union might not be in favor of new officers starting at a higher rate of pay than their contract dictates. Discuss: Procedures for Promotion List; Timeline Deputy Chief Jones stated in speaking with Stanard & Associates, he was assured the company would provide a reading list and study guide for all officers intending to take the promotion test. Stanard would administer the test. Deputy Chief Jones stated the Commission would be provided results of the test within 5-10 days of the test date. If the test was offered on October 3, 2009, the Commission could conclude the oral interview process by November 6, 2009. Posting of the new promotion list would then occur prior to the expiration of the current promotion list (end of November). Promotion lists are good for three years at which time they expire. Deputy Chief Jones stated the cost for the promotion testing is $100 per test turned in plus $10 per study guide. The City would not pay for tests unless they are taken and returned to Stanard for grading. Responding to Commission inquiry, Chief Brogan stated there are currently no openings for Sergeant. Brief discussion followed regarding the promotion testing, list, interview process and the method of scoring the candidates. In response to an inquiry, Chief Brogan acknowledged he has input in his recommendation as far as promotion of officers. Promotion points are compiled from the written test, the oral interviews, and Chief recommendation (1-5 points). Promotion list is then posted based on the accumulation of each officer’s total points. Police Commission 6/3/09 Page 3 Chief Brogan provided the Commission with a copy of a memo he drafted to raise community awareness regarding the current recruitment process. He noted CALEA requires the department make an effort to ensure recruitment opportunities are made available throughout the community. Chief Brogan has posted his memo at various churches in the community and has been assured notice might appear in church bulletins as well. Motion by Roberts, seconded by Haley, to direct Deputy Chief Jones to order promotion testing materials from Stanard & Associates and to adopt the Promotion testing and list posting timeline as presented: Staff to order 30 Promotion Examinations and Study Guides, June 4, 2009; Officers will be provided with a list of reading material and a study guide (when documents arrive) Tentative Testing Date, October 3, 2009 Test Results sent to Police Commission Chairman Haley no later than October 13, 2009 Commission/Chief/Deputy Chiefs interview candidates – complete by November 6, 2009 Posting of Promotion List prior to November 30, 2009. Voting Aye: Haley, Roberts, Voting Nay: None. Absent: Gregorio. Motion carried. Update: Number of Applications Received Chairman Haley noted this matter has already been addressed. Discuss: Interview Process Chairman Haley stated the officer candidate interviews would be conducted by three teams comprised of a commissioner and either the Chief or a Deputy Chief. Chairman Haley inquired if HR Manager Zinanni would be willing to schedule the interviews for the Commission. She agreed to assist with the scheduling process. Deputy Chief Jones noted, in the past, the interviews were blocked in 30-minute intervals and inquired if that is what the Commission is proposing at this time. Chairman Haley stated 30-minute interviews should be satisfactory. Chairman Haley noted there would have to be three interview locations in the building to accommodate the three interview teams. Deputy Chief Jones responded the Aldermen’s Conference Room, the Chief’s Conference Room and one additional area in the Police Department would be reserved for interviews. Chairman Haley suggested throughout the interview day(s) the teams could switch partners. Everyone concurred this was a good idea. Chairman Haley stated that the interview process should result in every candidate leaving the interview wanting to work for the City of McHenry Police Department. All concurred. Commissioner Roberts suggested that the number of interviews scheduled per day be limited, as too many (and for too lengthy a period of time) would not be fair to the candidates nor the interview team. HR Manager Zinanni wholeheartedly agreed. It was the consensus that the interview process be scheduled for more than one day. Police Commission 6/3/09 Page 4 Following Commissioner Roberts inquiry, Deputy Chief Jones stated the number of candidates will be reduced following the physical test and written test. He projected the number of candidates to be interviewed to be approximately 25-30. Deputy Chief Jones also noted, in the past, the Police Commission required all of those interviewed to have a polygraph and psychological exam concurrent with the interview process. He opined this is a waste of municipal funds and that the polygraph and psych exams be reserved for those who have been offered a position (subject to passing both of these exams). The Commission concurred. Chairman Haley requested HR Manager prepare a list of approximately 15 questions to be used as a base for the three interview teams to utilize in the candidate interview process. HR Manager Zinanni agreed to prepare a list of suggested interview questions. The list of questions will be provided to commissioners prior to the next meeting so they will have an opportunity to review them and provide comment at the July 1st meeting. Discussion then occurred regarding the interview process for the promotion list. Chairman Haley expressed his desire that the Chief and the Deputy Chiefs participate in those interviews, as well. Continue Review of Police Commission Files Chairman Haley acknowledged the review of the commission files is complete. He requested Staff provide storage boxes so the file contents could be boxed up for seven-year storage at the close of the July 1st meeting. Other Business Chairman Haley read into the record of the meeting a note from Commissioner Gregorio who apologized for his absence, noting he was called out of town due to a personal matter. He stated he concurred with the revisions to the officer candidate timeline as presented. Discussion occurred regarding procedure to be followed once all applications have been received. HR Manager requested direction from the Commission as to who would make the final determination regarding the applications received which contained ambiguous elements or which she deemed to be incomplete or disqualified. She stressed it is the commissioners responsibility to ultimately make the determination of acceptability or rejection. Chairman Haley concurred. It was suggested HR Manager Zinanni come prepared to the July 1st meeting with questionable applications, and present her comments as to deficiencies or other potentially disqualifying contents. The Commission would then choose to accept or deny each of those applications. Chairman Haley announced the following items to be placed on the 7/1/09 Commission agenda: 1. Approval of the minutes of the 6/3/09 meeting; 2. Update on the number of candidates to be tested; confirm testing date; 3. Review applications considered questionable by HR Manager; 4. Review interview questions; 5. Other Business. Police Commission 6/3/09 Page 5 Adjournment Motion by Roberts, seconded by Haley, to adjourn at 5:02 p.m. Voting Aye: Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None Absent: Gregorio. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Kathleen M Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Recording Secretary