HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 7/13/2010 - Economic Development Commission McHenry Economic Development Commission Annual Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 2010 Members Present: Kathleen Kunzer, David Gelwicks, Jack Minero, Ned Neumann, Dick Paegelow. Deputy City Administrator Martin was also present as was guest Wayne Kurchina, commercial realtor. Members Absent: Kay Bates, William Bolger, Kit Carstens, Kathleen Marinangel, Douglas Maxeiner. Chairman Neumann convened the meeting at 12:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Approval of Minutes Minero requested an amendment be made to the minutes of April 5, 2010 on page 2 changing "young"to "new" in the first sentence of the eighth paragraph. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Minero, to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2010 meeting as amended. All Ayes. Motion carried. Treasurers Report Neumann inquired as to the current balance in the EDC Fund. Kunzer responded $90 whereupon a motion was requested by the Chair to approve the Treasurer's Report. Motion by Gelwicks, seconded by Minero, to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. All Ayes. Motion carried. Discussion on Goals, Objectives and Suggestions for Membership Growth Neumann stated the board determined at its last meeting that goals and objectives need to be considered and established. The board also decided there was a need to recruit new members to assist in bringing fresh ideas to the group. Neumann opened the floor to discussion regarding these issues. Neumann stated he would like to propose three prospective board members: 1. Collin Bjorkman, eldest son of Craig Bjorkman; 2. Joe Doherty, manager at Fast Eddie's; 3. Jim McMahon, a salesman of restaurant accoutrements who grew up in the community and recently relocated here. Neumann stated he knew all three gentlemen very well and would highly recommend them as new board members. Gelwicks stated he would concur with recommending Doherty. He does not know Bjorkman or McMahon. He opined as McMahon has been out of the loop for awhile he may not know much about the community as it now exists. EDC Apri16,2010 Page 2 Minero noted at one point there were some pretty sharp top-notch people involved in the EDC. He stated the goal should not be to solicit good members. The EDC had some of the sharpest minds in the community and was unable to get the organization motivated. He questioned why the board should bring in new blood; the board must first determine a new direction. He suggested it would be a waste of time to bring in new members at a time when the EDC has no direction. Minero stated the Crystal Lake EDC uses its board meetings as a brainstorming session. He further stated the solution is not more bodies; the solution is to find direction. Gelwicks stated the EDC is starting anew. He opined Doug Martin should not be doing all of the work. He stated he believes the EDC has value as an advocate for the business community. Paegelow stated he spoke to Dick Kleinschmidt who appeared interested in being on the board. Paegelow stated he has observed the EDC since he first began participating on behalf of the Chamber. He observed as the City has grown City Staff has taken over many of the responsibilities formerly accomplished by the EDC. The EDC has now fallen on the wayside. Minero opined the EDC needs a road map — a vision to follow. The board needs to lay a foundation and then would be the time to bring in new people. Neumann read aloud the mission statement from the EDC Bylaws. Minero inquired if the City could select a group of businesses which it would like EDC members to visit and find out their needs and concerns. Paegelow concurred stated the EDC does not know what is needed. He wanted to find out what the EDC can do to help fill the empty office and retail spaces. Kurchina addressed the board stating his observation that the City is more worried about big box stores north of town and not interested in helping the small businesses in the downtown area. He noted stores are closing up in the downtown areas because they just can't make it. They are unable to complete with the big box stores. He inquired how the EDC could help to obtain more businesses in the downtown areas. Gelwicks noted the recently established McHenry Cruise Night on Monday evenings is really helping the downtown businesses. He wondered how the event could be expanded to include all three downtown areas. Martin stated he has been visiting and conducting surveys of local industrial businesses. The survey is used to discover the needs of the businesses. He noted the industrial segment provides jobs. Typically in a community the retail businesses receive a little more focus as they produce sales tax dollars for the City. However, all other businesses are equally important to the vitality of the community. Gelwicks stated the City should oversee the retention of the big box stores and larger industries. The City needs others to advocate for smaller retail businesses. Perhaps that is where the EDC fits in. EDC April 6,2010 Page 3 Neumann pointed out several years ago members of the EDC attempted to recruit a quality banquet hall company for the community. Gelwicks suggested it is unrealistic to look at banquet halls in light of the current economy. Neumann stated he still believes the City should seek a banquet-type business. Another goal discussed was finding a way to retain the small town grocery store at Sullivan Foods location. It was noted it would be a tragedy to lose the store, particularly as the Riverwalk expands and the need for close pedestrian-friendly grocery shopping increases. A grocery at this location is necessary for downtown businesses, the Riverwalk and the lifestyle of the area. Suggestion was made to seek a paddle boat rental business which could provide water taxis between various water-based businesses. Another suggestion included once a year closing a City street and open it up to vendors, art fairs, etc. This type of event could be successful and introduce visitors to existing businesses in the downtown districts at the same time. Some discussion occurred regarding surveying the smaller retail businesses to find out their needs of the City. It was the consensus of the board that conducting the surveys in person (face- to-face) would be preferable to mailing it out and hoping for a response. Martin stated the purpose of the industrial business survey he created is to find out the business needs and retention in the community. Discussion continued. Martin stated it is necessary to keep the downtown alive. He noted the downtown area needs the most help. A request was made that the City provide the EDC with a list of businesses to visit. It was suggested the Chairman and Vice Chairman co-author a letter to the EDC board stressing the importance that everyone attend the next meeting. It is imperative that the entire membership be present in order for the EDC to begin on a new path. Those present at this meeting stated they liked the personal survey idea,but they need manpower to do the work. The board requested that Kunzer send out an e-mail including the letter created by Neumann and Minero and request feedback from the board. The question could be put to the board: "How many are interested in participating in a personal survey of the downtown businesses?" Minero asked Martin to send him the industrial business survey so that it could be tweaked to be applicable to retail and office businesses. Some discussion followed regarding ways to address downtown parking. It was noted the public might not be aware of the various downtown parking sites. Martin informed the board the City is preparing a way-finding signage package to be used to draw visitors to the downtown districts, pointing them to parking lots, etc. Historical neighborhood banners are also being proposed. These matters would be coming before Council for consideration in the near future. It was agreed no action would be taken with regard to new members at this time. EDC April 6,2010 Page 4 The next meeting of the EDC is scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 2010 at 12:30 p.m. in the McHenry Municipal Center Council Chambers. Adj ournment Motion by Minero, seconded by Gelwicks, to adjourn the meeting at 1.47 p.m. All Ayes. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen M Kunzer Secretary/Treasurer