HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances - 23-1 - 01/16/2023 - Mayer Material Annexation Agreement - North - I;Iliiililillilllilliilliii111 I lil y . � - : ,l�c,EF'H ,�t. TIF'Ii� �=:LEF'}::: Ht�IC? RE�=I��'C?E�' h�s=HEh�F:'r' Ci=�11t�{T`r'. IL ��t i2•'RUi i�11;;;1��t Mailto: ��1,��'���,��-���' ��i:�f:��a F�Pt F�N��E��; ��? {�I'=; FEE i4,��;'� McHenry City Clerk �'E�=���'C?it��; FEE 11 .�i�� 333 S Green St r;L�T��h1HTI��i�a FEE ,_,,s�ii McHenry, IL 60050 miohnson(c�citvofmchenrv.or� Prepared By: McHenry City Clerk 333 S Green St McHenry, IL 60050 COVER SHEET Ordinance 23-1 An Ordinance Authorizing the Excecution of an Amended and Restated Meyer Material Company LLC Annexation Agreement— North Property Passed Januar�16, 2023 CITY OF MCHENRY MCHENRY COUNTY STATE OF ILLINOIS Ordinance 23-1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED AND RESTATED MEY�R MATERIAL COMPANY LLC ANNEXATION AGREEMENT—NORTH PROPERTY Passed by the Mayor and City Council Of the City of McHenry McHenry County State of Illinois January 16, 2023 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois this 17th day of January 2023 i i � ORDINANCE NO. 23-1 Ar� O�•rlr�trr�rce Autlro��izi�rg llle Execrrtior� of�rri Ar�teritle�C rntrl Restated Meyer Mate�•irrl Cotsr�n�iy LLC Art�rex afiore Agi•eetste�lt--.Norflt Propef�ty WH�REAS, the Cil.y of , McHenry, McHeniy County, I��lil01S, ]5 a honae 1.'U�� Thrs space reser•ti�ed for Itecorder's use only. municipality as co��templated undez• Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this Ordinance constitutes an exercise of the Ci#y's liome rule powers and fiinctions as granted in the Constitutio�� of the State of Illinois. WI IEREAS,Chicago Title Land Tz•iist Conlpany,as Tz�ilstee under Trust Agreement dated July 7, 19G8 and laiown as Trust No.53278,is the ctrrretrt legal titleholder of, a;id Nleye�•Material Company LLC is#he sole beneficiary of said Trust No.5327$(collectively,"Ownei•"),consisting of approxiz�iately 1 Sb acres of vacant land,withic�the Czty of McHenry,Illii�ois, located on the nortl� side of Illinois Route 120, McHeruy, Illinois,and legally described as follows: PARCEL L• That part of Section 2Q, Township 45 Nortli, Rat�ge 8 East af the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Conunencing at the Southwest corne�• of said Section 20;running thence East on the Soutli line of said Section,50 rods;tlience Nort11160 rods to a poi�lt which is 49 rods due East from tl�e Nortl�west corne�• af the Southwest " Qua�•ter of said Section; thence.West 49 rods to the Norlhwest corner of said Quarter Section; thence South on the West line of said Section, I60 rods to the place of beginning (excepting tlxerefrorn 1 acz•e, descx•ibed as follows: Corr►znencing 27 rods East of t12e Southwest corner of said Quartei;ruruling tlience North 13 rods;thence East 13 rods;thence South 13 z•ods; thence West 13 rods to tl�e place of beginning; ALSO excepting ther•efi•om tllat part thereof conveyed to Community Cablevision, Inc. by Warrairty Deed dated Decenaber 20, 1979 and reco�•ded Januat•y 1 l, 1980 as Document Ntfimber 7$8058, AND ALSO excepting that part thereof conveyed to the State of Illinois for the use of the Departnte�t of T�•ans��ortation by Deed �ecoz•ded as Docunlent No. fi27516) in McHeniy County,Illinois. PARCEL 2: The �ast Half of the Soutlleast Qua�•ter of Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian,wl�ich lies Northe�•ly of the right of way line of State Route 120, in Mc�Ieiiry Couniy, Illinois, 1'ARCEL 3: Part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarte�•of Section 1.9, To��vnsl�ip 45 Nox•fh,Range 8 East of the Third Principat Meridian,descz�ibed as follows: Begi��ning at the Meyer Matcrial,Noi�th Froperty, Page 1 i i Di�crfl.l�ni�n�3�I1,.2023 ! Nortlieast corner of tl�e West Half of the said Southeast Quarter; thenee West, along tl�e I Nortlx li�1e tlZereof,48�•ods to a point; tlience Soutl�parallel with the rast line of said West ' I-Ialf of said Soutlieast Quarter, 100 rods to a poilit;thence East,parallel with the North line � of said Southeast Quaz•ter, 48 �•ods to a point oa� tl�e �ast line of the V�Test Hal£'of said Sotttheast Qttarter,which is 100 rods Sotttl�of the place af begiiming; thence North along ; said East line, 100 z•ods to tl�e place of beginning, ia�McHezxx•y County,Illinois. � E PINs: 09-20-3Q0-012; 09-19-400-�02 and 09-19-400-O�S ' {"Subject Pz�opex•ty"). ; ; WHEREAS, tl�e Subject Property constihttes tez•ritaiy wl�icl� is subject #o terms of prior a�uiexatian agreements and ordiiiances(collectively, "Priot Anr►exation Agreeme�its"),as follaws: � 1. ORD-02-1 I 19, Meyer Material NorCh Annexation Agreement dated October 14, 2002; � 2. ORD-12-1603, First Amendment to Meyer Materiai Narth Annexation Agreement dated October ],2012; and 3. ORD-02-1121 gt�anting a Conditional Use Perinit fox the ope�•ation of a sand and gravel � operation for th�Subject Property. WHEREAS,on January 16,2023,a public hearing was held pursuant to lawfuI notice and ttxe Owner and the City have otherwise complied fully with alI applicabie laws and ordivauces; WHEREAS,the Owner and the City of McHeiuy City Council desire to fully Amend and Restate ihe Prioz•Am�exation Agreen�ents relating to the Subject Property. A copy of the proposed Amended and Restated Meyer Material Company LLC Aruiexation Agree�nEnt--Nortli Property is attacl�ed liereto as"Eal�ibit A"; WHEREAS,the McHenry City Council has dete�•mined that it is in the best interest af the City to ap�z•ove and execute Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the CITY COUNCTL of the CITY OF McHENRY,McHemy County,I11it1ois, as follows: SECTION 1: The City Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, and tl�e City Clez�k is he�•eby authoz�ized and direc#ed to attest Exhibit A. SECTION 2: Tf any section, paragraph, subdivision, clal�se, sentence or provision of this Ordit�ance sl�all be adjudged by any Court of cota�petent ju�•isdiction to be invalid, suclt judgr�ient shall not affect,impair,invalidate or zlullify the reir►aindet•thereof,vvhich remainder shall x•emain a��d continue in fiall farce and effect. Meyer Material,North P��operty, Page 2 Dr�aft Ja�trra�y I1,2023 S�CTION 3:All ordinances or pa�•ts of ordinanccs in conflict herewitl�are hereby repealed to � the e�tent of sucl�conflict. � 3 i SECTTON 4:This Ordinance shall be in fiill foz•ce ai3d effect upo�a its passage,appz•oval and ; pui�lication ii�pa��iphlet form (wl�ich publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. ' ; Ayes Nays Absent Abstain ; Alderman Devine X Alderman Glab x Aldei�man Harding X Alde�•man Strach X � Alderwoman Miller X ; Aldez•man Sa�iti X � Aldertnan lt�c�tchcy X ''� .�,€'s�u;�,`�.p ��.. ��� ' 1,Q��;:. e/�e y^ ',i'C��` � 4<I ��^'1.f4,�'A0 d°°.""..,.�o: � `�: APPR4VED; � �� ;,,�:��,;,s�o�,}=�.�c�� i t�` .,-- `�j� ,,�':� / ' � �'�v� � 4 �j� ' :: � ; ~ '-^�'� �" ,,� ' Mayor ay e J P`'' �'�r-�`��'� �.� � :� �������S.r-:.; '.id,�- ��.� 6� ��:� c� . � ;�.�-- � �f'"="` City Clerk Tx•isha Ramel � ; Passed: January 16,2023 � Approved: lanuary 16, 2023 Z:\MIMoT-len ryC ityoflOrdi nances\Meyer�lateri alAA Execute.doc ; � i I I � I i i I f t j 1 Meyer Matei•ial,North Property, Page 3 i i i CERTIFICATI � N I,Tx�isha Ra�i�el,do hereby cez•tif}�that I am the duly appointed,acting and quaiif ed Clerk of ihe City of McHenry, McHenry Coun#y, Illinois, aud that as such Clerk, I am the keeper of the records and�ninutes and proceedings of tlae Mayor and Aldei•�nen of said City of McT-Tenry. � T do hereby fiuthez•cez•tify that at a regular meeting of tlie Mayor and Aldermen of tI�e City of � McHeruy,held on tl�e 16th day o� January 2023 tl�e foregoing Ordinance eiatitled An Or�tli�ra�tce Arrtfrorrzing tlte Execrrtrol� of att Atueft�led artd i Restated MeyerMtrte��irrl Cor�tpany LLCAirnexntion Agj�ee»rettt-Nortlt Property was duly passed � by the City Council of the City of McHeniy, The pamphlet�orin of Oz•dinance No. 23-1 ,including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thex•eof,was prepared,and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the City Hall,connn�encing on tl�e 17th day of_ January 2023,and wil(continue for at least 10 days tlzereafte�•, Copies of sucl�Oz•dinance are also available far public inspection upon request zn the offce of the City Clerk, I do fiirtllar certify that the original, of��vhich the attaclied is a true and correct copy, is ezitzusted to n�e as tl�e Clerk of said Czty for safekeepiz�g, and that I am the lawfi�I custodian and � keeper of the same, ; , ; GIVFN under my hai�d and seal this 17th day of January 2a23 ; , ; . �n ,� i �l br %��2.�'�Q• �(1��,. ' : ..., � ; ��Ih, °"'— ; `� � ""' '^��. Trisha Ramel, Cleak �i G'� C4� ' � .�4 v���.- City of McHemy, � �� j �,,. r= : `, � � ' � ,`-,�,�r ,, McHemy Caunty,Iliinois ��,, 1. f. �,,�� - '�'``+r4 � �,; � ,a ��}T • v,� r �,,.. ,� Y a J�,..>,. %O , %. . � ��_..'�.r�r����", . 1,...,t e�w.�'�` " . ,a- . l ��\ � �w.. - �� I AMENDED AND RESTATED MEYER MATERIAL COMPANY LLC ANNEXATION AGREEMENT NORTH PROPERTY This Amended and Restated North Meyer Material Company LLC Annexatlon Agreement ("Agreement or Amendment") is made and entered into this 16th day of January 2023 by and between the City of McHenry ("City") and Meyer Material Company, LLC, 1300 S. Illinois Route 31, South Elgin, Illinois ("Meyer") and Chicago Title Land Trust Company, as Trustee under Trust Number 53278 ("Chicago Title Land Trust") (collectively, "Owner"). Recitals WHEREAS, Chicago Title Land Trust is the record owner of the real estate depicted on the site plan, set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and legally described on the attached Exhibit B ("Subject Property"); WHEREAS, Meyer is the sole beneficiary of the Chicago Title Land Trust; WHEREAS, the Subject Property constitutes territory which is subject to terms of prior annexation agreements and ordinances, as follows: 1. ORD-02-1119, Meyer Material North Annexation Agreement dated October 14, 2002, ("North Annexation Agreement"); 2. ORD-12-1603, First Amendment to Meyer Material North Annexation Agreement dated October 1, 2012 ("First Amendment to North Annexation Agreement"); and 3. ORD-02-1121 granting a Conditional Use Permit for the operation of a sand and gravel operation for the Subject Property("CUP Ordinance"). The North Annexation and First Amendment to the Meyer North Annexation Agreement referenced in subparagraphs 1-2, above shall be referred to herein as "Prior Annexation Agreements". WHEREAS, the Prior Annexation Agreements allows amendments to be made by the parties. WHEREAS,the corporate authorities of the City, after due and careful consideration, has concluded that this Amendment would further the growth of the City and enable the City to control the development of the area and serve the best interests of the City. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provlsions of 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1, et seq., this proposed Amendment was submitted to the corporate authoritles of the City and a public hearing was held thereon before the City Counci) of the City, pursuant to notice, as required by law. WHEREAS,the City, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII,Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinols, and the City Council approval of this agreement by the authorizing Ordlnance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and agreements made herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the parties hereto is agreed as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein by reference. 2. The intent of this Amended and Restated Agreement is to fully amend and restate the Prior Annexation Agreements. 3. Applicabie Provisions: A. ZoninA Classiflcation.The underlying zoning classification of the Subject Property shall remain RE-1 Low-Density Single-Family Residential with an agricultural mining overlay special use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. B. Term Extension and Completion Deadlines.The terms of the Prior Annexation Agreements are hereby extended to October 1, 2032 (the "Extended Term"), subject to timely completion of the following mining operations: a. All reclamation,as depicted and designated on the approved Mining Plans shall be fully and finally completed no later than eighteen (18) months after compietion of mining activities("Northside Mining Activities") Completion of Northside Mining Activlties shall mean no further extraction of earth materials from virgin soils either above or below water, and until all such materials are suitable for and have been conveyed to the processing plant south of Illinois Rt. 120(the "Mining Cessation Date"). b. The final berm removal and restoration shall be fully and finally completed no later than eighteen (18) months after completion of the Northside Mining Activities. C. Fees. a. Meyer shall annually pay to the City, during the term of this Amendment, the following fees: • No later than May 1,2027 $75,000 • No later than May 1,2028 $75,000 • No later than May 1,2029 $75,000 • No later than May 1,2030 $50,000 • No later than May 1,2031 $50,000 • No later than May 1,2032 50 000 Total to be paid to the City $375,000 2 b. In the event Meyer fails to complete mining operations before the expiration of the 2032 Extended Term deadline, Meyer may request a further amendment of this Agreement following the procedures in the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-15.1, et.seq. � c. In the event that the Mining Cessation takes place prior to the expiration date of the Extended Term or prior to the expiration of any further extension g�anted by the City, there shall be no further payments due hereunder to the City; however, the Owner agrees to pay a prorated amount of the lump sum then being paid to the City for the last year of operation from May 15Y of said final year to the Mining Cessation Date. May 1st is the anniversary date of the Prior Annexation Agreements and aligns with the fiscal year for the City of McHenry. For example, if the Mining Cessation Date is October 15�,the proration will be 5/12 x the then lump sum payment being made. It is understood that reducing any stockpiles after mining has stopped shall not extend the date mining operations have ceased. D. Hours of Minin�Operation. Excluding New Year's Day, Memorial Day,July 4tn, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, on which days there wiil be no field mining (extraction) operations conducted, field mining operations shall be conducted oniy during the following days and hours: weekdays 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.;Saturdays 7 a.m. —3 p.m.;Sundays closed. Screening and conveying of excavated materials may be performed between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. E. Reclamation Plans/Securitv. Revised and updated Narrative statement, Existing Conditions Plan, Operations Plan and Reclamation Pian (collectively, "Mining Plans"), dated October 1, 2022 have been prepared by Baxter & Woodman consulting engineers and are attached hereto as Exhibit C, consisting of 11 pages. These Mining Plans shall be further updated by Meyer, for review and approval by the City, no later than December 31 of each year that mining continues forward. Final approval or disapproval of the updated Mining Plans shall be issued by the City no later than February 28th of each year. To secure Meyer's compliance with the Mining Plans, it shall, prior to conducting any Northside Mining Activities,file with the City, a reclamation bond(s), in an amount of$300,000 and in a form approved in writing by the City Attorney and State of Illinois,securing requlred reclamation of all Northside Mining Activities during the remaining Term of this Amendment. This bond shall also secure reclamation in the event Meyer abandons the site without proper reclamation.Abandonment shal) be presumed upon cessation of mining activities for a period of more than 12 consecutive months and after Meyer is given an opportunity to explain to the City Council why the mining activities have ceased, providing a reasonable timetable with regard to resumption of Mining Activities,securing and screening the 3 perimeter of the Subject Property. Upon determination of Abandonment by the City Council, and upon written notice to Meyer,the City shail be permitted to enter upon the property and commence reclamation with or without bond proceeds. The cost incurred by the City regarding such reclamation activities shall he reimbursed by Meyer upon written request by the City regardless of whether the reclamation costs incurred exceeds any bond proceeds. Such action by the City shall be at its sole discretion and the City shali not be obligated to do so. Meyer may submit Northside reclamation progress reports for(ts reclamation activities and the City shall reduce the portions of the outstanding bond amount following the City Engineer's approval. F. Nolse.Noise generated within the Subject Property 5hall not violate the Illinois Administrative Code, Title 35: Environmental Protection: Subtitle H: Noise: Chapter I Poilution Control Board sections 900.101-900.103("Applicable Noise Regulations). To verify compliance with this noise restriction, the City may periodically, at City's discretion,test the noise levels wherever and whenever it wants at the border of or otherwtse outside of the Meyer property lines. All Meyer/LaFarge/Holcim-owned vehicles and third-party contractor retained stripping contractors shall use white noise back-up alarms, unless such use is proscribed by a State adopted law or regulation. The City understands that the tree removal contractor on the Subject Property may not have such back � up alarms. However,tree removal shall be completed in no more than eight (8) consecutive weeks. No rock crushing shall be allowed to be conducted on the Subject Property (including cone, jaw, gyratory or impact crushers). Screening machines to separate raw unearthed materials is allowed.All topsoil strlpping and overburden work on future mining areas depicted on the Mining Plans shall only be performed before Memorial Day and after Labor Day. In the event noise levels from the Subject Property are approaching maximum limits set by the Applicable Noise Regulations, and noise complaints continue to be received from the community, Meyer shall apply engineering noise controls, such as enclosures, barriers or mufflers of the offending equipment to alleviate the noise compiaints. G. Dust. Visible emissions of particulate matter shall leave the property line in strict compliance with the regulations set forth in 35 III Adm Code 212.301-316 relating to Visibie and Particulate Matter Emisslons and more specifically, Subpart K: FugltJve ParNculate Matter. In addition, dust generated within the Subject Property shall not be permitted to leave the Subject Property at levels higher than the Federal and State PM 10 and PM 2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards.To verify compliance with this dust restriction,the City may periodically,at City's discretion,test the dust levels wherever and whenever it wants at the border of or otherwise outside of the Meyer property lines, excluding entrances and adjacent to perimeter berm activity. Provided, 4 however,the City will not enforce the PM 10 and PM 2.5 Standards referenced herein in high winds in excess of 25 mph,as determined by a one-hour average or hourly recorded value at the nearest official station of the U.S. Weather Bureau or by wind speed instruments operated on the site. In cases where the duration of operations subject to this rule is less than one hour, wind speed may be averaged over the duration of the operations on the basis of on-site wind speed instrument measurements. Ail perimeter areas disturbed, or berms constructed on the perimeter of the Subject Property, shall immediately be covered and by hydroseed or seed blanket and watered until natural growth takes place without regular watering. H. Groundwater. Groundwater passing through the Subject Property shall be monitored at four (4) on-site, two upgradient and two downgradient water wells,at locations depicted on the Existing Conditions Plan of the Mining Plans. Such groundwater shall not be permitted to leave the Subject Property, as technically feasible, at water quality levels less than the limits for parameters set forth under the McHenry County Groundwater Ordinance for Earth Extraction Sites. Testing of the groundwater from these well sites shall continue to be conducted quarterly. The samples collected shail be analyzed by a laboratory approved by the City and the results should include qq/QC documentation, including testing data such as date of receipt of sample, condition of sample and proper preservation of sample. The City shall be notified of the proposed sampling dates and times so they, or their representative,can be present through a representative,and collect duplicate samples,as the City deems necessary. All quarterly testing results and reports shall be delivered to the City Director of Community Development or City Administrator for confirmation of compliance with the applicable standards. I. Illinois Route 120. Illinois Route 120 at the entrance of the Subject Property shall be maintained by Meyer to remove loose gravel and material from the mining activity and reduce dust with water to prevent track out.The driveway and entrance areas to Illinois Route 120 shail be swept or vacuumed by Meyer not less than two (2) days per week and upon reasonable request by the City. J. Annual Written Report, with maas/diaarams to the Citv Council coav on Website includtna the foliowin�information over the prior 12 months. a. Annual aerial photos (use of drone video), which include topographic contours at 2-foot contour intervals showing the mining Plan activities on the Subject Property and wrltten and oral reporting/update to City Council no later than December 31 of each year. b. Annual written report to inciude an accurate representation of the mining review progress and compliance with the Mining Plans from year to year and forecasting for the same during the next 12-month reporting period. 5 c. Equipment modifications and movement, previous year and next operating season. d. Inspections by any agency including City, attended by designated Meyer employee. e. Violations found to have existed, f. Complaints received. g. Fines issued. h. Groundwater monitoring performed/results. i. Requlred annual and quarterly reports, K. No Violattons. There shall be no substantial or recurring violations of the City of McHenry,State of Illinois or Federal mining,environmental and reclamation laws and regulations. L. Penaltv for Violation of this Ordinance. a. Judicial Remedy. In the event that a complaint is filed with the City or the City initiates its own complaint for Meyer's violation of the terms of this Amendment,the complaint shall, in the exclusive discretion of the City be filed in the 22"d Judicial Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois or referred to the City Administrative Adjudication Process and the hearing officer or circuit court judge shall have specific authority under the terms of this Amendment, should a finding of a violation be made, of imposing fines against Meyer for an amount up to and including$1,000 per day for each day of the violation (unless the amount of the fine, fee or penaity is set forth more specifically elsewhere in this Ordinance for the alleged violation, which more specific section shall apply). Provided, however, prior to filing any such complaint in court or referral of any complaint to the Administrative law judge of the City,the City shall provide Meyer with a copy ofthe complaint and any follow up investigations performed bythe City relating to the alleged violation, and provide Meyer with an opportunity to cure the alleged violation of not less than seven (7) days, and if the violation is found by the City Administrator to continue to allegedly exist thereafter, the matter may then be referred to the City Administrative Adjudication Process or circuit court. This opportunity to cure shall not be required for an alleged repeat violation of the same nature, which occurs within 180 days of a prior violation, the nature of which,is determined the City Administrator. In addition to imposing fines, the Circuit Court or Administrative law judge shall have the power to suspend or terminate the mining operations of Meyer, depending on the circumstances. 6 4. This Amendment shall be binding on the parties hereto,the respective successors, grantees or assigns, unti)October 1,2032. 5. Tlme is of the essence re�arding all completion deadlines stated herein. �. !n the event a lawsuit ls filed by any parly hereto relating to the Initial Annexation Agreement or this Amended and Restated Agreement,the prevailing party shall be entltled to rec�ver, in addltion to the c.ost otherwise recoverable, its reasonable attorney's fees incurred. 7. This Amendment shall be enforceable only in the 22"� Judicial qrcuit Court of McHenry County, 1111no1s, which shal) constitute the exclusive venue far any lawsuits ffted hereunder. � City of McHenry �y � 1/24/23 Wayne Jett,Mayor Date Meyer Matertai Company, LLC, as sole beneflciary of Chi+cago Title l.and Trust Company, as T�ustee under Trust Number 53278 By ��� 23 Date 7 ��� .-�_ ;i�!'�+f , r t� �` �- ' �l�� ` ��3: , t � �� +t�R �� �y`K �', � �' ������ ,�� II�B�IT�A� ���S I TE � �L�� �� „ � �',;�1 ,��� � � �� ,� ��� , ��� ;�. f Y�,� .-- ;� . , .: ,` i�,v�' F.: � ��.j,.. , j ) , „ �in ��- , .� �;�� . _ , �„yl '.. ���� l� • " S�s?. �� �I� � � \ . ���. • � � ��� �� -� ' f��': ��� f r ' � 1- �� s ��� �' �.. .� _ ; .?.- . cJ� �s.1 � � ._' � ..��. 5.:� �� � ,.:4 _ � _ . � \ ^� 4 • t 1 i' � : (��r. .�� `, � ' �5{(�l� �' / � � ��� . � '� I . 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I _ ' . .r 1. �.��� �" '� •ey EXHIBIT B Lcgal Desci•iption of the SUBJECT PROPERTY PARCEL 1: That pait of Section 20, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Conunencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 20; running thence East on the South line of said Section, 50 rods; thence North 160 i•ods to a point which is 49 rods due East from the Noi�thwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section; thence West 49 rods to the Northwest corner of said Quai�ter Section; thence South on the West line of said Section, 160 rods to the place of be�inning (excepting therefi•om 1 acre, desciibed as follows: Commencing 27 rods East of the Southwest corner of said Quarter; running thence North 13 rods; theuce East 13 rods; thence South 13 rods; thence West 13 rods to the place of beginning; ALSO excepting therefrom that part thereof conveyed to Community Cablevision, Inc. by Wairanty Deed dated December 20, 1979 and recorded January 11, 1980 as Document Number 788058, AND ALSO excepting that part thereof conveyed to the State of Illinois for the use of the Department of Transportation by Deed recorded as Document No. 627516) in McHemy County,Illinois. PARCEL 2: The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian,which lies Noi�therly of the right of way line of State Route 120, in McHenry County, Illinois. PARCEL 3: Part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West Half of the said Southeast Quarter; thence West, along the Noi�th line thereof, 48 rods to a point; thence South parallel with the East line of said West Half of said Southeast Quarter, 100 rods to a point; thence East, parallel with the North line of said Southeast Quarter, 48 rods to a point on the East line of the West Half of said Southeast Quarter,which is 100 rods South of the place of beginning;thence North along said East line, 100 rods to the place of beginning,in McHenry County,Illinois. PINs: 09-20-300-012; 09-19-400-002 and 09-19-400-005 Exhibit C Surface Mining Annexation Amendment Meyer Material Company/Wolcim McHenry Operation North Parcel McHenry, Illinois This report and accompanying maps narratively and graphically depict the standard and methods fo which the Meyer/Holcim Aggregates McHenry North Mining Plan shall proceed. Operator.• Meyer Material Company/ Holcim 1300 South Illinois Route 31 Elburn, IL 1300 South Illinois Route 31 South Eigin, IL 60177 (847) 417-2658 October 1, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 3 SCOPEOF PROJECT..........................................................................................:... 3 • Minerals to be Mined....................................................................................... 3 • Character and Composition of Vegetation and Wildlife................................... 3 • The Nature, Depth and Proposed Disposition of Overburden......................... 3 • Estimated Depth to which the Mineral Deposit will be Mined.......................... 4 • Technique to be used in Surface Mining............................. .,..., 4 ...................... • Estimated Type and Volume of Excavation..................................................... 4 • Equipment Proposed to be Used .................................................................... 4 • Practices and Methods Proposed to Minimize Noise, Dust, and Pollution of Surtace or Underground Water.................................................... 5 • Recycling of Water for Washing and Grading ................................................ 5 • The Proposed Usage or Drainage of Excess Water ....................................... 6 • Proposed Days and Hours of Operation ......................................................... 6 • The Mining Cell Sequence and Simultaneous Reclamation Plan ................... 6 • Estimated Date of Completion of Mining Operations at the Site ..................... 6 � Current and Past Uses of the Land................................................................. 6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 7 MINING PLAN Reference the Mining Plans Submitted with this Narrative INTRODUC`TION Meyer Material Company (Meyer) operates the McHenry Sand and Gravel mining operation located at 7040 West Route 120 in McHenry, Illinois. An Existing Conditions Plan, Uperations Plan, Reclamation Plan and Parcel Exhibit A have been prepared which depicts the required method of future operations and reclamation of the Meyer mining property and is an attachment to this narrative. This plan replaces/supersedes the December 15, 2001, Surface Mining Application, prepared by Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for remainder of mining operations. The subject Meyer Material McHenry mining operation is located on the western edge of McHenry, Illinois on the north side of Illinois Route 120, in sections 19 and 20 of McHenry Township, McHenry County. SCOPE OF PROJECT Minerals to be Mined The Meyer mining operation will continue removing sand and gravel of varying sizes and quality. The deposit is unconsolidated in nature and generally consists of sand and medium to coarse-grained gravel. Soil borings have been advanced at the property and the sand and gravel deposit is approximately 25 to 60 feet thick and is essentially continuous across the site. Meyer Material anticipates processing these materials into aggregate products suitable for use in the construction industry. Character and Composition of Vegetation The property is located on the north side of Illinois Route 120 and east of Wonder Lake Road in McHenry County. The property is currently used for agricultural production of row crops and sand and gravel extraction. There is a wooded section on the northern edge of the property. Review of wetland inventory maps indicate that there are no wetlands at the property. The character of wildlife currently found at the property includes upland game common to the region. The Nature, Depth and Proposed Disposition of the Overburden Based on existing site conditions and recent soil boring advancements at the Meyer mining property, the overburden consists of topsoil and clay overlying 25 to 60 feet of sand and gravel material. Any overburden removed during mining will be used during the reclamation of the site and is therefore not considered a waste material. Overburden material will be used to construct berms and progressively reclaim side slopes as mining moves from one area to the next (thus minimizing land area affected by active operations). Refer to the operations plan for mining sequence. 3 The Estimated Depth to Which the Mineral Deposit will be mined Approximately 25 to 60 feet of sand and gravel material will be mined below the existing ground surface. The elevation to which the sand and gravel will be mined is approximately 855 feet above sea level. Due to the variable depth and composition of glacial sand and gravel deposit it is likely that sand and gravel material will be found below the groundwater surface of the shallow aquifer in the Floor Material Area of the mine. If sufficient quantities of sand and gravel are encountered below water, mining will occur below the water table creating a lake on the property. Refer to the Reclamation Plan for proposed configuration of the proposed lake. The actual surface area of the water body may vary from what is planned depending on the lateral and vertical extent of the sand and gravel reserves, the groundwater encountered during mineral extraction and the volume of overburden available to reclaim the site. The Technique to be used in Surface Mining This mining operation will use a combination of surtace excavation equipment for topsoil removal and mining. Due to the unconsolidated nature of the sand and gravel material, mining above water will utilize a front-end loader to extract the material from the mine face. The front-end loader will transport the material to feed hoppers that feed the main conveyor system. The material will be transported by conveyor to the processing plant, where they will be prepared for the market. Currently the existing processing plant is located in the existing mine facility on the south side of Illinois Route 120. The existing tunnel under Route 120 houses the conveyor system which transports the aggregate material under Illinois Route 120 to the existing processing plant. Once at the processing plant, sand and gravel material will be screened, washed and sorted into the various product piles for distribution. Water needed for the operations will be recycled between the wash plant, settling ponds and man-made fresh water lakes. Estimated Type and Volume of Excavation It is estimated that approximately 700,000 to 800,000 tons of sand and gravel will be removed annually depending on economic market conditions. The mining cell sequence referenced and required to be followed in this narrative will be completed in 10 to 15 years. The Equipment Proposed to be Used Following is a general list of equipment to be used in various mining operations: Scrapers - Rubber tired vehicle for removal and stockpiling of topsoil and subsoil for use in berms and reclamation of side slopes and the processing area. Front-end Loader- Rubber tired vehicle for removal and transport of resource material from the mine face to the processing equipment and to load trucks for material delivery. 4 Backhoe-A tracked vehicle with a bucket capable of extracting resource material. It is also used in the removal of topsoil and overburden Dragline - Used to extract materials below water. Feed Hopper - Equipment for separating fine material from coarse material utilizing screens. Conveyors - A rotating belt that transports mined material to the processing area as well as between various stockpiles and processing equipment. Crushers - Crushing equipment is located at the main processing plant located south of IL Route 120. Wash Plant-Crushing equipment is located at the main processing plant located south of IL Route 120. Articulated Dump Truck-Vehicles to transport materials on the site. Practices and Methods Proposed to Minimize Noise, Dust, and Prevent Pollution of Surface or Underground Water Meyer shall minimize current noise impacts from the operation by placing the main material processing equipment, located south of IL Route 120, in the existing mine approximately 45 feet below the existing ground surface surrounding the mine. Berms shall be maintained and constructed in future disturbed areas surrounding the mine, and processing equipment shall operate below grade in the existing mine to reduce sound emissinns from the proces$ing equipment. Dust control measures shall inctude sweeping paved surfaces and the applying water to the haul roads on an as needed basis. Mine Safety and Health Administrative officials regularly inspect the facility to ensure that the health and safety of all employees are maintained. This opera#ion will meet all Federal, State and Municipal regulatory agency requirements. Mine Safety and Health Administration standards will be maintained at all times. The Recycling of Water for Washing and Grading The existing man-made lake on the south side of IL Route 120 is used to supply water for process wash water operations. A settling pond is utilized to recycle aggregate processing wash water. Water is pumped from the existing lake for aggregate material washing and grading and is recycled into the settling pond to allow any remaining sediments to settle out of suspension. The clean water is then conveyed back to the lake where it is reused in the process. 5 The Proposed Usage or Drainage of Excess Water No dewatering will be conducted as a part of the mining operations.All areas proposed to be excavated will self-contain any surface run off. The final reclaimed landform will hold in excess of the 100-year storm event. See existing drainage patterns and map as provided with this narrative. The Proposed Days and Hours of Operation The hours of operation at the mining facility shall conform to the standards established by the City of McHenry, and mirror the hours permitted for the south side of IL Route 120. The Mining Cell Sequence and Simultaneous Reclamation Plan Three mining cells, each consisting of approximately 20 to 70 acres of property are proposed for the parcel. Each cell represents approximately 4 to 5 years of mining. Reclamation shall be carried out simultaneously in each active cell. Simultaneous reclamation shall be accomplished by reclaiming slopes in previously mined areas with overburden material stripped from the cell currently being mined completing the reclamation and restoration process as the operation proceeds. The mining sequence begins in the southwest corner of Cell A and proceeds northeast across the cell to the northern property boundary. The mining method of moving from the south to the north in each cell will be repeated in Cell B and Cell C, completing the mining sequence (refer to the mining plan). Mining in Cells A, B, and C may take place concurrently depending on market conditions or the needs of Meyer Material. Estimated Date of Completion of Mining Operations at the Site The north parcel operation is an ongoing surface mining operation. The mining sequence is outlined in the plans which accompany this narrative. Under the plan, a total of 3 mining cells are proposed on the north side of Illinois Route 120. The existing mine has a total mine life of approximately 12 to 15 years. Current and Past Uses Currently the property is used for agricultural production of row crops and for the production of sand and gravel aggregate products. The remaining property consists of a small pond created during mining operations. Prior to aggregate mining at the site the property was used for the production of agricultural row crops (See the Existing Conditions Plan). 6 REFERENCES Meyer Drilling Program 1995 and Meyer/Holcim drilling in 2001 Berg, Richard C., B. B. Curry, and R. C. Vaiden. 1997. Geologic Mapping for Environmenta!Planning, McHenry County, lllinois, State of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois, Circular 559. Meyer, Scott C., 1998. Groundwater Studies for Environmental Planning, McHenry County, lllinois, State of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Water Survey, Hydrology Division, Champaign, Illinois. Contract Report 630. Willman, H.B. 1971. Summary of the Geology of the Chicago Area, State of Illinois, Department of Registration and Education, Itlinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois, Circular 460. Willman, H.Q. 1975. Handbook of lllinois Stratigraphy, State of Illinois, Department of Registration and Education, Illinois Stat� Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois, Bulletin 95. 7 1.���:�� �:. ia . �— , f - �» . �. '��f�' ` � � 1� � 1 i � � i � \. , � � \ �,,:��i..oa�,rlo�o�; ,� � � -, � � � � _ � j � �� , � .+��} . �� , � � _ ,,�,.,,��o. ,. . �.� r�;� . . _ � ��.... � ?, i � , ��l�k�o : � S� �. I 1� t � , Tic�u��un►I.nku� � r . ��- . I`'i I ! � ��=I S � � �i�'� Woiide�•Lnlcc . (*c '� �� � ��'kr IAV��YD;� a �' .c � wuttiou o�t ! 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