HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 5/9/2009 - Police CommissionCity of McHenry
Police Commission Meeting
May 9, 2009
The May 9, 2009 meeting of the City of McHenry Police Commission was called to order by City
Administrator Maxeiner at 8:30 a.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room. In
attendance were Police Commissioners Ramon Gregorio, Sean Haley, and Michael Roberts. Also in
attendance were Police Chief Brogan, City Attorney McArdle and Deputy City Clerk Kunzer.
City Administrator Maxeiner welcomed the Police Commissioners and introduced City Attorney
McArdle, Chief Brogan and Deputy Clerk Kunzer.
State Statutes and Authority of the Police Commission
City Attorney McArdle provided the Commission with an overview of the Illinois State Statutes with
regard to the Police Commission. He noted all powers of the Commission are derived from the State
Statutes. All officers of the City, including Police Commissioners, are required to be bonded. City
Administrator Maxeiner noted the City would ensure that the Commissioners were properly bonded.
City Attorney McArdle stated the three objectives of the Commission are to appoint officers, promote
officers and dismiss officers. He noted it is the responsibility of the Mayor and City Council to discipline
an officer when it involves more than five-day suspension per incident. Chief Brogan is authorized to
discipline up to a five-day maximum suspension per incident.
City Attorney McArdle went over the State Statute governing the Commission section by section,
highlighting areas of note. Each Commissioner was provided with a copy of the Statute for reference
Brief discussion occurred regarding the following items:
1. Period of probation for McHenry police officers;
2. Suspensions and requirements for public hearings before the Commission;
3. Arbitration regarding suspensions;
4. Discipline powers of the Commission.
City Administrator Maxeiner noted the City would prefer that discipline authority remain a function of
the Police Commission as opposed to being subject to union negotiation and/or arbitration.
City Attorney McArdle stated he would likely represent the Commission during any public hearings
regarding discipline.
City Attorney McArdle departed at 8:55 a.m.
Open Meetings Act and Close Session Requirements
Deputy Clerk Kunzer provided the Commission with an overview of Statute requirements regarding the
Open Meetings Act and the requirements of Closed Session. City Administrator Maxeiner noted The City
has offered the services of Deputy Clerk Kunzer to be the recording secretary/Staff liaison for the
Commission. Chief Brogan stated he would prefer representation by the Police Department at the
Commission meetings. He noted either he or Deputy Chief Jones would attend the meetings, depending
upon availability.
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After some discussion, it was determined the next meeting of the Commission would be held on
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 4 p.m. in the Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room.
Election of Commission Officers
Brief discussion occurred regarding the officers of the Commission.
Motion by Roberts, seconded by Gregorio, to nominate the following as Officers of the Commission:
Chairman Sean Haley
Secretary Ramon Gregorio.
Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
General Questions/Discussion: Promotions, Probation and Discipline
Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Haley, Chief Brogan stated he encourages all patrol officers to
test for promotion. There are typically two or three who choose not to take the test. Regarding this
issue, Chief Brogan stated it is desirable to provide the officers with a reading list 60-90 days prior to the
testing date. Responding to further questions, Chief Brogan noted 10% of the promotion points are
attributed to the Chief’s recommendation.
Discussion also followed regarding the required probationary period. In response to a question, Chief
Brogan noted during the past seven years, there have been 4-5 officers who have resigned during their
15-month probationary period.
Regarding disciplinary measures taken, Chief Brogan stated during the past seven years there have only
been 7 or 8 suspensions. It is a rare occurrence. City Administrator concurred noting in the history of the
City very little discipline by the Police Commission has occurred.
Candidate Application Packet and Process Timeline
Chief Brogan provided the Commissioners with the newly-assembled Candidate Application Packet and
suggested the Commissioners review and comment upon it at their next meeting. He noted it is
designed to” weed out” non-serious applicants for patrol officer.
Chief Brogan also introduced a packet provided by Standard and Associates, a police officer testing firm,
who can provide the entire testing package (written test, psychological exam, physical agility test) in one
entity. He recommended the Commissioners secure copies of the packet from the firm for further
review. He suggested a representative from the firm might be willing to speak to the Commission at its
next meeting to further enlighten the Commission as to the scope of their services.
Chairman Haley stated he would secure packets for each Commissioner and invite the company to send
a representative to speak at the May 19th meeting.
Responding to an inquiry from Commissioner Gregorio, City Administrator Maxeiner noted it is the City’s
hope the candidate selection list process commence as quickly as possible. It is hoped there could be a
list posted by the end of July so that probationary officers would attend the Police Training Academy in
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August. It was the consensus Chief Brogan would provide a tentative timeline for Commission review
and approval at the May 19th meeting.
Commissioner Roberts inquired how many officers the City was intending to hire. Chief Brogan
responded the department is currently down 5 officers. It is the City’s intention to hire 3 immediately
with the possibility of 2 more if the Economy Stimulus Grant for officers is approved.
Topics for May 19th Meeting
Chairman Haley noted the following items will be part of the Agenda for the May 19th meeting:
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Presentation by Standard and Associates
3. Approve amended Candidate Application Packet
4. Review of existing Police Commission files
5. Approve timeline for testing and posting of candidate list for new officers
Motion by Haley, seconded by Gregorio, to adjourn at 10:02 a.m.
Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts.
Voting Nay: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen M Kunzer, Deputy Clerk
Recording Secretary