HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 8/2/2022 - Landmark CommissionLandmark Commission Minutes – City of McHenry
August 2, 2022
Roll Call
Landmark Chairwoman Beth Staley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Beth
Staley, Zelinda Paluch, Pamela Kellogg, Thomas Hillier, Robin Schmidt, Jeff Varda, Mary Kay Welter.
Members absent: Celeste Heidemann, Bettye Sowinski
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Mary Kay Welter and seconded by Zelinda Paluch to approve the minutes of the
July 6, 2022 regular meeting minutes. Voice Vote: 7-ayes, 0-nay, 2-absent. Motion carried.
Green Street Project
Chairwoman Staley distributed handouts that showed Green Street with addresses that some research
may have been done on. It may be a good idea to visit Petersen Farm and go through the records there
to see what was actually done so that work in not duplicated. Commission members reviewed the
addresses and discussed what projects have already been completed. Everybody is welcome to email
their completed research to Beth Staley so that she may track the work.
Petersen Farm Projects
Jeff Varda explained that it is difficult to make plans for the farm projects because the diary barn has
bats and the other barn needs a new roof. Without a known completion date it is difficult to schedule
something. It could be possible to do small projects that would not be near the barns. Beth Staley
suggested we wait to plan for things for next spring. Jeff Varda explained that he talked to the antique
tractor society. They are very interested in doing something at Petersen Farm. Zelinda Paluch talked to
the bee keepers and Jeff Varda did as well. He also talked to Don from the Farm Bureau. They were very
active in the last Farm Day we had.
National Registry Plaque
It is reported that we are waiting on the plaque to be completed.
Display Cases
There are display cases around town and at City Hall that need to be updated with new information or
pictures. Any volunteers for that project would be appreciated. Deputy Clerk Johnson will check with the
Parks Department to see how the Landmark Commission could get a key. It was also discussed that they
need to be painted, repaired, or replaced. There are display cases on Green Street, Main Street, and
Riverside Drive. If the City is unable or unwilling to get them fixed or updated, the Landmark
Commission may be able to use money out of their budget.
Key to Petersen Farm
There is a gate at Petersen Farm that is locked that no Landmark Commission members have a key to.
As members want to go to the farm and sort through paperwork, somebody on the Commission needs
to get a key. Deputy Clerk Johnson will reach out to the Parks Department to see what can be done.
MCHS Heritage Day Street Walk
It was reported that Art in the Park went well. It was discussed how the Commission could put on an
event at Halloween time to have people talk about their ghost stories. Pam Kellogg will get information
out on social media to see if people are willing to share their stories.
Jeff Varda explained that he talked to the school superintendent about getting the Landmark
Commission to discuss the history of McHenry with the high school students. They could have a heritage
day where kinds could come out for a walk. During the school work day in September, Landmark is
welcome to set up a table and give handouts to teachers for information on McHenry’s history. They
discussed other ideas about getting a committee together to work with the social science teachers to
see the best way to educate the youth on McHenry’s agricultural past.
Beth Staley would like to get some walking tour brochures distributed around town. No members had
many copies of the existing brochures, although .pdf versions can be found on the City’s website. Pam
Kellogg will get copies of those to put on her Facebook page. She will also include links to the plaqued
building program.
Hanly Mill Plaque
The Hanly Mill Plaque has been finalized and is ready for a presentation ceremony. It is believed that
Todd Althoff is the proper person from the Althoff family to contact. Once a date is selected, the Mayor
and the newspaper will be invited to participate.
A motion was made by Zelinda Paluch and seconded by Mary Kay Welter to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Voice
Vote: 7-ayes, 0-nay, 2-absent. Motion carried.