HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 10/7/2009 - Police CommissionMcHenry Police Commission Regular Meeting October 7, 2009 A Regular Meeting of the City of McHenry Police Commission was called to order by Chairman Haley on October 7, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Aldermen’s Conference Room. In attendance were Police Commissioners Ramon Gregorio and Sean Haley. Commissioner Michael Roberts arrived at 4:06 p.m. Also in attendance were Police Chief Brogan, Deputy Chief Pechous, Deputy City Clerk Kunzer, and Human Resources Manager Zinanni. Consideration of Minutes of 9/2/09 Meeting Motion by Gregorio, seconded by Haley, to approve the minutes of the Police Commission Meeting of 9/2/09 as presented. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Roberts. Motion carried. Discussion in Detail: Promotion List Timeline Chairman Haley requested an update from Chief Brogan regarding the status of the testing of police officers who are being considered for promotion. Chief Brogan reported Stanard & Associates conducted the promotional test last Saturday, October 3rd. Results should be received by the Police Commission within the next couple of days. Eighteen out of a possible twenty-five officers took the test. Chairman Haley inquired when the new promotion list must be posted. Chief Brogan responded the current list (posted for a two-year period) expires on November 28, 2009. Ideally, the new list should be posted immediately upon the expiration of the existing list. Commissioner Roberts arrived at 4:06 p.m. Chairman Haley noted the new list should be posted by the end of November 2009. He stated upon his receipt of the written exam results, the officers will be ranked according to the results provided. He noted the written exam accounts for 40% of the officer’s total points. The breakdown on points is as follows: • Written exam 40% • Oral interview by Commission 45% • Credit for years in service 5% (5 point maximum - .5 point per year of service) • Chief’s Merit Points 10% (1-10 points). Some discussion followed regarding the various means to conduct the Commission’s interviews of the candidates for promotion. Chairman Haley noted the interview process would be different than that utilized during the recent officer candidate interviews. He inquired of the Chief what would be the best use of Commission time and talents to ensure a quality candidate promotion list. Deputy Chief Pechous suggested it might be helpful to have the Commissioners review the personnel files of the officers prior to the interviews being conducted. Police Commission 10/7/09 Page 2 Chief Brogan stated previous Police Commissions have conducted the officer promotion interviews in a couple of different ways: • Individual interviews (Commission interviews each candidate individually); • Panel interviews (Commission interviews small group of candidates). Chief Brogan stated he preferred the Commission conduct individual interviews in order to give each candidate a fair chance to express himself/herself. HR Manager Zinanni arrived at 4:11 p.m. Chairman Haley stated each candidate should leave the interview process thinking they have been treated fairly. He expressed his support of the individual interview process. Responding to an inquiry from Chairman Haley, HR Manager Zinanni affirmed the Commission would not be privy to reviewing the officers’ personnel files. Discussion occurred regarding what direction the interview questions should focus. Deputy Chief Pechous suggested the candidates be asked how they have prepared themselves for management, i.e.to be a sergeant. It was noted there would be 18 interviews to be scheduled. It was suggested the Commission as a panel of three interview each candidate scheduled at 30-minute intervals. In this way the interview schedule could be spread over two (4 ½ hours each) or three (3 hours each) days. HR Manager Zinanni suggested the team of three commissioners do the interviews as opposed to each commissioner interviewing the candidates one-on-one. Responding to a comment that this might be intimidating, she opined this might be a good thing as the officers were seeking promotion to sergeant. Chairman Haley concurred with HR Manager Zinanni. He stated his preference that a pre- established list of possible interview questions be created. He asked what types of questions or areas of questions would be most valuable in screening the candidates in order to best assist the department in the promotion process. Commissioner Roberts asked how the process can be protected from having a candidate who might otherwise not really excel in job performance really shining in the Commission’s oral interview. Deputy Chief Pechous responded the good candidates will shine throughout the process: in written exam, oral interviews and as a result of Chief’s merit points. Chief Brogan noted Deputy Chief Jones is working on a list of questions which could be used by the Commission during the interviews. HR Manager Zinanni stated she would also provide questions to the Commission for consideration. HR Manager Zinanni noted the Commission might consider a question regarding the jump from doer to supervisor is not always easy, nor is it for everyone. She stated it might be good for the Commission to ask the officers how they will handle the transition from being a day-to-day officer to commanding his/her peers. Police Commission 10/7/09 Page 3 Chief Brogan noted some of the questions would be scenario in nature in order to ascertain how the officer would respond to a given command situation. It was the consensus of the Commission to schedule three evenings of interviews, three hours per session to allow for 30-minute interviews of all candidates for promotion. Chief Brogan suggested if the Commission established the interview dates, his department would schedule the officers’ interviews. Discussion followed regarding the best possible dates to schedule the interviews. It was the consensus the following dates would be set aside in the Aldermen’s Conference Room: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 6-9 p.m. Thursday, November 12, 2009 6-9 p.m. Thursday, November 19, 2009 6-9 p.m. Chairman Haley noted if there are unforeseen scheduling conflicts, if there are at least two Commissioners available for each interview, the process would provide equity to all of the officers. Chairman Haley stated one of the agenda items for the next meeting would be finalizing the pool of questions which would be used during the oral interviews. Chairman Haley requested Deputy Clerk Kunzer watch the Police Commission mailbox for written exam testing results which should be received momentarily from Stanard & Associates. Chief Brogan noted there is specific language which must be used in the promotion list posting. There is the first list which is the result of the compilation of the four criteria (written exam, oral interview, years of service points, Chief merit points). The officers then have ten days to request that their military service points be used to increase their score/standing on the list. After military points have been added, the final list would then be posted. Chief Brogan stated he would provide Chairman Haley with copies of previous list language. Update: Candidates and Training Status Chairman Haley requested an update on the status of the probationary officers and candidates. Chief Brogan responded two officers, Jaimie Mecher and Ryan Gregorio, were sworn in and are currently attending the Police Academy in Springfield. Both officers are doing well. A swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th at 3 p.m. to swear in one or possibly two more officers. HR Manager stated the swearing-in is dependent upon receipt of polygraph tests and physical examination results. Kristopher Rigan is prepared to be sworn in. Additionally, either Robert Beaudoin or Jason Sheaffer could also be sworn in, dependent upon satisfactory test results being obtained. Other Business Chairman Haley stated he was in receipt of a letter from a former McHenry Police Officer’s mother. The Police Officer is participatory in an on-going workers compensation claim. HR Manager Zinanni stated she also received a copy of the letter and has contacted the writer to assure that the City is aware the claim is still pending and is working toward its resolution. Police Commission 10/7/09 Page 4 Chairman Haley read a letter received from one of the officer candidates whose application was set aside due to unsatisfactory results of his psychiatric exam. The applicant sought Commission approval to consider results of a second exam to be paid for at the applicant’s expense. The Commission stated they respect the psych examiner’s opinion and would not consider results of an additional exam. Chairman Haley provided polygraph test invoices to Chief Brogan for payment processing. Commissioner Gregorio stated he had heard from his son and that both Ryan and Jaimie are doing well at the Police Academy. Chairman Haley stated the following items would be included on the Agenda for the October 7th meeting: 1. Consideration of Minutes from 10/7/09 meeting for approval; 2. Finalization of list of questions for promotion candidate oral interviews; 3. Update and review of promotion schedule and process; 4. Update and review officer candidate status and training; 5. Other business. Adjournment Motion by Roberts, seconded by Gregorio, to adjourn at 4:55 p.m. Voting Aye: Gregorio, Haley, Roberts. Voting Nay: None Absent: None. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Kathleen M Kunzer Deputy City Clerk