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Packet - 5/18/2022 - Planning and Zoning Commission
The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens, businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented, efficient and fiscally responsible manner. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE DATE: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall. 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL 60050 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. Public Input – (five minutes total on non-agenda items only) 5. Consideration of Approval of the Meeting Minutes: April 20, 2022 Regular Meeting 6. Z-2022-09 - A Public Hearing for a Zoning Map Amendment to RM-2 High-Density Multifamily Residential District, a Conditional Use Permit for a Preliminary Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for the Residences of Fox Meadows Multifamily Development on the northeast corner of IL-31 and Veterans Parkway. Petitioner: Cunat Inc, of 5400 W. Elm Street, McHenry, IL 60050. 7. Open Discussion 8. Staff Report: Next Meeting Date: June 15, 2022 9. Adjourn City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes April 20, 2022 Chairwoman Rockweiler called the April 20, 2022, regular meeting of the City of McHenry Planning and Zoning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were the following: Bremer, Davis, Riley, Rockweiler, Smale, and Sobotta. Absent: Lehman. Also in attendance were City Planner Cody Sheriff, Community Development Director Polerecky and Deputy City Clerk Johnson. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by Bremmer and seconded by Sobotta to approve the agenda as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Davis, Riley, Rockweiler, Smale, and Sobotta. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 1-absent: Lehman. Motion Carried. Public Input There were no members of the public to offer any public input. Approval of Minutes: Consideration of the March 16, 2022, regular meeting minutes and the March 30, 2022, special meeting minutes as presented. Motion by Smale and seconded by Bremmer for approval. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Davis, Riley, Rockweiler, Smale, and Sobotta. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 1-absent: Lehman. Motion Carried. File No. Z-2022-08 Petitioner: Mark Munson, Managing Member of Munson Properties IV LLC of 61695 N. US Highway 12, Round Lake, IL 60073 Conditional Use Permit and Zoning Variations for the expansion of the existing Marina at 3112 W Lincoln Road. Chairwoman Rockweiler called the hearing to order at 7:05 p.m. City Planner Cody Sheriff explained that the petitioner has withdrawn their request as they have acquired the two residential homes near them. Therefore those parcels will need to be added and we will have to send out a new notice. Chairwoman Rockweiler closed the hearing regarding File No. Z-2002-08 at 7:06 p.m. Planning & Zoning Commission Training Workshop City Planner Sheriff passed out handouts to the Commission members and opened a PowerPoint presentation. Topics discussed during the training included how to handle the Planning and Zoning Commission April 20, 2022 Page 2 agenda, different motions that can be used at different times, how to handle public comment and testimony, what types of testimony should be taken into account, and what items are not the business of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Open Discussion: There was no open discussion. Staff Report: The next meeting is Wednesday, May 18, 2022. Adjourn: Motion by Bremmer and seconded by Smale to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Commissioners Bremer, Davis, Riley, Rockweiler, Smale, and Sobotta. 0-nay; 0-abstained; 1-absent: Lehman. Motion Carried. Staff Report for the City of McHenry Planning & Zoning Commission Staff Comments The following comments and conclusions are based upon staff analysis and review prior to this hearing and are to be considered viable unless evidence is established to the contrary. Staff may have additional comments based upon the testimony presented during the public hearing. REQUEST SUMMARY The petitioner, Cunat Inc. (Applicant), is proposing to construct a 540-unit, planned, multifamily development titled “Residence of Fox Meadows” on the northeast corner of IL-31 and Veterans Parkway. To accommodate the request, the petitioner is seeking approval of the following zoning items: 1. Zoning Map Amendment from C-5 Highway Commercial District (west half of property) and BP Business Park District (east half of property) to RM-2 High-Density Multifamily Residential District. 2. Preliminary Plan approval for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a 540-unit, multifamily residential Planned Unit Development. 3. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision Approval The petitioner will also need to seek approval from City Council for a variation from the Building Code to allow approximately 50% brick façade in lieu of 75% required which is not reviewed by P&Z. However, staff believes feedback regarding the request would be valuable to City Council members. The Commission may also wish to examine the materials that are to be used on the garage façades. The development consists of the construction of 18, 3-story buildings which consists of 324 1-bedroom units and 216 2-bedroom units. The petitioner is also providing 270 garage compartment units, a community center, indoor swimming pool, 2 basketball courts, 2 tennis courts, 2 playgrounds, and a dog park. Two trash compactors will service the site in the center area of the development. The development will also involve the vacation of the existing right-of-way and construction of private drives to service the development. This inherently will involve the removal any potential access north of the development. BACKGROUND The subject property was annexed into the City of McHenry in 2003 that also included the Morgan Hills Townhome Subdivision to the south. The subject property was subdivided into several commercially and business park zoned parcels called Prairie Pointe Business Park. The site has been improved with water and sanitary sewer in preparation for future commercial/industrial growth but was never developed. The subject property was later semi-approved in 2014 for a Use Variation to allow multifamily on a portion of the site (Lots 6-11 and Lot 17; see image below). A condition of approval was included that required the property owner to return to Planning & Zoning Commission once a developer was secured. Approval was set to expire concurrently with the existing Annexation Agreement in 2023. Figure 1- Existing Site Area Semi-Approved for Multifamily The site currently remains restricted from allowing any building permits being issued until completion of the remaining public improvements along Veterans Parkway that include a sidewalk and multiuse path. These improvements would extend to the east end of the Alexander Leigh Center for Autism property to connect with the existing multiuse path that was part of the 395-unit, Oaks at Irish Prairie IDD single-family development. As part of the Oaks at Irish Prairie IDD development, a 4.4-acre public park area was planned on the north side of Veterans Parkway. A developer would be required to dedicate said property once a Final Plat of Subdivision for the north side of Veterans Parkway has been recorded. Sidewalks were not included on the south side of Veteran’s Parkway however an existing multiuse path was installed on the northside. CITY OF MCHENRY ORDINANCES • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Zoning Amendments, listed in §11-5-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • The petitioner must meet the Approval Criteria for Conditional Uses, listed in §11-15-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. • The petitioner must meet the Standards for Planned Unit Developments, listed in §11-20-5 of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - DEFINED Planned Unit Developments are a distinct category of Conditional Use Permits intended to allow flexibility in the application of the standards of the Zoning Ordinance for significant development proposals that provide amenities to the community beyond those required by conventional development applications. Planned Unit Developments are subject to the regulations of the zoning district in which they are located, unless exceptions from these regulations are approved by the City Council and found to be in accordance with the Standards for Planned Unit Developments. In granting exceptions from zoning district regulations, the applicant must demonstrate the development will provide amenities to the City that are not required from conventional development applications and may include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Establishment of community amenities, such as plazas, gardens, public art features, outdoor seating areas, pedestrian facilities, and transit facilities. B. Establishment of open space amenities, such as playing fields, playgrounds, swimming pools, and fitness facilities. C. Enhancement of the community's natural environment, including existing natural features, water courses, trees, and native vegetation. D. Preservation and enhancement of the community's cultural resources and historic places. E. Provision of public infrastructure improvements that exceed the requirements of the planned unit development, such as enhancements to rights-of-way, stormwater management systems, and sewer systems. F. Incorporation of sustainable development techniques, such as meeting the requirements of LEED or LEED- equivalent rating systems. G. Provision of residential dwelling units for affordable housing or senior housing. H. Provision of residential dwelling units with accessible features that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (§11-20-6, Provision of Community Amenities) STAFF ANALYSIS FUTURE LAND USE MAP RECOMMENDATION The proposed multifamily development is not in conformance with the future land use map recommendation for commercial/business park. However, a portion of the site has been approved for multifamily development and an existing trend in the area includes the RM-2 High-Density Multifamily Residential District (Morgan Hills Condominiums) to the south of the subject property. The Commission may wish to consider whether the proposed zoning map amendment to accommodate the development is an appropriate response to changing conditions. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OBJECTIVES & POLICIES Overall, staff believes the proposed development is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies. Staff comments italicized. View full list of City Plans at www.cityofmchenry.org/planningdocuments • Land Use, Policy – “Consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to ensure conformity with the Comprehensive Plan on a case-by-case basis.” (p.27) Although the proposed multifamily development is not in conformance with the future land use map recommendation, the City previously granted approval of a use variation on a portion of the property for multifamily residential land use. The property is also located directly adjacent to an RM-2 High- Density Multifamily Residential District to the south. The Commission may wish to consider if the petitioner’s request is an appropriate response to changing conditions. • Land Use, Objective – “Allow a mixture of land uses in appropriate areas to promote responsible growth while providing a high quality of life to the residents.” (p. 27) The subject property is located within a few miles of several employment opportunities including the McHenry Corporate Center, Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital, and Tonyans Industrial Park. Locating housing within proximity of multiple employment opportunities is a standard land use practice. With the expansion of IL-31, the state is proposing to install a multiuse path along east side of the roadway. This will significantly increase pedestrian accommodations in the area and allow bicycle access to recreation areas that include the Moraine Hills State Park further northeast. • Unique Character, Policy – “Promote high-density residential only in areas where transportation services exist to facilitate the efficient movement from home to work or services for the residents.” (p. 28) The proposed development is locating next to IL-31 which is identified as a Strategic Regional Arterial. IDOT is proposing to expand IL-31 which is currently scheduled to begin construction in 2024. The signalization of the intersection of Veterans Parkway and IL-31 has long been desired by residence in the area. Although the developer is required to pay or reimburse the City for any costs associated with signalization per the existing development agreement, IDOT will only allow the installation of a new signal if traffic warrants are met. Factors include a combination of level of service and actual traffic counts. The traffic impact analysis provided and reviewed by the City’s consulting engineer estimates that the proposed development would not meet traffic warrants for a signal. • Growth, Policy – “Promote development that blends with existing development in the area especially if located within a unique sub-area.” (p. 29) Directly south of the subject property is the Morgan Hill Townhomes Subdivision which is zoned RM-2 High Density Multifamily Residential District. The proposed multifamily land use and zoning is consistent with the existing land use and zoning in the area. • Growth, Policy – “Promote development that allows employment and a shopping base which is diverse and affords the City with a sound economic base.” (p. 29) The City’s most recent rental apartment study identified low availability of rental opportunities. Approving additional multifamily development expands the City’s workforce housing inventory which may help expand the labor pool for businesses struggling to fill vacancies. • Transportation, Objective – “Pedestrian access and circulation should be fully integrated into the planning design, construction and operation of the local and regional transportation systems and major land development.” (p. 40) Transportation, Policy – “The walkway network should be fully accessible and convenient for all users, including persons with disabilities, children and the elderly.” (p. 40) The developer has worked with staff to provide pedestrian amenities on site that provide convenience, and ease of access to promote less auto dependence and increase walkability. • Transportation, Policy – “Maintain the scenic character and view shed of all transportation rights-of- way. Encourage developers of ridge tops to leave trees so that the skyline remains one of irregular tree tops and not houses and lights on a cleared pad.” (p. 40) The developer is proposing to remove the existing berm along IL-31 and install a 6-foot wood privacy fence. Staff is recommending a 4-6 foot tall landscaped berm extend along the entire length of IL-31, excluding areas that would be deemed unnecessary. • Neighborhood Character, Policy – “Single-family residential zoning should be promoted to encourage lower densities at the outskirts of the City.” (p. 48) The proposed development is not in conformance with the recommendation for having low-density residential development on the outskirts of town. • Neighborhood Character, Policy - “Adequate buffering and transitional uses shall be required adjacent to single-family residential land uses to retail or employment uses to protect the character, privacy, and values of the homes.” (p. 48) The Commission should evaluate whether appropriate screening has been provided along IDD zoned areas, commercial areas, and along IL-31. The petitioner should clarify how much of the existing tree line is to be preserved or removed as part of this development. • Neighborhood Character, Policy – “Promote the preservation of trees and the recommendation of future growth as written in our tree preservation ordinance and encourage the continued review of comprehensive landscape plans for all developments.” (p. 49) The petitioner has provided a Tree Survey with a table that identifies recommendations for preservation, optional preservation, and removal. The landscape plan submitted does not indicate what trees are to be preserved or removed. The Commission may wish to ask the petitioner to clarify this discrepancy. CURRENT LAND USE & ZONING The subject property is currently vacant and zoned C-5 Highway Commercial District and BP Business Park District with a Use Variation for Multifamily on a portion of the site that is set to expire in 2023. The surrounding land use consists of service commercial and IDD Single Family Zoning to the east (private school/undeveloped Oaks at Irish Prairie), I-1 Industrial District to the north (Tonyans Industrial Park), RM-2 High Density Multifamily Residential to the south (Morgan Hills Townhomes), and unincorporated McHenry County to the west (Industrial). The Commission should take into consideration how the proposed development will impact the surrounding property owners. See below staff comments regarding various land use considerations. • Planned Traffic Signal - Intersection of IL-31 and Veterans Parkway. A future signal is planned for the intersection of IL-31 and Veterans Parkway. In 2019, as part of a development agreement between the City and the property owners, the City agreed to release the Letter of Credit for Public Improvements subject to the restriction that no building permits can be issued until a Letter of Credit is provided by the property owner. As the Commission may recall from past developments, IDOT historically has not authorized the installation of traffic signals on Strategic Regional Arterials (SRA Routes) unless the intersection meets traffic signal warrants. The supplied traffic analysis indicated that although the development meets the “Level of Service” requirement Grade “F”, the proposed development is not estimated to meet the traffic count threshold to warrant a signal. • Location & Off-Site Amenities. The subject property is located on the southern edge of town adjoining several employment centers (McHenry Corporate Center, Northwestern Medicine – McHenry, etc.). Although several public recreational amenities are planned near the site (IL-31 Expansion Multi-Use Path, Future Oaks at Irish Prairie Public Park), there are no existing amenities within walking distance of the area. The Commission should discuss whether the proposed on-site recreational amenities are adequate the service the development. • IL-31 Expansion. As part of the widening of IL-31, IDOT is planning to take property along the entire IL- 31 corridor from IL-120 to IL-176. Staff have made the petitioner aware of this and have required the petitioner to include the new property line location(s) in the engineering site plan and landscape plan. Staff have included IDOT’s preliminary plan for this section of the expansion for the Commissions reference (see attached). • Vacation of Existing Right-of-Way. As part of the redevelopment of the site, the existing right-of-way will need to be vacated by the City Council for the developer to construct a private roadway network to service the site. This would involve the elimination of a future connection to the north on Albany Street. However, the City of McHenry Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance discourages cross-through traffic. Elimination of the future connection would be in compliance with the Ordinance recommendation. • School Impact Analysis. The proposed development is estimated to house approximately 38.88 school aged children (see attached break down submitted by developer). The School Districts have been sent a copy of this report. SITE PLAN ANALYSIS A. Density. The petitioner is proposing to construct 18, 30-unit, 3-story, apartment buildings. This equates to approximately 15.2 dwelling units/acre. A comparison table has been provided below for the Commission’s reference. The proposed density is consistent with other developments in the City of McHenry. Year Built Units Acres Density Single-Family Home Density Adjacent to Development Garden Quarter Apartments 1970s 68 units 4.7 acres 14 units/acre 3.28 units/acre Hillcrest Apartments 1982 88 units 4.89 acres 17.9 units/acre 2.33 units/acre; 2.88 units/acre; Fawn Ridge Trails Apartments 1988 208 units 10.75 acres 19.3 units/acre Southgate Apartments 1977 64 units 3.55 acres 18 units/acre 2.55 units/acre Authentix 2022 288 units 20 acres 14.4 units/acre 2.55 units/acre Proposed N/A 540 units 35.359 15.2 units/acre 2 units/acre (IDD Single Family); 6.97 units/acre (Morgan Townhomes); B. Parking. The petitioners will need an exception from the Zoning Ordinance to allow 1,181 parking spaces in lieu of the required 1,287 parking space. Subtracting out the proposed community center and playground parking areas, this equates to approximately 1,109 spaces (2.05 Spaces/Unit). Staff believes the parking provided is more than adequate to service the development. Typical multifamily developments only need between 1.5-1.75 parking spaces per dwelling unit. C. Zoning District Space Requirements. The City of McHenry’s Multifamily Zoning Districts are required to provide a total of 73% uncovered space, 45% nonvehicular space, and 5% recreational space. Although in compliance with the recreational space requirement, the definition for recreational space does not identify what percent of the recreational space should be improved with equipment. See sections F-I for further analysis. (Staff report continues next page) D. Zoning District Setback Requirements. The proposed development is mostly in conformance with the setback requirements in the RM-2 District with the exception of a garage unit locating within 10 feet of the new property line (see below). Although it would currently be in compliance with the existing property lines, the new setback distance after the widening of IL-31 would place the proposed garages approximately 10 feet away from the new street lot line in lieu of the required 30 feet. Figure 2 – 10’ setback distance from future property line and garage unit adjacent to IL-31 E. Landscaping and Screening. Staff have identified several areas that we believe are deficient in the submitted landscape plan. Staff analysis provided below. 1. Multi-Use Recreational Area Conflict with Berm Area. The submitted landscape plan depicts a portion of the multiuse path running through a landscape berm that is connecting to the future multi-use path along IL-31. The Commission may wish to recommend the petitioner revise the landscape plan to address this discrepancy. Figure 3 - Multiuse Path and Landscape Berm Conflict Park Area 2. Landscape Buffer Screening Along IL-31 Property Line. The petitioner is proposing to construct a 6- foot-tall privacy fence in lieu of a landscaped berm. Given the close proximity of the IL-31 ROW, staff recommends a 4–6-foot-tall, landscaped berm along the entire length of the IL-31 property line excluding any points of entry. IL-31 is a highly trafficked corridor and landscaped berms provide greater separation and help shield the development from noise. The Comprehensive Plan also recommends landscaping along major transportation corridors. 3. Landscape Screening Along North Property Line. The petitioner is not proposing landscaped screening along the north property line abutting the Tonyan Industrial Park. A heavily wooded tree line exists along the north property line that provides natural screening; however, the petitioner has not indicated in the landscape plan if this area is to be preserved. Any existing landscaping that is to be preserved should be included in the landscape plan for the Commission’s review. Staff recommends the petitioner revise the landscape plan to including landscape screening along the entire length of the north property line or revise the landscape plan to include the preservation of the existing natural tree line. 4. Residential Landscape Screening Strip Along Northeast/East Property Line. The northeast property line abuts the currently undeveloped Oaks at Irish Prairie planned IDD single-family residential development. The petitioner has not included a residential landscape screening strip in this area. The Zoning Ordinance requires the installation of a residential screening strip when a multifamily residential district abuts a single-family residential district. Additionally, the proposed dog park area is located within 30’ of the future single-family home area. Staff recommends the petitioner comply with the Zoning Ordinance requirements. 5. Landscaped Screening Along Southeast Property Line Abutting the School. With the change of use from commercial/business park to residential, staff believes the petitioner should provide additional landscaped screening to separate the development from the school and provide a buffer for the future residence of the development. 6. Detached Garage Units. The petitioner is proposing several compartment garages that are lined in rows of ten or more units. Some of the proposed garage areas are sparsely landscaped creating a large mass of wall. Staff recommends the petitioner provide additional landscaping along the side and rear of the garages to break up the mass of the structures. Overall, the landscaping around the garage perimeter units lack in quantity and consistency throughout the development. Figure 4 - Property line directly north of Alexander Leigh School Sample of no landscaping on side or rear of garages. Figure 5 – Authentix Example of Landscape Transition Buffering 7. Design Consideration – Garage Placement. The Commission may wish to examine the design choice of locating garages centrally in parking lots with no landscaping to provide separation and to break up the mass of the structure. The transition from asphalt pavement immediately to garage units with no landscaping or buffering gives off an industrial appearance. Said landscape buffers typically provide other benefits such as shielding and separation from automobile traffic. Also, garage units that stretch from one end of a parking lot to the other adjacent to a row of parking spaces may create site line issues for vehicles. Staff believes in this instance, eliminating some of the units would be beneficial. The Commission may wish to reference the landscaping plan provided by the Authentix McHenry development as a comparison (attached) when reviewing the proposed landscape plan. The Authentix Landscape Plan breaks up the garage units and provides landscape buffering between the edge of the garages and the parking lot intersections (see below). Landscaped buffer between units. Landscaped transition provides great er level of visibility of intersection approach. Landscaping along rear of units to break up wall mass. 8. Landscape Designer v. Landscape Architect. The petitioner appears to have provided a landscape plan that was created by a landscape designer as opposed to a landscape architect. Landscape architects are trained to provide a greater level of detail. The Commission may notice the differences between the submitted plan and the Authentix Plan which includes topographic contours. Staff believes these small details are important for the Commission’s consideration when evaluating the proposed impacts on surrounding properties. 9. Tree Survey. The petitioner has submitted a tree survey for the development. However, the petitioner has not identified if they are preserving any of the existing vegetation on site. Staff recommends the petitioner identify what trees they are intending to remove or preserve and include this in the landscape plan. F. Playground Area. The City’s Zoning Ordinance defines Recreational Space as “That portion of the nonvehicular space on a site that is suitable for common recreational use by virtue of it being at least 5,000 square feet in area, it having no dimension less than fifty feet, and it being improved with facilities for recreational pursuits.” Unfortunately, the Ordinance does not define exactly how much space should be improved with playground equipment and other recreational pursuits. The petitioner has provided two images of outdoor playground equipment and identified that each play area will have one of the submitted playground features. Both will occupy between 5.85% and 6.59% of the proposed playground area. Staff has visually represented the area occupied by the proposed playground equipment (see image below). The Commission should discuss whether the proposed park equipment is adequate to meet the definition of the Ordinance. Staff also recommends that the petitioner provide a site layout of the proposed playground areas for the Commission to review. Figure 6 - Visual representation of area occupied by proposed playground equipment (Staff report continues next page) G. Playground Equipment Discrepancy. Staff discovered the product names provided by the developer do not match the manufacturer’s website. Staff believes the proposed playground products more closely match the “Monkey In The Middle” and “Simon Says” product (see picture below). Although a minor discrepancy, the developer should verify if these are the intended playground products. H. City Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan identifies that mini parks and playgrounds should contain three types of recreational spaces: a play lot, a shaded area, and a turf or paved area. It also identifies that no more than half the park area should have recreational equipment. Staff have included this section of the plan for the Commission to reference in their discussions. The Commission should discuss whether it believes the amount of playground equipment provided is adequate to service the development. I. Dog Park Area. The petitioner should clarify for the commission if the dog park area is going to be improved with dog park playground equipment. Staff recommends the petitioner provide recreational equipment appropriate for a dog park. (Staff report continues next page) STAFF SUMMARY ANALYSIS 1. The developer will have to provide a letter of credit for the cost of the signal at Veterans Parkway and IL-31 and extend the existing sidewalk and multiuse path to the far end of the Alexander Leigh school property per the existing Development Agreement between the City and the current property owners. 2. The proposed development is not in conformance with the future land use map recommendation for commercial; however, a portion of the site is semi-approved for multifamily development. The request also matches the existing trend of RM-2 High Density Multifamily Residential to the south of the subject property. The development is also near areas of employment such as Tonyan Industrial Park, McHenry Corporate Center, and Northwestern Medicine McHenry. 3. The submitted traffic impact analysis reviewed and accepted by the City’s consultant engineer estimates that the traffic generated will not be enough meet IDOT’s warrant standards for a signal at Veterans Parkway and IL-31. However, the city will have funding available once IDOT’s signal warrants are met. 4. Staff believes the proposed number of parking spaces (2.1/DU) is more than adequate to accommodate the development. 5. Staff recommends the petitioner consult with a landscape architect as opposed to a landscape designer to revise the proposed landscape plan to address the staff comments provided in the SITE PLAN ANALYSIS section. If the Commission agrees, then a continuation of the hearing is recommended. 6. Staff recommends the Commission discuss the elimination of some of the garages to improve visibility in the parking lot areas. 7. The developer should clarify the discrepancy identified on the manufacturer’s website and the proposed playground equipment. 8. Staff recommends the Commission should discuss whether it believes the amount of playground equipment provided is adequate to service the development. Staff also recommends the petitioner provide a layout of the proposed playground for the Commission to review. 9. The petitioner should clarify if any of the dog park area is going to be improved with dog park playground equipment. Staff recommends the dog park area is improved with appropriate equipment for a dog park. Attachments to this report: 1. Oaks at Irish Prairie Plan – Future Public Park Space 2. IL-31 Preferred Alternative Sheet 9 of 16 3. Authentix McHenry Sample Landscaping Plan 4. City of McHenry Comprehensive Park & Open Space Plan Chapter 15-7 and 15-8. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees with the petitioner’s request, then three (3) motions are recommended: 1st MOTION: A motion to recommend approval of the petitioner’s request for a zoning map amendment from the C-5 Highway Commercial District and BP Business Park District to the RM-2 High Density Multifamily Residential District for the subject property. AND By making said motion, you agree that the approval criteria for Zoning Amendments have been met as outline in the staff report. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPROVAL CRITERIA (§11-5-5) A. Compatible With Use Or Zoning of Environs. Staff believes the proposed rezoning of the property is compatible with the surrounding land use. The existing zoning for C-5 Highway Commercial District and BP Business Park District would allow more intense heavy commercial and industrial uses. Multifamily zoning would be an improvement and have less of an impact compared to the existing zoning. B. Supported by Trend of Development Staff believes rezoning the property to the RM-2 District is supported by the trend of RM-2 zoning to the south of the property with the Morgan Hills Townhomes. C. Consistent with Comprehensive Plan Objectives. Staff believes the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Objectives to locate a mixture of housing near employment opportunities and also expanding the employment base. The site is also located adjacent to a state highway with adequate infrastructure to service the development according to the supplied Traffic Impact Analysis. D. Furthers Public Interest The City’s most recent Apartment Rental Analysis indicated a severe shortage of rental housing opportunities. Staff believes the proposed development furthers the public interest by adding additional housing options. 2nd MOTION: I motion to recommend approval of the petitioner’s request for preliminary plan approval for a conditional use permit to allow a 540-unit, multifamily, Planned Unit Development on the subject property subject to the following conditions: 1. All development on site shall be in substantial conformance with the submitted plans. 2. <conditions to be added based on discussion> 3. AND by making said motion, you agree that the standards for Planned Unit Developments and approval criteria for Conditional Uses have been met as outlined in the staff report. (Staff report continues next page) STANDARDS FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS (§11-20-5). Staff comments italicized below. A. The proposed planned unit development fulfills the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and other land use policies of the City, through an innovative and creative approach to the development of land. The petitioner is proposing to develop the vacant property with multiple buildings on a single lot. The inclusion of multiple recreational amenities onsite that are interconnected with sidewalk and multiuse paths may be considered a creative approach to development. B. The proposed planned unit development will provide walkways, driveways, streets, parking facilities, loading facilities, exterior lighting, and traffic control devices that adequately serve the uses within the development, promote improved access to public transportation, and provide for safe motor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic to and from the site. The petitioner has provided a traffic impact analysis which has been reviewed and found acceptable by the City’s consultant engineer. The study did not find that any off-site transportation infrastructure improvements were warranted. The petitioners have also provided a network of sidewalk and multiuse paths that are interconnected throughout the site, including a connection to the future planned multiuse path along IL-31. The developer will also be installing the remaining multiuse path along Veterans Parkway and finish the connection for adjacent neighborhoods. C. The proposed planned unit development will provide landscaping and screening that enhances the City's character and livability, improves air and water quality, reduces noise, provides buffers, and facilitates transitions between different types of uses. The petitioner has provided a 6-foot privacy fence with intermittent landscaped berms that will provide buffering from the adjacent Illinois State Route 31. The proposed development is incorporating a large amount of open space, recreational space, and creative landscape features that will be provided year- round enjoyment. A 6-foot-tall wood fence is also provided on the west, north, and east sides of the project to promote privacy, and reduce the impact of noise from the adjacent state highway. D. The proposed planned unit development will provide site design and development that is based on sustainable principles to ensure that low impact alternatives are integrated into the proposed project. The petitioner is providing LED electrical fixtures to lower the use of electricity. Trash compactors at the site will eliminate multiple dumpster enclosures and protect against odors. E. The proposed planned unit development will protect the community's natural environment to the greatest extent practical, including existing natural features, water courses, trees, and native vegetation. The petitioner is proposing to preserve the normal flow of surface water in compliance with the City’s adopted Stormwater Management Ordinance. The petitioner is also proposing to save the existing tree lines to the greatest extend possible and replace invasive trees with native species. F. The proposed planned unit development will be provided with underground installation of utilities when feasible, including electricity, cable, and telephone, as well as appropriate facilities for storm sewers, stormwater retention, and stormwater detention. The petitioner is proposing to underground all required utilities. All development on site will be in compliance with the City’s adopted Stormwater Management Ordinance. Studies have been done through the City’s consultant engineer to ensure the petitioner is upgrading both on and off-site water/sewer infrastructure where necessary to meet the development’s needs. APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR CONDITIONAL USES (11-15-5). Staff comments italicized below. A. Traffic: Any adverse impact of types or volumes of traffic flow not otherwise typical in the zoning district has been minimized. Staff does not believe the proposed development would generate any adverse impacts on the surrounding property owners. The petitioner was required to submit a Traffic Impact Analysis which was reviewed by the City’s consultant engineer and found acceptable. No site upgrades were identified in the analysis. B. Environmental Nuisance: Any adverse effects of noise, glare, odor, dust, waste disposal, blockage of light or air, or other adverse environmental effects of a type or degree not characteristic of permitted uses in the zoning district, have been appropriately controlled. Staff does not believe approval of the petitioner’s request would generate any environmental nuisances. The development is providing a 6-foot privacy fence and a variety of landscaping to help shield the property from adjoining property owners. C. Neighborhood Character: The proposed use will fit harmoniously with the existing natural or manmade character of its surroundings, and with permitted uses in the zoning district. The use will not have undue deleterious effect on the environmental quality, property values, or neighborhood character already existing in the area or normally associated with permitted uses in the district. The proposed residential development is a less intense use of the property than the existing C-5 Highway Commercial District and BP Business Park District which allow for heavier commercial and industrial uses. Staff believes this will have a positive impact on the adjoining property owners. D. Public Services and Facilities: The proposed use will not require existing community facilities or services to a degree disproportionate to that normally expected of permitted uses in the district, nor generate disproportionate demand for new services or facilities, in such a way as to place undue burdens upon existing development in the area. The site has access to City water and sanitary sewer. The developer will be required to construct all necessary upgrades to the City water and sanitary sewer system to service the development. A letter of credit will also be required for the future installation of a traffic signal at IL-31 and Veterans Parkway. E. Public Safety and Health: The proposed use will not be detrimental to the safety or health of the employees, patrons, or visitors associated with the use nor of the general public in the vicinity. Staff does not believe the proposed use will generate any adverse impacts on public safety and health. The proposed residential use will have a positive impact on the general public. F. Other Factors: The proposed use is in harmony with all other elements of compatibility pertinent to the conditional use and its particular location. Overall, staff believes the proposed use is compatible with and complementary of the surrounding residential single-family and multifamily uses. The multifamily will provide a buffer between the existing commercial/industrial land use to the north and adjacent single-family attached to the south and future detached houses directly east of the property. 3rd MOTION: I motion to recommend approval of the petitioner’s request for a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision titled Residences at Fox Meadows. www.idot.illinois.gov/projects/il31 AUTHENTIX MCHENRY SAMPLE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR COMPARISON 2.202± ACRES9.774± ACRES25.585± ACRESLOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31 PA T R I O T D R I V E PLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUNDAREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURT121314MAIL MA I L TRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1CO M M U N I T Y CE N T E R W I T H IN D O O R S W I M M I N G PO O L OU T D O O R PO O L1 BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURT235418171615678910114' TO 6' HIGH WOODFENCE (4' ON BERMS)DOG PARKAREAS24° 06' 48"E 96.43'S26° 29' 30"W 305.98'N63° 30' 07"W 22.00'S2 6 ° 2 9 ' 3 0 " W 6 7 4 . 7 8 'S63° 30' 30"E 10.00'MULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATH TORECREATIONALAREASMULTI-USE PATHTO RECREATIONALAREASMcHENRY CORPORATE CENTER(I-1 INDUSTRIAL)OWNER: ALEXANDER LEE CENTER FOR AUTISMADDRESS: 4100 VETERANS PARKWAY(BP BUSINESS PARK)TONYAN INDUSTRIAL PARK(I-1 INDUSTRIAL)MORGAN HILLS(RM-1 LOW-DENSITYMULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL)OWNER: THE CHAPELADDRESS: 1809 S IL RT 31(O-1 LOCAL OFFICE)OWNER: NATIONAL DEVELOPERS INC.ADDRESS: N/A(IDD INTEGRATED DESIGN DISTRICT)100'R.O.W.60'ETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBEETBE 24ETBE 27ETBE 20ETBE 21ETBE 22ETBE 23ETBE 25ETBE 26ETBE 28ETBE 29ETBE 30ETBE 31ETBE 33ETBE 34ETBE 35ETBE 36ETBE 32ETBE 37ETBE 38ETBE 39ETBE 40ETBE 41ETBE 19ETBE 42ETBE 43EX . R . O . W . T O B E V A C A T E D LOT 1(NO IMPROVEMENTS)EXCEPTION TO BLANKETEASEMENT (TYP)PROPOSED SITEBOUNDARYMONUMENTSIGNMONUMENTSIGNEX. R.O.W. TO BE VACATEDFUTURE ROWWALKING PATHAS SHOWN ONPRELIMINARYENGINEERINGEXISTINGACCESSEASEMENT TOBE VACATEDDRAWING NO.1N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\PreliminaryPlat_211232_S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA RI DG MCHENRY ILLINOIS PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:JANUARY 20, 2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALENO SCALEVICINITY MAPPROJECTLOCATIONPROJECT TEAMENGINEEROWNER/DEVELOPERV3 Companies, Ltd.7325 Janes AvenueWoodridge, Illinois 60517630 724 9200Project Manager: Dwayne Gillian, P.E.dgillian@v3co.comProject Engineer: Randy Andersen, P.E.randersen@v3co.comARCHITECTCunat, Inc.5400 W. Elm St. Suite 110McHenry, IL 60050815 385 3192Contact: Stefanie SpitsonR. B. Custom Designs Inc.2108 West Johnsburg RoadJohnsburg, Illinois 60051815 759 9459Contact: Richard BiermanLEGAL DESCRIPTIONLots 2 through 15, and 17 in Prairie Point Business Park, being a subdivision of partof the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, all in Township 44 North Range 8 East ofthe Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof Recorded January 6,2004, as Document No. 2004R0001227, in McHenry County, Illinois.Also, Lot 1 of Prairie Point Business Park Resubdivision of Lots 16 & 18 being aresubdivision of Lots 16 & 18 in Prairie Point Business Park, according to the Platthereof recorded January 6, 2004, as Document No. 2004R0001227, being aSubdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, all in Township 44 North,Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recordedOctober 13, 2005, as Document No. 2005R0087031, in McHenry County, Illinois.Also, that portion of Patriot Drive and American Way right of way located northerlyof the north right of way line of Veterans Parkway as shown on the Final Plat ofPrairie Pointe Business Park, being a subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarterof Section 10, all in Township 44 North Range 8 East of the Third PrincipalMeridian, according to the Plat thereof Recorded January 6, 2004, as Document No.2004R0001227, in McHenry County, Illinois.SITE DATAEXISTING ZONING = C-5 AND BPPROPOSED ZONING = RM-1SITE AREA = 35.36 ACRESR.O.W. TO BE VACATED = 2.67 ACRESPROPOSED LOT 1 = 38.03 ACRESNOTE:1.EXISTING LOTS 2-16 TO BE CONSILIDATED INTO ONELOT - PROPOSED LOT 1.2.BLANKET EASEMENTS TO BE PROVIDED FORDRAINAGE AND UTILITIES OVER ALL OF PROPOSEDLOT 1, EXCEPT WHERE EXCEPTION TO BLANKETEASEMENT (ETBE) IS NOTED.3.SEE PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANS FORADDITIONAL INFORMATION.CITY CLERK' S CERTIFICATESTATE OF ILLINOIS)) SSCOUNTY OF MCHENRY)I, _________________________, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, HEREBY CERTIFY THATTHE ANNEXED PLAT WAS PRESENTED TO AND BY RESOLUTION DULY APPROVED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL OF SAID CITY AT ITS MEETING HELD ON ____________________, 20____, THAT ALLDEDICATIONS TO THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS DEPICTED THEREON WERE ACCEPTED BY THE CITYCOUNCIL ON SAID DATE, AND THAT THE REQUIRED BOND OR OTHER GUARANTEE HAS BEEN POSTEDFOR THE COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED BY THE REGULATIONS OF SAID CITY.(MC-93-594)IN WITNESS THEREOF, I HAVE HERETO SET MY HAND AND SEAL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS,THIS ______ DAY OF _______________, 20____.[CITY SEAL]_____________________________CITY CLERKSURFACE WATER DRAINAGE CERTIFICATEOWNER: ENGINEER:STATE OF ILLINOIS ) STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS ) SSCOUNTY OF MCHENRY ) COUNTY OF DUPAGE )I, _________________________, OWNER, AND I, _________________________, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OFTHE STATE OF ILLINOIS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THEDRAINAGE OF SURFACE WATERS WILL NOT BE CHANGED BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS SUBDIVISIONOR ANY PART THEREOF, OR, IF SUCH SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE WILL BE CHANGED, REASONABLEPROVISION HAS BEEN MADE FOR COLLECTION AND DIVERSION OF SURFACE WATERS INTO PUBLICAREAS, OR DRAINS WHICH THE SUBDIVIDER HAS A RIGHT TO USE, AND THAT SUCH SURFACE WATERSWILL BE PLANNED FOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICES SO ASTO REDUCE THE LIKELIHOOD OF DAMAGE TO THE ADJOINING PROPERTY BECAUSE OF THECONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBDIVISION. (MC-89-491)DATED THIS ______ DAY OF _______________, 20____.______________________________________ ___________________________________ OWNER PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF ILLINOIS [ENGINEER'S SEAL] 22' 3" 16' 7"44'20' 1 0 " 41' 6"18' 4"10' 3"3"Multi Stem Serviceberry Compact Burning Bush Red Twig Dogwood Ivory Halo Red Twig Dogwood Baton Rouge Columnar Eastern White Pine Hydrangea Bobo Prairie Dropseed Grass Tara Compact Koreanspice Viburnum Salvia Caradonna Allium Summer Beauty Feather Reed Grass Karl Foerster Gold Spirea Double Play Weigela Dark Horse Coneflower Baja Burgundy Globe Arborvitae Fire Chief Honey Locust Black Hills Spruce River Birch Swamp White Oak Fraser Fir Dense Yews Japanese Maple Blood Good Annual Flower Bed Red Maple Sienna Glen Emerald Green Arborvitae River Birch Black Tupelo Hydrangea Quickfire Viburnum Hahs American Cranberrybush Berm Area Berm Area Berm Area Berm Area Arrowwood Viburnum Chicago Lustre Chinese Juniper Mountbatten Future Buildings +5' +5' +5' +5' +5' +4' +4' +4' +4' +4' +3' +3' +3' +3' +3' +2' +2' +2' +2' +2' +1' +1' +1' +1' +1' +0' At Grade +0' At Grade +0' At Grade +0' At Grade +0' At Grade Scale: 1/80" = 1 ft Artisan Concept Design. Actual Design Measurements, Materials & Installation May Vary. NOTE: Plant Substitution May Be Used. Installation Sizes On Plants See Contractors Agreement. Plants Shown On Design At Maturity & Maintained Height. Plants Shown At Best Attribute. NOTES: Call J.UL.I.E. Before Digging.Address:Veteran's Parkway McHenry, IL 60050ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDate:4-26-2022Reproduction Of Plan For Use Of ConceptsScale:Scale: 1/80" = 1'.0 FootProhibited Without Written Consent OfDesigned By:Melinda QuigleyCUNAT | Melinda QuigleyFOX MEADOWSL1 NOTES: Planting Design Repeats On All Apartment Units, Trash & Mailbox Areas. Future Development Smart Data Block Berm Areas Only By Route 31 AREA:9,507 ft² All Planting Beds Including Berm Areas AREA & PERCENTAGE:147,265 ft2 | 8.8% Total Project AREA:1,656.499 ft² Impervious Area AREA & PERCENTAGE:858,655 ft² | 52% Pervious Area AREA & PERCENTAGE:797,8441 ft² | 48% Turf AREA & PERCENTAGE:650,579 ft² | 39.2% NN NNArtisan Concept Design. Actual Design Measurements, Materials & Installation May Vary. NOTE: Plant Substitution May Be Used. Installation Sizes On Plants See Contractors Agreement. Plants Shown On Design At Maturity & Maintained Height. Plants Shown At Best Attribute. NOTES: Call J.UL.I.E. Before Digging.Address:Veteran's Parkway McHenry, IL 60050ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDate:4-22-2022Reproduction Of Plan For Use Of ConceptsScale:Scale: 1/80" = 1'.0 FootProhibited Without Written Consent OfDesigned By:Melinda QuigleyCUNAT | Melinda QuigleyFOX MEADOWSL2 NOTES: Planting Design Repeats On All Apartment Units, Trash & Mailbox Areas. Future Development Symbol Qty Common Name Botanical Name Container Groundcovers\Ornamental Grass 704 Feather Reed Grass Karl Foerster Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster 1 Gallon 473 Prairie Dropseed Grass Tara Sporobolus heterolepis Tara 1 Gallon Herbaceous\Perennials 584 Allium Summer Beauty Allium Summer Beauty 1 Gallon 324 Coneflower Baja Burgundy Echinacea Balsombabur 1 Gallon 180 Salvia Caradonna Salvia nemorosa Caradonna 1 Gallon Shrubs\Deciduous 282 Compact Burning Bush Euonymus alatus Compactus 24" 148 Compact Koreanspice Viburnum Viburnum carlesii Compacta 24" 648 Gold Spirea Double Play Spiraea japonica Yan 3 Gallon 330 Hydrangea Bobo Hydrangea paniculata ILVOBO 3 Gallon 61 Hydrangea Quickfire Hydrangea paniculata Bulk 5 Gallon 519 Red Twig Dogwood Ivory Halo Cornus alba Bailhalo 24" 360 Red Twig Dogwood Baton Rouge Cornus alba Minbat 24" 125 Viburnum Hahs American Cranberrybush Viburnum trilobum Hahs 30" 180 Weigela Dark Horse Weigela florida Dark Horse 3 Gallon Shrubs\Evergreen 83 Dense Yews Taxus x media Densiformis 24" 32 Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis Smaragd 4' To 5' 3 Littleleaf Boxwood Green Gem Buxus microphylla x. B. sempervirens Green Gem 24" Trees\Deciduous 27 Black Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica 2.5" Cal. 85 Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis 2.5" Cal. 2 Japanese Maple Blood Good Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum Bloodgood 6' 102 Multi Stem Serviceberry Amelanchier camadensis 6' 48 Red Maple Sienna Glen Acer x freemanii Sienna 2.5" Cal. 38 River Birch Betula nigra Mature Summer 12' 30 Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor 2.5" Cal. Trees\Evergreen 50 Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca var. Densata 8' 144 Columnar Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Fastigiata 6' 30 Fraser Fir Abies fraseri 8' 483 Globe Arborvitae Fire Chief Thuja occidentalis Congabe 24" Plant Legend NNArtisan Concept Design. Actual Design Measurements, Materials & Installation May Vary. NOTE: Plant Substitution May Be Used. Installation Sizes On Plants See Contractors Agreement. Plants Shown On Design At Maturity & Maintained Height. Plants Shown At Best Attribute. NOTES: Call J.UL.I.E. Before Digging. L3 Weigela Dark Horse Allium Summer Beauty Feather Reed Grass Karl Foerster Salvia Caradona Globe Arborvitae Fire Chief Coneflower Baja Burgundy Red Twig Dogwood Baton Rouge Red Twig Dogwood Baton Rouge Multi Stem Serviceberry Gold Spirea Double Play Hydrangea Bobo Compact Viburnum Koreanspice Columnar Eastern White Pine Address:Veteran's Parkway McHenry, IL 60050ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDate:4-22-2022Reproduction Of Plan For Use Of ConceptsScale:1/80" = 1'.0 FootProhibited Without Written Consent OfDesigned By:Melinda QuigleyCUNAT | Melinda QuigleyFOX MEADOWSNOTES: Planting Design Repeats On All Apartment Units, Trash & Mailbox Areas. Arborvitae Emerald Green Swamp White Oak Red Twig Dogwood Ivory Halo Compact Burning Bush River Birch Black Hills Spruce Dense Yew Japanese Maple Bloodgood Frazer Fir Red Maple Sienna Glen Dwarf Prairie Dropseed Tara Seedless Honey Locust Hydrangea Quickfire Hydrangea Quickfire Viburnum Hahs Tupelo Tree Boxwood Green Gem !(!( !( !( !(!(!( !( !(!( !( !( !(!(!(!( !( !( !(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !(!(!(!(!( !( !(!( !(!(!( !( !(!(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !(!( !(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!( !(!(!(!( !(!(!( !( !(!(!(!(!( !( !(!( !(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( 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101110101009100810071006 1004 1003 1002 1001 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CN ES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGR ID, IGN, and the GIS User Community CARPENTRY DEVELOPMENTMCHENRY, ILTREE CONDITION MAP 1 inch = 250 feet Created On : 4/18/2022 0 120 240 36060Feet µLegendCONDITION !(1 !(2 !(3 !(4 !(5 Your Urban Fores try and GIS Professionals Since 1999 Batavia, IL Rollin g Prairie, IN630-762-2400 SPECIES COUNT % OF TOTAL AVG DBH AVG COND COTTONWOOD 156 38.90% 9.71 2.97 BLACK LOCUST 57 14.21% 9.74 3.46 MULBERRY‐SPP 38 9.48% 7.61 3.18 ELM‐SIBERIAN 30 7.48% 7.70 3.03 BOXELDER 23 5.74% 9.65 3.35 ELM‐AMERICAN 16 3.99% 7.50 3.00 WILLOW‐SPP 14 3.49% 10.50 3.21 BIRCH‐RIVER 10 2.49% 7.30 3.00 HONEYLOCUST 10 2.49% 9.90 3.00 SPRUCE‐SPP 10 2.49% 7.90 3.00 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE 7 1.75% 8.86 2.71 MAPLE‐RED 6 1.50% 6.83 3.00 MAPLE‐NORWAY 5 1.25% 10.00 3.00 PEAR‐CALLERY 5 1.25% 7.20 3.00 HONEYSUCKLE 3 0.75% 6.67 4.00 CATALPA 2 0.50% 9.50 3.00 SPRUCE‐BLUE 2 0.50% 8.50 3.00 WALNUT‐BLACK 2 0.50% 8.00 3.00 BUCKTHORN 1 0.25% 8.00 4.00 CHERRY‐SPP 1 0.25% 19.00 3.00 ELM‐CHINESE 1 0.25% 6.00 3.00 ELM‐HYBRID 1 0.25% 6.00 3.00 MAPLE‐SILVER 1 0.25% 11.00 4.00 Number of Trees 6" DBH and Larger 401 Total DBH Inches Surveyed 3,640" Average DBH Inches Surveyed 9.08" Average Tree Condition Rating 3.11 (Below Average) TREENUM x y SPECIES LATIN DBH CONDITION FORM RECOMMENDA CRZ_PROTEC COMMENTS 1001 999259.212587 2053595.361340 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 10 3 3 RETAIN 10 1002 999147.866353 2053594.491260 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1003 998955.301122 2053256.535570 SPRUCE‐BLUE Picea pungens 8 3 3 RETAIN 10 1004 998939.199448 2053190.534720 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 7 3 3 RETAIN 10 1005 998927.474078 2053165.819220 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1006 998938.900236 2053148.271030 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1007 998935.325112 2053128.762210 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1008 998935.666974 2053104.054580 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1009 998932.750642 2053074.468030 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1010 998930.477352 2053059.186890 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1011 998922.012802 2053035.448420 SPRUCE‐BLUE Picea pungens 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1012 998949.114782 2052984.749370 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1013 998914.258881 2052920.030670 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 10 2 3 RETAIN 10 1014 998908.728052 2052898.895210 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 8 3 3 RETAIN 10 1015 998894.631952 2052883.524840 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1016 998906.705746 2052873.128200 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 10 3 3 RETAIN 10 1017 998910.274309 2052842.631870 MAPLE‐NORWAY Acer platanoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1018 998895.551241 2052976.830430 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1019 998879.258623 2052954.062430 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1020 998872.096236 2052933.576250 BIRCH‐RIVER Betula nigra 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1021 998858.737666 2052912.761000 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 8 2 3 OPTIONAL 10 1022 998675.720972 2053004.044610 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 11 3 3 RETAIN 15 1023 998639.192174 2053017.991430 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 12 3 3 RETAIN 15 1024 998589.437680 2053034.556030 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 10 3 3 RETAIN 10 1025 998551.596220 2053049.487100 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 8 3 3 RETAIN 10 1026 998503.319414 2053062.461490 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 10 3 3 RETAIN 10 1027 998450.804427 2053073.157660 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 11 3 3 RETAIN 15 1028 998407.750379 2053078.983110 HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos 12 3 3 RETAIN 15 1029 998163.526458 2053158.155520 MAPLE‐NORWAY Acer platanoides 10 3 3 RETAIN 10 1030 998107.583001 2053175.682720 MAPLE‐NORWAY Acer platanoides 9 3 3 RETAIN 10 1031 997903.714642 2053277.595570 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1032 997859.300361 2053299.381620 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1033 997818.288632 2053319.883870 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1034 997776.280186 2053340.924840 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1035 997955.060012 2053301.824200 WALNUT‐BLACK Juglans nigra 10 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1036 997957.699442 2053299.102090 WALNUT‐BLACK Juglans nigra 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1037 998011.434571 2053273.311130 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1038 998019.092036 2053285.463340 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1039 998055.526018 2053428.217650 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1040 998063.140504 2053512.039330 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1041 998067.879996 2053516.063270 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 10 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1042 998137.991404 2053497.507530 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1043 998139.391008 2053510.263740 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 14 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1044 998145.828987 2053525.653470 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1045 998187.614337 2053566.966710 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 4 4 REMOVE 10 1046 998184.769526 2053668.220450 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1047 998187.701935 2053665.690270 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1048 998197.847256 2053688.872310 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1049 998206.825913 2053703.095050 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 18 3 4 OPTIONAL 20 1050 998197.247191 2053711.658350 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1051 998233.663785 2053681.193190 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 16 3 4 REMOVE 20 1052 998260.792340 2053727.756090 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1053 998278.189943 2053736.544790 PEAR‐CALLERY Pyrus calleryana 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1054 998270.371717 2053741.408950 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1055 998268.024281 2053746.665830 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1056 998273.126305 2053785.435760 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1057 998333.745278 2053883.233800 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1058 998350.165193 2053895.934890 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1059 998344.838760 2053875.462160 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1060 998351.822998 2053871.372270 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1061 998382.114604 2053890.018560 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1062 998396.585047 2053877.131450 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1063 998360.475212 2053826.344800 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1064 998373.619542 2053822.668300 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1065 998385.940384 2053823.085290 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 15 4 3 REMOVE 15 1066 998391.275019 2053830.048210 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1067 998397.842919 2053835.374310 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 10 3 4 REMOVE 10 1068 998406.049595 2053846.842140 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1069 998442.611858 2053829.670260 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1070 998444.650568 2053853.416270 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1071 998424.503627 2053891.067770 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 4 REMOVE 10 clump 1072 998539.926952 2053860.844080 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1073 998580.593866 2053847.359520 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 16 2 3 OPTIONAL 20 1074 998591.668647 2053869.883100 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1075 998599.891727 2053854.740740 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1076 998613.845440 2053870.650820 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1077 998659.236097 2053856.350320 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1078 998680.560201 2053907.128110 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1079 998691.241610 2053901.812830 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1080 998737.240534 2053899.385340 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1081 998743.492490 2053900.789860 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1082 998761.188649 2053902.836780 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1083 998765.727026 2053901.482450 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1084 998763.689628 2053894.469990 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1085 998768.000971 2053893.568090 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1086 998717.882633 2053855.313580 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1087 998820.443780 2053844.069830 CATALPA Catalpa speciosa 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1088 998852.186170 2053878.920160 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1089 998842.417817 2053898.138290 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1090 998867.371179 2053905.391560 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1091 998903.791382 2053914.559190 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1092 998926.028870 2053910.954540 PEAR‐CALLERY Pyrus calleryana 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1093 998995.459506 2053906.927970 PEAR‐CALLERY Pyrus calleryana 9 3 4 REMOVE 10 1094 998997.959501 2053900.370570 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1095 998993.877816 2053896.975570 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1096 998992.065812 2053891.998540 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1097 999010.682901 2053873.012360 MAPLE‐AUTUMN BLAZE Acer x freemanii 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1098 999000.700309 2053872.327320 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 19 3 3 OPTIONAL 20 1099 998971.882125 2053877.510710 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1100 998955.447119 2053830.502270 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1101 998970.493348 2053828.637450 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1102 998976.449373 2053827.703720 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1103 998978.339789 2053812.083020 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1104 998940.736846 2053797.061720 BOXELDER Acer negundo 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1105 998939.491770 2053783.313060 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1106 998962.367380 2053791.763830 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1107 998970.517955 2053790.206750 BOXELDER Acer negundo 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1108 998978.668201 2053788.649670 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1109 998975.849965 2053784.273690 BOXELDER Acer negundo 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1110 998981.816817 2053766.468280 BOXELDER Acer negundo 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1111 998979.944445 2053753.656960 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1112 998621.624952 2053933.654300 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1113 998623.284069 2053945.438720 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1114 998623.312284 2053951.206760 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1115 998623.429410 2053954.339300 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1116 998579.928841 2053929.965660 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1117 998577.395053 2053935.288810 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1118 998575.455097 2053931.917430 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1119 998551.125421 2053929.188430 BOXELDER Acer negundo 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1120 998576.116512 2053962.787110 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1121 998575.088955 2053973.811370 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1122 998600.102357 2053971.621740 PEAR‐CALLERY Pyrus calleryana 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1123 998617.781127 2053998.940260 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1124 998622.859529 2054040.837480 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1125 998619.539982 2054043.040240 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1126 998622.068192 2054045.661620 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1127 998619.736832 2054051.392250 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1128 998619.049826 2054055.213440 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1129 998613.692553 2054098.035530 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1130 998613.521293 2054153.445850 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 18 3 4 OPTIONAL 20 1131 998609.037707 2054165.580670 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1132 998578.031207 2054215.691140 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1133 998573.498736 2054225.234750 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1134 998577.663097 2054245.360370 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1135 998574.519731 2054262.359020 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1136 998569.992837 2054266.172990 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1137 998577.341904 2054269.465640 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1138 998571.881285 2054271.492210 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1139 998564.234975 2054276.307490 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1140 998569.088311 2054282.396060 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1141 998557.902638 2054288.346170 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1142 998574.126687 2054285.246770 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1143 998588.635516 2054281.212990 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1144 998600.016727 2054289.772030 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1145 998606.099392 2054290.553190 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1146 998612.809024 2054286.981020 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1147 998618.890049 2054290.250040 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1148 998624.036036 2054292.430160 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1149 998628.249938 2054288.701160 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 14 4 3 OPTIONAL 15 1150 998650.086509 2054289.958700 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1151 998610.317888 2054279.671650 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1152 998614.842813 2054277.186750 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1153 997780.532146 2053558.710170 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 8 3 3 RETAIN 10 1154 997812.398880 2053623.647050 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1155 997826.889336 2053653.185700 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1156 997899.479086 2053783.023040 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1157 997928.948844 2053837.793930 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1158 998013.457861 2054012.797510 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1159 998031.712746 2054044.686230 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1160 998059.211706 2054104.396740 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1161 998087.000693 2054161.317560 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1162 998104.967520 2054198.148850 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1163 998126.295890 2054229.004760 SPRUCE‐SPP Picea spp 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1164 998118.506207 2054308.022970 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1165 998121.102987 2054309.618110 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1166 998122.703705 2054306.232620 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1167 998133.698106 2054300.064330 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 16 3 4 OPTIONAL 20 1168 998135.504861 2054319.812650 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 29 4 4 OPTIONAL 30 clump 1169 998142.295202 2054326.190920 MAPLE‐NORWAY Acer platanoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1170 998147.299457 2054325.222090 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 14 4 3 OPTIONAL 15 1171 998152.714800 2054330.672530 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 20 4 4 REMOVE 20 1172 998164.513333 2054316.735880 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 9 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1173 998154.293865 2054312.347440 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 4 3 REMOVE 10 1174 998153.097345 2054308.362540 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 4 3 REMOVE 10 1175 998156.440843 2054283.189030 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1176 998158.031391 2054279.231690 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1177 998162.132760 2054282.532540 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1178 998164.110775 2054294.408500 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1179 998169.670803 2054293.092560 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1180 998170.992651 2054295.731990 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1181 998173.640940 2054294.414080 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1182 998175.892903 2054291.249060 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1183 998185.026744 2054289.407520 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1184 998175.087131 2054310.116140 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1185 998186.463420 2054321.601690 MAPLE‐NORWAY Acer platanoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1186 998186.329891 2054323.052800 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1187 998199.693381 2054331.241430 BOXELDER Acer negundo 19 4 4 REMOVE 20 1188 998205.883001 2054329.496360 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 9 4 4 REMOVE 10 1189 998212.195652 2054329.696810 BOXELDER Acer negundo 16 4 4 REMOVE 20 1190 998219.885598 2054333.830340 BOXELDER Acer negundo 11 4 4 REMOVE 15 1191 998234.085044 2054337.378230 BOXELDER Acer negundo 17 4 3 OPTIONAL 20 1192 998244.696900 2054334.806710 MAPLE‐SILVER Acer saccharinum 11 4 3 OPTIONAL 15 1193 998243.220853 2054328.019000 BOXELDER Acer negundo 13 4 4 REMOVE 15 1194 998230.790103 2054325.060670 BOXELDER Acer negundo 13 5 4 REMOVE 15 1195 998221.910200 2054323.874980 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 13 4 3 REMOVE 15 1196 998210.367244 2054320.917300 BOXELDER Acer negundo 19 4 3 REMOVE 20 1197 998198.534591 2054307.926520 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 10 3 4 REMOVE 10 1198 998202.973558 2054309.994750 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 4 3 REMOVE 10 1199 998212.742895 2054308.525270 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 11 4 3 REMOVE 15 1200 998227.707432 2054309.237540 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 4 3 REMOVE 10 1201 998245.382266 2054309.460960 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1202 998251.683106 2054311.269360 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1203 998255.633558 2054312.722770 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1204 998247.518745 2054319.766060 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 23 4 4 REMOVE 25 1205 998251.053186 2054321.012120 CHERRY‐SPP Prunus spp 19 3 4 REMOVE 20 1206 998258.752318 2054313.761150 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 4 4 REMOVE 10 1207 998276.848738 2054307.138460 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1208 998284.749313 2054310.874670 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 14 3 4 REMOVE 15 clump 1209 998287.243075 2054313.571190 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 9 4 4 REMOVE 10 clump 1210 998300.346395 2054310.676840 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1211 998299.928089 2054314.615480 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1212 998313.654111 2054313.794610 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 4 3 REMOVE 10 1213 998316.670837 2054313.413050 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 4 3 REMOVE 10 clump 1214 998324.083552 2054306.917000 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1215 998332.576645 2054305.442600 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1216 998336.569748 2054305.713270 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1217 998346.710803 2054309.336620 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1218 998351.660597 2054306.709000 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1219 998353.802981 2054309.834320 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1220 998357.269181 2054310.329400 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1221 998364.198301 2054307.045610 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1222 998367.491930 2054315.432730 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1223 998371.618562 2054310.338260 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1224 998378.051620 2054309.026910 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1225 998380.853780 2054311.988190 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1226 998388.610982 2054303.772330 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1227 998387.116891 2054319.061660 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1228 998393.828163 2054313.596450 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1229 998398.443968 2054306.704080 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1230 998401.503673 2054306.714900 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1231 998408.539420 2054308.540360 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 21 3 4 OPTIONAL 25 clump 1232 998419.635526 2054313.957670 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 14 3 4 REMOVE 15 clump 1233 998426.745092 2054313.595470 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1234 998433.054135 2054309.549870 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1235 998436.614495 2054313.749670 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1236 998443.248996 2054315.832010 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 10 4 4 REMOVE 10 1237 998451.071815 2054322.403850 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 11 4 3 REMOVE 15 1238 998465.914961 2054319.736200 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 3 REMOVE 10 1239 998472.092442 2054310.511480 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 11 3 4 REMOVE 15 1240 998485.805670 2054313.937990 HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera spp 6 4 4 REMOVE 10 1241 998495.749219 2054313.602360 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 3 REMOVE 10 1242 998513.578908 2054313.955050 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 14 3 4 REMOVE 15 1243 998511.526419 2054306.092530 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1244 998525.584133 2054306.784790 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1245 998530.379399 2054314.990810 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1246 998535.859703 2054324.222740 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1247 998535.093629 2054305.988530 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1248 998554.293065 2054308.734590 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 13 4 3 REMOVE 15 1249 998557.367534 2054327.193210 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 3 REMOVE 10 1250 998561.281568 2054326.973390 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 4 REMOVE 10 clump 1251 998565.054855 2054308.226380 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 3 REMOVE 10 1252 998567.849469 2054312.688970 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 4 3 REMOVE 10 1253 998572.936729 2054305.936360 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 4 3 REMOVE 10 1254 998589.901262 2054307.394040 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1255 998586.928827 2054319.214880 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1256 998673.521173 2054308.175530 BUCKTHORN Rhamnus cathartica 8 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1257 998737.131282 2054315.582340 HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera spp 8 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1258 998745.627656 2054317.281810 HONEYSUCKLE Lonicera spp 6 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1259 998822.751846 2054302.506910 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1260 998824.447053 2054309.284450 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1261 998821.035642 2054329.188280 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1262 998834.212453 2054320.302480 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1263 998839.321695 2054302.940960 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1264 998849.935519 2054316.077090 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1265 998854.998501 2054306.674220 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1266 998864.361343 2054315.367120 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 10 4 4 REMOVE 10 clump 1267 998875.605087 2054304.532170 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1268 998878.081788 2054325.799510 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1269 998888.919365 2054311.496060 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1270 998898.686077 2054308.033140 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1271 998903.902930 2054327.148260 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1272 998917.196211 2054321.727010 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1273 998936.327406 2054313.578410 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1274 998945.257835 2054311.752620 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1275 998950.506184 2054313.849080 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1276 998956.281763 2054312.282810 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1277 998961.530440 2054313.594480 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1278 998976.748585 2054322.500310 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1279 998985.678029 2054314.395010 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1280 998989.086487 2054320.415010 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1281 999003.787245 2054317.808060 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1282 999005.884354 2054322.257200 ELM‐HYBRID Ulmus x spp 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1283 999001.155033 2054329.318860 PEAR‐CALLERY Pyrus calleryana 7 3 3 REMOVE 10 1284 999018.748501 2054318.079060 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1285 999029.773414 2054316.777880 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1286 999044.870496 2054324.137440 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1287 999046.187423 2054317.335290 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1288 999049.339319 2054313.936020 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1289 999051.182163 2054322.571500 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 9 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1290 999065.096178 2054318.655830 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1291 999071.714931 2054316.098420 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1292 999076.439003 2054316.886470 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 clump 1293 999086.678812 2054312.183070 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1294 999094.814950 2054313.496720 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1295 999103.737176 2054316.903860 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1296 999112.126267 2054332.870040 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1297 999117.383803 2054320.314290 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1298 999122.373622 2054316.392710 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1299 999119.217789 2054325.548200 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1300 999138.600624 2054313.020340 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1301 999135.754173 2054317.868750 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1302 999138.256136 2054325.089210 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 elm inclusion 1303 999144.659995 2054328.980280 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1304 999152.752498 2054305.663070 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1305 999157.761675 2054312.052160 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 4 3 OPTIONAL 10 1306 999178.094311 2054312.620730 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1307 999183.245876 2054314.706360 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1308 999189.067386 2054305.521990 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1309 999191.876436 2054312.301180 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1310 999195.154645 2054318.613500 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1311 999206.183166 2054304.130920 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1312 999212.508284 2054311.847440 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1313 999226.816655 2054301.573510 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1314 999231.032197 2054308.587280 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1315 999247.203097 2054318.180100 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1316 999248.689642 2054306.183410 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1317 999260.688634 2054324.267690 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1318 999268.225036 2054323.568220 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1319 999268.943211 2054305.727370 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1320 999278.009794 2054306.085310 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1321 999280.233871 2054304.073180 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1322 999281.594104 2054307.761490 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1323 999285.479923 2054320.185020 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1324 999293.078989 2054311.650590 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1325 999300.281731 2054313.208000 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1326 999307.488081 2054309.136820 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1327 999308.063211 2054323.111200 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 1328 999309.616686 2054328.934350 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1329 999314.484786 2054328.161380 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1330 999314.111428 2054303.512810 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1331 999323.069087 2054301.383880 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1332 999325.011340 2054308.372050 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 4 4 OPTIONAL 10 1333 999323.256422 2054312.640750 ELM‐SIBERIAN Ulmus pumila 6 4 3 OPTIONAL 10 1334 999345.357428 2054293.839930 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 12 4 4 REMOVE 15 1335 999340.045103 2054301.441290 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 10 4 3 OPTIONAL 10 1336 999339.369579 2054319.957000 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1337 999343.350542 2054318.967830 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1338 999352.307874 2054316.989820 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1339 999358.385617 2054296.970500 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1340 999358.869868 2054298.902580 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1341 999360.789484 2054311.533460 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1342 999370.154951 2054310.578740 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1343 999369.875424 2054316.756220 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1344 999391.352743 2054318.769340 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1345 999406.726072 2054295.614210 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1346 999396.328455 2054219.269870 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1347 999402.998389 2054216.857140 CATALPA Catalpa speciosa 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1348 999404.239200 2054173.951390 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1349 999398.583043 2054170.724690 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1350 999411.933738 2054150.589560 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 4 4 REMOVE 10 1351 999411.733936 2054147.165030 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1352 999409.917666 2054143.117790 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1353 999408.302840 2054140.498050 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1354 999396.353389 2054149.403870 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1355 999395.368483 2054142.503950 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1356 999397.189345 2054139.282170 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1357 999408.105662 2054132.843210 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1358 999398.206732 2054128.606670 BLACK LOCUST Robinia pseudoacacia 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1359 999405.084999 2054117.129000 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 1360 999395.997091 2054108.459720 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1361 999403.475750 2054105.644440 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1362 999404.906850 2054080.666800 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1363 999405.314985 2054074.623830 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1364 999404.328767 2054037.759730 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1365 999404.759540 2053997.673530 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1366 999410.178165 2053960.314020 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1367 999409.372392 2053956.284830 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1368 999413.245088 2053929.708110 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1369 999407.257895 2053928.046040 ELM‐CHINESE Ulmus parvifolia 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1370 999405.612229 2053901.183560 BOXELDER Acer negundo 10 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 clump 1371 999410.610578 2053888.916530 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 12 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1372 999401.307447 2053870.671160 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1373 999406.630928 2053870.011380 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1374 999407.634863 2053860.726620 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 2 3 RETAIN 15 1375 999403.983295 2053849.117070 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 13 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1376 999405.649302 2053844.807040 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 17 3 3 OPTIONAL 20 1377 999401.327789 2053839.830010 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 15 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1378 999404.659147 2053832.868080 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1379 999399.336979 2053831.869730 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1380 999408.415373 2053821.828740 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1381 999403.556131 2053823.929450 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1382 999400.280219 2053821.204720 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump 1383 999403.561708 2053815.398630 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 2 3 RETAIN 15 1384 999406.477385 2053811.770360 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 10 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1385 999405.214264 2053794.526300 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 4 OPTIONAL 15 clump,elm inclusion 1386 999403.027588 2053796.884560 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 14 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 1387 999402.392747 2053793.253990 ELM‐AMERICAN Ulmus americana 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1388 999398.372414 2053791.852420 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1389 999405.713607 2053776.610980 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 8 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1390 999401.418340 2053772.828180 WILLOW‐SPP Salix spp 11 4 3 REMOVE 15 1391 999400.037437 2053758.715020 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1392 999402.348784 2053744.305270 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 7 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1393 999404.472139 2053731.010350 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1394 999408.539388 2053730.040200 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 9 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1395 999409.849753 2053716.258410 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 7 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1396 999408.878955 2053708.474630 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 2 3 RETAIN 15 1397 999411.001982 2053695.666590 MAPLE‐RED Acer rubrum 6 3 3 OPTIONAL 10 1398 999411.329409 2053692.423810 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 8 3 4 OPTIONAL 10 1399 999407.609600 2053659.991460 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 13 2 3 RETAIN 15 1400 999412.827438 2053640.699180 MULBERRY‐SPP Morus spp 6 3 4 REMOVE 10 1401 999410.878623 2053635.995770 COTTONWOOD Populus deltoides 11 3 3 OPTIONAL 15 FOX MEADOWS – BRICK SELECTION Manufacturer: Glen-Gery Selection: Ellsworth Queen-Size NO SCALEPROJECT TEAMENGINEEROWNER/DEVELOPERFORV3 Companies, Ltd.7325 Janes AvenueWoodridge, Illinois 60517630 724 9200Project Manager: Dwayne Gillian, P.E.dgillian@v3co.comProject Engineer: Randy Andersen, P.E.randersen@v3co.comMcHENRY, ILLINOISTITLE SHEETDEMOLITION PLANSITE PLANGRADING AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANUTILITY PLAN0. / PLANNERCunat, Inc.5400 W. Elm St. Suite 110McHenry, IL 60050815 385 3192Contact: Stefanie SpitsonR. B. Custom Designs Inc.2108 West Johnsburg RoadJohnsburg, Illinois 60051815 759 9459Contact: Richard BiermanCIVIL ENGINEERING PLANSRESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSNO SCALEINDEXDRAWING NO.0.0N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\0.0 Tsht211232 S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECTLOCATIONDESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:211232 S03 JANUARY 20,2022 RA NS DG PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGMCHENRY ILLINOIS TITLE SHEET RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWS DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com BENCHMARKSLOCATION MAPVICINITY MAP PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANSPROJECTLOCATIONMCHENRY COUNTY GEODETICCONTROL STATION "NUNDA RM1"ELEV=852.14 NAVD88SITE BENCHMARK #1ARROW BOLTNAVD88 ELEV=824.72(ESTABLISHED BY VANDERSTAPPEN LAND SURVEYOR)SITE BENCHMARK #2ARROW BOLTNAVD88 ELEV=822.48(ESTABLISHED BY VANDERSTAPPEN LAND SURVEYOR)SITE BENCHMARK #3ARROW BOLTNAVD88 ELEV=826.97(ESTABLISHED BY VANDERSTAPPEN LAND SURVEYOR) 2.202± ACRES9.774± ACRES25.585± ACRESLOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3OUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE EXISTING R.O.W.TO BE VACATEDEXISTING R.O.W.TO BE VACATEDFIRE HYDRANTTO BE RELOCATEDSTORM SEWER TOBE REMOVEDSTORM SEWER TOBE REMOVEDDRAWING NO.1.0N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\1.0 Demo211232 S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA NS DG PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGMCHENRY ILLINOIS DEMOLITION PLAN RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:JANUARY 20,2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALE LOT 18UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE300+00 301+00 302+00 303+00 304+00 305+00 306+00 307+00308+00309+00310+00311+00312+00313+00314+00315+00315+34400 + 0 0 401 + 0 0 402+00 403+00 404+00 405+00 406+00 407+00 408+00 409+00409+05CURVE 1CURVE 2CURVE 330' BUILDING SETBACK50' BUILDING SETBACK50' BUILDING SETBACK 15' BUILDING SETBACK12' P.U.E.27' P.U.E. & M.U.E. 24.5'18'18'24'22'22'24'18'18'24'22'58.25'31'19.9'18.5'24'18'18'24'44'24'18'18'24'22'9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9' 9'8'8'8'9'18.5'24'18'18'24'44'24'18'18'24'22'22'24'18'18'24'22'22'24'18'18'24'26.2'31'55.5'9' 9'25.5'8.8'4.5' 7.8'4.5'8.8'4.5' 8.8'4.5'11.9'4.5'4.5'10.8'5.2'4.5'30'4.5'5.2'4.5'30'4.5'10.8'4.5'10.8'4.5'10.8'4.5'22.4'4.5'12.7' 8.7'10.8'4.5'10.8'4.5'10.8'4.5' 1 5 . 8 ' 4. 5 ' 15.8'4.5'10.8'4.5'10.8'4.5' 18.8' 24.2'4'109'4'24.5' 18.5'18.5' 24.5'4'100'4'24.5' 18.5' 18'29.8'18'24'44'24'18'18'24'18.5'24.5'4'109'4'24.5'18.5'18'24'18'24'44'24'18'18'31.3'18.5'24.5'4'109'4'24.5'18.5'18.5'24.5'4'109'4'24.5'18.5'18.5'27'22'24'18.5'24.5'24.5'22'24.03'50.07'67.63' 66.54'62.7'117.04' 115.92'8'8'9'18.5 '24'18.5 '78.2'25'32.50'66.74' 89.59'33.7'22.31'22'19.43'93.4'69.69'69.85'18'36.04'56.14'50. 2 0 ' 53.31' 18.5'24'22'24'18.5'57.5'24'115'24.1'24.5'59.31'18.5'24'18.5'170.18'18'24'22'18'24'22'22'24'18'18'24'18'115'25.5'18.5'25.5'18.5'69.39'31'5'30.6'31'5'48'16.3'57.5'20.2'115'74.50'48'16.3' 33.6' 15.6'37.6'18.5'26.5'59.83'60.8'30.9 ' 49.4'18.7'31'18'24'22'54.49'18'24'22'22'24'18'18'24.5'115'25.5'18.5'25.5'18.5'24.5'24.5'24.5'24.5'2.5' RETAININGWALL5' RETAININGWALL3' RETAININGWALLPLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUNDAREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURT121314MAIL MA I L TRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1CO M M U N I T Y CE N T E R W I T H IN D O O R S W I M M I N G PO O L OU T D O O R PO O L1 BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURT235418171615678910114' TO 6' HIGH WOODFENCE (4' ON BERMS)DOG PARKAREAS24° 06' 48"E 96.43'S26° 29' 30"W 305.98'N63° 30' 07"W 22.00'S26° 29' 30"W 674.78'S63° 30' 30"E 10.00'MULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATH TORECREATIONALAREASMULTI-USE PATHTO RECREATIONALAREAS3' RETAININGWALLMA I L FUTURE ROW7' WIDE ASPHALTMULTI-USE PATH(TYP)5'5'5'5'SITEENTRANCESIGNSITEENTRANCESIGN68.3'67.4'40.1'67.4'35'7' WALKING PATH TO EXTEND AND CONNECT TOEXISTING WALKING PATH APPROXIMATELY 630'EAST. THE CONNECTION TO THE EXISTINGPATH EAST ON VETERANS PARKWAY WILL BE INCOORDINATION WITH THE CITY OF MCHENRY. 135.8'101.9'112.8'10'26.5'CURVE TABLECURVECURVE 1CURVE 2CURVE 3P.I. DataP.I. STA. 307+43.58P.I. STA. 312+82.54P.I. STA. 401+47.18P.C. DATAP.C. STA. 305+41.46P.C. STA. 312+65.77P.C. STA. 401+04.62P.T. DATAP.T. STA. 309+04.16P.T. STA. 312+99P.T. STA. 401+88.66CHORD DATAANGLE: N57°59'07"EDISTANCE: 344.72ANGLE: N79°57'14"EDISTANCE: 33.08ANGLE: N10°40'11"EDISTANCE: 83.51CURVE DATALENGTH: 362.70RADIUS: 330.00LENGTH: 33.23RADIUS: 100.00LENGTH: 84.04RADIUS: 215.50RIGHT-OF-WAY LINELOT LINE (INTERIOR)PROPERTY LINE (EXTERIOR)EASEMENT LINEFENCE LINECENTERLINELIGHT STANDARDCURB & GUTTERDEPRESSED CURB & GUTTERDESCRIPTIONPROPOSEDEXISTINGLEGENDNOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.2. BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO OUTSIDE FACE OF BUILDING UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.3. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE B6.12 UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED.4. ALL PARKING ISLAND BACK OF CURB RADII ARE TO BE 2' UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.DRAWING NO.2.0N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\2.0 SitePlan211232 S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA NS DG PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGMCHENRY ILLINOIS SITE PLAN RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:JANUARY 20,2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALEPARKING SUMMARYREQUIRED PARKING1 BED, 2 SPACES/UNIT = 648324 APARTMENTS2 BED, 2.33 SPACES/UNIT = 503.28216 APARTMENTSVISITOR, 0.25 SPACES/UNIT540 APARTMENTS = 135TOTAL REQUIRED = 1286.28PROPOSED PARKINGAPARTMENTSSTANDARD SPACES = 785ACCESSIBLE SPACES = 54GARAGE SPACES = 270TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED = 1109COMMUNITY CENTERSTANDARD SPACES= 40ACCESSIBLE SPACES = 3PLAYGROUNDSTANDARD SPACES= 27ACCESSIBLE SPACES = 2TOTAL SITE PROVIDED = 1181LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTPAVING LEGEND1.5" HMA SURFACE COURSE, MIX C, N502.5" HMA BINDER COURSE, 19, N508" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6CONCRETE SIDEWALK5" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT4" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT1.5" HMA SURFACE COURSE, MIX C, N502.5" HMA BINDER COURSE, 19, N5010" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6CONCRETE PAVEMENT6" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT4" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6ASPHALT WALKING PATH2" HMA SURFACE COURSE, MIX C, N506" AGGREGATE BASE COURSE, CA-6(MATCH EXISTING)SPACE REQUIREMENTSSPACE DEFINITIONPROPOSED PERCENTAGEREQUIRED PERCENTAGESPACE, RECREATION6.94%5%SPACE, UNCOVERED83.23%73%SPACE, NONVEHICULAR62.79%45% FF 824.60 828.30FF 828.50R 828.05R 828.05828.30FF 828.85FF 828.50R 826.55826.80R 826.55R 826.55826.80FF 827.25 FF 828.90FF 830.00FF 830.00FF 828.30FF 828.85 R 826.00826.30R 826.00FF 826.50R 826.00826.30R 826.00FF 826.75FF 828.00FF 827.50FF 827.25825.60R 825.20R 825.20825.50R 825.20R 825.20825.50FF 825.70FF 826.00FF 825.00FF 825.00R 823.00823.30R 823.00FF 823.50R 823.00823.30R 823.00FF 823.50FF 827.05FF 828.05R 626.65R 826.65R 826.65R 826.65R 826.65R 826.65FF 8 3 0 . 5 5 R 828.70 R 828.60 FF 825.50 R 825.00825.30R 825.00R 825.00825.30R 825.00FF 827.00FF 827.40FF 827.40R 826.00R 826.00R 826.00R 826.00R 826.00R 826.00R 826.00FF 826.10FF 825.60FF 825.60FF 826.20FF 823.50823.35R 823.00R 823.00R 824.10824.40R 824.10FF 825.00R 823.60R 823.60823.90FF 824.10 FF 823.20R 822.70823.05R 822.70822.93822.60± M.E.821.98± M.E.822.21± M.E.823.50824.30823.30824.50825.50824.50825.50 824.5 0 825.33825.39825.20824.44824.67± M.E.827.50827.84828.82826.43FF 827.00 827.90FF 825.50 826.40826.40FF 826.40FF 826.40827.05827.05R 826.70826.40826.40R 826.55823.70824.30R 828.05R 828.05R 828 .25827.93828.23R 827.64826.10ADJUST RIMFF 827.05R 823.50R 826.30R 827.25R 825.50825.30LOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE PLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUNDAREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURT121314MAIL MAIL TRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1COMMUNIT Y CENTE R W I T H INDO O R S W I M M I N G PO O L OU T D O O R PO O L1 BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURT235418171615678910114' TO 6' HIGH WOODFENCE (4' ON BERMS)DOG PARKAREAS24° 06' 48"E 96.43'S26° 29' 30"W 305.98'N63° 30' 07"W 22.00'S26° 29' 30"W 674.78'S63° 30' 30"E 10.00'MULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATH TORECREATIONALAREASMULTI-USE PATHTO RECREATIONALAREASDisconnected existing mainSee utility plan for newnetwork2.5' RETAININGWALL5' RETAININGWALL3' RETAININGWALLINV 815.19INV 820.503' RETAININGWALLTRASH COMPACTORPHASE 224"15"18"18"15"15"15"15"15"15"24"15"18"15"24"15"15"15"18"24"15"18"18"15"30"36"15"15"15"36"42"48"15"15"18"15"18"24"24"24"30"30"42"42"15"18"24"15"30"30"36"36"42"42"15"NOTES:1.ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN DEPICT FINAL FINISHED GRADEUNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ELEVATIONS IN ROADWAYS AREEDGE OF PAVEMENT OR CENTERLINE.2.ALL STORM SEWER IS TO BE 12" HDPE UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED.3. ADDITIONAL YARD DRAINS WILL BE PROVIDED AROUND THEBUILDINGS ON FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS.CURB INLETSTORM SEWERDRAINAGE STRUCTURE WITH OPEN LIDUTILITY STRUCTURE WITH CLOSED LIDFLARED END SECTION (F.E.S.)LIGHT STANDARDCONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONTOP OF CURB ELEVATIONEDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION710706.0782.62782.12STORMWATER FLOW DIRECTIONSTORMWATER OVERFLOW ROUTEDESCRIPTIONPROPOSEDEXISTINGLEGENDDRAWING NO.3.0N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\3.0 Grd211232 S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA NS DG PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGMCHENRY ILLINOIS GRADING AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:JANUARY 20,2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALE 2.202± ACRES9.774± ACRES25.585± ACRESLOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE PLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUNDAREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURT121314MAIL MAIL TRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1COMMUN I T Y CENT E R W I T H IND O O R S W I M M I N G PO O L OU T D O O R PO O L1 BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURT235418171615678910114' TO 6' HIGH WOODFENCE (4' ON BERMS)DOG PARKAREAS24° 06' 48"E 96.43'S26° 29' 30"W 305.98'N63° 30' 07"W 22.00'S26° 29' 30"W 674.78'S63° 30' 30"E 10.00'MULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATHMULTI-USE PATH TORECREATIONALAREASMULTI-USE PATHTO RECREATIONALAREASRELOCATEDFIRE HYDRANTCONNECT TOEX. WM WITH TEE8" X 12"PRESSURECONNECTIONEX. 12" WATERMAINEX. 10" WATERMAIN EX. 10"WATERMAINEX. 10" WATERMAINEX. 8" SANITARY MAIN8" WATERMAIN R: 824.57IE: 819.27R: 825.69IE: 816.136" SANITARYSERVICE (TYP.)EX. 8" WATERMAINIE: 817.89LIGHTPOLE (TYP.)NOTES:1.ALL SANITARY SEWER MAIN TO BE 8" PVC UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.2.ALL WATER MAIN TO BE 8" C-900 PVC UNLESS OTHERWISENOTED. ALL WATER MAIN LEADS TO FIRE HYDRANT TO BE 6"PVC AND VALVE SPACING TO BE 800' MAX.3.ALL STORM SEWER MAIN TO BE 12" HDPE UNLESSOTHERWISE NOTED.4.YARD DRAINS WILL BE PROVIDED AROUND THE BUILDINGSWITH FINAL ENGINEERING.5.UP-SIZING OF OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER TO THE EASTALONG VETERANS PARKWAY WILL BE ADDRESSED DURINGFINAL DESIGN IN SEPARATE ENGINEERING PLANS.UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE& ELECTRIC DUCT BANKBURIED CABLE-TELEPHONEWATER MAINGAS MAINCURB INLETFIRE HYDRANTSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERGATE VALVE IN VALVE VAULTVALVE IN VALVE BOX DRAINAGE STRUCTURE WITHSANITARY FORCE MAINUTILITY STRUCTURE WITH CLOSEDBURIED CABLE-ELECTRICATLAS LOCATED UTILITYFLARED END SECTION (F.E.S.)LIGHT STANDARDDESCRIPTIONPROPOSEDEXISTINGLEGEND OPEN LIDLIDDRAWING NO.4.0N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Sheet Drawings\4.0 Util211232 S03.dwg4/13/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA NS DG PRELIMINARY ENGINEERINGMCHENRY ILLINOIS UTILITY PLAN RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S 1 02-08-22 2 03-02-22 3 04-11-22 PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW PER CITY REVIEW ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:JANUARY 20,2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALE FOX MEADOWS DOG PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS GUIDELINES FOR USE: 1. Photo of dog(s) must be on file along with the applicable pet/companion animal addendum. 2. Copy of renter’s insurance covering dog(s) ownership must be on file. 3. Copy of veterinarian information and verification of current vaccinations/neutering is required at the time of initial lease and any renewal lease. Vaccinations required: Rabies…Distemper…Hepatitis…Para Influenza…Parvovirus…Bordetella…Leptospirosis as well as a negative test for fecal parasites 4. Dog(s) not yet of age to be neutered or vaccinated are not permitted in the park. 5. Ask your vet’s advice about visiting this dog park. 6. Access to Dog Park is limited to registered residents of Fox Meadows, LLC. 7. Users of the facility do so at their own risk. Fox Meadows, LLC is not responsible for any injury or damage caused by any dog in or outside of the off leash area. Liability waiver must be on file with Fox Meadows, LLC. 8. The dog park is open from dawn to dusk. 9. The dog park is a smoke free area. 10. The following activities are prohibited within the confines of the dog park: food of any kind, alcohol, dog treats, littering, bikes, skateboards and climbing on or over the fence. 11. Cooperation between dog owners is expected. Including keeping order and enforcing dog park rules. 12. Collars are to be securely fastened and worn at all times. No pincher or spiked collars are allowed. 13. Dogs must display a county rabies tag and Fox Meadows id tag on their collar. 14. A dog handler 18 years of age or older must be present at all times and is solely responsible for the action of their dog(s) and any guests accompanying them. Children 11-17 must be accompanied by an adult and expected to behave appropriately. No children under 10 are permitted. 15. Maximum number of dogs per adult is two. 16. Dogs must remain in sight of the owner and should never be left in the park unattended. 17. Dog(s) must be leashed prior to entering and leaving the park. Owners must have dog(s) on leash anytime on Fox Meadows property when not in the Dog Park. 18. Dogs running free in the park should remain away from the gates when other dogs are entering and exiting. 19. No aggressive dogs allowed. Immediately leash your dog and exit the park if aggressive behavior is displayed. 20. Patrons should not chase dogs in the park. 21. Before approaching or handling another dog, obtain permission from the owner. 22. Dogs that bark excessively are not permitted in the park. 23. Keep sick dogs home. 24. No electronic devices, firearms, explosive devices, noise makers, and live or dead animals may be utilized for training purposes or any other purpose within the dog park. 25. Patrons are responsible to immediately clean up and dispose of feces left by their dog. Failure to pick up after your dog(s) may result in a fine up to $500.00 and loss of park privileges. Please bring your own waste disposal bags, we will stock bags on a regular basis, but cannot guarantee availability. 26. Patrons are responsible to fill any holes their dog may dig. 27. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in loss of privileges and removal from the park. 28. Fox Meadows, LLC staff has the authority to close the site for maintenance, weather hazards, rule violations and special events without prior notice. 29. In the event of an emergency (dog bite or dangerous behavior) immediately call 911 for assistance. All other issues should be reported to the Fox Meadows office. Fox Meadows, LLC reserves the right to change these rules at any time. Violation of the above rules may result in a fine and/or suspension or revocation of Dog Park use. I agree to abide by any and all rules and regulations as stated above. Printed Name:__________________________________________ Apartment number: ______________ Phone:__________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________ FOX MEADOWS – PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT (Area 1) Manufacturer: Playground Boss Style: Jungle Gym FOX MEADOWS – PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT (Area 2) Manufacturer: Playground Boss Style: Uptown @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-2 @ 20'C-2 @ 20'E @ 20'E @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'D @ 20'C-1 @ 20'D @ 20'E @ 20'C-2 @ 20'C-2 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'C-1 @ 20'D @ 20'F @ 15'F @ 15'Plan ViewScale - 1" = 50ftThis document contains confidential and proprietary information of KSA Lighting & Controls. This document may only be used by or for the benefit of KSA Lighting & Controls representatives and customers. This lighting design is not a professional engineering drawing and isprovided for informational purposes only, without warranty as to accuracy, completeness, reliability or otherwise. KSA Lighting & Controls is not responsible for specifying the lighting or illumination requirements for any specific project. It is the obligation of the end-user toconsult with a professional engineering advisor to determine whether this lighting design meets the applicable project requirements for lighting system performance, safety, suitability and effectiveness for use in a particular application. End-user environment and application(including, but not limited to, voltage variation and dirt accumulation) can cause actual field performance to differ from the calculated photometric performance represented in this lighting design. In no event will KSA Lighting & Controls be responsible for any loss resultingfrom any use of this lighting design.The Residence at Fox MeadowsParking Lot LightingDesignerJ CallisonDate3/3/2022ScaleNot to ScaleDrawing No.Fox Meadows EXTC1 of 1ScheduleSymbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number Description FilenameLumensPerLampLumenMultiplierLight LossFactorWattage Efficiency Distribution NotesC-134 LithoniaLightingRSX1 LED P4 40K R5 RSX Area Fixture Size 1 P4Lumen Package 4000K CCTType R5 DistributionRSX1_LED_P4_40K_R5.ies16795 1 0.95 133.14 100% TYPE VS,BUG RATING:B4 - U0 - G2C-24 LithoniaLightingRSX1 LED P4 40K R5 RSX Area Fixture Size 1 P4Lumen Package 4000K CCTType R5 DistributionRSX1_LED_P4_40K_R5.ies16795 1 0.95 266.28 100% TYPE VS,BUG RATING:B4 - U0 - G2D3 LithoniaLightingRSX1 LED P4 40K R3 RSX Area Fixture Size 1 P4Lumen Package 4000K CCTType R3 DistributionRSX1_LED_P4_40K_R3.ies16359 1 0.95 133.14 100% TYPE III,SHORT, BUGRATING: B2 -U0 - G3E3 LithoniaLightingRSX1 LED P4 40K R4 RSX Area Fixture Size 1 P4Lumen Package 4000K CCTType R4 DistributionRSX1_LED_P4_40K_R4.ies16573 1 0.95 133.14 100% TYPE IV,SHORT, BUGRATING: B2 -U0 - G3F2 AmericanElectric LightingARDCL P304 XXXX 27KR3ARDL American RevolutionDeluxe LED Full Cutoff, P304Performance Package, 2700KCCT, R3 DistributionARDCL_P304_XXXX_27K_R3.ies10184 1 0.95 99.9552 100% TYPE III,MEDIUM,BUG RATING:B1 - U0 - G2 PROJECT SITE: RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWS NEC STATE ROUTE 31 AND VETERANS PARKWAY CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PREPARED FOR: CUNAT INC. 540 W. ELM STREET, SUITE 110 MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 53051 PREPARED BY: V3 COMPANIES 7325 JANES AVENUE WOODRIDGE, ILLINOIS 60517 630.724.9200 JANUARY 20, 2022 V3 Companies Project No. 211232 PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Storm Water Management Narrative Section 2 - Storm Water Management Calculations - Runoff Curve Number - Time of Concentration Calculation - Previous Development TR20 Modeling (38.03 Acres, TB-70) - Proposed TR20 Modeling (38.03 Acres, TB-75) Section 3 - Storm Water Exhibits - Existing Drainage Area Exhibit - Proposed Drainage Area Exhibit - Proposed CN Exhibit Section 4 - General Exhibits - Project Location Map - Aerial Map - USGS Topographic Map (McHenry Quadrangle 1992) - USGS Hydrologic Atlas (McHenry Quadrangle 1992) - FEMA FIRM - Flood Zones of McHenry County, Illinois, Map (2019) - National Wetlands Inventory Map - McHenry County Wetlands Map - Soil Survey of McHenry County (2019) STORM WATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE Preliminary Stormwater Management Report for Residences at Fox Meadows NEC of SR 31 and Veterans Parkway McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois The proposed Residences at Fox Meadows is located at the northeast corner of Illinois State Route 31 (SR 31) and Veterans Parkway, in the City of McHenry. The site was previously mass graded and partially developed as part of Prairie Pointe Business Park. The majority of the 54.60± acre site was not fully developed. 12.22± acres at the southeast corner of the site was fully built out with a 6.34± acre office development and a 5.88± acre stormwater detention basin that was designed to serve the 54.60± acre project. The remaining 42.38± acre portion of the property is currently vacant of buildings but does have a gravel/dirt road through the center of the site with watermain, sanitary sewer and storm sewer intended to serve the development. The storm sewer and existing drainage swales convey water to the stormwater management facility. The site was permitted in 2003 with construction commencing soon after. Cunat, Inc. is now proposing to develop 38.03± acres of the remaining property with 540 apartment units in 14 buildings, garages, a separate community center building with a pool, playground areas, a basketball court and a tennis court. The original drainage plans indicated that all 38.03 acres were to drain to the southeast stormwater management basin. The proposed Preliminary Engineering Plans show that the proposed site grading will maintain this previously developed drainage pattern. The previously developed stormwater management facility includes a restrictor structure that was designed and constructed to control flow from this basin. The discharge rate from the site will not be increased in proposed conditions. The detention basin was designed to release flow in the southeast direction to a ditch along the north side of Veterans Parkway. From this point flow is directed through a detention basin that was constructed as part of the Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision. The restricted runoff ultimately flows to Stickney Run Creek. In reviewing McHenry County Stormwater Ordinance Article II, Section D, Paragraph 1: Reduced Standards for Specific Types of Development it is our professional opinion that the proposed development will not require modification to the previously designed detention and restrictor structures. The code states, “Regulated development that received one or more of the approvals set forth in a through e below prior to June 1, 2004 shall be exempt from the Buffer Areas Performance Standards of this Ordinance and may be exempt from the Runoff Rate Reduction and Watershed Specific Requirements of this Ordinance, upon review and by the Enforcement Officer that the regulated development is consistent with the prior approval.” This project qualifies under sub-section b: “final plat of subdivision” being Document No. 2004R0001227 as recorded with the McHenry County Recorders office on January 6, 2004. The Village Engineer expressed concerns regarding the capability of the detention basin being able to handle the stormwater runoff from the proposed development since Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 75 (TB 75) has now replaced Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 70 (TB 70) when projecting rainfall amounts. Generally speaking, TB 75 indicates about a 15% increase in rainfall for a 100-year storm event. In the case of this site the TB-70 100-year, 24-hour storm event rainfall was 7.58” and the TB-75 rainfall for the same event was 8.57” corresponding with a 13% increase in rainfall. It is our opinion that since V3 Companies · 2 this is a partially developed site, with a fully constructed stormwater management basin, the design of the stormwater management facility does not need to be updated to comply with evolving codes. However, we appreciate the concern and have modeled the basin with the previously approved land use and TB 70 versus the proposed land use and TB 75 to see what the differences are. We note that while the rainfall amounts have increased the proposed impervious area is decreased from the previously planned development. Given that the original site was approved and mass graded a number of years ago and recognizing that this project proposes to only disturb 38.03 acres of the former 54.60± acre site; we only analyzed the 38.03 acres being redeveloped as a part of this project. A Win TR-20 analysis was performed on the 38.03 acre site using the Curve Number and Time of Concentration of the site as it was previously designed. Then the same analysis was performed for the proposed development using the newly calculated Curve Number and Time of Concentration. The previously developed site, as specified in the original stormwater report from 2003 had a weighted curve number of 90 and a time of concentration of 0.96 hours. Using TB-70 rainfall data the previously developed site had a 100-year storm high water level (HWL) of 814.81 and a storage requirement of 15.39 acre-feet. The proposed site has a weighted curve number of 80 and a time of concentration of 0.26 hours. Using TB-75 rainfall data the proposed site will have a 100-year storm high water level of 814.74 and a storage requirement of 15.11 acre-feet. This analysis shows that the proposed site will have slightly less runoff into the basin than previously designed. This results in a lower 100-year HWL despite the added rainfall included in the calculations per TB-75. As a result, the detention basin and it’s associated stormwater infrastructure will not need to be modified. Wetland Inventory Maps in Section 4 and previous correspondence from the Army Corps of Engineers letter dated March 10, 2003 and Final Stormwater Management Report for the Prairie Pointe Business Park dated March 27, 2003 indicate that a wetland was located on the property. The original stormwater management report and engineering plans prepared by Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc, the ALTA/Topographic Survey prepared by SEC Surveying and more recent aerial photography indicates that the site was graded to remove the wetlands. Per the FEMA FIRM map and Flood Zones of McHenry County map provided in Section 4, the site does not appear to be in any floodplain areas, either by map or by elevation. The soils on the project are predominantly Ringwood silt loam 297B (Type B), Griswold loam 363C2 (Type B), and Thorp silt loam 206A (C/D) per the Soil Survey of Will County. The map in Section 4 was prepared based on an ArcGIS Soil Survey of McHenry County, Illinois. The soils are listed to have a relatively low to moderate K erosion factor and relatively low wind erodibility index. It is our opinion that the proposed stormwater management design conforms with the originally approved stormwater management plan and maintains compliance with the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS • RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER • TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATION • PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT TR20 MODELING (38.03 ACRES, TB-70) • PROPOSED TR20 MODELING (38.03 ACRES, TB-75) Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff Project 211132 By JGK Date 12/20/2021 Location McHenry, IL Checked Date Check one: Present Developed 1. Runoff curve number Soil name and hydrologic group Cover description CN [1]Area Product of CN (weighted) = total product/total area = ; hydrologic group of CN x area Table 2-2Figure 2-3Figure 2-4(appendix A)(cover type, treatment, and hydrologic condition; percent impervious; unconnected impervious area ratio) B Pavement 98 B Open space - Grass (developed) 61 18.32 19.71 1931.58 1117.52 [1] Use only one CN source per line Totals 38.03 3049.1 Use CN 8080.18 2. Runoff Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3 Frequency ……………..……. yr (Use P and CN with table 2-1, figure 2-1, or equations 2-3 and 2-4) Rainfall, P (24-hour) ……..…. in Runoff, Q ………………..…… in mi2 acres % D-2 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) Project:Residences at Fox Meadows By:JGK Date:1/7/2022 Location:McHenry Checked:Date: Circle One:Present Developed Circle One:Tc Tt through subareas Sheet Flow (Applicable to Tc only)Segment ID 1 1. Surface description (table 3-1)………………………………grass 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 3-1)……………………………….0.15 3. Flow Length, L (total L < 100 ft)……………………………………………….ft 100 4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2……………………………………………….in 3.34 5. Land slope, s……………………………………………………………………..ft / ft 0.020 6. Tt = 0.007 (nL)0.8 Compute Tt……………………………...hr 0.16 0.16 P2 0.5 s0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID 2 7. Surface Description (paved or unpaved)…………………………………Paved 8. Flow Length, L……………………………………………………………………ft 69.11 9. Watercourse slope, s……………………………………………………..ft / ft 0.014 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1)………………………………………ft / s 2.4 11. Tc = L Compute Tc……………………………...hr 0.01 0.01 3600 V 12 18 24 30 48 36 Channel Flow Segment ID 12" Pipe 18" Pipe 24" Pipe 30" Pipe 48" Pipe Open Ditch 36" Culvert 12. Cross sectional flow area, a…………………………………………….ft2 0.79 1.77 3.14 4.91 12.57 125.52 7.07 13. Wetted perimeter, Pw………………………………………………………..ft 1.57 2.36 3.14 3.93 6.28 29.51 4.71 14. Hydraulic radius, r = a / Pw Compute r……………………ft 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 2.00 4.25 1.50 15. Channel slope, s………………………………………………………..ft / ft 0.00356 0.00595 0.01968 0.00756 0.01075 0.00678 0.02266 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n………………………………………………..0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.15 0.013 17. V = 1.49 r2/3 s1/2 Compute V……………………ft / s 4.31 7.30 16.08 11.56 18.86 2.15 22.61 n 18. Flow length, L………………………………………………………………ft 168.43 167.94 76.22 529.02 27.91 477.91 107.66 19. Tt = L Compute Tt……………………………...hr 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.09 3600 V 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19)……………………………………..hr 0.26 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (T c) or Travel Time (T t) e:\2001\01060\Excel\Tc Calculation.xls 1/13/2022 WinTR-20 Printed Page File Beginning of Input Data List C:\Users\jkish\Desktop\McHenry SWMR\Mchenry_TR20_existingB70.inp WinTR-20: version 3.10 0 0 .1 0 Existing 38.03 Acres Bulletin 70 SUB-AREA: 001 R_Dummy .0594 90. .96 STREAM REACH: R_Dummy outlet ex pond STORM ANALYSIS: 2yr,24hr 3.04 Huff3, 24h2 3.04 10yr,24hr 4.47 Huff3, 24h2 3.04 100yr,24hr 7.58 Huff3, 24h2 3.04 STRUCTURE RATING: ex pond 810. 810. 0. 0. 811. .6 1.147 812. .91 4.661 813. 1.13 8.323 814. 4.26 12.145 815. 6.12 16.154 816. 7.5 20.379 817. 8. 24.853 817.5 50. 27.188 RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION: Huff1, 0.5 0.025 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 1hr 0.05 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 2hr 0.10 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 3hr 0.15 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 6hr 0.30 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff2, 12h 0.60 0. 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.39 0.51 0.62 0.70 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.95 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff3, 18h 0.90 0. 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.79 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.97 HWL =814.81, 15.39 Ac-ft 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff3, 24h 1.20 0. 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.79 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff4, 48h 2.4 0. 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.59 0.72 0.84 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff4, 72h 3.6 0. 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.59 0.72 0.84 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GLOBAL OUTPUT: 2 0.1 0.1 YNNNN YNNNNN WinTR-20 Printed Page File End of Input Data List Existing 38.03 Acres Bulletin 70 Name of printed page file: C:\Users\jkish\Desktop\McHenry SWMR\Mchenry_TR20_existingB70.out STORM 2yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 2.019 15.72 10.52 177.18 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 2.019 15.72 10.52 177.18 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 1.956 812.20 24.81 0.95 16.05 OUTLET 0.059 1.956 24.81 0.95 16.05 STORM 10yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 3.366 15.69 16.70 281.20 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 3.366 15.69 16.70 281.20 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 3.303 813.22 24.73 1.81 30.51 OUTLET 0.059 3.303 24.73 1.81 30.51 STORM 100yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 6.392 15.66 29.94 504.08 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 6.392 15.66 29.94 504.08 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 6.330 814.81 24.39 5.76 96.95 OUTLET 0.059 6.330 24.39 5.76 96.95 WinTR-20 Version 3.10 Page 1 01/07/2022 15:38 Existing 38.03 Acres Bulletin 70 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2yr,24hr 10yr,24hr100yr,24hr Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 001 0.059 10.52 16.70 29.94 R_Dummy 0.059 10.52 16.70 29.94 DOWNSTREAM 0.95 1.81 5.76 OUTLET 0.059 0.95 1.81 5.76 WinTR-20 Version 3.10 Page 2 01/07/2022 15:38 WinTR-20 Printed Page File Beginning of Input Data List C:\Users\jkish\Desktop\McHenry SWMR\Mchenry_TR20_proposedB75.inp WinTR-20: version 3.10 0 0 .1 0 Proposed 38.03 Acres Bulletin 75 SUB-AREA: 001 R_Dummy .0594 80. .26 STREAM REACH: R_Dummy outlet ex pond STORM ANALYSIS: 2yr,24hr 3.04 Huff3, 24h2 3.34 10yr,24hr 4.47 Huff3, 24h2 3.34 100yr,24hr 8.57 Huff3, 24h2 3.34 STRUCTURE RATING: ex pond 810. 810. 0. 0. 811. .6 1.147 812. .91 4.661 813. 1.13 8.323 814. 4.26 12.145 815. 6.12 16.154 816. 7.5 20.379 817. 8. 24.853 817.5 50. 27.188 RAINFALL DISTRIBUTION: Huff1, 0.5 0.025 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 1hr 0.05 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 2hr 0.10 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 3hr 0.15 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff1, 6hr 0.30 0. 0.16 0.33 0.43 0.52 0.60 0.66 0.71 0.75 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff2, 12h 0.60 0. 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.29 0.39 0.51 0.62 0.70 0.76 0.81 0.85 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.95 0.97 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff3, 18h 0.90 0. 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.79 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.97 HWL =814.74, 15.11 Ac-ft 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff3, 24h 1.20 0. 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 0.57 0.70 0.79 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff4, 48h 2.4 0. 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.59 0.72 0.84 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Huff4, 72h 3.6 0. 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.51 0.59 0.72 0.84 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GLOBAL OUTPUT: 2 0.1 0.1 YNNNN YNNNNN WinTR-20 Printed Page File End of Input Data List Proposed 38.03 Acres Bulletin 75 Name of printed page file: C:\Users\jkish\Desktop\McHenry SWMR\Mchenry_TR20_proposedB75.out STORM 2yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 1.279 15.61 7.84 132.06 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 1.279 15.61 7.84 132.06 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 1.216 811.63 24.22 0.80 13.39 OUTLET 0.059 1.216 24.22 0.80 13.39 STORM 10yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 2.435 15.61 13.98 235.33 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 2.435 15.61 13.98 235.33 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 2.372 812.56 24.25 1.03 17.39 OUTLET 0.059 2.372 24.25 1.03 17.39 STORM 100yr,24hr Area or Drainage Rain Gage Runoff ------------ Peak Flow ------------ Reach Area ID or Amount Elevation Time Rate Rate Identifier (sq mi) Location (in) (ft) (hr) (cfs) (csm) 001 0.059 6.161 15.60 31.94 537.69 R_Dummy 0.059 Upstream 6.161 15.60 31.94 537.69 R_Dummy 0.059 Downstream 6.099 814.74 24.14 5.64 94.90 OUTLET 0.059 6.099 24.14 5.64 94.90 WinTR-20 Version 3.10 Page 1 01/07/2022 15:42 Proposed 38.03 Acres Bulletin 75 Area or Drainage ----------- Peak Flow by Storm ----------- Reach Area 2yr,24hr 10yr,24hr100yr,24hr Identifier (sq mi) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 001 0.059 7.84 13.98 31.94 R_Dummy 0.059 7.84 13.98 31.94 DOWNSTREAM 0.80 1.03 5.64 OUTLET 0.059 0.80 1.03 5.64 WinTR-20 Version 3.10 Page 2 01/07/2022 15:42 STORM WATER EXHIBITS • EXISTING DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT • PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT • PROPOSED CN EXHIBIT 2.202± ACRES9.774± ACRES25.585± ACRESLOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE DRAINAGE AREA: 38.03 ACDETENTION BASINDRAWING NO.EX 2N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Misc Drawings\Ex DrainageExhibit211232 S03.dwg1/20/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA RI DG MCHENRY ILLINOIS EXISTING DRAINAGE EXHIBIT RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:01-20-2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge,IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALE PLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUND AREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURTTRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURTLOT 1LOT 3LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 6LOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 10LOT 11LOT 12LOT 13LOT 14LOT 15LOT 16LOT 17LOT 18PARCEL 3UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE DRAINAGE AREA: 38.03 ACDETENTION BASINDRAWING NO.EX 3N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Misc Drawings\Pr DrainageExhibit211232 S03.dwg1/20/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA RI DG MCHENRY ILLINOIS PROPOSED DRAINAGE EXHIBIT RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:01-20-2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge,IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALE PLAYGROUND AREAPLAYGROUND AREATENNISCOURT6' HIGH WOODFENCETENNISCOURT121314MAIL MA I L TRASH COMPACTORPHASE 2TRASHCOMPACTORPHASE 1CO M M U N I T Y CE N T E R W I T H IN D O O R S W I M M I N G PO O L OU T D O O R PO O L1 BASKETBALLCOURTBASKETBALLCOURT23541817161567891011LOT 18UNSUBDIVIDED LANDSOUTLOT ALOT 1LOT 2PRAIRIE POINTE BUSINESS PARK RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 16 & 18 SITE BENCHMARK#3SITE BENCHMARK#1SITE BENCHMARK#2VETERANS PARKWAYILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 31PATRIOT DRIVE DRAWING NO.EX 1N:\2021\211232\Drawings\ACAD\LD\S03\Misc Drawings\Prop CN Exhibit211232 S03.dwg1/20/2022PROJECT NO.: PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: 211232 S03 RA BD DG MCHENRY ILLINOIS PROPOSED CN EXHIBIT RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWSwww.v3co.com DESCRIPTIONDATENO. R E V I S I O N S ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE:01-20-2022 DESCRIPTIONDATENO. 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge,IL 60517 630.724.9200 phoneGRAPHIC SCALEIMPERVIOUS AREAPERVIOUS AREA858,655 SF (19.71 AC) - 52%LEGEND797,844 SF (18.32 AC) - 48%PROJECT AREA = 1,656,499 SF (38.03 AC) GENERAL EXHIBITS • PROJECT LOCATION MAP • AERIAL MAP • USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP (MCHENRY QUADRANGLE 1992) • USGS HYDROLOGIC ATLAS (MCHENRY QUADRANGLE 1992) • FEMA FIRM • FLOOD ZONES OF MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS MAP (2019) • NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP • MCHENRY COUNTY WETLANDS MAP • SOIL SURVEY OF MCHENRY COUNTY (1992) J:\2021\211232\EXH1loc211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAYER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 1 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois PR OJECT LOCATION MA P ESRI World Street Map Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/06/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH2aerial211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAYER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 2 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois AERIAL MAP Aerial Imagery (2019) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/06/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH3topo211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAYER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 3 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MA P USGS Topographic Map McHenry Quadrangle (1992) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/06/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH4hydr211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAYER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 4 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois USGS HYDROLOGIC ATLAS USGS Hydrologic Atlas McHenry Quadrangle (1992) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/06/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH5firm211232.mxd Visio, Vertere, Virtute... SITE : TITLE: "The Vision To Transform With Excellence" SCA LE : DATE: CR EATED BY:7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CLIE NT: BASE LAYER : PROJEC T NO.: Project Location ³ 5 EXH IBIT: FEMA FLOOD INSURANCERATE MAP (FIRM) Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 FEMA Firm Panel 17111C0220J 17111C0217J 211232 NOD 12/08/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH6nfhl211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAY ER:DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 6 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois FLOOD ZONES OF MCHENRYCOUNTY, IL LIN OIS (2019) MA P Aerial Imagery (2019) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/21/2021 See Scale Bar Legend Flood Zones of McHenry County (2019) FLD_ZO NE, ZO NE_SUBTY Zone A Zone AE Zone AE, Floodway Zone AH Zone AO Open Water Zone X, 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Zone X, Protected By Levee Zone X, Depth Less Than 1 ft Zone X Area Not Included J:\2021\211232\EXH7nwi211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAYER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: PEM1C PEM1B PEM1C R4SBC PEM1C PEM1C R4SBC PEM1A R4SBC R4SBC R4SBC 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 7 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois NATIONAL WETLANDSINVENTORY (NWI) MAP USGS Hydrologic Atlas McHenry Quadrangle (1992) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/06/2021 See Scale Bar J:\2021\211232\EXH8cwi211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAY ER :DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 200 0 200 400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 8 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois MCHENRY COUNTYWETLANDS M AP USGS Topographic Map McHenry Quandrangle (1992) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 12/21/2021 See Scale Bar Legend McHenry C ounty Wetlands CLASS Farm ed Wetland Wetland Fox River Lake Other J:\2021\211232\EXH9soil211232.mxd CLIE NT: BASE LAY ER:DATE: TITLE: SITE : Visio, Vertere, Virtute... "The Vision To Transform with Excellence" 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 630.724.9200 phone www.v3co.com CR EATED BY: SCA LE : PROJEC T N O.: 297B 153A 297A 198A 198A 1330A297B 198A 198A 626A 153A 330A 198A297A 198A 153A 297A 11 53A 198A 153A 363C2 363C2 363C2 11 53A 1330A 198A 297B 363C2 153A 206A 206A 206A 149A 206A 330A 197A 206A 206A 197A 330A 206A 363D2 197A 104A 149A2000200400Feet ³ ProjectLocation 9 EXHIBIT: Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois SOIL SURVEY OF M CHENRYCOUNTY, (2019) Aerial Imagery (2019) Cunat Inc. 540 W. Elm Street, Suite 110 McHenry, Illinois 60050 211232 NOD 01/14/2022 See Scale Bar Legend Hydric Soils of McHenry County TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY REPORT FOR: RESIDENCES AT FOX MEADOWS ILLINOIS ROUTE 31 AND VETERANS PARKWAY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS PREPARED BY: V3 Companies 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, Illinois 60517 V3 Project No. 211232 March 2, 2022 Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - i - TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 II. PROJECT CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 4 Land Uses ...................................................................................................................... 4 Roadway System ........................................................................................................... 4 Roadway Descriptions ........................................................................................ 4 Intersection Description....................................................................................... 4 Traffic Volumes .............................................................................................................. 8 Proposed Development .................................................................................................. 8 Land Use Development....................................................................................... 8 Roadway Development ....................................................................................... 8 III. TRAFFIC FORECASTS .......................................................................................................11 Project Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................11 Trip Generation ..................................................................................................11 Trip Distribution and Assignment .......................................................................11 Background Traffic Volumes ..........................................................................................12 Future Traffic Volumes ..................................................................................................13 IV. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................................17 Capacity Analysis ..........................................................................................................17 Potential Mitigation Scenarios .......................................................................................19 Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis ..........................................................................19 Queue Length Analysis .................................................................................................20 V. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................24 Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - ii - FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Map ....................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2: Conceptual Site Plan ................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3: Land Use Map ............................................................................................................. 6 Figure 4: Existing Lane Configuration ........................................................................................ 7 Figure 5: Existing Traffic Volume ..............................................................................................10 Figure 6: Project Traffic Volumes ..............................................................................................14 Figure 7: Background Traffic Volume ........................................................................................15 Figure 8: Future with Project Traffic Volume .............................................................................16 Figure 9: Future Lane Configuration ..........................................................................................23 TABLES Table 1: Trip Generation ...........................................................................................................11 Table 2: Trip Distribution ...........................................................................................................12 Table 3: CMAP Growth Rates ...................................................................................................12 Table 4: Level of Service Definitions for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections ..................17 Table 5: Capacity Analysis Results – Unsignalized Intersections ..............................................18 Table 6: Capacity Analysis Results – Signalized Intersections ..................................................20 Table 7: 95th Percentile Queue Lengths ....................................................................................22 APPENDICES Appendix A Existing Traffic Counts Appendix B CMAP Correspondence Appendix C Capacity Analysis Worksheets – Existing Appendix D Capacity Analysis Worksheets – Background Appendix E Capacity Analysis Worksheets – Future with Project Appendix F Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis and Signalized Intersection Worksheets Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 1 - I. INTRODUCTION V3 Companies has been retained by CUNAT, Inc. to conduct a traffic impact study for a proposed multifamily development located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Illinois Route 31 (IL 31) and Veterans Parkway in McHenry, Illinois. The site is bounded by IL 31 to the west, an industrial development to the north, undeveloped land to the east, and Veterans Parkway to the south. A location map is included as Figure 1. The proposed development consists of multiple three-story buildings totaling 540 dwelling units along with accompanying parks and amenities. The site will be accessed by two new driveways along Veterans Parkway, a full access driveway approximately 390 feet east of IL 31 and a right in/right out only driveway east of Savoy Lane. The location of the full access driveway has an eastbound left turn lane and a westbound right turn lane already provided. Figure 2 illustrates the proposed site plan. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential traffic impacts of the proposed residential development. Traffic estimates are projected to 2028, which is five years beyond the anticipated completion date in 2023. The study area includes the currently unsignalized intersections of Veterans Parkway at IL 31, Savoy Lane, Barreville Road, and the two proposed driveways to the site. This report includes a description of existing conditions, data collection and capacity analysis, evaluation of data, and conclusions. SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 1 SITE ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY NOT TO SCALE CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN FIGURE 2DRIVEWAY 2DRIVEWAY 1390'690' ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 4 - II. PROJECT CONDITIONS Land Uses The land uses near the project site primarily consist of residential, industrial, and retail uses as well as undeveloped lane. The surrounding land uses are illustrated in Figure 3. Roadway System The characteristics of the roadways in the vicinity of the site are presented below. The existing lane configuration in the study area is illustrated in Figure 4. Roadway Descriptions Veterans Parkway is a two-lane, east-west roadway that is classified as a minor collector with a raised, landscaped median that provides left turn lanes at residential street intersections. Veterans Parkway is posted with a speed limit of 25 mph. A partial sidewalk travels along the both sides of the roadways for approximately 400 feet east of IL 31 and there is a multiuse path along the north side of the roadway from east of Concord Drive to Barreville Road. Veterans Parkway is under local municipal jurisdiction. Illinois Route 31 is a two-lane, north-south roadway classified as a Strategic Regional Arterial (SRA) under State jurisdiction. IL 31 typically consists of one travel lane in each direction except where it widens at Veterans Parkway to provide left and right turn lanes. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. There is a sidewalk on the east side of the roadway south of Veterans Parkway for several hundred feet. Barreville Road is a two-lane, north-south roadway classified as a major collector. The posted speed limit is 35 mph and is under municipal jurisdiction. Savoy Lane is a two-lane, north-south local street that provides access to the existing residential development south of Veterans Parkway. Savoy Lane is posted with a speed limit of 25 mph and is under municipal jurisdiction. Intersection Description The intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway operates as a two-way stop-controlled intersection with westbound Veterans Parkway signed as the stop approach. There is a full access driveway to a private business on the west side of the intersections. Northbound IL 31 provides one through lane and one left turn lane while southbound IL 31 provides one through lane and one left turn lane. The westbound approach of Veterans Parkway provides one left turn lane and one right turn lane. The driveway on the west side of the intersection provides one shared left turn/through/right turn lane. There is a striped pedestrian crossing on the east leg of the intersection. Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 5 - The intersection of Barreville Road and Veterans Parkway is a two-way stop-controlled intersection with eastbound and westbound Veterans Parkway as the stop approaches. The northbound and southbound approaches of Barreville Road are free-flow with one shared left turn/through/right turn lane in both directions. The eastbound and westbound approach of Veterans Parkway is stop-controlled with the westbound approach consisting of one shared left turn/through/right turn lane and the eastbound approach consisting of one left turn lane and one shared through/right turn lane. The intersection of Savoy Lane and Veterans Parkway is a stop-controlled intersection along Savoy Lane. The eastbound and westbound approaches of Veterans Parkway are free-flow with the westbound approach consisting of one through lane and left turn lane and the eastbound approach consisting of one through/right turn lane. The northbound approach of Savoy Lane is stop-controlled with one shared left turn/through/right turn lane. LAND USE MAP FIGURE 3 RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL CREEKSIDE PARK INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE IL ROUTE 31VETERANS PKWYBARREVILLE RDW GRACY RDIL ROUTE 31ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY EXISTING LANE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 4 - EXISTING STOP SIGN LEGEND LI MI T45LIMIT45LIMIT25LIMIT25LIMIT 35LIMIT35 ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY S A V O Y L N VETERANS PKWYILLINOIS RTE 31BARREVILLE RD Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 8 - Traffic Volumes To assist in the evaluation of the traffic impact on the roadway system resulting from the proposed development, existing vehicular volumes were collected in the study area. Existing traffic counts were collected on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at the intersection of Illinois Route 31 and Veterans Parkway, Barreville Road and Veterans Parkway, and Savoy Lane and Veterans Parkway. Peak hour traffic counts were collected from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The time periods of the traffic counts were selected to coincide with the typical peak demand hours of minor arterials and major collectors similar to the adjacent roadways and the typical peak generating hours of residential developments. The weekday am and weekday pm peak hours occur between 7:00 am to 8:00 am and 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, respectively. It is worth noting that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is likely impacting traffic patterns in the area due to school and business restrictions and changes in office employee procedures. Therefore, an adjustment is needed to account for the potential traffic reductions at the time of the count. An adjustment factor is calculated by comparing the collected peak hour counts to historical counts in the area. Historical hourly traffic data was obtained along IL 31 and Barreville Road near Veterans Parkway. The 2021 traffic counts indicate that the am peak hour and pm peak hour volumes are approximately 16 percent and 11 percent lower than the historic counts, respectively, along IL 31. Similarly, the 2021 traffic counts along Barreville Road were higher than the historic counts during the weekday am and pm peak hours. In order to maintain a conservative analysis, a 16 percent COVID-19 adjustment factor was applied to all collected counts to create adjusted 2021 existing volumes. The adjusted existing peak hour volumes are illustrated in Figure 5. A summary of the traffic volumes collected in fifteen-minute increments and the historical hourly traffic count data are provided in Appendix A. Proposed Development Land Use Development It is our understanding that there are no known development plans that are likely to alter traffic patterns in the near future. Roadway Development IDOT is planning to improve IL 31 from IL 176 to IL 120, a distance of approximately 6.8 miles. From the 2016 Environmental Assessment, near the intersection of Veterans Parkway, the preferred alternative proposes to widen IL 31 to provide two travel lanes in each direction with a center median, however a traffic signal is not proposed. Northbound and southbound left turn lanes and a northbound right turn lane are proposed at the Veterans Parkway intersection. It is also our understanding that the widening is projected to start in the next three to five years. While Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 9 - the City of McHenry is planning to signalize this intersection once a traffic signal is warranted, the intersection will initially be analyzed as a two-way stop-controlled intersection with the additional lanes as proposed in the Environmental Assessment for the future scenarios. EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES FIGURE 5 LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM AM PEAK HOUR: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (##)- PM PEAK HOUR ## - AM PEAK HOUR ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY 43 (61) 1 (0) 51 (26) 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 (1)0 (1)865 (1167)37 (99)1 (1)1083 (1198)30 (64)66 (63) 3 (13) 52 (131) 14 (31)28 (23)14 (6)68 (58)94 (56)16 (37)23 (15) 7 (7) 12 (2) 66 (125) 9 (8) 13 (14)8 (20)52 (122)8 (7)ILLINOIS RTE 31SAVOY LNBARREVILLE RDVETERANS PKWY Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 11 - III. TRAFFIC FORECASTS Project Traffic Volumes Trip Generation The proposed residential development consists of a residential complex consisting of 540 dwelling units. Project traffic is estimated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition. The following land use category is used to determine project traffic: Multi-Family Mid-Rise Housing (ITE Land Use Code 221) – Mid-rise multifamily housing includes apartments, townhouses, and condominiums located within the same building with at least three other dwelling units and that have between three and 10 levels (floors). The Trip Generation Manual, 11th Edition assigns trip generation estimates based on an average rate equation for each peak period and an independent variable. In this case, dwelling units is the applicable variable for multi-family housing. The am and pm peak hour trip generation equations are selected for weekday, peak hour of adjacent street traffic for one hour from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. A summary of trip generation is provided in Table 1. Table 1: Trip Generation Trip Distribution and Assignment The direction from which traffic approaches and departs a site is a function of numerous variables, including location of residences, location of employment centers, location of commercial/retail centers, available roadway systems, location and number of access points, and level of congestion on adjacent road systems. The distribution of multi-family housing is based on the location of schools, employment centers, and commercial/retail areas. Additionally, the traffic data along Veterans Parkway was utilized to estimate the trip distribution as most traffic along this roadway is generated from the existing residential development along the roadway. A large portion of trips is assigned to Barreville Road to the north, which is the direction to Charles J Miller Memorial Highway and IL 120 which both provide bridges across the Fox River, as well as major north/south and east/west arterials for regional connectivity. A smaller portion of traffic is assigned to the south on Barreville Road, which provides connectivity to several neighboring communities. Similarly, traffic is assigned to In Out Total In Out Total Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) 540 Dwelling Unit 52 174 226 129 82 211221 AM WEEKDAY PMLUC LAND USE SIZE Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 12 - IL 31 as this is one of the few major north/south arterials in the area. The overall trip distribution is summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Trip Distribution The directional distributions and assignment of project traffic volume is illustrated in Figure 6. Background Traffic Volumes Background traffic volumes are estimated for the year 2028, which is five years beyond the anticipated build out in 2023. Background growth rates are obtained from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). These growth rates account for future non-project related growth in the area. The annual average daily traffic (AADT) volumes for IL Route 31 were obtained from the IDOT database. A summary of the CMAP growth rates is provided in Table 3 and CMAP correspondence is provided in Appendix B. While Veterans Parkway traffic is expected to decrease, the existing traffic volumes were used for the future scenarios. Table 3: CMAP Growth Rates The background traffic volumes are illustrated in Figure 7. Cordon Location Distribution IL Route 31 - North of Veterans Pkwy 30% IL Route 31 - South of Veterans Pkwy 30% Barreville Rd - North of Veterans Pkwy 30% Barreville Rd - South of Veterans Pkwy 10% 2050 Proj. IL Route 31 25,100 (2019) 39,300 56.6% 1.8% 12.8% Veterans Parkway 1,850 (2017) 1,500 -18.9% -0.6% -4.0% Barreville Road 1,200 (2017) 1,600 33.3% 1.0% 7.1% Total Growth from Count Year to 2050 Non Compounded Yearly Rate Total Growth from 2021 to 2028Existing AADT (Year) Street AADT Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 13 - Future Traffic Volumes The total project trips are added to the background volume to obtain the future with project traffic volumes for the study area intersection. Future with project traffic volumes are depicted in Figure 8. TRAFFIC VOLUMES NEW PROJECT FIGURE 6 10% 30% 30% 30% LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM AM PEAK HOUR: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (##)- PM PEAK HOUR ## - AM PEAK HOUR ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY0 (0)0 (0)16 (39)52 (25) 0 (0) 52 (25) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)16 (39)57 (38) 0 (0) 70 (32) 0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)15 (38)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 52 (24) 0 (0) 18 (8)5 (13)0 (0)0 (0)70 (32)52 (25)32 (78) 0 (0) 5 (13) 52 (25) 70 (32)52 (25)15 (38) 5 (13)ILLINOIS RTE 31SAVOY LNBARREVILLE RDVETERANS PKWY DRIVEWAY 2DRIVEWAY 1 TRAFFIC VOLUMES BACKGROUND FIGURE 7 NOTE: (FIGURE 5) VOLUME TRAFFIC EXISTING=+ TO 2028 PROJECTIONS CMAP GROWTH TRAFFIC VOLUME 2028 BACKGROUND LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM AM PEAK HOUR: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (##)- PM PEAK HOUR ## - AM PEAK HOUR ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY 43 (61) 1 (0) 51 (26) 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 (1)0 (1)976 (1316)37 (99)1 (1)1222 (1351)30 (64)66 (63) 3 (13) 52 (131) 14 (31)28 (23)14 (6)68 (58)101 (60)16 (37)23 (15) 7 (7) 12 (2) 66 (125) 9 (8) 13 (14)8 (20)56 (131)8 (7)ILLINOIS RTE 31SAVOY LNBARREVILLE RDVETERANS PKWY DRIVEWAY 2 (FIGURE 6) =+ VOLUME TRAFFIC PROJECT (FIGURE 7) NOTE: TRAFFIC VOLUME 2028 BACKGROUND VOLUME PROJECT TRAFFIC 2027 FUTURE WITH LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM AM PEAK HOUR: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (##)- PM PEAK HOUR ## - AM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES FUTURE WITH PROJECT FIGURE 8 ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRY 95 (86) 1 (0) 103 (51) 0 (1) 0 (0) 0 (1)0 (1)976 (1316)53 (138)1 (1)1222 (1351)46 (103)123 (101) 3 (13) 122 (163) 14 (31)28 (23)14 (6)83 (96)101 (60)16 (37)23 (15) 7 (7) 12 (2) 118 (149) 9 (8) 31 (22)13 (33)56 (131)8 (7)70 (32)52 (25)32 (78) 67 (163) 5 (13) 146 (111) 136 (169)52 (25)15 (38) 81 (91)ILLINOIS RTE 31SAVOY LNBARREVILLE RDVETERANS PKWY DRIVEWAY 2DRIVEWAY 1 Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 17 - IV. TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Capacity Analysis The operation of a facility is evaluated based on level of service (LOS) calculations obtained by analytical methods defined in the Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), 2010 Edition. The concept of LOS is defined as a quality measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, generally in terms of such service measures as speed and travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, and comfort and convenience. There are six LOS letter designations, from A to F, with LOS A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F the worst. The LOS of an intersection is based on the average control delay per vehicle. For a signalized intersection, the delay is calculated for each lane group and then aggregated for each approach and for the intersection as a whole. Generally, the LOS is reported for the intersection as a whole. For an unsignalized intersection, the delay is only calculated and reported for each minor movement. An overall intersection LOS is not calculated. There are different LOS criteria for signalized and unsignalized intersections primarily due to driver perceptions of transportation facilities. The perception is that a signalized intersection is expected to carry higher traffic volumes and experience a greater average delay than an unsignalized intersection. The LOS criteria for signalized and unsignalized intersections are provided in Table 4. Table 4: Level of Service Definitions for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Signalized Intersection Control Delay (seconds/vehicle) Unsignalized Intersection Control Delay (seconds/vehicle) A < 10 ≤ 10.0 B > 10.0 and ≤ 20.0 > 10.0 and ≤ 15.0 C > 20.0 and ≤ 35.0 > 15.0 and ≤ 25.0 D > 35.0 and ≤ 55.0 > 25.0 and ≤ 35.0 E > 55.0 and ≤ 80.0 > 35.0 and ≤ 50.0 F > 80.0 > 50.0 Source: Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition, National Research Council, 2016. Typically, various state and local governments adopt standards varying between LOS C and LOS E, depending on the area’s size and roadway characteristics. The study area consists of the intersections along Veterans Parkway at IL 31, Savoy Lane, and Barreville Road as well as the site driveways on Veterans Parkway. A capacity analysis was Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 18 - performed with HCS 7 (7.9). Models were created for the weekday am and weekday pm peak hours for the existing, background, and future with project conditions. Results for the unsignalized intersections along Veterans Parkway are summarized in Table 5. Supporting HCS analysis reports for the existing, background, and future with project traffic conditions are provided in Appendices C, D, and E respectively. Table 5: Capacity Analysis Results – Unsignalized Intersections Based on the analysis of adjusted existing volumes, the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway experiences high delays for the stop-controlled approaches of the intersection, with the westbound left turn at LOS F during both the weekday am and pm peak hours and the eastbound approach at LOS F during the weekday pm peak hour. The southbound left turn operates at LOS B or better during the peak hours. At the Savoy Lane and Barreville Road intersections, all movements operate at LOS B or better. In the background condition, delays tend to increase slightly on most approaches with the stop- controlled approaches operating at LOS F at IL 31 and Veterans Parkway. All other movements at that intersection and at Savoy Lane and Barreville Road are projected to operate at LOS C or better. Delays again tend to increase slightly with the addition of project related trips at Savoy Lane and Barreville Road with all movements projected to operate at LOS C or better. Additionally, all movements at both site driveways are projected to operate at LOS B or better during the weekday Delay (s/veh)LOS Delay (s/veh)LOS Delay (s/veh)LOS Delay (s/veh)LOS Delay (s/veh)LOS Delay (s/veh)LOS Veterans Parkway & IL Route 31 EB Left/Thru/Right - - - - - - 53.2 F 92.6 F 150.3 F WB Left 53.2 F 68.2 F 682.0 F 65.6 F 93.1 F 2648.2 F WB Right 18.0 C 20.1 C 14.1 B 28.7 D 37.2 E 16.0 C NB Left 10.9 B 11.6 B 11.6 B 11.5 B 12.4 B 12.4 B SB Left 10.6 A 11.1 B 11.7 B 13.0 B 15.1 C 16.1 C Veterans Parkway & Driveway 1 EB Left - - - - 7.6 A - - - - 7.6 A SB Left - - - - 11.2 B - - - - 12.9 B SB Right - - - - 9.0 A - - - - 8.8 A Veterans Parkway & Savoy Lane WB Left 7.7 A 7.7 A 7.8 A 7.6 A 7.9 A 8.0 A NB Left 9.4 A 9.3 A 10.2 B 10.4 B 10.1 B 10.6 B NB Right 8.6 A 8.6 A 9.0 A 9.1 A 9.0 A 9.2 A Veterans Parkway & Driveway 2 SB Right - - - - 9.0 A - - - - 9.0 A Veterans Parkway & Barreville Road EB Left 11.3 B 11.3 B 12.2 B 13.8 B 13.7 B 15.3 C EB Thru/Right 9.0 A 9.1 A 9.2 A 8.8 A 8.8 A 8.9 A WB Left/Thru/Right 9.8 A 9.8 A 10.0 B 10.2 B 10.3 B 10.5 B NB Left 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.5 A 7.5 A 7.6 A SB Left 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.6 A 7.8 A 7.8 A Intersection / Approach Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Existing Background Future w/ Project Existing Background Future w/ Project Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 19 - am and weekday pm peak hours. It is concluded that no capacity mitigation is warranted at these unsignalized intersections. Based on the Environmental Assessment document for the IL 31 reconstruction, it is assumed that the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway will be widened in the future with project scenario. With the proposed widening and additional traffic, the unsignalized intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway will operate with significant delays at the stop-controlled approaches. The westbound left turn during the weekday am and weekday pm peak hour are projected to operate with delays exceeding ten minutes. The northbound and southbound left turns are projected to operate at LOS C or better. Potential Mitigation Scenarios IL 31 and Veterans Parkway intersection serves as a primary access route to the proposed development. As noted in the previous section, the addition of project related traffic exacerbates an existing delay issue for the westbound left turn at IL 31 and Veterans Parkway. One potential mitigation to be evaluated as part of this study would be the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway. Therefore, a traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted based on the future with project traffic volumes at the intersection. Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis Based on the projected traffic volumes at the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway, a traffic signal warrant analysis has been conducted. The investigation for the need for a traffic control signal is based on the methodology established in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The MUTCD establishes nine individual warrants. Installation of a traffic signal should be further investigated at locations that meet one or more warrants. However, warrant 1, the eight-hour vehicular volume warrant, is typically the only vehicular volume/delay warrant that is considered for intersections on designated SRA routes. Warrant 1 is met if a total of eight hours in the day exceed the thresholds established in the MUTCD. Traditionally, this warrant requires more than eight hours of data collection and substantial projections of future trips. However, additional guidance from IDOT states that in cases involving future volumes, the eight-hour vehicular volume hour can be estimated as 55 percent of the peak hour volumes. The IDOT methodology also requires a reduction of the minor approach right turn volume based on factors such as lane configuration and conflicting volumes. Additionally, the minor street threshold volumes are typically increased for intersections located on SRA’s to reflect more rigid warranting requirements. The policy for new traffic signals along an SRA route are described in Section 10.4.2 of the Strategic Regional Arterial Design Concept Report, February 1994. Based on the projected weekday am peak hour traffic volumes and utilizing the IDOT guidance to estimate the eighth hour volumes, the intersection does not meet Condition A, Minimum Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 20 - Vehicular Volume, for the projected eighth highest hour but does meet Condition B, Interruption of Continuous Traffic, for the eight highest hour. The supporting Signal Warrant Review Sheet and Right Turn Factorization Sheet are included in Appendix F. Any new traffic signal along IL 31 would have to be reviewed and approved by IDOT prior to installation. IDOT does not typically approve traffic signals based on projected traffic volumes, particularly along SRA routes, and requires field-collected traffic counts to meet the traffic signal warrants. Therefore, it is recommended that a minimum of 14 hours of traffic counts be collected in the future at the intersection to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. While a traffic signal would have to be warranted and approved in the future, for the purposes of this study, a signalized intersection analysis was conducted at the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway based on the future with project traffic volumes. The results of the signalized intersection capacity analysis is summarized in Table 6. Based on the evaluation, the intersection would operate at LOS A during the weekday am and weekday pm peak hours with the eastbound and westbound approaches operating at LOS D. The northbound and southbound approaches of IL 31 would operate at LOS A due to receiving a majority of the green time. Table 6: Capacity Analysis Results – Signalized Intersections Queue Length Analysis Table 7 provides a summary of the 95th percentile queue lengths at the study area intersections. All intersections for each scenario are unsignalized with the exception of the IL 31 and Veterans Parkway intersection for the 2028 future with project potential mitigation scenario and has been analyzed as a signalized and unsignalized intersection. The results of the queue analysis show that there are minimal queue lengths at the study area intersections for each scenario. The longest queue lengths occur at the westbound left turn at the unsignalized IL 31 and Veterans Parkway intersection for the future with project scenario, which is estimated at 305 feet, or approximately 12 vehicles. The current distance from the stop bar at IL 31 to the proposed driveway is approximately 300 feet. If this intersection were signalized, the same queue length for the westbound left turn is estimated at 111 feet. Delay (sec)LOS Delay (sec)LOS Delay (sec)LOS Delay (sec)LOS Delay (sec)LOS Existing (2019) - - - - - - - - - - Background (2028) - - - - - - - - - - Future with Project (2028) Mitigation - - 47.4 D 5.9 A 4.5 A 8.5 A Existing (2019) - - - - - - - - - - Background (2028) - - - - - - - - - - Future with Project (2028) Mitigation 37.6 D 45.6 D 7.7 A 8.2 A 9.6 A Southbound Intersection IL 31 & Veterans Pwky Weekday AM Weekday PM Intersection Peak Hour Scenario Eastbound Westbound Northbound Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 21 - It is concluded that no queue storage mitigation is required at any of the intersections and site driveways. It is recommended that the design of the turn lanes at IL 31 and Veterans Parkway provide adequate storage, which will likely be provided based on the design speed of the roadways and following the IDOT BDE Manual recommendations. The overall proposed lane configuration based on the auxiliary lane, capacity, and queue length analyses is illustrated in Figure 9. Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 22 - Table 7: 95th Percentile Queue Lengths Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound 2021 Existing - 48 - 5 2028 Background - 55 0 5 2028 Future w/ Project Unsignalized - 255 0 8 2028 Future w/ Project Signalized - 111 Left = 0 Right = 12 6 2021 Existing 3 30 0 10 2028 Background 3 40 0 15 2028 Future w/ Project Unsignalized 5 305 0 25 2028 Future w/ Project Signalized 2 57 Left = 0 Right = 34 17 2021 Existing - - - - 2028 Background - - - - 2028 Future w/ Project 3 - - 10 2021 Existing - - - - 2028 Background - - - - 2028 Future w/ Project 5 - - 5 2021 Existing - 0 3 - 2028 Background - 0 3 - 2028 Future w/ Project - 0 3 - 2021 Existing - 0 3 - 2028 Background - 0 3 - 2028 Future w/ Project - 0 3 - 2021 Existing - - - - 2028 Background - - - - 2028 Future w/ Project - - - 5 2021 Existing - - - - 2028 Background - - - - 2028 Future w/ Project - - - 3 2021 Existing 10 3 0 0 2028 Background 10 5 0 0 2028 Future w/ Project 18 5 0 0 2021 Existing 25 3 0 3 2028 Background 23 3 0 3 2028 Future w/ Project 33 3 3 3 Intersection Veterans Parkway & Barreville Rd Veterans Parkway & Driveway 2 Veterans Parkway & Savoy Ln Veterans Parkway & Driveway 1 Veterans Parkway & IL Route 31 Minor Movement 95th Percentile Queue (feet) Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Scenario Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday AM Peak Hour Weekday PM Peak Hour Weekday AM Peak Hour - EXISTING STOP SIGN LEGEND - EXISTING STOP SIGN LEGEND DRIVEWAY 2DRIVEWAY 1CONFIGURATION FUTURE LANE FIGURE 9 ILLINOIS FOX MEADOWS RESIDENCES AT McHENRYILLINOIS RTE 31SAVOY LNBARREVILLE RDVETERANS PKW Y Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 24 - V. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study is to evaluate the traffic impact of a proposed multifamily development consisting of 18 buildings totaling 540 dwelling units located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Illinois Route 31 and Veterans Parkway in McHenry, Illinois. The study area consists of the unsignalized intersections along Veterans Parkway at IL 31, Savoy Lane, and Barreville Road as well as the two proposed site driveways. A capacity analysis was conducted using HCS 7 for the existing, background, and future with project conditions during the weekday am and pm peak hours at the study area intersections. Traffic estimates are projected to 2028, which is five years beyond the anticipated completion date in 2023. IDOT is planning to improve IL 31 from IL 176 to IL 120, a distance of approximately 6.8 miles. From the 2016 Environmental Assessment, near the intersection of Veterans Parkway, the preferred alternative proposes to widen IL 31 to provide two travel lanes in each direction with a center median, however a traffic signal is not proposed. Northbound and southbound left turn lanes and a northbound right turn lane are proposed at the Veterans Parkway intersection. It is also our understanding that the widening is projected to start in the next three to five years. Based on the results of the capacity analysis at the study area intersections, it is found that all movements operate adequately during the existing, background, and future with project traffic conditions scenarios for both the weekday am and weekday pm peak hours along Veterans Parkway at Barreville Road, Savoy Lane, and the two site driveways. IL 31 and Veterans Parkway experiences high delays for the stop-controlled approaches of the intersection for the existing analysis, with the westbound left turn at LOS F during both the weekday am and pm peak hours and the eastbound approach at LOS F during the weekday pm peak hour. In the background condition, delays tend to increase slightly on most approaches with the stop-controlled approaches operating at LOS F at IL 31 and Veterans Parkway. Based on the Environmental Assessment document for the IL 31 reconstruction, it is assumed that the intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway will be widened in the future with project scenario. With the proposed widening and additional traffic, the unsignalized intersection of IL 31 and Veterans Parkway will operate with significant delays at the stop-controlled approaches. The westbound left turn during the weekday am and weekday pm peak hour are projected to operate with delays exceeding ten minutes. The northbound and southbound left turns are projected to operate at LOS C or better. One potential mitigation to be evaluated as part of this study would be the installation of a traffic signal following the methodology established in the MUTCD and IDOT SRA criteria. Warrant 1, the eight-hour vehicular volume warrant, is typically the only vehicular volume/delay warrant that is considered for intersections on designated SRA routes. Traditionally, this warrant requires more than eight hours of data collection and substantial projections of future trips. However, additional Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois - 25 - guidance from IDOT states that in cases involving future volumes, the eight-hour vehicular volume hour can be estimated as 55 percent of the peak hour volumes. Based on the projected weekday am peak hour traffic volumes, utilizing the IDOT guidance to estimate the eighth hour volumes, and the IDOT methodology on reductions based on lane configurations, the intersection does not meet Condition A, Minimum Vehicular Volume, for the projected eighth highest hour but does meet Condition B, Interruption of Continuous Traffic, for the eight highest hour. Any new traffic signal along IL 31 would have to be reviewed and approved by IDOT prior to installation. IDOT does not typically approve traffic signals based on projected traffic volumes, particularly along SRA routes, and requires field-collected traffic counts to meet the traffic signal warrants. Therefore, it is recommended that a minimum of 14 hours of traffic counts be collected in the future at the intersection to determine if a traffic signal is warranted. Additionally, a 95th percentile queue analysis was conducted and it was determined that there will be minimal queue lengths at the study area intersections for each scenario if IL 31 and Veterans Parkway is signalized in the future. Therefore, it is concluded that no queue storage mitigation is required at any of the intersections and site driveways. Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX A EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: SR 31 -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634101 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 961 783 1 934 26 2 0 37 82 0 0.930.93 1 0 0 44 58 0 746 32 978 778 Peak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AMPeak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AM Peak 15-Min: 7:45 AM -- 8:00 AMPeak 15-Min: 7:45 AM -- 8:00 AM 5.8 7.4 0 5.7 11.5 0 0 2.7 3.7 0 0 0 0 4.5 10.3 0 7.6 9.4 5.6 7.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At SR 31SR 31 (Northbound)(Northbound) SR 31SR 31 (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 7:00 AM 0 182 3 0 6 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 12 0 433 7:15 AM 0 187 11 0 5 241 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 10 0 465 7:30 AM 0 168 8 0 6 235 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 3 0 431 7:45 AM 0 209 10 0 9 243 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 12 0 492 1821 8:00 AM 0 171 5 0 8 195 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 12 0 404 1792 8:15 AM 0 154 7 0 9 188 1 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 8 0 381 1708 8:30 AM 0 154 3 0 11 212 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 7 0 393 1670 8:45 AM 0 176 9 0 4 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 9 0 389 1567 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-MinFlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 0 836 40 0 36 972 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 48 0 1968 Heavy Trucks 0 48 4 4 80 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 140 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:18 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: SR 31 -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634102 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 1089 1060 1 1033 55 2 1 53 75 0 0.950.95 0 2 1 22 143 1 1006 85 1053 1092 Peak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PMPeak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PM Peak 15-Min: 4:30 PM -- 4:45 PMPeak 15-Min: 4:30 PM -- 4:45 PM 4 3.3 100 4.1 1.8 50 0 3.8 4 0 0 0 0 4.5 0.7 0 3.3 0 4.1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At SR 31SR 31 (Northbound)(Northbound) SR 31SR 31 (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 4:00 PM 0 225 15 0 5 252 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 18 0 523 4:15 PM 0 234 18 0 9 237 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 10 0 516 4:30 PM 0 241 17 0 14 290 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 20 2 594 4:45 PM 1 264 20 0 15 252 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 6 0 563 2196 5:00 PM 0 242 23 0 13 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 11 0 552 2225 5:15 PM 0 259 25 0 13 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 16 1 549 2258 5:30 PM 0 251 16 0 12 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 14 0 515 2179 5:45 PM 0 193 14 0 12 177 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 7 0 408 2024 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-Min FlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 0 964 68 0 56 1160 0 0 4 0 0 0 36 0 80 8 2376 Heavy Trucks 0 44 0 0 56 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 112 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:20 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: Savoy Ln -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634103 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 0 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 60 45 0.930.93 57 57 12 3 57 24 0 12 15 36 Peak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AMPeak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AM Peak 15-Min: 7:45 AM -- 8:00 AMPeak 15-Min: 7:45 AM -- 8:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 0 0 5 6.7 3.5 7 8.3 33.3 5.3 0 0 0 13.3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At Savoy LnSavoy Ln (Northbound)(Northbound) Savoy LnSavoy Ln (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 7:00 AM 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 1 21 0 0 40 7:15 AM 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 3 0 0 12 0 0 36 7:30 AM 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 5 0 1 10 0 0 36 7:45 AM 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 0 1 14 0 0 41 153 8:00 AM 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 21 0 0 41 154 8:15 AM 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 3 0 2 14 0 0 39 157 8:30 AM 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 3 0 0 10 0 0 32 153 8:45 AM 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 0 17 0 0 33 145 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-MinFlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 36 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 4 0 4 56 0 0 164 Heavy Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 8 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:18 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: Savoy Ln -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634104 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 0 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 65 113 0.880.88 54 140 27 11 119 20 0 5 37 25 Peak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PMPeak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PM Peak 15-Min: 4:30 PM -- 4:45 PMPeak 15-Min: 4:30 PM -- 4:45 PM 0 0 0 0 0 4.1 0 0 1.5 0.9 1.9 0.7 0 0 0.8 10 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At Savoy LnSavoy Ln (Northbound)(Northbound) Savoy LnSavoy Ln (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 4:00 PM 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 4 0 3 23 0 0 47 4:15 PM 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 3 0 0 16 0 0 44 4:30 PM 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 3 0 2 22 0 1 65 4:45 PM 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 9 0 4 7 0 0 52 208 5:00 PM 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 9 0 1 11 0 0 54 215 5:15 PM 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 6 0 3 14 0 0 59 230 5:30 PM 15 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 11 0 0 9 0 0 56 221 5:45 PM 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 8 0 2 8 0 0 41 210 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-Min FlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 12 0 8 88 0 4 260 Heavy Trucks 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 12 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:20 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: Barreville Rd -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634105 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 154 122 59 81 14 72 57 20 36 8 0.920.92 6 76 11 10 29 7 45 7 102 59 Peak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AMPeak-Hour: 7:00 AM -- 8:00 AM Peak 15-Min: 7:00 AM -- 7:15 AMPeak 15-Min: 7:00 AM -- 7:15 AM 3.9 5.7 5.1 0 21.4 4.2 5.3 10 5.6 12.5 0 5.3 0 0 24.1 0 4.4 42.9 0 8.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At Barreville RdBarreville Rd (Northbound)(Northbound) Barreville RdBarreville Rd (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 7:00 AM 1 13 2 0 4 21 14 0 17 0 4 0 4 3 5 0 88 7:15 AM 1 7 0 0 2 15 12 0 16 0 3 0 3 1 5 0 65 7:30 AM 3 13 4 0 4 21 20 0 13 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 85 7:45 AM 2 12 1 0 4 24 13 0 11 6 1 0 2 2 9 0 87 325 8:00 AM 3 15 1 0 1 13 14 0 13 0 5 0 4 4 4 0 77 314 8:15 AM 2 8 0 0 2 15 8 0 19 0 4 0 1 3 6 0 68 317 8:30 AM 2 15 1 0 6 12 14 0 8 0 5 0 0 2 2 0 67 299 8:45 AM 3 10 0 0 2 8 14 0 9 2 0 0 0 1 8 0 57 269 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-Min FlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 4 52 8 0 16 84 56 0 68 0 16 0 16 12 20 0 352 Heavy Trucks 0 8 4 8 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 32 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:18 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Type of peak hour being reported: System-wide Peak Method for determining peak hour: Total Entering Volume LOCATION: LOCATION: Barreville Rd -- Veterans Pkwy QC JOB #: QC JOB #: 15634106 CITY/STATE: CITY/STATE: McHenry, IL DATE: DATE: Wed, Dec 15 2021 130 225 50 48 32 74 108 13 21 7 0.900.90 6 127 12 2 45 17 105 6 62 128 Peak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PMPeak-Hour: 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PM Peak 15-Min: 5:15 PM -- 5:30 PMPeak 15-Min: 5:15 PM -- 5:30 PM 1.5 1.3 4 0 0 2.7 1.9 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-Min Count15-Min CountPeriod Period Beginning AtBeginning At Barreville RdBarreville Rd (Northbound)(Northbound) Barreville RdBarreville Rd (Southbound)(Southbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Eastbound)(Eastbound) Veterans PkwyVeterans Pkwy (Westbound)(Westbound)TotalTotal HourlyHourlyTotalsTotalsLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU 4:00 PM 6 31 7 0 9 14 12 1 24 3 5 0 1 2 6 0 121 4:15 PM 6 35 0 0 8 14 24 0 21 4 0 0 1 3 10 0 126 4:30 PM 4 33 1 0 8 14 12 0 25 4 4 0 0 4 3 0 112 4:45 PM 4 29 1 0 4 11 8 0 31 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 93 452 5:00 PM 6 18 2 0 11 14 12 0 17 1 4 0 0 0 3 0 88 419 5:15 PM 3 25 2 0 9 9 18 0 34 2 2 1 2 2 4 0 113 406 5:30 PM 1 13 5 0 8 9 11 0 12 4 1 0 0 2 3 0 69 363 5:45 PM 1 19 0 0 2 8 12 0 13 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 63 333 Peak 15-MinPeak 15-MinFlowratesFlowrates NorthboundNorthbound SouthboundSouthbound EastboundEastbound WestboundWestbound TotalTotalLeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUULeftLeftThruThruRightRightUU All Vehicles 12 100 8 0 36 36 72 0 136 8 8 4 8 8 16 0 452 Heavy Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buses Pedestrians 0 0 0 0 0 Bicycles 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Scooters Comments: Report generated on 12/21/2021 7:20 AM SOURCE: Quality Counts, LLC (http://www.qualitycounts.net) 1-877-580-2212 Page 1 of 1 Location ID Start Date 5/2/2017 Type End Date 5/3/2017 Functional Class Start Time 9:00 AM Located On End Time 9:00 AM Between Direction 2-WAY Direction Notes Community Count Source GREEN ST MPO_ID File Name D1Submittal7d-056.mdb HPMS ID Weather Agency Study Owner idotco QC Status Accepted 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 08:00 - 09:00 09:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 TOTAL 48 41 19 11 5 1407 67 90 139 166 135 93 135 75 49 46 54 66 2 1 5 7 54 87 Interval: 60 mins Time Hourly Count 12 Charles J Miller Rd AND Ames Rd 2-WAY - Illinois DOT Location Info Count Data Info 056 3561 LINK 5 Green St Location ID Start Date 7/31/2019 Type End Date 8/1/2019 Functional Class Start Time 9:00 AM Located On End Time 9:00 AM Between Direction 2-WAY Direction Notes Community Count Source IL 31 MPO_ID File Name D1Submittal17b-049.mdb HPMS ID Weather Agency Study Owner idotco QC Status Accepted 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 08:00 - 09:00 09:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:00 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 TOTAL 1199 1028 722 505 296 29499 1751 1927 2171 2379 2233 1610 2033 1814 1567 1461 1578 1745 109 88 100 295 922 1740 Interval: 60 mins Time Hourly Count 226 Bull Valley Rd AND Drake Dr 2-WAY MC HENRY Illinois DOT Location Info Count Data Info 056 0092 LINK 3 Illinois 031 Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX B CMAP CORRESPONDENCE January 3, 2022 Peter Reinhofer, P.E. Senior Project Manager V3 Companies 7325 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 Subject: IL 31 @ Veterans Parkway City of McHenry, IDOT Dear Mr. Reinhofer: In response to a request made on your behalf and dated December 30, 2021, we have developed year 2050 average daily traffic (ADT) projections for the subject location. ROAD SEGMENT Current ADT Year 2050 ADT, IL 31- 2 Lane Year 2050 ADT, IL 31- 4 Lane IL Route 31 25,100 30,100 39,300 Veterans Parkway 1,850 2,800 1,500 Barreville Road 1,200 4,000 1,600 Traffic projections are developed using existing ADT data provided in the request letter and the results from the June 2021 CMAP Travel Demand Analysis. The regional travel model uses CMAP 2050 socioeconomic projections and assumes the implementation of the ON TO 2050 Comprehensive Regional Plan for the Northeastern Illinois area. The provision of this data in support of your request does not constitute a CMAP endorsement of the proposed development or any subsequent developments. If you have any questions, please call me at (312) 386-8806. Sincerely, Jose Rodriguez, PTP, AICP Senior Planner, Research & Analysis cc: City of McHenry, IDOT S:\AdminGroups\ResearchAnalysis\2021_CY_TrafficForecast\McHenry\mc-26-21\mc-26-21.docx Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX C CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS EXISTING HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street N Illinois Rte 31 Time Analyzed Existing - AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LTR L R LT R L TR Volume (veh/h)0 0 0 51 43 0 865 37 30 1083 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 3 0 12 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left Only 1 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.10 6.50 6.20 7.15 6.23 4.10 4.22 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.33 2.20 2.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)0 55 46 0 32 Capacity, c (veh/h)127 323 607 672 v/c Ratio 0.43 0.14 0.00 0.05 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)1.9 0.5 0.0 0.2 Control Delay (s/veh)53.2 18.0 10.9 10.6 Level of Service (LOS)F C B B Approach Delay (s/veh)37.1 0.0 0.3 Approach LOS E Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™TWSC Version 7.7 Generated: 1/14/2022 7:49:56 PM Existing AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Existing -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.93 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)52 14 3 66 28 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)33 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.43 6.40 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.50 3.50 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)3 30 15 Capacity, c (veh/h)1354 855 1007 v/c Ratio 0.00 0.04 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)7.7 9.4 8.6 Level of Service (LOS)A A A Approach Delay (s/veh)0.3 9.1 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 3:48:19 PM Existing AM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Existing -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.92 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR LTR LTR Volume (veh/h)66 9 13 12 7 23 8 52 8 16 94 68 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)5 13 0 0 0 10 0 21 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.15 6.63 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.30 4.10 4.31 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.55 4.12 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.39 2.20 2.39 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)72 24 46 9 17 Capacity, c (veh/h)645 914 793 1412 1424 v/c Ratio 0.11 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)11.3 9.0 9.8 7.6 7.6 Level of Service (LOS)B A A A A Approach Delay (s/veh)10.7 9.8 0.9 0.8 Approach LOS B A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 3:44:00 PM Existing AM-Barreville Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street N Illinois Rte 31 Time Analyzed Existing - PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LTR L R LT R L TR Volume (veh/h)1 0 1 26 61 1 1167 99 64 1198 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 4 0 2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left Only 1 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.10 6.50 6.20 7.15 6.24 4.10 4.12 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.34 2.20 2.22 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)2 27 64 1 67 Capacity, c (veh/h)77 86 215 558 518 v/c Ratio 0.03 0.32 0.30 0.00 0.13 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.1 1.2 1.2 0.0 0.4 Control Delay (s/veh)53.2 65.6 28.7 11.5 13.0 Level of Service (LOS)F F D B B Approach Delay (s/veh)53.2 39.8 0.1 0.7 Approach LOS F E Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™TWSC Version 7.7 Generated: 1/14/2022 7:52:23 PM Existing PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Existing -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.88 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)131 31 13 63 23 6 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 10 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.10 6.50 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.20 3.59 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)15 26 7 Capacity, c (veh/h)1403 697 883 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.04 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)7.6 10.4 9.1 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)1.3 10.1 Approach LOS B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 3:54:31 PM Existing PM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2021 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Existing -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.90 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR LTR LTR Volume (veh/h)125 8 14 2 7 15 20 122 7 37 56 58 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.12 6.50 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.20 4.10 4.10 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.52 4.00 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.30 2.20 2.20 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)139 24 27 22 41 Capacity, c (veh/h)547 968 717 1472 1452 v/c Ratio 0.25 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)13.8 8.8 10.2 7.5 7.6 Level of Service (LOS)B A B A A Approach Delay (s/veh)13.1 10.2 1.1 2.0 Approach LOS B B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 3:50:54 PM Existing PM-Barreville Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX D CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS BACKGROUND HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street IL Rte 31 Time Analyzed Background - AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LTR L R LT R L TR Volume (veh/h)0 0 0 51 43 0 976 37 30 1222 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 3 0 12 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left Only 1 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.10 6.50 6.20 7.15 6.23 4.10 4.22 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.33 2.20 2.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)0 54 45 0 32 Capacity, c (veh/h)107 283 546 617 v/c Ratio 0.50 0.16 0.00 0.05 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)2.2 0.6 0.0 0.2 Control Delay (s/veh)68.2 20.1 11.6 11.1 Level of Service (LOS)F C B B Approach Delay (s/veh)46.2 0.0 0.3 Approach LOS E Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™TWSC Version 7.7 Generated: 1/14/2022 7:53:39 PM Background AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Bakground -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)52 14 3 66 28 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)33 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.43 6.40 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.50 3.50 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)3 29 15 Capacity, c (veh/h)1356 858 1008 v/c Ratio 0.00 0.03 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)7.7 9.3 8.6 Level of Service (LOS)A A A Approach Delay (s/veh)0.3 9.1 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 4:05:17 PM Background AM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Bakground -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR L TR LTR Volume (veh/h)66 9 13 12 7 23 8 56 8 16 101 68 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)5 13 0 0 0 10 0 21 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.15 6.63 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.30 4.10 4.31 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.55 4.12 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.39 2.20 2.39 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)69 23 44 8 17 Capacity, c (veh/h)643 911 791 1410 1421 v/c Ratio 0.11 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)11.3 9.1 9.8 7.6 7.6 Level of Service (LOS)B A A A A Approach Delay (s/veh)10.7 9.8 0.8 0.7 Approach LOS B A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 4:02:29 PM Background AM-Barreville Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street IL Rte 31 Time Analyzed Background - PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Configuration LTR L R LT R L TR Volume (veh/h)1 0 1 26 61 1 1316 99 64 1351 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 3 0 12 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Left Only 1 Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.10 6.50 6.20 7.15 6.23 4.10 4.22 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.33 2.20 2.31 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)2 27 64 1 67 Capacity, c (veh/h)43 66 175 484 422 v/c Ratio 0.05 0.41 0.37 0.00 0.16 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.1 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.6 Control Delay (s/veh)92.6 93.1 37.2 12.4 15.1 Level of Service (LOS)F F E B C Approach Delay (s/veh)92.6 53.9 0.1 0.7 Approach LOS F F Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved. HCS™TWSC Version 7.7 Generated: 1/14/2022 7:54:39 PM Background PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Bakground -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)131 31 13 63 23 6 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)33 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.43 6.40 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.50 3.50 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)14 24 6 Capacity, c (veh/h)1239 737 897 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.03 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)7.9 10.1 9.0 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)1.4 9.8 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 4:09:18 PM Background PM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 01/14/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Bakground -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR LTR LTR Volume (veh/h)125 8 14 2 7 15 20 131 7 37 60 58 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)5 13 0 0 0 10 0 21 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.15 6.63 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.30 4.10 4.31 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.55 4.12 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.39 2.20 2.39 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)132 23 25 21 39 Capacity, c (veh/h)547 969 709 1475 1328 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)13.7 8.8 10.3 7.5 7.8 Level of Service (LOS)B A B A A Approach Delay (s/veh)12.9 10.3 1.0 2.0 Approach LOS B B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 1/14/2022 4:06:29 PM Background PM-Barreville Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX E CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS FUTURE WITH PROJECT HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 2/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street IL Rte 31 Time Analyzed Future -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 Configuration LTR L R L T R L T TR Volume (veh/h)0 0 0 95 103 0 0 976 53 0 46 1222 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 3 0 0 0 12 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.5 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.9 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.50 6.50 6.90 7.60 6.96 4.10 4.34 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.33 2.20 2.32 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)0 100 108 0 48 Capacity, c (veh/h)48 503 546 584 v/c Ratio 2.08 0.22 0.00 0.08 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)10.2 0.8 0.0 0.3 Control Delay (s/veh)682.0 14.1 11.6 11.7 Level of Service (LOS)F B B B Approach Delay (s/veh)334.6 0.0 0.4 Approach LOS F Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:01:26 PM Future AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry County Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2022 North/South Street IL Rte 31 Time Analyzed Future -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 Configuration LTR L R L T R L T TR Volume (veh/h)1 0 1 86 51 0 1 1316 138 0 103 1351 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized No No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.5 6.5 6.9 7.5 6.9 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.50 6.50 6.90 7.60 6.98 4.10 4.14 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.50 4.00 3.30 3.55 3.34 2.20 2.22 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)2 91 54 1 108 Capacity, c (veh/h)27 16 381 484 431 v/c Ratio 0.08 5.81 0.14 0.00 0.25 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.2 12.2 0.5 0.0 1.0 Control Delay (s/veh)150.3 2648.2 16.0 12.4 16.1 Level of Service (LOS)F F C B C Approach Delay (s/veh)150.3 1668.3 0.0 1.1 Approach LOS F F Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:05:12 PM Future PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Driveway1 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Driveway 1 Time Analyzed Future -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L T T TR L R Volume (veh/h)0 32 67 146 5 70 52 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 2 2 2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.14 6.84 6.94 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.22 3.52 3.32 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)34 74 55 Capacity, c (veh/h)1418 657 965 v/c Ratio 0.02 0.11 0.06 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.1 0.4 0.2 Control Delay (s/veh)7.6 11.2 9.0 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)2.5 10.2 Approach LOS B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:05:37 PM Future AM-Driveway 1 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Driveway1 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Driveway 1 Time Analyzed Future -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Configuration L T T TR L R Volume (veh/h)0 78 163 111 13 25 32 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)0 2 2 2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.5 6.9 Critical Headway (sec)4.14 6.84 6.94 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.22 3.52 3.32 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)82 26 34 Capacity, c (veh/h)1453 500 985 v/c Ratio 0.06 0.05 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.2 0.2 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)7.6 12.6 8.8 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)2.5 10.5 Approach LOS B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:10:34 PM Future PM-Driveway 1 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Future -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)122 14 3 123 28 14 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)33 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.43 6.40 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.50 3.50 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)3 29 15 Capacity, c (veh/h)1270 720 918 v/c Ratio 0.00 0.04 0.02 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)7.8 10.2 9.0 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)0.2 9.8 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:07:57 PM Future AM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Savoy Ln Time Analyzed Future -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Configuration TR L T L R Volume (veh/h)163 31 13 101 23 6 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)33 0 0 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)4.1 7.1 6.2 Critical Headway (sec)4.43 6.40 6.20 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.2 3.5 3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)2.50 3.50 3.30 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)14 24 6 Capacity, c (veh/h)1203 669 859 v/c Ratio 0.01 0.04 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.0 0.1 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)8.0 10.6 9.2 Level of Service (LOS)A B A Approach Delay (s/veh)0.9 10.3 Approach LOS B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:12:31 PM Future PM-Savoy Ln & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Driveway2 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Driveway 2 Time Analyzed Future -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Configuration T TR R Volume (veh/h)136 81 15 52 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)6.2 Critical Headway (sec)6.22 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.32 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)55 Capacity, c (veh/h)964 v/c Ratio 0.06 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.2 Control Delay (s/veh)9.0 Level of Service (LOS)A Approach Delay (s/veh)9.0 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:06:56 PM Future AM-Driveway 2 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Driveway2 & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Driveway 2 Time Analyzed Future -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation East-West Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: East-West Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Number of Lanes 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Configuration T TR R Volume (veh/h)169 91 38 25 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)2 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 Right Turn Channelized No Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)6.2 Critical Headway (sec)6.22 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.3 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.32 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)26 Capacity, c (veh/h)937 v/c Ratio 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)9.0 Level of Service (LOS)A Approach Delay (s/veh)9.0 Approach LOS A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:11:30 PM Future PM-Driveway 2 & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Future -AM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR LTR LTR Volume (veh/h)118 9 31 12 7 23 13 56 8 16 101 83 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)5 13 0 0 0 10 0 21 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.15 6.63 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.30 4.10 4.31 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.55 4.12 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.39 2.20 2.39 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)124 42 44 14 17 Capacity, c (veh/h)623 902 766 1392 1421 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.05 0.06 0.01 0.01 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)0.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 Control Delay (s/veh)12.2 9.2 10.0 7.6 7.6 Level of Service (LOS)B A A A A Approach Delay (s/veh)11.5 10.0 1.3 0.7 Approach LOS B A Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:15:59 PM Future AM-Barrevill Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw HCS7 Two-Way Stop-Control Report General Information Site Information Analyst MFM Intersection Barrevill & Veterans Pkwy Agency/Co.V3 Co.Jurisdiction McHenry Date Performed 02/25/2022 East/West Street Veterans Pkwy Analysis Year 2028 North/South Street Barreville Rd Time Analyzed Future -PM Peak Hour Peak Hour Factor 0.95 Intersection Orientation North-South Analysis Time Period (hrs)0.25 Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Lanes Major Street: North-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement U L T R U L T R U L T R U L T R Priority 10 11 12 7 8 9 1U 1 2 3 4U 4 5 6 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Configuration L TR LTR LTR LTR Volume (veh/h)149 8 22 2 7 15 33 131 7 37 60 96 Percent Heavy Vehicles (%)5 13 0 0 0 10 0 21 Proportion Time Blocked Percent Grade (%)0 0 Right Turn Channelized Median Type | Storage Undivided Critical and Follow-up Headways Base Critical Headway (sec)7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 4.1 4.1 Critical Headway (sec)7.15 6.63 6.20 7.10 6.50 6.30 4.10 4.31 Base Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 2.2 2.2 Follow-Up Headway (sec)3.55 4.12 3.30 3.50 4.00 3.39 2.20 2.39 Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Flow Rate, v (veh/h)157 32 25 35 39 Capacity, c (veh/h)504 944 674 1426 1328 v/c Ratio 0.31 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 95% Queue Length, Q₉₅ (veh)1.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Control Delay (s/veh)15.3 8.9 10.5 7.6 7.8 Level of Service (LOS)C A B A A Approach Delay (s/veh)14.3 10.5 1.6 1.7 Approach LOS B B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida. All Rights Reserved.HCS™TWSC Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 3:09:29 PM Future PM-Barrevill Rd & Veterans Pkwy.xtw Traffic Impact Study – Residences at Fox Meadows McHenry, Illinois APPENDIX F TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS AND SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS IL 31 and Veterans Parkway Date:2/28/2022 City:McHenry County:McHenry District:1 Major IL 31 Minor Veterans Parkway TRAFFIC FROM NORTH TRAFFIC FROM SOUTH TRAFFIC FROM EAST TRAFFIC FROM WEST Route:IL 31 IL 31 Veterans Parkway Veterans Parkway N. of: Veterans Parkway S. of:Veterans Parkway E. of:IL 31 W. of:IL 31 Going Going Going Going EAST SOUTH WEST WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH NORTH EAST SOUTH AM 46 1,222 1 1,269 0 976 53 1,029 2,298 103 1 95 199 0 0 0 0 199 2,497 PM 103 1,351 1 1,455 1 1,316 138 1,455 2,910 51 0 86 137 1 0 1 2 139 3,049 SAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55th % AM 25 672 1 698 0 547 30 577 1,275 57 1 52 110 0 0 0 0 110 1,385 55th % PM 57 743 1 801 1 737 77 815 1,616 28 0 47 75 1 0 1 2 77 1,693 55th % Sat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REVIEW INFORMATION COUNTS USED: Quality Counts extrapolated to 2050 COUNT DATE(S): DATA REVIEWED: 2/25/2022 REVIEWED BY: MFM 12/15/2021 START TIME State Of Illinois Department of Transportation Bureau of Traffic SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC SURVEY TOTAL NORTH AND SOUTH TOTAL NORTH AND SOUTH GRAND TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL INTERSECTION: IL 31 and Veterans Parkway McHenry COUNTY: McHenry WB AM 103 1 95 199 488 60% 5% 55% 43 147 WB PM 51 0 86 137 658 60% 15% 45% 47 98 WB SAT 0 0 0 0 0 20% 0% 20% 0 0 WB 55th AM 57 1 52 110 274 60% 0% 60% 21 81 WB 55th PM 28 0 47 75 369 60% 0% 60% 19 54 WB 55th Sat 0 0 0 0 0 20% 0% 20% 0 0 REVIEW INFORMATION VOLUMES FACTOR %COUNTS USED: Quality Counts extrapolated to 2050 0-399 0%COUNT DATE(S): 12/15/2021 400-499 5%DATE REVIEWED:2/25/2022 500-599 10%REVIEWED BY: MFM 600-699 15% 700-799 20% 800-899 25% 900-999 30% 1000-1099 35% 1100-1199 40% 1200-1299 45% 1300-1399 50% 1400-1499 55% RIGHT TURN FACTORIZATION SHEET MUNCIPALITY: DIR PEAK HOUR MINOR STREET CRITICAL MAINLINE APPROACH VOLUME PER LANE BASE RIGHT TURN REDUCTION % MAINLINE CONGESTION FACTOR % ADJUSTED RIGHT TURN REDUCTION % ADJUSTED RIGHT TURNS ADJUSTED MINOR STREET VOLUME STREET NAME Veterans Parkway CONFIG. #2 MAINLINE CONGESTION FACTORS CRIT. MAINLINE LANE #2 LEFT THROUGH RIGHT APP. TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 PH LEFT THROUGH RIGHT TOTAL (A) 0.7A 0.35A 3T T/3 (T+L) (T+R) 3R 3L T/2 T/4 L=T=R (+/-) AM 103 1 95 199 139 70 3 0 104 96 285 309 1 0 NO PM 51 0 86 137 96 48 0 0 51 86 258 153 0 0 NO SAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YES 55th AM 57 1 52 110 77 39 3 0 58 53 156 171 1 0 NO 55th PM 28 0 47 75 53 26 0 0 28 47 141 84 0 0 NO 55th Sat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YES CONFIG 1 CONFIG 2 CONFIG 3 CONFIG 4 CONFIG 5 AM 40% 60% 75% 60% 75% PM 40% 60% 75% 65% 75% SAT 20% 20% 75% 40% 15% 55th AM 40% 60% 75% 60% 75% 55th PM 40% 60% 75% 65% 75% 55th Sat 20% 20% 75% 40% 15% RIGHT TURN FACTORIZATION SHEET (CONT.) LANE CONFIGURATIONS PH BASE REDUCTION Any configuration with an exclusive right turn lane (usually up to 600 ft. long) District #1 SRA:104 YES NO INTERSECTION:IL 31 and Veterans Parkway MUNCIPALITY:McHenry COUNTY:McHenry Speed Limit of Major Route 45 Isolated Community with Population< 10,000 No Number of Lanes of Major Approach 2 Number of Lanes of Minor Approach 1 MAJOR ADJ. MINOR STREET STREET VOLUME VOLUME A B HOUR (both (higher volume BEGIN approaches) approaches)100% 100% 80% of A 80% of B YES NO N/A AM 2,298 147 X X X Warrant 1 is met if any of the following Conditions are met: PM 2,910 98 X X • CONDITION A YES NO N/A Minmum Vehicular Volume SAT 0 0 • CONDITION B YES NO N/A Interruption of Continuous Traffic 55th % AM 1,275 81 X X • CONDITION A/B YES NO N/A 55th % PM 1,616 54 Combination of Warranrts 55th % SAT 0 0 WARRANT 2 YES NO N/A Four Hour Volume WARRANT 3 YES NO N/A Peak Hour Volume Met:No Yes No Yes Volume Requirements: MAJOR:600 900 480 720 WARRANT 4 YES NO N/A MINOR:150 75 120 60 Pedestrian Volume WARRANT 5 YES NO N/A School Crossing REVIEW INFORMATION WARRANT 6 YES NO N/A COUNTS USED: Quality Counts extrapolated to 2050 Coordinated Signal System COUNT DATE(S): 12/15/2021 DATE REVIEWED: 2/25/2022 WARRANT 7 YES NO N/A REVIEWED BY: MFM Accidents Experience WARRANT 8 YES NO N/A Comments Roadway Network WARRANT 9 YES NO N/A Intersection Near a Grade Crossing SIGNAL WARRANT REVIEW SHEET Check any hours which meet the following Warrants WARRANT 1 WARRANT 1 A/B: 8 hrs of both WARRANT 1 HCS7 Signalized Intersection Input Data General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period AM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 0 0 0 103 1 95 0 976 53 46 1222 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 2.1 63.9 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Traffic Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand (v), veh/h 0 0 0 103 1 95 0 976 53 46 1222 1 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None None None Heavy Vehicles (PHV), %0 5 3 0 8 9 12 6 Ped / Bike / RTOR, /h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buses (Nb), buses/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrival Type (AT)3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Upstream Filtering (I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (W), ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade (Pg), %0 0 0 0 Speed Limit, mi/h 25 25 25 25 25 25 45 45 45 45 45 45 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 14.0 14.0 14.0 62.0 14.0 62.0 Yellow Change Interval (Y), s 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Red Clearance Interval ( Rc), s 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 Minimum Green ( Gmin), s 8 8 3 15 3 15 Start-Up Lost Time ( lt), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (PT), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode Max Off Off Min Off Min Dual Entry Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal Information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 Walkway / Crosswalk Width / Length, ft 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No Width Outside / Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal / Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:11:56 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period AM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 0 0 0 103 1 95 0 976 53 46 1222 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 2.1 63.9 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 4 8 5 2 1 6 Case Number 8.0 6.0 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 Phase Duration, s 14.0 14.0 0.0 69.9 6.1 76.0 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 7.6 2.7 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phase Call Probability 0.99 0.70 Max Out Probability 1.00 0.00 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 4 14 3 8 18 5 2 12 1 6 16 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 0 108 101 0 1027 56 48 644 644 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 0 1739 1575 1810 1696 1497 1640 1811 1811 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 0.0 5.5 5.6 0.0 11.3 1.0 0.7 11.0 11.0 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 0.0 5.5 5.6 0.0 11.3 1.0 0.7 11.0 11.0 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.09 0.09 0.67 0.71 0.71 0.76 0.78 0.78 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 234 139 358 2410 1064 414 1409 1409 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.000 0.464 0.726 0.000 0.426 0.052 0.117 0.457 0.457 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)0 110.6 126.7 0 138.7 11.7 6.4 112.5 108.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)0.0 4.3 4.9 0.0 5.2 0.4 0.2 4.3 4.3 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 39.9 40.0 0.0 5.4 3.9 3.9 3.4 3.4 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.0 0.5 14.9 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.0 1.1 1.1 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 40.4 54.8 0.0 6.0 4.0 3.9 4.5 4.5 Level of Service (LOS)D D A A A A A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 0.0 47.4 D 5.9 A 4.5 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 8.5 A Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.46 B 2.30 B 1.85 B 1.60 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 0.49 A 0.83 A 1.38 A 1.59 B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:11:56 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Intermediate Values General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period AM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 0 0 0 103 1 95 0 976 53 46 1222 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 2.1 63.9 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Saturation Flow / Delay L T R L T R L T R L T R Lane Width Adjustment Factor (fw)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Heavy Vehicles and Grade Factor (fHVg)1.000 1.000 1.000 0.961 0.977 1.000 1.000 0.938 0.930 0.906 0.953 1.000 Parking Activity Adjustment Factor (fp)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Bus Blockage Adjustment Factor (fbb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Area Type Adjustment Factor (fa)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Lane Utilization Adjustment Factor (fLU)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.952 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Left-Turn Adjustment Factor (fLT)1.000 1.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 0.000 Right-Turn Adjustment Factor (fRT)0.000 1.000 0.849 0.849 0.000 0.847 1.000 1.000 Left-Turn Pedestrian Adjustment Factor (fLpb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Right-Turn Ped-Bike Adjustment Factor (fRpb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Work Zone Adjustment Factor (fwz)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 DDI Factor (fDDI)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Movement Saturation Flow Rate (s), veh/h 0 1900 0 1739 16 1559 1810 3392 1497 1640 3619 3 Proportion of Vehicles Arriving on Green (P)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.71 0.71 0.02 0.78 0.78 Incremental Delay Factor (k)0.04 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.04 0.50 0.50 Signal Timing / Movement Groups EBL EBT/R WBL WBT/R NBL NBT/R SBL SBT/R Lost Time (tL)6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Green Ratio (g/C)0.09 0.09 0.67 0.71 0.76 0.78 Permitted Saturation Flow Rate (sp), veh/h/ln 1314 1739 436 0 505 0 Shared Saturation Flow Rate (ssh), veh/h/ln 0 Permitted Effective Green Time (gp), s 0.0 8.0 63.9 0.0 65.9 0.0 Permitted Service Time (gu), s 0.0 8.0 57.0 0.0 52.6 0.0 Permitted Queue Service Time (gps), s 5.5 0.0 1.4 Time to First Blockage (gf), s 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Queue Service Time Before Blockage (gfs), s Protected Right Saturation Flow (sR), veh/h/ln 0 Protected Right Effective Green Time (gR), s 0.0 Multimodal EB WB NB SB Pedestrian Fw / Fv 1.710 0.000 1.557 0.000 1.198 0.000 0.972 0.000 Pedestrian Fs / Fdelay 0.000 0.145 0.000 0.145 0.000 0.053 0.000 0.032 Pedestrian Mcorner / Mcw Bicycle cb / db 176.83 37.39 176.83 37.39 1420.81 3.77 1556.49 2.21 Bicycle Fw / Fv -3.64 0.00 -3.64 0.35 -3.64 0.89 -3.64 1.10 Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:11:56 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Graphical Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period AM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future AM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 0 0 0 103 1 95 0 976 53 46 1222 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 2.1 63.9 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point End Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)0 110.6 126.7 0 138.7 11.7 6.4 112.5 108.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)0.0 4.3 4.9 0.0 5.2 0.4 0.2 4.3 4.3 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 40.4 54.8 0.0 6.0 4.0 3.9 4.5 4.5 Level of Service (LOS)D D A A A A A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 0.0 47.4 D 5.9 A 4.5 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 8.5 A 40.4 54.8 6.0 4.0 0 4.3 4.9 0 5.2 0.4 0.2 4.34.3 Queue Delay LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:11:56 PM ---Messages --- No errors or warnings exist. ---Comments --- Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:11:56 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Input Data General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period PM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 1 0 1 51 0 86 1 1316 138 103 1351 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.0 0.6 62.4 8.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point Begin Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Traffic Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand (v), veh/h 1 0 1 51 0 86 1 1316 138 103 1351 1 Initial Queue (Qb), veh/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Saturation Flow Rate (so), veh/h 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Parking (Nm), man/h None None 0 L + R 0 None Heavy Vehicles (PHV), %0 5 0 0 3 0 2 4 Ped / Bike / RTOR, /h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buses (Nb), buses/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arrival Type (AT)3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Upstream Filtering (I)1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Lane Width (W), ft 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Turn Bay Length, ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grade (Pg), %0 0 0 0 Speed Limit, mi/h 25 25 25 25 25 25 45 45 45 45 45 45 Phase Information EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Maximum Green (Gmax) or Phase Split, s 14.0 14.0 14.0 62.0 14.0 62.0 Yellow Change Interval (Y), s 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Red Clearance Interval ( Rc), s 2.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 Minimum Green ( Gmin), s 8 8 3 15 3 15 Start-Up Lost Time ( lt), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green (e), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Passage (PT), s 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Recall Mode Max Off Off Min Off Min Dual Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Walk (Walk), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pedestrian Clearance Time (PC), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multimodal Information EB WB NB SB 85th % Speed / Rest in Walk / Corner Radius 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 0 No 25 Walkway / Crosswalk Width / Length, ft 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 9.0 12 0 Street Width / Island / Curb 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No 0 0 No Width Outside / Bike Lane / Shoulder, ft 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 12 5.0 2.0 Pedestrian Signal / Occupied Parking No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 No 0.50 Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:13:37 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period PM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 1 0 1 51 0 86 1 1316 138 103 1351 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.0 0.6 62.4 8.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point Begin Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Timer Results EBL EBT WBL WBT NBL NBT SBL SBT Assigned Phase 4 8 5 2 1 6 Case Number 8.0 6.0 1.1 3.0 1.1 4.0 Phase Duration, s 14.0 14.0 7.0 68.4 7.6 69.0 Change Period, ( Y+R c ), s 6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Max Allow Headway ( MAH ), s 3.4 3.4 3.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 Queue Clearance Time ( g s ), s 6.9 10.0 2.0 3.6 Green Extension Time ( g e ), s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Phase Call Probability 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 Max Out Probability 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Assigned Movement 7 4 14 3 8 18 5 2 12 1 6 16 Adjusted Flow Rate ( v ), veh/h 2 54 91 1 1385 145 108 712 712 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate ( s ), veh/h/ln 975 1383 1610 1810 1766 1449 1781 1841 1840 Queue Service Time ( g s ), s 0.0 3.1 4.9 0.0 17.8 3.1 1.6 17.0 17.0 Cycle Queue Clearance Time ( g c ), s 4.9 8.0 4.9 0.0 17.8 3.1 1.6 17.0 17.0 Green Ratio ( g/C )0.09 0.09 0.09 0.73 0.69 0.69 0.73 0.70 0.70 Capacity ( c ), veh/h 147 128 143 327 2448 1004 345 1288 1288 Volume-to-Capacity Ratio ( X )0.014 0.420 0.632 0.003 0.566 0.145 0.314 0.552 0.552 Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)2.2 57.4 98.8 0.2 222.5 33.6 17.1 230.6 224.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)0.1 2.2 4.0 0.0 8.7 1.3 0.7 8.9 9.0 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Uniform Delay ( d 1 ), s/veh 37.5 43.6 39.6 5.3 7.0 4.7 5.9 6.6 6.6 Incremental Delay ( d 2 ), s/veh 0.2 0.8 6.7 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.2 1.7 1.7 Initial Queue Delay ( d 3 ), s/veh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 37.6 44.4 46.3 5.3 7.9 5.0 6.0 8.3 8.3 Level of Service (LOS)D D D A A A A A A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 37.6 D 45.6 D 7.7 A 8.2 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 9.6 A Multimodal Results EB WB NB SB Pedestrian LOS Score / LOS 2.46 B 2.30 B 1.86 B 1.63 B Bicycle LOS Score / LOS 0.49 A 0.73 A 1.75 B 1.75 B Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:13:37 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Intermediate Values General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period PM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 1 0 1 51 0 86 1 1316 138 103 1351 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.0 0.6 62.4 8.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point Begin Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Saturation Flow / Delay L T R L T R L T R L T R Lane Width Adjustment Factor (fw)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Heavy Vehicles and Grade Factor (fHVg)1.000 1.000 1.000 0.961 1.000 0.969 1.000 0.977 1.000 0.984 0.969 1.000 Parking Activity Adjustment Factor (fp)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.900 1.000 1.000 1.000 Bus Blockage Adjustment Factor (fbb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Area Type Adjustment Factor (fa)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Lane Utilization Adjustment Factor (fLU)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.952 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Left-Turn Adjustment Factor (fLT)0.555 0.513 0.728 0.000 0.952 0.000 0.952 0.000 Right-Turn Adjustment Factor (fRT)0.000 0.513 0.847 0.847 0.000 0.847 1.000 1.000 Left-Turn Pedestrian Adjustment Factor (fLpb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Right-Turn Ped-Bike Adjustment Factor (fRpb)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Work Zone Adjustment Factor (fwz)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 DDI Factor (fDDI)1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Movement Saturation Flow Rate (s), veh/h 488 0 488 1383 0 1610 1810 3533 1449 1781 3678 3 Proportion of Vehicles Arriving on Green (P)0.09 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.03 0.69 0.69 0.04 0.70 0.70 Incremental Delay Factor (k)0.50 0.04 0.16 0.04 0.50 0.50 0.04 0.50 0.50 Signal Timing / Movement Groups EBL EBT/R WBL WBT/R NBL NBT/R SBL SBT/R Lost Time (tL)6.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 Green Ratio (g/C)0.09 0.09 0.73 0.69 0.73 0.70 Permitted Saturation Flow Rate (sp), veh/h/ln 1327 1383 383 0 391 0 Shared Saturation Flow Rate (ssh), veh/h/ln 0 Permitted Effective Green Time (gp), s 8.0 8.0 62.4 0.0 62.4 0.0 Permitted Service Time (gu), s 3.1 3.1 44.0 0.0 44.5 0.0 Permitted Queue Service Time (gps), s 0.0 3.1 0.1 6.8 Time to First Blockage (gf), s 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Queue Service Time Before Blockage (gfs), s 0.0 Protected Right Saturation Flow (sR), veh/h/ln 0 Protected Right Effective Green Time (gR), s 0.0 Multimodal EB WB NB SB Pedestrian Fw / Fv 1.710 0.000 1.557 0.000 1.198 0.000 0.972 0.000 Pedestrian Fs / Fdelay 0.000 0.145 0.000 0.145 0.000 0.058 0.000 0.056 Pedestrian Mcorner / Mcw Bicycle cb / db 177.78 37.36 177.78 37.36 1386.04 4.24 1400.00 4.05 Bicycle Fw / Fv -3.64 0.00 -3.64 0.24 -3.64 1.26 -3.64 1.26 Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:13:37 PM HCS7 Signalized Intersection Results Graphical Summary General Information Intersection Information Agency V3 Co.Duration, h 0.250 Analyst MFM Analysis Date 1/10/2022 Area Type Other Jurisdiction McHenry Time Period PM Peak Hour PHF 0.95 Urban Street IL Rte 31 Analysis Year 2028 Analysis Period 1> 7:00 Intersection IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy File Name Future PM-IL Rte 31 & Veterans Pkwy.xus Project Description Residences at Fox Meadows Demand Information EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Demand ( v ), veh/h 1 0 1 51 0 86 1 1316 138 103 1351 1 Signal Information Green Yellow Red 3.0 0.6 62.4 8.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cycle, s 90.0 Reference Phase 2 Offset, s 0 Reference Point Begin Uncoordinated No Simult. Gap E/W On Force Mode Fixed Simult. Gap N/S On Movement Group Results EB WB NB SB Approach Movement L T R L T R L T R L T R Back of Queue ( Q ), ft/ln ( 95 th percentile)2.2 57.4 98.8 0.2 222.5 33.6 17.1 230.6 224.1 Back of Queue ( Q ), veh/ln ( 95 th percentile)0.1 2.2 4.0 0.0 8.7 1.3 0.7 8.9 9.0 Queue Storage Ratio ( RQ ) ( 95 th percentile)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Control Delay ( d ), s/veh 37.6 44.4 46.3 5.3 7.9 5.0 6.0 8.3 8.3 Level of Service (LOS)D D D A A A A A A Approach Delay, s/veh / LOS 37.6 D 45.6 D 7.7 A 8.2 A Intersection Delay, s/veh / LOS 9.6 A 37.6 44.4 46.3 5.3 7.9 5.0 0.1 2.2 4 0 8.7 1.3 0.7 8.99 Queue Delay LOS A LOS B LOS C LOS D LOS E LOS F Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:13:37 PM ---Messages --- No errors or warnings exist. ---Comments --- Copyright © 2022 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved.HCS™ Streets Version 7.8.5 Generated: 2/25/2022 2:13:37 PM