HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 08/14/2017 - Community Development CommitteeCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT August 14, 2017 McHenry Municipal Center In Attendance: Committee Members: Alderman Chairman Alderman Condon. Also in Attendance: Polerecky, and Deputy Clerk Geraghty. Public Attendance: None. Santi and Alderman Devine. Absent: Director of Community Development 1. Call to Order. In Chairman Condon's absence, the meeting was called to order by Alderman Santi at 7000 PM. 2. Public Comment. None, 3. Motion to approve the March 27, 2017 Community Development Committee Meeting Report. Alderman Devine made a motion, seconded by Alderman Santi to approve the meeting report. All ayes, motion carried. 4. Motion to approve 2017 Community Development Committee meeting dates. Director Polerecky presented possible meeting dates for the remainder of 2017. He noted the schedule for the remainder of FY17/18 would be determined in November after Council approves a Resolution establishing the 2018 City Council meeting schedule. Dates presented were: Monday, September 18 5030 PM Monday, October 23 7:00 PM Monday, November 13 7:00 PM Monday, December 11 7:00 PM The Committee agreed to the dates proposed with the exception of the September meeting, which they agreed to change from the 18th to the 19th. All dates subject to Alderman Condon's availability. 5. Review of 2017/18 Community Development Goals. Director Polerecky provided the Committee with the following list of department goals and committee topics for discussion for FY 2017/18. December: Rental Inspection Pro am. In March 2012, the city adopted an ordinance requiring registration of all residential rental units. The purpose of the ordinance is to provide the city with accurate contact information for notification purposes in the event a rental property does not comply with the code or zoning ordinance. Currently, there are 2,239 rental units in the city's database. The 2010 census shows 2,356 renter occupied dwellings. Community Development Committee Meeting Report August 14, 2017 Page 2 Director Polerecky stated the Community Development Department is exploring Lite idea of expanding this registration program to perform inspections on rental properties. If the committee agrees, a complete analysis of the number of rentals with the number of code violation on rentals will be performed and presented to the committee in December. Alderman Santi was in favor of the proposal adding it is good so many rental properties are registered with the city. An inspection procedure would allow the department to each out easily to property owners about maintenance issues. Alderman Devine asked how the city enforces maintenance issues. Director Polerecky said currently, most owners receive two to three letters requesting compliance before a ticket is issued. However, depending on the frequency of violations at the address or the severity of the violation, the owner may be issued a ticket as soon as the violation is detected. Alderman Devine was concerned how the city would approach the people living in the home and Director Polerecky said a notice would be sent to the property owner asking them to reach out to their tenant to set up an appointment with a city inspector. The inspection would take place only with the tenant's consent. Director Polerecky said the department would create a checklist for inspections that would include only life/safety items such as smoke and CO2 detectors, escape windows, electrical and plumbing. Alderman Devine asked what the city would do if a tenant does not let the inspector in the house. Director Polerecky agreed this could happened and if it does, we would have to work with them. Alderman Santi asked if code violations increase in the spring and summer months. Director Polerecky answered yes; generally, people are indoors more in the winter months and do not notice violations, especially long grass and weeds until spring. He informed the committee the department would benefit with the addition of another code enforcement officer, at least part-time in the summer months. Currently, the inspectors help as much as they can being careful not to take too much time away from their regular job duties. Director Polerecky added that newly hired inspector David Watkins is experienced with the rental registration process from his position with the Village of Fox Lake. It was agreed this topic would be brought to the Committee for discussion in December. September: Animals and Fowl Ordinance. Director Polerecky informed the committee that several residents requesting an amendment to the Animals and Fowl Ordinance to allow chickens in residential districts have contacted the city. An amendment to allow chickens was denied by the Council in 2011. Alderman Santi asked how many residents are actively pursuing this amendment. Director Polerecky answered seven. Alderman Devine asked how many other towns allow chickens. Director Polerecky stated if the committee Community Development Committee Meeting Report August 14, 2017 Page 3 wishes to pursue this topic, he would research ordinances in other municipalities and present his findings to the committee in September. A discussion ensued on the impact chickens could have in high -density areas. It was agreed this topic would be brought to the Committee for discussion in September. October: Real Estate Transfer Tax. Director Polerecky informed the committee that a tool many municipalities use to track real estate transactions is through the use of a local transfer tax or stamp, which is basically a transaction fee imposed on the transfer of property. This process allows municipalities to gain accurate data on home and business owners in a timely manner. In addition to determining whether the property is a primary residence or income property. Alderman Santi noted if this would benefit rental inspections, than this would be a positive action. Director Polerecky further stated accurate ownership information would also assist with code enforcement efforts. Alderman Devine asked if other towns in the county impose this fee and Director Polerecky answered no adding he would recommend a minimal fee, as he is not proposing a new source of revenue, just a method of obtaining accurate property owner information. Alderman Devine suggested that perhaps the city could require a registration form to be completed at all property closings within the city. Director Polerecky said it could be possible to require just notification with no fee involved. Garba eg Receptacles. The city's current ordinance requires garbage receptacles to be out of the public plain view. Director Polerecky is proposing an amendment to the ordinance to permit the receptacles be placed or stored behind the front of the building. Develop a Code Enforcement Strategy. Director Polerecky reported a Code Enforcement Strategy is created with three primary objectives; detailed practical strategies to prevent code violations, tools the city may use to achieve compliance and policies that direct day- to-day decision -making. Guidelines would be created for department staff use to promote consistency in enforcement citywide. It was agreed these topics would be brought to the Committee for further discussion in December. January: Create Focus for a Community Development Involvement Committee. Director Polerecky stated he and Mayor Jett have discussed the creation of a community involvement committee comprised of volunteers from the community to help with small city projects and other projects that may benefit the community as a whole. Alderman Devine stated it would be good idea to involve the schools and local businesses. He added this could benefit anyone including seniors who needs help with maintenance issues such as fence repairs. Alderman Santi suggested getting sponsorship for paint, trash bags, etc. Community Development Committee Meeting Report August 14, 2017 Page 4 It was agreed this topic would be brought to the Committee for discussion in January. February: Review and Analysis of the current Community Development Fee Structure. A review of fees for building permits, plan review, inspections and certificates should be done often to make sure the fees are in line with the actual time spent on each particular item. The last time the department performed a fee comparison was in 2010. If changes to the fee structure were recognized, implementation would take place on May 1, 2018. Alderman Santi suggested comparisons be performed in communities of similar size to McHenry outside of McHenry County. Director Polerecky agreed stating he would include the towns of Grayslake and Mundelein. Alderman Devin asked when the proposed rates would go into effect and Director Polerecky answered at the start of the next fiscal year. It was agreed this topic would be brought to the Committee for discussion in February. 6. Department Updates. • Director Polerecky reported Inspector David Watkins joined the department replacing Bill Regner who retired in June. Dave has 15 years of experience. He was previously employed with the Village of Fox Lake and McHenry County. • Construction of Dunkin Donuts on Oak & Route 31 is underway. • Plans are being finalized for the Ricky Rockets development. • Roadway improvements at White Oaks of McHenry are nearly completed. • The new Coldwell Banker project is on hold. • The 2020 Census will begin soon. • No flooding was identified in McHenry for the IEMA Damage Assessment. The city incurred minor costs such as a generator rental. Federal funding could be available for victims of the recent floods. • The McHenry Theater project is progressing. • A permit for renovations submitted by Hidden Pearl in the former Some Other Nuts is under review. Alderman Devine noted that after several years being vacant, he is pleased to see that the home at 1902 Sunset is finally being renovated. Alderman Santi asked if the excavating soil issue in Country Club is resolved, Director Polerecky answered he spoke with them today, and they are working with the city to resolve the matter. Alderman Devin said he noticed the mound of direct located on the empty lot behind Dunkin Donuts on Elm Street was leveled. Director Polerecky said he was not aware of this and that perhaps the owner is just cleaning up the lot. Community Development Committee Meeting Report August 14, 2017 Page 5 7. Adiournment. There being no further business to discuss the meeting at 7:50 pm. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Motion carried. Santi, Devine None Condon Motion by Sant, second by Devine to adjourn Reviewed and Approved on the cA, D day of o , 2017.