HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/19/2009 - Police CommissionCity of McHenry Police Commission Meeting May 19, 2009 The May 19, 2009 meeting of the City of McHenry Police Commission was called to order by Chairman Haley 4:05 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room. In attendance were Police Commissioners Ramon Gregorio, Sean Haley, and Michael Roberts (arrived at 4:06 p.m.). Also in attendance were Police Chief Brogan, Deputy Chief Jones and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer. HR Manager Zinanni arrived at 4:25 p.m. Approve Minutes of 5/9/09 Meeting Motion by Roberts, seconded by Gregorio, to approve the minutes of the Police Commission meeting of 5/9/09. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Presentation by Stanard Testing Co. Chairman Haley stated he spoke to a representative of Stanard as well as Deputy Gene Lowrey of the McHenry County Sheriff’s Department. He concurred with the Stanard representative that it was unnecessary for him to make a personal presentation before the Commission regarding his firm’s services. Deputy Lowrey gave the company rave reviews. Chief Brogan stated he has no personal knowledge of the company, but noted they have received a strong endorsement from the County, as well as the Illinois Chief’s Association. He stated he would support utilizing this firm based upon those recommendations. Deputy Chief Jones distributed a packet from another testing firm, COPS Testing Service. When asked for his opinion regarding this firm, chief Brogan acknowledged he was not as favorably impressed with COPS as he was with Stanard. Commissioner Roberts stated if the Chief is comfortable with Stanard, he would support utilizing their services for the application and testing process. Chairman Haley concurred. Motion by Haley, seconded by Gregorio, to accept Chief Brogan’s recommendation, to contract with Stanard & Associates for police officer candidate and promotion testing services for the Police Department. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Discussion occurred regarding the next step in the process. It was the consensus of the Commission that the application process, including contacting Stanard to set up testing dates, times and process, be managed by Deputy Chief Jones in conjunction with HR Manager Zinanni. The Commission will be kept apprised of the status of the process. Police Commission 5/19/09 Page 2 Discussion and Approval Candidate Packet Chairman Haley noted proposed recruitment packets were distributed at the Commission’s last meeting. Commissioners were asked to review them and provide input as to recommendation for approval, amendment, etc. Commissioner Gregorio stated the packet is good. It would be time consuming to complete. He noted it is much more comprehensive than the application he completed upon joining the force. Commissioner Roberts noted being a police officer is a calling. Potential candidates need to really think about their application. This comprehensive application form will do that. Completion of the packet will show the department they are serious about their application. Chairman Haley concurred with Commissioners Gregorio and Roberts. Motion by Haley, seconded by Gregorio, to adopt the Police Officer Application Packet as presented. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Approve Timeline for Candidate Application Submittal, Testing and List Posting Deputy Chief Jones provided the Commission with a proposed timeline for candidate application posting, publication, submittal, test and list posting. Deputy Chief Jones noted he has reserved space for three police officers in three different academies, dependent upon the timeline adopted by the Commission. Chairman Haley suggested it is imperative that the process commence as soon as possible. He suggested approving the proposed timeline and inquired if the timeline is adopted, when would the positions be posted. Deputy Chief Jones responded the posting would begin immediately. The posting would occur internally as well as in the Northwest Herald and on the Blue Line. HR Manager Zinanni arrived at 4:25 p.m. Responding to an inquiry regarding who would be tested on 6/20/09 if the timeline is followed, Chief Brogan explained all who have completed their applications correctly and have not been eliminated due to lack of application completion, or other requirements, such as age, education and/or experience, will take the written test and agility test on 6/20/09. Chief Brogan acknowledged there will likely be many who are eliminated prior to the testing date. HR Manager Zinanni stated she would do a cursory review of the submitted applications to ensure they have been fully completed, they meet the age requirements, etc. This will be a preliminary weeding out of potential candidates. She emphasized the big filter will be the eliminations occurring following the written and agility tests. Those who complete the tests satisfactorily will then be interviewed. Chief Brogan noted there would also be an orientation on 6/20/09. Police Commission 5/19/09 Page 3 In response to an inquiry, HR Manager Zinanni stated she would be happy to schedule the psych and polygraph testing. Discussion followed regarding the manner of conducting the interview process. Chief Brogan noted the County has tried a couple of different options to handle the interviews of candidates. He stated if the Commission is comfortable with it, they could split up to conduct interviews. He noted he and both Deputy Chiefs would be available to participate in the interview process if requested by the Commission. Chairman Haley opined the Commission needs to commit time to the interview process. He stated his belief that the interview process is part of the commissioners’ responsibilities. He stated representatives from the Police Department could join in the interview and work with commissioners as teams, i.e. a commissioner and member of the Police Department would be an interview team. In this way more could be accomplished in a shorter period of time. Chief Brogan noted Stanard would develop a series of questions if the Commission desired. Then the questions used could be the same throughout the interview process. HR Manager Zinanni recommended a list of 10-15 questions be drafted to be asked of every candidate. Chairman Haley noted it appears to be the consensus of the Commission that the proposed timeline be adopted and that it could be adjusted as needed, particularly with regard to Stanard’s availability for testing on 6/20/09 HR Manager Zinanni inquired if the Commission had any requirements as far as how long the notice should appear in the paper and how many openings exist, etc. There were none. Chief Brogan opined there will be a heavy application turnout in light of the current economy and area officers attempting to join the McHenry force with previous police experience. Motion by Haley, seconded by Gregorio, to adopt the timeline presented by Deputy Chief Jones, and that it may be adapted from time to time as necessary. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Establish 2009 Regular Meeting Schedule Brief discussion occurred regarding the best day and time to meet on a regular basis. It was the consensus to meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room. The schedule for 2009 is as follows: Wed, June 3, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed, July 1, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed, Aug 5, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed, Sept 2, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed Nov 4, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Wed, Dec 2, 2009 4 p.m. Aldermen’s Conference Room Police Commission 5/19/09 Page 4 Deputy Clerk Kunzer stated she would post the annual meeting notice and forward copies to the commissioners and Police Department. Other Business Chief Brogan requested the Commission establish a timeline for posting a promotion list in October. He will have Deputy Chief Jones prepare a tentative timeline for commissioners to review at their next meeting. Deputy Chief Jones will also prepare a list of reading material for promotion candidates. The list must be provided to the candidates at least 90 days prior to the test for promotion. Chairman Haley announced the following items would be on the Agenda for the June 3rd meeting: 1. Update from Deputy Chief Jones following his contact with Stanard & Associates 2. Review of timeline; adjust if necessary 3. Discuss procedures for promotion list; timeline 4. Continue review of Police Commission Files 5. Update on number of applicants 6. Discuss interview process 7. Approve minutes of previous meeting 8. Other business. Chief Brogan noted there has previously been an application fee required upon candidate application submittal and inquired if the Commission intended to charge an application fee at this time. He suggested he had previously been opposed to the application fee; however, the fee might be used to help offset the testing costs. HR Manager Zinanni stated she conducted an informal survey of area departments. The application fees ranged from $10 to $20 to $25. Following a brief discussion consensus was achieved. Motion by Haley, seconded by Roberts, to charge a $10 processing fee for all police officer applicants when the application is picked up from the Administration Office. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Chief Brogan inquired as to the paperflow once applications are turned into the City. He questioned whether the applications should go to HR prior to being reviewed by the Commission. Chairman Haley inquired why the commissioners would need to see the applications at that point. He suggested the commissioners would not have to see any applications for which the applicant did not make it to the interview stage. It was the consensus that HR Manager Zinanni would provide a cursory review after which the applications would be sorted into the “complete” and “incomplete/non-qualified” files. HR Manager Zinanni noted ultimately all applications would end up locked in the Commission files. HR Manager Zinanni assured the commission she will do everything she can to make this process go smoothly. Police Commission 5/19/09 Page 5 Review Contents of Police Commission Files HR Manager Zinanni stated the commission files likely contain highly sensitive material and should be shredded if the commission has no further use for them. Chief Brogan suggested the files be stored for seven years on the off-chance they might be needed if there is a challenge to the candidate selection process. The documents could be destroyed following storage for seven years. Adjournment Motion by Haley, seconded by Gregorio, to adjourn at 5:19 p.m. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None Absent: None Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Kathleen M Kunzer, Deputy Clerk Recording Secretary