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Packet - 12/02/2019 - City Council
v4 j$Henr AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers,333 S Green Street Monday, December 2,2019 1. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Pledge of Allegiance. 4. Public Comments: Any member of the public wishing to address the Council is invited to do so by signing in at the meeting entrance and, when recognized, stepping to the podium. Opportunities for Public Comment are also provided under each Individual Action Item. 5. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: A. 2019 Codified City Code of McHenry, Illinois; B. Pay application request#29 to Williams Brothers Construction,Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements in the amount of$289,149.44; C. Ordinance authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Services in 2020; D. 2020 McHenry County Council of Mayors Surface Transportation Program call for projects locations; E. November 18, 2019 City Council Meeting Minutes; F. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$244,647.76. 6. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to approve an Ordinance Amending the McHenry Municipal Code with Respect to Water and Sewer Capital Development Fees. B. Motion to approve an Ordinance Amending the McHenry Municipal Code with Respect to Cash Contributions for Schools, Park, Fire Protection District, and Library Purposes as Condition of Approval for Residential Building Permit. 7. Discussion Items. 8. Staff Reports. 9. Mayor's Report. 10. City Council Comments. 11. Adjourn. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens,businesses,and visitors with the highest quality ofprograms and services in a customer-oriented,efficient,and fiscally responsible manner. MC The complete City Council packet is available for review online via the City website at www.ci.mchenry.il.us. For further information,please contact the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are being video-recorded and every attempt is made to ensure that they are posted on the City of McHenry,IL "YouTube"channel within twenty-four(24)hours of the meeting adjournment. NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA),this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional accommodations are needed,please call the Office of the City Administrator at 815-363-2108 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. Monte Johnson Deputy City Clerk 333 S Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2100 Fax: (815) 363-2119 mjohnson@cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA ITEM DATE: December 2, 2019 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Monte Johnson RE: City Code of McHenry Illinois 2019 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff has been working with Sterling Codifiers to get the City Code codified electronically for easier updating and online search capabilities. We have received a hard copy of the book which has been updated with all ordinances passed through October 21, 2019. Once adopted by the City Council, our code will be available online for the public to use. Everybody will be able to access our code with a full search feature. The code will also be kept updated at all times moving forward, so there shouldn't be an issue with finding our current ordinances. Now that we have gone through the process of codifying all of our ordinances, staff will continue to work to update those that need attention. Examples include changing fee structures and removing old or obsolete language. Of course, these will be brought before Council for approval as they are reviewed for consideration. A complete copy of the code is not being attached as a supplement because there is no new language being considered or voted on. This is simply a compilation of all ordinances that have already been passed. The code is also nearly 2,000 pages long. I have attached the title page and preface, along with a screenshot of what the online homepage will look like. If any Council member wishes to review the physical book prior to adoption, please feel free to stop in at City Hall. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, then it is recommended a motion be made to approve the City Code of McHenry, Illinois 2019 The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing its citizens, businesses, and visitors with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer -oriented, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner. CITY CODE of MCHENRY ILLINOIS 411HP91 • STERLING CODIFIERS 3906 Schreiber Way Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 (208) 665-7193 F9.441 40 This City Code of the City of McHenry contains ordinances up to and including Ordinance 19-1211, passed October 21, 2019. Ordinances of the City adopted after said ordinance supersede the provisions of this City Code to the extent that they are in conflict or inconsistent therewith. Consult the City office in order to ascertain whether any particular provision of the Code has been amended, superseded or repealed. Sterling Codifiers Coeur d'Alene, Idaho City of McHenry °Ile EM Vies F—A. T-1, Help rt STERLING CODIFIERS © Lake Zurich, Illinois: Village Code ORDINANCES PENDING CODIFICAI PREFACE ADOPTING ORDINANCE Title 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE Title 2 - BOARDS AND COMMISSIC Title 3 - BUSINESS LICENSING, REI Title 4 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAF Titte 5 - POLICE REGULATIONS Title 6 - TRAFFIC CODE Title 7 - PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPS Title 8 - BUILDING REGULATIONS Title 9 - ZONING Tide 10 - LAND DEVELOPMENT C( Title 11- FLOOD CONTROL Title 12 - SIGN CODE Title 13 - COMPREHENSIVE FEE S( ht4x//ste*"K*d i cony -a A VILLAGE OF 4( LAKE 7,uRICH ILLINOIS Please contact the municipality for questions regarding regulations. Lake Zurich, IL webria¢e i (847) 438-5141 Lake Zurich, Illinois Village Code This code was last updated by ordinance 2019-05-314 passed May 20. 2019. Click here to see recently passed ordinances that have not been codified Disclaimer. The formatting and pagination of this web version of the code may vary from the official hard copy of the code. This web version of the code is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect all of, or the most current, legislation that has been passed. Prior to any action being taken, please consult the clerk for any ordinances that have been enacted that are not contained in this web version In case of any discrepancy between this web version and the official ordinances, the ordinances prevail. Note: The document for folder entries ( '� ) in the table of contents (TOC) may not have any text under the heading To view a text document { �) click on the folder inw the TOC to reveal the documents thin the folder This process may be repeated until you locale the document you wish to view 0-400- Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works h 1415 Industrial Drive f McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 McHenr www.cityofmchenry.org CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 2, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application 29 ATT: HR Green Pay Application Recommendation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Staff requests City Council to approve pay application #29 to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. in the amount of$289,149.44. BACKGROUND: Williams Brothers Construction is requesting $289,149.44 for work performed as of October 31, 2019 on the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. HR Green has reviewed the pay application, partial waiver of lien and certified payroll and found all documents to be in general conformance with the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan requirements. HR Green and City Staff recommend approval of pay application #29. SRF loan procedures require City Council to approve this pay application prior to Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) disbursement of funds. Once the City receives the SRF loan disbursement, the City will pay Williams Brothers Construction's request for pay application #29. As of October 31, 2019, pay applications total $29,904,943.21. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council concurs, it is recommended to approve pay application request #29 to Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements in the amount of$289,149.44. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. N420 North Front Street I Suite 100 I McHenry, IL 60050 HRGREEN.COM Main 815.385.1778 + Fax 815.385.1781 HRGreen November 8, 2019 Mr. Troy Strange, PE Director of Public Works City of McHenry 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 RE: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Pay Application Request#29 HR Green Job No.: 86130341.03 Dear Mr. Strange, Attached is Pay Application #29 from Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. for the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project. Williams Brothers Construction, Inc. is requesting an amount of$289,149.44 for the work performed as of October 31,2019. HR Green has reviewed the remaining documents in this submittal (partial/final waiver of liens)and found them to be in general conformance with the SRF loan requirements. At this time, HR Green recommends the City approve this Pay Applications in the amount of$289,149.44 which leaves a balance, including retention, of $275,056.79 on the project. Upon approval, the pay application will be sent to the IEPA for approval and disbursement of funds from the City's SRF loan. After approval, please sign on the application on the "Owner" line and return the documents to me for processing at the IEPA. If you have any questions, please call me at (815) 759-8346. Sincerely, HR GREEN,INC. dia Chad J. Pieper, P.E. Project Manager CJP/ Attachments cc: Mr. Russell Ruzicka—City of McHenry Mr. Ravi Jayaraman, HR Green, Inc. Hrgmhnas:\\0:\86130341.03\Construction\Pay Request\Pay Request#2911tr-110819-Recommendation of approval PayApp29_cjp.docx cHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 Contractor's Application For Payment No.29 Application Period: Application Date: October 31,2019 Ii August 1,2018 to October 31,2019 To(Owner):I From(Contractor): Williams Brothers Construction Inc Via(Engineer) City of McHenry P.O. Box 1366 HR Green, Inc 1415 Industrial Drive Peoria,IL 61654 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Project Owner's Project No.:Engineer's Project No.: McHenr. Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation 86130341 Application for Payment Change Order Summary Approved Change Orders 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE 30,180,000.00 I Number I Additions I Dedulotions 2 Net change by Change Order 0.00 I3 CURRENT CONTRACT PRICE(Line 1±2) 30,180,000.00 i I 1 1e TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE On Progress Estimate) 29,914,943.21 5 RETAINAGE: a. 1 'Ax S 29,914,943.21 Work Completed 10.000.00 6 AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE(Line 4-Line Sc) 29904.943.21 I LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS(Line 6 from prior Application) 29,615,793.77) 3 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION 289.149.44 TOTALS 0.00' 0.00. i NET CHANGE BY 0.00 CHANGE ORDERS t Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies that (1)all previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by 1 Payment of S289.149.44 prior Applications for Payment(2)title of all Work. e 8 or other-at"explanation of other amount) materials and equipment incorporated in said Wort:or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for I Payment will pass to Owner at lime of payment free and is recommended by: f_ L l/'B•/g dear of all Liens,security interests and encumbrances except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to E gineer) Date) Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Liens, Payment of:S289.149.44 security interest or encumbrances);and(3)all Work Line 8 or other-attach explanation of other amount) covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not s........, is approved by: 7'-/ 11//1 Owner) Dave) Payment of:S289.149.44 Line 8 or other-attach explanation of other amount) By= 1...) I Date: is approved by: r i L--110/3 1/2019 Funding Agency(if applicable) Date) I McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 1 Application Number 29 2 Application Period: August 1.2018 to October 31,2019 Applcaxon Date: October 31.2019 3 A B Work Completed G 4 Item C D E F 5 SpectAcatien.:v^ rlpeori.1 SLpip.,,,ccntra SV*Potd! FroonWrvovs `r...sPeriod MetehatsP'eartty tt*lCometed and 51 A, .eaaMCe..0 'R'c;Atrtzt3B 6 -Seciton No. Value Ag' lipfl{r.Ot .2 0-ed irro tr C; 7o D$6(C-0 E7 _.l IS. .f'B64 CB-PI. 9 Division 1-General Conditions 10 Bonds and Insurance Williams Brothers Const Inc 300,000 00 300,000 00 300,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 11 Mobilization Williams Brothers Const Inc 650,000 00 650,000 00 650,000 00 100 00% 0 OD 0.00 12 Demobilization Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 75.000 00 75,000 00 75.000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 13 Overhead and Profit Williams Brothers Const Inc 2.977.890 00 2.977690 00 2,977,890 00 100 00% 0 00 10.000.00 14 Temporary Wastewater Diversion System Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 85,000 00 85.000 00 85,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 15 I Division 2-Existing Conditions 0 001 16 02 4100 Demolition Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 64,930 00 64,930 00' 64 930.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 0 00 17 Division 3-Concrete 18 03 2000 Conrete Reinforcing M CMC Rebar 307,000 00 307,000 DO I 307,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 19 03 2000 Conrete Reinforcing L Gateway Construction Company 427.500 00 427,500 00 427.500.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 20 Ready Mix Concrete M Super Mix 495,13500 495.13500, 495,13500 10000% 000 000 O OOI 21 03 3000 CR Pump Station 22 03 3000 Footings L Williams Brothers Const Inc 8.910 00 8.910 00 8,910.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 23 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 305.475 00 305.475 00 305,475 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 24 03 3000 Base Slabs L Williams Brothers Const Inc 15.500 00 15,500 00 15,500.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 25 03 3003 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc 23,855 00 23.855 001 23.855 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 26 033000 Mechanical Pads L Williams Brothers Const Inc 3,00000 3.00000 3,000.00 100 00% 000 000 27 Suspended Slap L Williams Brothers Cons:.Inc 21,850 CC 21,850 00 21.e50.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 28 03 3000 40 Secondary Treatmemt 0 00 IIIIIM 03 3000 cc^nos L VVilliairs Brothers Corsi Inc 5.600 00 6,600 00 6 600 00 100 00%. 0 00j 0 00 30 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 840,000 00 840.000 001 840,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 31 03 3000 Base Slabs L Williams Brothers Cons: Inc 58.740 00 88,740 00 88 740.00 100 00% 000 0.00 32 03 3000 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc 28200 00 28.200 00 23 2CC.23 100 CO'S 0 00 0 00 33 033000 Suscerded Slab L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 88,55000 88,55000 88.55000 10000% 000 0.00 O OD 34 03 3000 50 S Tertiary 35 03 3000 Footings L ,i iarrs 3ro:nr s Cons-'nc 5 050 0D 5.083 00`i 5,080.00 100 OOHS 0 00 0.00 W 36 03 3000 Pads L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 2.275 00 2.275 00 2,275 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 37 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const Inc 445,198 00 445.198 00 l 445,199.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 39 03 3000 Base Slain L .iilia rs 3romc-rs Canal Inc 03.310 00 52.310 CO'. 62,310 00 100 00% 0 00 C.00 39 03 3000 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc 62,760 00 62,760 00 62,760 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 40 03 3000 Susoended Slab L Moms Brothers Const inc 33770 00 32,770 CC 33.770.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 41 I 03 3000 60 S Soilids 0 00 42 03 3000 Footings L Williams Brothers Const Inc 4,757 00 4.757 00 4,757.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 43 03 3000 Pads L Williams Brothers Const Inc 2.420 CO 3,420 00i 3,420 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 44 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const Inc 32,970 00 32,970 00 32,970 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 45 03 3000 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers CenS:.Inc 21.370 CC 21,270 00 21,270.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 000 46 03 3000 70 Microscreen r 47 03 3000 Footings L Wihams Brothers Const Inc 1,495 00 1,495 001 1,495 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 48 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const Inc. 6,875 00 6,875 001 6,975.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 49 03 3000 Slab on Grade L Williams Brothers Const Inc 1242.00 1,242 OOI 1.242.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 50 03 3000 75 SBR Feed I 0 00 51 03 3000 Walls L Williams Brothers Const Inc 57,550 00 57,550 001 57,550.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 Base L Wi hams Brothers Const Inc 5,200 CC 5,200 00I 5 20C.00 100 00% 0 DO 0.00 52 I 033000 5'ab 53 033000 Suspended Sob I Wiuiarrs Brothers Const Inc 10,53000 10,530 del 10530.00 10000% 000 0.00 54 Site I 0 00 55 Sidewalks L Williams Brothers Coast Inc 8,575 001 8,575 00! 8,575.00 100 00% 0 001 0 00 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 o a 8 8 0 0 8 0 8 8 t0 0 0 0 O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ono O O O 0 0 O O 4 l C- O O O O O 00 1IHi1iIiOO 1IIII1IIi1III O O O O O O rr 11100000000001111110;?'00 O1 Olg0101111III.. 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CO N r M o 0 N tp V II .- 10 444 17 Nj CA C 2 U u u U C C .N CC C Y C c C C JC C 0 0 0 u t 0 0 w N 2 a, c 8 ^ o e e e ev Q u U 0 0 uyy r r r r r C Ti n Ln C C 'C C 2 C u CL" l' c c c o v o m G o E E G d e u,_ u m .9 G 0 5, . $ ; G 1 °m w Q R Q S u E E E E 5 0` 8 c t c, 5 Q 10 2 2 m m m m m m m °E o °tl 2 g 2 o 0 0 o m o 212? m` c G N m C mcul C N O .1mm m 9 'O 'O E 9 g E E OO d W O U U V C.J G Q F c 0 0 0 0 o c o c N m N E E U C G S m > E E , _ dEEEEEE0m 'w_ A E ryS °i u m m m o x - m V1 § ,2 O a a a a a b a F ° 7 -, > T S Y V1 (n N N z 2 w $ W U' J J 2 J J f J 2 J 2 J rL f J d J J 2 J J J 2 J 2 J 2 J 2 id N ¢ E r, I 1, a o ym R t C 0 a. 8o u o f °i E92 E mEt 2 O g O m ai S m x 11 E k 2 _ C 8 N O O O pp 2p pp 2p O 2 N C O R L C .p C y O m N V N N f0 10 I n a N > N i C 6 a R P U m m ^J u e 2 e e 2 e p1 a ti m e 8 E E L- a r V w L s Z ' c N E 2 O - S G Q L C • 8 N (0 O • 5. n N rn m 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 r a E 2 „ a . t rn ° rU 0 3 C. q og d S 2 = G a (p ty fn fn N fn N V7 ul to t in is W S (.'/ CJ N 1 0 inN ; w L] o f!1 jjf O O 9 c aLy. O E. LL Y U N y G O ti O u_ LL ` w O. 'C to O • K • • LL D n 0 m N W a f, ff = m w w w y w f(i r fi ;y w Q f1 O O O 1- a neodte III Ill M TiCilliiiiiiii:II mmommo Imo MI IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII N m V N ' $ N N N 0 (L 0 0 0 2 * f0 top 2 P. r n P. i; W m Om m m W 3 m * m 2 m '2 Oi Ss; 2 01 W S 0 0 0 8 ..:2O N U McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 3 1 Application Number 29 2 Apptcalioo Period Au0ust 1.201E to October 31.2019 _ ApplsaUdn Date: October 31,2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C G E F G 5 Speer`mhc' ::eScs0:+.^ -_ :: S ie-StroOn r'aOr-.• Schivitile vv 3 From Ores s -his P r:rid- • >late:lals P'e 8rihy rotaf Gemr'e.ten"aM Stares 91ar^ to PETAttd 30 6 '5 ttOsNe vawe •I.ppbcatratt(C-Di St d,(not8t To'otetC C E• t30o %+nn.:gsr... tC3 f Sugar;20 L G P Maintenance Services 24.000 0D 24.000 00 24.0Cn..03 100 00% 0 00 0.00 104 1 Bi4ildn'30 M G.P Maintenance Services 900 00 900 00 90000 100 00% 0 00 0 00 105 1 Building 30 L G P Maintenance Services 9,000 CO 9.000.00 9,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 106 atdng 40 M G.P Maintenance Services 6,200 00 6,200.00 6.200.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 107 111111.1111111 Buildin.40 L G.P.Maintenance Services 57,000 00 57.000 00. 57,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 108 Building 50 M G.P Maintenance Services 900 00 900 00 900.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 109 Building 50 L G.P.Maintenance Services 9.000 00 9,000 00 9.000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 110 Building 70 M G.P Maintenance Services 500 00 500 00 500.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 111 Buildin•70 L G.P Maintenance Services 4.500 00 4.500 00 4,500.00 100 00% 000 0 00 112 MEM Building 75 M G P Maintenance Services 800.00 800 001 800.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 113 G.P Maintenance Services 6,200 00 6.200 001 6,200 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 114 09 5100 e= Central Ceiling Systems 1,272 00 1,272 00 1,272 00 100 00% 0 00 0.0C 115 09 6500 Resilient Floor Tile M Johnson Floor Company Inc 1.464 00 1.464 001 1,464 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 116 -Division 10-Specialties 0 00 117 101400 Williams Brothers Const Inc 2,10000 2.100 001 1 2,10000 10000% 000 0.00 118 10 1400 Williams Brothers Const Inc 800 00 800 00 800.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 119 10 2813 Toilet Accessories M Williams Brothers Const Inc 735 00 735 00 735 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 120 102813 Toilet Accessories L Williams Brothers Cons.Inc 450 00 450 001 450.0E 100 00% 0 00 0 00 121 Division 22-Ph maing 1 0 00 O DO 122 Exterior Mtttea ical 123, Overhead and Profit 0 A Rich 349 565:30 349,565 CO, 349 505 021 100 00`r, 2 CC 0 00 124 Mobilization G A.Rich 20,000 00 20,000 001 20,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 125 Process Pipe M G.A Rich 433,557 00 432,587 co 1 433,587 00 100 DO% 0 OC 0.00 1 103.787 00 1,103.787 00 1,103,787 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 127 Process Pipe 127 160 00 127,160 00 127,160.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 127 Storm MAl G 1'+p Storm L G A Rich 281.061 DO 281.061 00 281,061 00 100 00% 0 CO D 00 129 Water M G A.Rich 65.338 00 88,338 Co 88 378.OD 100 00% 0 00 0.00 130 G.A Rich 174,188 00 174,188 00 174,188.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 131 G A.Rich 7..000 DC 2.000 00 2.000.00 100 00% 0.00 0.00 132 Gas L G.A Rich 7.258 00 7,258.00 7,258 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 133 MIIIIIIIII Grinder Pump M G A.Rich 330 00 330 CO 330.00 100 00% 0 00 C.00 134 ' Grinder Fumc L G A.Rich 10,99800 10,99800 10,99800 10000% 000 000 51,728.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 135'- Valves M G.A Rich 51,728 00 51,728 00 30,CC0 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 1?6 -. Valves L G A Rich 30,00000 30000001 137 IUIMIIIIIII Interior Me2ha^ieal I 0 00 138 Pre Construction Hayes Mechanical 30,000 00 30,000 00, 30,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 139 Mobilization Hayes Mechanical 15.000 00 15.000 00 15,000 00 100 CC% 0 00 0.00 140 Ce MWi!zaocn Hayes Me^_t•,ar.:cal 5.000 CO 5.000 00 5,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 141 Valves M Haves Mechanical 320.000 00 320,000 00; 320,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 142 DI Piping M Hayes Mechanical 520,000.00 520.000 00 520,000 CO 100 00% 0 00 0.00 143 P'pe Supports M Hayes Mechanical 53,000.CO 50.000 00 50,00000 100 00% 0 00 0 00 144 Misc Ptumbing and Piping Material M Hayes Mechanical 65,000 00 65,000 00, 65.000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 145 Pipe Line Insulation M Hayes Mechanical 90,000 00 90,000 00 90,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 146 BAding 20 L Hayes Mechanical 37,500 DO 37,500 00 37.600 00 10O CC'. 0 00 0 00 147 Buildin.30 L Hayes Mechanical 7,200 00 7.200 00 7.200.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 146 Building 40 L Hayes Mechanical 270,000 00 270.000 00, 270,000.00 100 00% 0001 0.00 149 I Building 50 L Hayes Mechanical 80,000 00 80,000 00' 80,000 00 100 00%'0 00 0 00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 4 1 Application Number 29 2 A. ;cation Period: August 1.2018 to October 31,2019 Apphc anon Date: October 31,2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F C 5' Sim:etatroP iCe=ctrp.-0C S;pp1fprKucorirartrx Scedt e !Firm Pr6v y rs 1-1:.s Par c' h ataia s Freser6s :etaf:CSsfitprete.d and St .> o. Ba ance f.. :RETAINA:aE 6 Se1t NO' Value %p . n“a1aC•Cl 5 o ed inn;in CI, 'io Cate(Gt}TE 13iIF Fplrsn 9-F: 150 Building 60 L 62.000 00 62.000 00. 62.000.00 1.00 00% 0 00 0.00 151=MEI Building 65 L Ha es Mechanical 3,000 00 3.000 00 3,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0_00 152 Building 70 L Hayes Mechanical 27,000 00 27,000 001 27.000 00 100 00% 0 CC 0 00 153 Building 75 L Hayes Mechanical 18.000 00 18,000 00i 18 000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 154 -Dhrfsion 23-HVAC 0 00 155 Central Pump Station 20 0 00 156 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1.500 00 1,500 CO 1,500.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 157 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2.500 00 2,500 00 2,500.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 158 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc 4,000 00 4.000 00 4,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 159 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 4.400 00 4,400 00i 4,400 00 100 00% 000 0 00 160 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7.250 00 7.250 00 7,250.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 161 Terminal Heat Transfer Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,000 00 15.000 00 15,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 162 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,80000 15,80000 15,800.00 100 00% 000 0.00 163 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2.000 00 2,000 00' 2,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 164 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 9.500 00 9.500 00 9,500 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 165 SP Secondary Treatment 40 0 00 166 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 DO 100 CO% 0 00 0 00 t67 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 5,500 00 5,500 00 5500.00 100 CO% 0 00 0.00 t66 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc .5,000 00 5.000 001 5,000 00 100 CD% 0 00 0 00 169 Centnf: al Fans Com.lete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500 00 1,500 00: 1.500.00 100 CO% 000 0.00 1701 I Cam.lete Mechanical Services inc 1.500 CC 1,500 ODj 1,500 00 100 OC 0 00 r.., 171 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 3,000 00 3,000 00 3,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 172 Fuel Fired Unit Heaters Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1.800 00 1800 00 1,800 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 173 Make Up Air Unil Complete Mechanical Services Inc 6.100 00 6,100 00 6,100.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 174 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,800 00 15,800 00 15,800 00 100 00% 0 OC 0.00 175 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7,000 00 7 000 00 7,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 176 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 17.000 00 17.000 00 17.000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 177 MOM SP Tertiary Belong 50 0 CO 178 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 179 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 16,500 CO 16,500 001 16.500.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 160 Ductwork Complete Mechanical Services Inc 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 181 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7.500 00 7,500 00 7,500 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 1821- Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 3.480 00 3,480 00 3,480.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 183 Fuel Fired Unit Heaters Complete Mechanical Services Inc 9,000 00 9.000 001 9,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 184 AC Units Complete Mechanical Services Inc 8,400 00 8,400 00 8,400_00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 185 11111111172 Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7.000 00 7000 001 7.000 00 100 00% 0 00 D00 186 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15,000 00 15000 00, 15,00000 100 00% 0 00 0 00 187 SP 0 y ng Bulldeg 0 00 188 Test and Balance Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500.00 1,500 001 1,500 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 189 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 8.000 00 8.000 00 8.000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 190 Cuctwork Com•lete Mechanical Services Inc 35,000 00 35,000 00 35,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 191 Centrifugal Fans Complete Mechanical Services Inc 11,500.00 11.500 00 11.500 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 192 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 11,000 00 11,000 CO 11,000_00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 193 Heat Exchangers Complete Mechanical Services Inc 60,000 00 60.000 00 60,000.00 100 00% 0 CO 0.00 194 Complete Mechanical Services Inc 18,360 00 18,360 00 18.360.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 195 20,000 00 20,000 00 20.000 CO 100 00% 0 00 0.00 196 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 35.000 00 35,000 001 I 35,000 OC 100 00% 0 00 0 00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 5 Application Number 29 1 Applcation Date: October 31.2019 2 APPMoaku^Period: August 1.2018 to October 31,2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D - E retai Gbme'aledand Sl3c9 - G Si:pp4ei,1S ardractcr roc :@ aneeto : :RETADLAGE S-rPr,1So Efro-rarevo+rs "IxsPeroc Ntn4iidtP:esently 5 $peaF.W 45 CttscnPtar't To Owe tC+O E1 lF1BT y FeS f.t8-F't.. 6 $rttlpx.Htt Value AppcalimiC-i lxed(fNtktC) 0.00 Test aro Balance198 197 SP Miaosc•eer Buldnn 70 Complete Mechanical Services Inc 1,500 00 1,500 00 1.500.00 100 00% 0 00 0.004 2,400.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 199 Controls Complete Mechanical Services Inc 2.400 00 2,400 00 200 Ductwork cbCompleteveanical Services Inc 6.310.00 6,310 00 6,310.00 100 00%,0 00 0 00 7,200.00 100.00% 0 00 0.00. 201 Power Ventilators Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7.200 00 7,200 00 202 Ins and Outs Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7,800 00 7,800 00 7,800.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 35,000 00 100 00% D 00 0.00 203 Terminal Heal Transfers Complete Mechanical Services Inc 35,000 00 35,000 00 AC Units 7,400.00 100 00% 0.00 0.00 204 Complete Mechanical Services Inc 7!00 7,400 00 206 Material Complete Mechanical Services Inc 5.000 00 5,000 00 5,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 0 00 206 Labor Complete Mechanical Services Inc 15.000.00 15.00000, 15,000 00 100 00% 000 0 00 207 Division 25-integrated Automation Advanced Automation&Controls 165.000 00 165,000 00, 165,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 208r 25 1316 Bones.Panels and Centro:Centers 75,000.00 100.00% 0 00 0 00 209 25 3100 Remote Instruments Advanced Automation&Controls 75.000 00 75.000 lb00 Advanced Automation&Controls 2,135,30000 2,135,30000 2,135,300.00 10000% 000 0 001 210 25 51 DO Instrumentation and Control Intefration19,700.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 211 25 9100 Wastewater Plant Control Advanced Automation&Controls 19,700 00 19,700 00 Advanced Automation&Controls 109,000 00 109.000 00_ 109 000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 212 25 2922 Variable Frequency Motor Controllers 0 00 213 Division 26-Electrical r 726,86827 9319% 53,13179 0.00 214 26 3213 °ackagec Erne Generator and Transfer Switches M Cummins N Power Inc 780.000 00 726,868 21. 10 79_ 2151 25,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 216r 141ebB12xi0r Homestead ElecrkalCmshaciingLk 25,00000 25,00000_ nL+..11i 5 :•n t'a i,,ime s.earl C`e.ri,,i,C 'stmctrng Li 0,00000 T3000 CC r 30 COO 00 100 00': 0 00 0 00 145,00000 1 145,000.00, 100.00% 000 0.00' 216 Site M Homestead Electical Cmstra...big LE 145,000 00 45,000.00 100 00%,0 00 0.00 219 Site L Homestead Elecrical Constructing LI, 75,000 00 75,000 00 750 000 0D 100 00% 0.00 0.00 220 Bung 20 M Homestead Elecrical Corstracting Lk 50.000.00 50.000 00 c 221 Building 20 L Homestead Elecrical Constractrng LI 68,000 00 68,000 00 68,000.00 10000% 000 0.00; 222 Building 30 M Homestead Elecrical Corstractrng Lt 27,000 00 27,000 00 27,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0,00 223 Budting 30 L Homestead Elecrical Constracting LL 25.000 00 25.000.00 25,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 224 Buderg 40 M Homestead Elecrical Corstracttng LI 85,000 00 85.000 00 85.000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 225 Buildng 40 L Homestead Elecrical Corstrac9ng LL '09,000 CC 109,000 CO 109,000.00 100.00% 0 00 0 00 226, Butldrg 50 M Homestead Elea-teal Constractmg LL 77,000 00 77,000 00 77,000 00, 100 00% o 00 0.00 227 Building 50 L Homestead Elecrical Constracting Lt 92.000 00 92,000 00 92,000.00 100 00% D 00 0.00 70.000.00 100 OD% 0 00 0 W 228 Buffing 60 M Homestead Elecrical Cars-trading Ll 70,000 OC 70.000.CO 229 Suedes;60 L D 00 0 00 Homestead Elecrical Con:tnUing LI 94,500 00 94,500 00 94,500.00 100 00% 55,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 230 Bueairg70 M Homestead Elecrical CorsoactingLI 55,000M 55,000.00i 231 Building 70 L Homestead Elecrical Consiracting Ll 105,000.00 iD5,000 00 105,000.00 100 00% 0.00 o 00 29,000.00 100.00% 0.00 0.00 P32 Budding 75 M Homestead Elecrical CmsNactng It 29,000 00 29,000.00 29 000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 233 Building 75 L Homestead Elecrical Canstractng Lt 48.000 00, 48.000 tU 162,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00. 234 Gear Homestead FJe:ricat CmsfracMrg LL t62,D0200 162,000.00 235 Lighting 0 00 0.00' Homestead Elecrical Corstracbng Lli 108,500.00 108 500.00, 108,500.00 100 00% 0.00 436 Division 31-Earthwork 0 00 237 15,000.00 10D 00% 000 0. 238 31 1000 Strip Tccsc,l Williams Brothers Const Inc 15,000 00 15,000 00 239 31 1000 Ret4mad Topsoit Williams Brothers Const Inc 15,000 00 15,000.00 15.000.00 100 00% 0 00 ODD i 32.215.00 10000% 000 O.DD: 240 311000 Remove Asphe/Pavmc Williams Brothers Const Inc 32,245.00 32,245 00 000 000 H Tree Service 14 000 00 14,000 00 14,000.00 100 00% 241 31 1033 Tree Removal Homer 41,000.00 1i70.00% 0 00 0.00 i 242 31 2200 G acing Williams Brothers Const Inc 41,000 00 41.000.00 243 31 2316 Cut and Fill Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 180,135.00 180,13500 180,135 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 6 1 Application Number 29 2 Application Period: Auqurt 1.2018 to October 31,2019 Appl•catlon Date: October 31,2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F C 5' Sp+V-..t5' caliph 6esertpl oh 3upptie t%20r actor Sher ute .From?rev.cce i'F:•s P:r'^I rreln Frese'tly :dal Cc'rnp'e'ad assd:St• .... , Ba ante;c -R.^Ti.3l 6 SeettO6No ia1v8 App6:e oni".'Dt I Storiedmro inC.m TOCatastC+D+61 iF/5, 'Ftleth 3-;, 2441 31 2316 Mass Excavation ~ Williams Brothers Const Inc 664,600.00 664.600 00 664 600.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 245 1 31 2316 13 Trenching Williams Brothers Coast Inc 133,500 00 133.500 00 133,500 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 246 I 31 2319 Dewatering Kelley Dewatering and Construction 188,300 00 188,300 OD i 188,300 00 100 DO% 0 00 0 00 247 31 2500 Silt Fence Williams Brothers Const Inc 15.000 00 15,000 00 I 15,000.0D 100 00% 0 00 0 00 2481 31 500 Excavation Support and Protection 475,350 00 475.350 00 475 350 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 2491 Division 32-Exterior Improvements 0 00 2501 32 1216 Asphalt Parr • M Troth-McNeil Paving Co 78.725 00 78,725 001 78,725.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 2511 32 1216 Asphalt Paving L Troth-McNeil Paving Co 91,775 DO 91.775 001 91,775 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 32 3113 Chain Link Fences and Gates M Northern Illinois Fence 14.866 00 14,866 00: 14,866 00 100 00% 0 00 0.001 253= 323113 10.765 00 10.765 00 10,765.00 100 00% 0 00 0 001 254 I 32 9219 Williams Brothers Const Inc 8.000 00 8.000 00 8 000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 001 255-Division 33-Willies 0 00 256 33 3216.13 Packaged Grinder Pump Station M Gasvoda and Associates 23.000 00 23,000 00 23.000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 2571 33 3216.13 Packaged Grinder Pump Station Start Up Gasvoda and Associates 1,053 50 1.053 50 1.053.50 100 00% 0 00 0.00 2581 33 3216 13 Packaged Grinder Pump Station L 5 000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 100 CD% 0 00 0 00 2591 Division 35-Waterway and Marine Construction r 0 00 260 35 2016.29 Fabricated Metal Slide Gates M R.W Gate Company 280,030 00 280.030 00 280,030.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 261 1 35 2016 29 Fabricated Metal Slide Gates L Williams Brothers Const Inc 142,000 00 142,000 00 142,000 00 100 00% 0 00 D 00 262 Division 41-Material Processing and Handling Equipment 0 DO 263 I 41 2223.19 Cranes and Hoists Sievert Crane and Hoist 17,300 00 17,300 00 17,300.00 100 00% 0 DO D 00. r D visinn 43-Procns:C. and Liquid Handling.Puri0catitn.and Storage Equipment 265 431123 Rotary Positive Displacement Aeration Blower M LAI Ltd 49,00000 49,000001 49,000.00 10000% 000 000 266 43 1123 Rotary Positive D'sptacement Aeration Blower L Hayes Mechanical 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 267 432114 Rotary Lobe Pump Equipment M Peterson and Matz,Inc 60.000 00 60,000 0D 60,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 268 432114 Rotary Lobe Furp Equipment-Start UP Peterson and Matz,Inc 5.000 00 5.000 001 5,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 269 432114 Rotary Lobe Purp Equipment L Hayes Mechanical 6,000 00 6,000 00: 6.000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 D0 270 432139 Submersible Solids Handling Pump Equipment M LAI Ltd 799.000 00 799.000 DO 799,00D D0 100 00% 0 00 0 OD 271 43 2139 Submersible Solids Handling Pump Equipment L Hayes Mechanical 42.000 00 42,000 DO( 42.00000 100 00% 0 00 0.00 272 43 2143.01 Sump Pump System L Hayes Mechanical 4,000 00 4,000 00 4 000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 D0 273 43 3259 Odor Control System M LAI Ltd 47,000 00 47,000 00 47.000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 274 43 3259 Odor Control System L Hayes Mechanical 10,000 00 10.000 00 10,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 275I Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment M Xylem Water Solutions USA 275,000 0D 275,000 001 275,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 276 43 3263 Ultraviolet Disinfection Eaurpment L Williams Brothers Coast Inc 6,000 00 6,000 001 6,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 277 43 4113.01 Hydropreurnat c Tank M LAI Ltd 29,000 00 29.000 00--. 29,000 0D 100 0D% 0 00 0 00 278 43 4113.01 Hydropneurnalc Tank L Hayes Mechanical 1.000 00 1,000 00 100000 100 00% 0 00 0.00 279 434116 Bulk Chemical Storage Tanks M Peterson and Matz.Inc 120,000 00 120,000 001 120,000 00 100 DD% 0 00 0 00 280 434116 Bulk Chemical Storage Tanks-Start Up Peterson and Matz.Inc 5,000 00.5 000 001 5.00000 100 00% 0 001 0.00 281 43 4116 Bulk Chemical Storage Tanks L Hayes Mechanical 5.000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 282 -Division 44-Polllution Control Equipment 0 00 283 44 4000 Composite Samplers M Gasvoda and Associates Inc 10,000 00 10,000 001 I 10,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 284 44 4000 C2m •site Samples Start'Jp Gasvoda and Associates Inc 1.053 50 1,053 50 1,053.50 100 00% 0 00 0 00 285 44 4000 Composite Samplers L Williams Brothers Cons.Inc 1.000 00 1,000 00 1,000,00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 286 444100 Soot:en0rn9 Batch Reactor Treatment System M Xylem Water Solutions USA 745,000 00 745,00000 745,000.00 10000% 000 0.00 287 44 4100 Semuetcret Batch Reactor Treatment System L Williams Brothers Const Inc 20.000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 288 44 4100 SBRT Pump,Blowers and Mixer L Haves Mechanical 69.300 00 69.300 001 69,300.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 289 44 4256.01 Vertical Turbine Pumps M LAI Ltd 64,000.00 64.000 00 64,000.00 100 00% 0 0D 0 00 290 44 4256 01 Vertical Turbine Pumps L Hayes Mechanical 8,000 00 8,000 001 8,000.00 100 00% 0 0D 0.00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 7 Application Number 29 1 2 Appi.catioa Period. August 1,2018 to October 31,2019 Application Date: October 31.2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F G 5 S eolt +:tx;n otti7sct x From Pre fO n •nits Percti a aaa,Presently •atat Ga tib,a7ad and S er_ BsarGe.c P.cT.Eit 3E s Sec+ron ria tat on{C+D/ Stored no`,In C1 Ta•Date tC^DBE Pineal",3='• 291 44 4255..:9 SubmcrstlC Pumps M LAI Ltd 25.000 00 25,000 00 I 25 00C.20 100 00% 0 00 0.00 3,000 CO 100 00% 0 00 0 00 292 44 4256 09 Submersible Pumps L Hayes Mechanical 3.000 00 3,000 00 0 00 293 1 Division 46-Water and Wastewater Egrtipmnf 294 46 2151 Mechanial Screonin Equ'pmeen: M Hydr0•Dyne Eng,needn 373.85000 373,850 00I 373.550 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 Williams Brothers Const Inc 26.00000 26,000.00 26,000.00 100 00% 000 0.00 295 46215' Mechanial,.croerhirh9Egwpmen; L 901,892 00 100 00 000 000' 296 462200 Mechanical SOrecran Egapmem i.^nBFS) M Hydro International 9D1692 CO 901.692 00 22.ODD.00 10000% 000 0.00 297 46 2200 Mechanical S.auz.rlmg Equipnen'IRBFSI L Williams Brothers ConsL Inc 22.000 00 22,000 00 0 00 0.00 Y•leen Water Solutions USA 90,000 00 90,000 00 90,000.00 100 00% 298 464123 Submersible h6xmg Equipment i 000 299 46 4123 Submersible kinking Equipment 6,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 300 464123 Submersible Mixing Equr0me7l L Hayes Mechanical 6.000 CO 6,00000- M RPS E neering Inc 143,000 00 21,450 00 21,450 00 15 00% 121.550 00 0 00 301 46 4324 Digester Cover 0 00 0 OD% 60,000 00 0 00 302 46 4324 7. s'er Cover L Williams Brothers Cons!.Inc 60.000 00 0 00 Y. m Water Solutions USA 65.000 00 65,000 CO 65,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 303 46 5133 Flexible Momnrarro Diffused ACrSen 0 00 304 46 5133 Flexible Membrane Diffused Aeration 15 CCD OD 10o 00% 0 00 0 CO 305 46 5133 Flexible Membrane Diffused Aeration L Ha e.Mechanical 15,000 00 15.000 00 306 46 5200 Brolcq cal High Rate Treatment System M 307 Mixers I Kv-er lit257.651 00 257,651 00l 257,651 00 100 CC% 0 00 0 00 328,055 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 308 Micro Sant=amps and Submersible Caa j.tan!F.. 328,055 00 328,055 00 309 5udce/5ard Gear Drive and Scrace•Assembly 230,367 00 230,367 00 230,367 00 100 C0% 0 00 0 00 125.815 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 310 clones 1 Kruger Inc 26,815 CO 126,815 00 I ']3iri C.:7 2J.S29 00 5C :, 31 I t„ram' I';._ Oo 313 Valvesalves K1:.^,er Inc d Equ,Fn I Kruger Inc 133,536 00 133,536 00 133,536 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 313 V 45242 0045.242 00 45.242 OD 100 00°!o 0 00 0 00 I 31 PLC Control Panels I Kra er Inc 113,379 00 113.379 00 113 379 00 100 00% 0 co 0 00 315 Process Instrumentation I Kvger Inc 97.503 CO 97,503 OD 97,503.00 100 00% D 00 0.00 96.086 00 96 086 001 96 056 00 100 00%I 0 00 0 00 316 Liquid Fa'r^er Prccessng System K.'u or Inc D 00 K'ueer Inc 64.057 00 64,057 00 64,057 00 100 00% 0 00 Coa•u art!.[ien. Pumps 000 00031718,101 00 100 00 316 Microsand 8 Polymer I Kv_er Inc 18.101 00 18.101 CO 319 S^are Parts Kruger Inc 15,879 00 0001.15.879 CO 15,879 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 10,OOC.00 100 OVA 0 00 0.00 320 46 5200 B.Olcgtal H•h Rate Treatment System L Williams Brothers Const Inc 10,000 001 321 46 6130 Disk Filtration System M K'e.er Inc 580,985 00 580,985 001 580,985.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 322 Disc Filters 0 GO I Kn. er Inc72.315 00 72,315 00 72,315.00 100 00% 0 00 324 Drum Control Panels 9 14,500.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 324 Drum VFDs KZ:aer Inc 1c000t 14,500 00 325 326 14000.00 100 OD% D00 DDO 327 46 6130 I Disk Filtration System t Williams Brothers Cons.Inc. 14.000 00 14,000 00 0 00 328 46 7653 Sludge Drying SystC^i M Komline Sanderson 329 CNe• M Komline Sanderson 1 156.130 00 1,156,130 00 1,156,130.00 10000% 0CC 0.00 330 Live Bottom Hooper M Komline Sanderson 169,240 00 '59.240.00 169,240.00 100 00% 0 00 GOO 331 Komline Sanderson 26,260 OC 26,260 DO 26.26000 10000% 0.00 0.00 332 21 620.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 Komline Sanderson 21,620 CO 21,620 00 96,42000 10000% 000 000 333 Dried Product Conveyors M Komline Sanderson 96,420 CO 96,420 00 178 250 DD 100 OO°/ 0 OD D CO 79.250 CD 178.250 00 334 Thermal Oil System M F:annnrt Sanderson 0 OD I 0.00 8.360 00 B.:f0 00 i 8,360.00 100 00% 335 Thermal Oil M Komline Sanderson D DO M Komline Sanderson 40,74000 49 740.0C 49,740 00 100 00%. 0 00 336 Off Gas Compressor 000 OOC 337 Utility Air Compressor/Air Dryer M Komline Sanderson 10,350 00 10,350 00 10,350.00 100 00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 8 1 Application Number. 29 2 •••tication Period: August 1.2018 to October 31,2019 Application Date: October 31,2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F G 5 $plrt!Ca:ien Cerpcor i-:: Supp44.'?tucocdta'3ar i...•. S 'eduk3 Fttm'tPwal0ela ..i ,e Period ; kaViala P•t60ntty fo,atCOmp'etied:arid:$tires i. 92la8Me to i iR$TAINAGF' 6 Sect On Na. value. . .App6cabonvtC-01 Stored{eoth C, To Dane(C.D•E -.(F,3t Fit sr+{8•f}; 338 Coarse Bubble Diffusers M Komline Sanderson 14,990 00 14,990.00' 14,990.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 339 Off Gas Duct/Fabricated Items M Komline Sanderson 40,450.00 40,450-00 40,450.00 10000% 0.00 000 340 Local instrumentation M Komline Sanderson 40,21000 40210.00 40.21000 10000% 000 000 341 Automatic Valves/Rotary Valves M Komline Sanderson 27.830 00 27,830.00 27,830.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 342 Anchor Bolts M Komline Sanderson 12.470 00 12,470 00 12,470.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 343 Dryer Control Panel M Komline Sanderson 90,980 00 90.980 00 90,980.00 100 00% 0 00 0.00 344 Start Up/Commissioning Komline Sanderson 56.700 00 56,700 00 56,700.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 345 467653 Sludge Drying System I Williams Brothers Const_Inc 112.40000 112.40000 112400,00 10000% 000 0,00 346 46 7653 Sludge Pump and Compressor L Hayes Mechanical 5.000 00 5,000 00 5,000.00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 347 46 7655 Stud.a Conve ing S stem M LAI Ltd 229.000 00 229.000 00 229,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0 00 348 46 7655 Sludge Conveyin.System L Williams Brothers Const.Inc 5.000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 100 00% 0 00 0.00'. 349 -Unit Cost 0 00 350 1 Water Main 2" 25 LF at S30 LF 750 00 0 00 0.00 0 00% 750 00 0.00 351 2 Water Main 4" 25 LF at 532 LF 800 00 0 00 0.00 0.00% 800 00 0 00 352 3 Sanita Sewer 6' 25 LF at 545 LF 1,12500 000 0.00 000% 1.12500 0.00. 353 5 Storm Sewer 12" 25 LF at 520 LF 500 00 0 00 0.00 0 00% 500.00 0 00 354 7 Trench Backfill 100CY at$9 CY 900 00 0 00 0 00 0 00% 900 00 0.00 355 8 Plowable Fill 100CY at$35 CY 3,500 00 0 00 0 00 0 00% 3,500 00 0 00 356 9 Pipe Casing for Water Main and Sewer Crossi • 25 LF at 514 LF 350 00 0 00 0.00 0 00% 350 00 0 00 357 10 Telecommunication Cable and Conduit 25 LF at S7 LF 175 00 0.00 0 00 0 00% 175 00 0.00 2S.5 11 ectric3l Carrie and Conn,25 LF at$10 LF 250 00 O CO r,-in n rn,.250 CO 3 CO 359 12 Gas Lines 2' 25 LF at$15 LF 375 00 0 00 0.00 0.00% 375 00 0.00 3601 13 Hot Mix As.halt 50 tons at$100 ton 500000 000 000 000% 5.000.00 0.00 361, 14 Removal and Disposal of Unsuitable Materials Iii100CY at$70 CY 7.000 00 0 00 0 00 0 00% 7,000 00 0.00 362 1 363' 364 364' MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIII- I 3 Total 30.180,090.00 29,899,0L4,21 15.879.001 0.00 29,914,943.21 99,12% '1.i•T'.9 1,,000.e. 367 IMIIIIIIIIIIII Work Ch r DlracUvas 360 - 369 ' '•b Work Chmge Directive No 1 3,49a?0 0.00 .0 001 '3,498.30 0,00 370 - Work Cnan•,Directive No 2 800.00' 000 .0.00"'r 180000 0.00 371 - Work Charge Directive No 3 525 00 0 00 0.00% 525 00 0.00 372 Work One. Directive No 4 1,044 00 0.00 .000% (1,044 00 0.00 373 - Work Charge Directive No 5 374 - H. Flow Pump Revisions 117,972c0 0.00 -000% (117,97200 0.00 375 ME= Soon+WWTF Swilchgear Revisions 1 378 Herestead 285.231 75 0.00 0.00)5 288,231.75 0.00 377 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Commits 274,736 W, 0.00 A 00% (274,736.00 0.00 378 - Titan 350.00 i 0.00 0.00% 1 65.25 0 00 0.00 379 WBCI 1,625.25 390 111111111111111 Work Change Directive No.6 4,850.0 0.00 -0 00% (4.850.00 0.00 381 Work Change Directive No 7 13,301 00 000 o00% 13,301.00 0.00 382 11111111111111=1 Work Cho Directive No 9 9.996.00 0.00 0 00% 9,996.00 0.00 Work Chan Directive No.10 5,25700 0.00 000% 5257.00 000 83 IIIIMIMIIIII Change 1995 00 0.00 0 00% 1,995.00 0.00 285 Work Change Directive 11 0 00 0 00% 3,703.00 0.00 385 - Work Change Cre_tive 112 3,703 CO 356 Work Change Dlrectwe 13 11.754 OO 0.00 -0 00% (11,754.6 r 000 397 - WOW.Change Directive 15 1,050 0.00 0.00?': 1.050.00 0 00 388 - s 00 We Change Directive 16 9,227 00 0.00 0 0C96 9,227.00 0 00 389 Won Change Dtrecpve 17 19,862 00 I 0.00 0 00% 19,862.•0 0.00 McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 9 Application Number: 29 1 2 Applcatiion Period: August 1,2018 to October31.2019 Appi•catian Date: October 31.2019 3 A B Work Completed 4 Item C D E F 0 g pp k 5v or4raC i afie,4e ;,from Previous TR 6 Pet od Nam ah Ptos K tly c101 Camp eted *f S . Balat fro RETh9tA 5 •... >Ob-paori. TotateEC+0451 (FIB/ Firash.(34:7 6` valve AP• dbml C D) Stored(no h CI 390 1.111111111111111111 Work Change Directive 18 17,086 00 11.1111111111111.1111111 0-00 0.00% 17,086 00 0.00 I 391 - Work Change Directive 19 8,610 75 0 00 -0.00% 8,610 75 0.00 Wmk Change Directive 20 2.250 00---0.00 -0 00% (2,250 00 0 00 39 10,483 00 I 0 00 0 00% 10,483 00 0.00 393IMIIIII Work •Chan Directive 21 394 Work Coon.eDrrec4ve22 10,582 0.00 0.00% 10.58200 00; 395 Work Cna •a Dlrec9ve 23 13,218 00' 0.00 -000% 3.218 00 0 00 396 MIIIIIIMIII Work Change Dtroceve 24 2.632 75 0 00 -0 00% (2,632 75` 0.00 397 11.111111111.111 Wont Cho • Directive 25 2.000.00 0 00 0 00% 2,000 00 0 00 398 - Work Ch. • Directive 25 149.663 CC 1 0.00 .0 00% 149 663.00 0.00 399 - Work Change Directive 27 2.875 00 0.00 0 00'% 2,875 00 0.00 400 Work Cna.•-Dlroceve 28 954.0C 000 0 00% 954.00 C 00 401 111.111.1111111111 Work C. •-DI ective 29 231 25 0.00 -0 00% (231 25 COO 402 IIIIIIIIIMIIII Work Chan• DIrec1we30 6.46800 0.00 000% 6,468.00 C.00 403 111111.1111. 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J 2 `2 Z Z < a 0 R a' N N M 1= !- h: m u ; m a i a c c 0 8 w c u x x = MI s -- v 1 a Id 4 N n LI' Q _ p V} a- QQ 2Np2 tQQ1OO 8tpO t(pp Z' N lh Q N f0, N N M M M M t7 F Q Q 4 V aY Q L V. .Y V Q Q V F V V V Q V V Q V c Q Q Q V Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q V V Q V S McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 11 Application Number. 29 1 2 App6Cauon Period: August 1.2018 to Cctaber 31,2019 Apptc3con Data: October 31,2C19 3 A g Work Completed Item C D E F G 4 1 I SunC;t+:5utCfrit2 ni Stl+'ti`0}a From Prev ;'his Pa rd c tat r eserty Fatal CcinP cod a?dS'^ Eaian.,e:a; ttta+ 5 Sre c No ., esrnpron F i rnisrifa.Fj.._ REZd ScC4c-+rra 1aNa ?ppb..abon•(C } 5toredfnotlnCr To Dote ta,n 47C McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 Partial Waiver of Lien STATE OF ILLINOIS) ss. 10/31/2019 PEORIA COUNTY } TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, we the undersigned, WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC. have been employed by The City of McHenry to furnish labor and/or material for the building known as: McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Situated on Lot: 3306 Waukegan Road and 222 South McHenry Ave McHenry, Illinos in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. NOW,THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the undersigned, for and in consideration of Two Hundred Eighty Nine 1Thousand One Hundred Forty Nine and 44/100 289,149.44 Dollars, the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged, do hereby waive and release any an all lien, or claim, or right of lien on said above described building and premises under the"An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Mechanic's Liens," approved May 18. 1903 in force July 1, 1903 together with all amendments thereto and all the lien laws of the State of Illinois, on account of labor and materials, or both, furnished or which may be furnished by the undersigned to or on account of the said City of McHenry for said building and premises through October 31, 2019 GIVEN under our hands and sealed this 31st day of October, 2019 WILLIAMS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION INC. (SEAL) SEAL) Jacqueline Smith, Treasurer McHenry Wastewater Treatment Facility Consolidation Page 1 LIEN ip'::::`.P:!:: 6;ig;.:<::::'.';; McHenry WWTP McHenry,Illinois Scheduled I Previously I additional 1 Waiver Vendor I Value I Compl to date retention waiver due I attached I note Summary by Subcontractor/Supplier 0.00 0.00 Advanced Automation&Controls 2,508,699.00 2,504,000.00 0.00 2,257,342.00 2,508,699.00 final Central Ceiling 1,272.00 1,272.00 63.60 1,208.40 final CMC Rebar 307,000.00 307,000.00 15,350.00 74,150.00 final Complete Mechanical Services 498,935.37 498,935.37 0.00 498,935.37 498,935.37 final Cummins N Power 452,029.00 452,029.00 0.00 452,029.00 452,029.00 final GP Maintenance Services 125,000,00 125,000.00 0.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 final Diamond Masonry 310,839.00 310,839.00 0.00 282,295.30 310,839.00 final Doors Inc 44,900.00 44,900.00 2,245.00 0.00 final East Moline Glass 1,725.00 1,725.00 86.25 1,638.75 final Exarc Skylights Inc 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 final Gasvoda and Associates 35,107.00 35,107.00 1,755.35 33,351.65 final Gateway Construction 450,619.99 427,500.00 0.00 372,601.24 450,619.99 final Harrington Industrial 5,745.00 5,745.00 287.25 5,457.75 final Hayes Mechanical 1,838,846.98 1,838,846.98 0.00 1,513,095.37 1,838,846.98 final Homestead Electric 1,847,407.27 1,847,407.27 0.00 1,681,156.32 1,847,407.27 final House of Doors 84,028.00 84,028 00 0.00 84,028.00 84,028.00 final Hydro Dyne Engineering 373,850.00 373,850.00 0.00 373,850.00 373,850.00 final Johnson Flooring 1,464.00 1,464.00 0.00 1,464.00 1,464.00 final Joliet Steel and Construction 321,351.06 305,120.00 0.00_ 321,351.06 321,351.06 final Kelley Dewatering 188,300.00 188,300.00 9,415.00 22,360.64 final Kole Construction 11,700.00 11,700.00 585.00 11,115.00 final Komline Sanderson 1,988,126.13 1,988,126.13 0.00 1,988,126.13 1,988,126.13 final Kruger 2,203,167.34 2,203,167.34 0.00 2,203,167.34 2,203,167.34 final LAI Ltd 1,328,065.00 1,328,065.00 0.00 1,328,065.00 1,328,065.00 final Hydro International 901,892.00 9.01,892.00 0.00 45,094.60 901,892.00 final Mid States Concrete Industries 69,000.00 69,000.00 3,450.00 62,652.50 final Northern Illinois Fence 39,374.00 39,374.00 0.00 39,374.00 39,374.00 final Nucor Building Systems 214,606.00 214,606.00 10,730.30 203,875.70 final Nystrom 20,406.00 20,406.00 1,020.30 3,262.70 final Peterson and Matz 190,000.00 190,000.00 0.00 190,000.00 190,000.00 final G.A. Rich 2,723,074.57 2,723,074.57 0.00 941,195.34 2,723,074.57 final RPS Engineering 21,450.00 21,450.00 0.00 21,450.00 21,450.00 final RW Gate Company 281,284.00 281,284.00 0.00 15,255.50 281,284.00 final Sievert Crane and Hoist 24,400.00 24,400.00 0.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 final Sterling Commercial Roofing 56,000.00 56,000.00 0.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 final Super Mix 495,135.00 495,135.00 24,756.75 221,295.82 final Titan Industries 210,975.05 210,975.05 0.00 210,975.05 210,975.05 final Troch-NcNeil Paving 170,500.00 170,500.00 8,525.00 161,975.00 Xylem Water Solutions 897,750.00 897,750.00 0.00 897,750.00 897,750.00 final FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9477486 tate of L— P s s TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Advanced Automation and has been employed by Williams Frothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue ocated at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of Which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE JNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 2* million *508* thousand *699* dollars and no cents 2, 508, 699.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does. hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the btate of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or wai7.r.ants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the Gndersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Hifli.ams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said j.ct is applicable. ry 9 Given under our hand and seal this day of 1 4'•1 '`20 /a . Advance• Aut { 11-- mati•o ' and By'Y` n v Title: tie. State of Li t S 1 Cbdnty of • GL . (1(... p Subscribed and sworn to before me this t 6ver PIc! Q_ 4‹..-Ltill il'IL—C-'s-----tj o ary Publ c KELLY K MILANO Official Seal Notary Public—State of Illinois My Commission Expires Jul 9,2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9479496 State of /1. .4/•V?/ County of i e,J•-J TO ALL WHOM IT NAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Complete Mechanical Services, has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry Co,r..ty of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERS=GNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim. for and in consideration of 499" thousand *935" dollars and 37 cents S499,935.37 and other good and valuabJe considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow..edged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of Tien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds or. the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bend furnished by sil'iams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Hord Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hard and seal this j day of !"'Y '4"' —. 20 p9 . Complete Mechanical Services, Title: 1 State of /.0 /.,1'/''/ County of /S,44/ _ _ Subscr_'e d and sworn to be_c-c tr.Is .ls 1/.4y Cif /1,}% r C e1/7r' Notary Public CFFICIAL SEAL JA E:T DEL PEROO NOTAMY PLANK;•STATE OF ILINOIS MY OMISSION E RESOVIN23 FINAL WAIVER OF„ MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9+5454`6 State of m 1\nes a yyl ss County of- 1M-Se 1 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Cummins NPower has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry W ?TP S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of Four hundred fifty-two thousand twenty-nine dollars and no cents 452,029.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under and payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this `1r day of NoVLrnbiY 20 18 Cummins Inc. By: Title: av)CorTlr wA State of t imv\QSi County of tm ._ Subscribed and .worn to before me this I d Are414errj o ary Public VARVARA V TISHCHENKO Notary Pubiic 6!. 41hY/Fl Minnesota 1 My Commission Expires Jan 31.2022 _ FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9955486 State of //1/46'/.S ss County of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Gp Maintenance Services, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of One hundred twenty-five thousand dollars and no cents 125, 000.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this / day of 1-n' 20 /e Gp Main'te9-2nce S vices, Inc. By:( Title:?C-s /.J C7/ State of / 1'/') cif County of CAP r,4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this/7 C//c Notary ublic MARIA POULOS Official Seal Notary Public-State of Illinois My Commission Explres Nov 8,2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9597486 State of 4. , .Lk ,L ss County o fL LLAL TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Diamond Masonry of IL, Inc.has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written 'change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final. Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 310* thousand *839* dollars and no cents 310, 839.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does. hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Wa1:2iants Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this day of{\}-ely'j h , 20-LI. Diamond Masonry of IL, Inc. Title: 'C/) r (,C r' Slate of o my of _ t Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 Notary Public OFFICIAL SEAL. MARIANE A. HANSEN Notary Public,State of Illinois My Commission Expires 12/01/19 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 947448E State of C l g s County at TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Exarc Skylights, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue prated at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (rho I"EEr.o"ecr. l') at which ;City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of Two thousand five hundred dollars and no cents 2, 500.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does. hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois ublic Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. rn n Given under our hand and seal this \ bJe[c.la of 1 ^^ ' Exarc Skylights, Inc. By: 1 v = Title: Pft-'t A e of tx... Subscribed and sw,: to before me this I ,*\ ck C)F \Je.C.e nbc-zojg Public k‘011111//4 ti G,H FI 1 ,'• .O ' Q;.••.tlssrOt•. 9 r sir A -• tiz•C chAUBOT9 2 m LSO o rcD og Zc ,• Q • OUNr( , 111111 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9470486 State of ILLINOIS COOK ss County of TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Gateway Construction Co. Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 450* thousand *619* dollars and 99 cents 450, 619. 99 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release:r. a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or Warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Wil.liams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act .is applicable. G'iven under our hand and seal this 30th day of October 20_8 . Gatewa_y 'onstruction , c. By: 14y o5so Title: Treasur gate of ILLINOIS b-prit y of Subscribed and sworn to b e me this 10/30/18 ir No aory ut kc,§a e o1 Illinois M CommLiss3jr262022 FINAL• WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9453486 State of ss County of Coo /e TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Hayes Mechanical Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute. this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 1* million *838* thousand *846* dollars and 98 cents 1 , 838,846.98 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,, , does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned ,for the above described premises; and b). any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Nilliams• Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Cot`istruction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act ds applicable. Given Linder our hand and seal this /S day of 20 /9 . Hayes Mechanical Inc. By. w e s,D State of - .//i?O/ 2 aunty of 6-6,4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ex- e• -/ 77 r t ' _hr ! i CG'lram• t Notary Public Official Sea! Isabel Sultanian Notary Public State of Illinois My Commission Expires 01/G212021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9457486 i Aillstateof22"-_`_-_.- ss C7V6Countyof TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Homestead Electrical has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 1* million *847* thousand *407* dollars and 27 cents 1, 847, 407.27 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois E'iablic Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. r/ Given under our hand and seal this 7 day of /LJQ // 20 id' Homestead ElectricalcaBY: 1--y/ .- Title: -V _. ,0%cd-Cv state of wG.XX. ouhty of Subscribed and sworn to before me this 71% t/0 aD/? c. ar , Public V- OFFICIAL SEAL LYNN C. MAGOON Notary Public-State of Illinois My Commission Expires 4/06/2022 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9471486 State of Illinois ss County of Cook TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, House of Doors, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she As authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of Eighty-four thousand twenty-eight dollars and no cents 84, 028.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this 15th day of October 2018 House of oo.ns Inc. B y: Q Phil Salb Title: President State of Illinois County of Cook Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of October. 2018 7.' ",5'11 "6"--X(11;/ Notary Publi ..... "..w.,,..r •. OFFICIAL SEAL" w BAP.BARA A RUDMAN t. No:nry Public, State of Illinois My Con-m,nic:sicn Expiros 2/2/2022 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS/ LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9488486 State of 1 1 OrT, i4 s s Countyof J TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Hydro-Dyne Engineering, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 373* thousand *850* dollars and no cents 373, 850.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or Warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. r J LrGivenunderourhandandsealthisI-{day of A L> 20 18 . Hydro Dy - :ngin-ering, Inc. Notary Public State of Florida 7 : Jessica R Deeran By: WIPP op 0* Expires 08I28I2022 223834 Title: VI FeEStbwr State of rligt2j-isPr County of ?( Subscrib sworn t. •efor- 41 his 0 JUL/ 2°,' No ary Public FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9442486 State of Illinois ss County of Cook TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Johnson Floor Company, Inc.has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of whidh City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and xecut.e this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of One thousand four hundred sixty-four dollars and no cents 1,464.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, d es.hereby fully and finally waive and release: r : 4'} ( a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the tiVitiae of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or twarrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this 19th day of October 20 1$ . Johnson Floor Company, Inc. By: g t Cl/fry D. Johnson Title: precddent state of Illinois 114ount>' of Cook Subscr. ed and sworn to before me this 19th day of October, 2018 Notary Public LAURA I ROTHAUPT Official Seal Notary Public-Stale of Illinois My Camnrss'on Expires Jul 2,2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9539486 State of T 11 l ss County of .0\\, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Joliet Steel & Construction has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and xecute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 321* thousand *351* dollars and 06 cents 321,351.06 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doeg, hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State`,of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this ak4 day of C LINCN YZ_Q...20171 . Steel & Cori, uction Title: a S1C',p State of •l1 \J01 County of Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ci " 2 c)ls+ Notary Public OFFICIAL SEAL DEANNA M FRAUSTO 1 Notary Public- State of Illinois 1 My Commission Expires 1/25/2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9458486 State of Illinas ss County of McHenry TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Komline Sanderson Corp has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 1* million *988* thousand *126* dollars and 13 cents 1,988,126.13 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this 30th day of October 20 19 Komline Sanderson Corp By: Scot`C E. a nal Title: Controller State of New Jersey County of Morris Subscribfed ar3c, sworn to before me this 30th day of October, 2019 7Mary Puke].is RUTH INN ELLER NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY My Commission Expires Jan. 13,2022 Page 1 of 1 FINAL WAVER OP ifiCUANICB LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9462406 Slate of 1 c.411 AY t9- ) m s County of bk.410. TO ALL WHOM IT NAY CONCERN: t:k, 9t+ hAtf,t5 rHC- WHEREAS, the undersigned, .kaolin.,. cj4XY KYu -t' has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor andtoi p.ztCt'inlu including Ali extra work (including both orel or written change orders), according to plane and specifications, as may have been emor,ded orally or in writing, for the premises and project known Asl McHenry WYtTP 222 S McHenry Avenue pn tooted at t4cHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of whim City of McHenry is the owner, NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDF.R5IGWED, who rep:•esanta that he/oho is authorized to give and execa this Ethel traivera of Mechanics Lien end Payment bond Claim for and in conaldotation of 2' million A203, thousand 'l67* dollnra and 34 cents 2,203,167.34 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof a hereby acknowledged, does (iereby fully end finally waive and release: L o) any and all lien or claim or right of lien o_Kdhola +lea of the SCE a of I111nois relating to Lien Against Public rundnAV tlfi .e bonds or tArram a due or about to become due from the owner on account of into: or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any end ell claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by qllfams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, ea now oY hereafter amended, to the extent sold Act is applicable. 2/ yh Civenfunder our hand and seal this B day of L dt,t " , 206! l ` r LISA R. COCHRAN I 4,tiii '; Notary Public, North Carolina Wake County 0.11r My Commission Expires 61,f_ September 15,2023 Title: E r nt Jor.0 Carolof i n0. t`•r)My of Wmse. 50becribed and sworn to before aye this VP, dtai,4• __Aiovemberr o?O t jL Notary Public r https://rms.jpmorgan.coln/Porta1/R1 Common/IlnageViewer•/GetIlnage.aspx7ID=DQpM3m... 1 1/5/20 18 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9461486 State of A11V\-7 ss County of A., TO.ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, LAI, Ltd. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project-") of Which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 1* million *328* thousand *65* dollars and no cents 1, 328, 065.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the Sate' of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by W,i:iliams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public' Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said flct •is applicable. Given .under our hand and seal this al,VIN day of © ION4 20 )8 LAIf, L By 1 Title: _c l._T25501t State of Akvi>j County of Chi+ . Subscribed and swo,-n to before me this a9 \ ommt, O113 Nttary ublic 4 MARY S HEALY 4 Official Seal 4 Notary Public • State of Illinois 4 My Commission Expires Jul 28,2020 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9454486 State of p PQgO(\ _ ss County of 6.)&s.S.V.wfvfvgA TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Hydro International has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra wort: (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 901* thousand *892* dollars and no cents 901,892.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this PI ; day of OflAL ' 20 1C) . Hydro Inte ational By: Title: F‘+Vr.1,1otrtl Ce..44NIZQLAXg State of C`QAX,,¢J.! County of \,l4N%6c3A-c.,)\ 7 4,1/9 Subscribed and sworn to before me this UL. I,•I Nota Public kr., OFFICIAL STAMP UNDSEY JEAN SCHWEITZER sty,': NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON COMMISSION NO.960194 11YCOMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 12,2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9468486 State of ‘!sASQi,,r‘Q ss County of •Nti1(1,t1Nj TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Northern Illinois Fence, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located, at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of Which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and ex.ecute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 39* thousand *374* dollars and no cents 39, 374 .00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrarits due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Willams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this l w day of `,CJtLr.,„ 20\9 Northern Illinois Fence, Inc. B r ~ Title: State of \ s '"1: County of `N.cA I Subscribed and sworn to before me this OrN 1§0151Wq t tary Public MELISSA POST Official Seal Notary Public—State of Illinois My Commission Expires Apr 29,2022 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9463486 State of 11 M1(i S ss County of fL TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Peterson & Matz, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and iaxecute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of One hundred ninety thousand dollars and no cents 190, 000.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State .of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or o-:arrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act ;is applicable. 2q*3iven under our hand and seal this day of atailr____ 20 16__• Peter on & atz c. , By. Title: Sl 7CX.S St-ate of '11110p1t' County of Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this i! chary Pu 4 OFFICIAL SEAL 4 MARY CATHERINE PIAllA Notary Public-State of Illinois I' My Commission Expires Feb 23,2019 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9546486 State of Illinois ss County of Tazewell TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, G.A. Rich & Sons, Inc. has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 2* million *723* thousand *74* dollars and 57 cents 2, 723, 074.57 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doe hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or Warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Actvis applicable. Given under our hand and seal this 22nd day of October 2018__ G.A. Rich & Sons, Inc. By: fq,-- Title: President States of Illinois t'ounty of Tazewell Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10/22/18 N tary Public OFFICIAL SEAL JUDY C STECHMAN NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF ILLINOIS TAZEWELL COUNTY MY MMISSION EXPIRES /4/2 9 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT POND CLAIM 9459486 State of ss County ofPIL TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, RPS Engineering has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue o County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of Located at McHenry Och City of McHenry is the owner. i 1,1., ., NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and exeou e this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in ::K:n:;.ic;t•ration of Twenty-one thousand four hundred fifty dollars and no cents 21, 150.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowldved, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the ta.ie`of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warfarits due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the Undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. i'•en under our hand and seal this day of 00,4-6a(---20 I R . RPS Engineering By: P state of ov;it y o f Lj Q E-** OFFICIAL SEAL CO- 2,2 a Ol CHILDRESS Subscribes and sworn to befor me thistc-State of Illinois n Expires 4/12/2020 Notary Public FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9487486 State of fli f) l/ o,.L ss County of 40{9 Q f TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, RW Gate Company has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 281* thousand *284* dollars and no cents 281, 284.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. G Given under our hand and seal this /j 6 day of Qi1 e2- 20 /Q . RW Gated Company By: f't/.^'`t— / -.- Title: Dtiodele_ State of f0,40?4F' County of i :'.; ,2 " f) /` Subscribed and sworn to before me this /5 `' '_0"4yf 0+ `'1_'•t ; /t. r Notary Pub Ic d PATRICIA TOFTEGAARD NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK No.01 T06282696 Qualified in Rensselaer County My Commission Expires May 28,2021 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9475486 State of _LL/gypI_S ss County of Cook TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Sievert Electric Service & Sal has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of Twenty-four thousand four hundred dollars and no cents 24, 400.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. hidGivenunderourhandandsealthis day of (i,G%{/(. 20_24/ Sievert E1 ctric is Sal By: Title: State of SLL//VU1 S County of Cd0/c Subscribed and sworn to before me this /01/A/Mill Notary Public r...ac s.mat-.dkaoritrralla" OFFICIAL Stint TEITh D ItiOrAPSCril NOTARY P11I3LIC,STATE OF ILLI OIS My Commission Exnim;.,!I 19,2019 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9500486 State of Illinois s s County of Whiteside TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Sterling Commercial Roofing has been employed by Williams Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue Located at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner. NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and execute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of Fifty-six thousand dollars and no cents 56,000,00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Williams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this 16th day of October 2018 Sterlin /Commercial Roofing By: _! 't „ e.ad Title: Secretary/Treasurer State of Illinois County of Whiteside Subscribed and swot to before me this 16th day of October, 2018 Eli,,,e LAAJ Notary Public OFF' SL.4L" 4 Notary Public,State of Illinois 7 jilt'Commiss;ou ' ;Ire,0.i/25/202( i 1 l FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9499486 i State 'of ss a County of of t Lw TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Titan Industries has been employed by William,: Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all extra work (including both oral or written change orders) , according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP i 222 S McHenry Avenue Loc ted at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") o.': rihi.Gh City of McHenry is the owner. i_':.:;:' NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and gxecute this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration u. i', ,! 210* thousand *975* dollars and 05 cents 210, 975,05 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, oogf,, hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or Wa-rrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the un:itirsigned for the above described premises; and t. ,.. W b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by illiams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act !is applicable. Given under our hand and seal this g-a— day of _Ca r 20 /(l/. Tita dustries By: iliciateili Title: t tq LJ- IL1— S;t,ate of c._- 411nt y of 7742o+.+E1.4. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 2 er-'1151 2014 Notary Public OFFICIAL SEAL" C m Ryan McQueary Notary Public,State of Illinois My Commission Expires 7/7/2019 FINAL WAIVER OF MECHANICS LIEN AND PAYMENT BOND CLAIM 9452486 State of W y.,Y [' ss county of t,Cv C,;,,, 1' f'"G1 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the undersigned, Xylem Water Solutions USA has been employed by Williams 3 Brothers Construction Inc to furnish labor and/or materials including all exira work (including both oral or written change orders), according to plans and specifications, as may have been amended orally or in writing, for the premises and project known as: McHenry WWTP 222 S McHenry Avenue is Nl I,tl'cated at McHenry County of McHenry and State of Illinois (the "Project") of which City of McHenry is the owner, NOW THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED, who represents that he/she is authorized to give and eXecpt:e this Final Waivers of Mechanics Lien and Payment Bond Claim for and in consideration of 897* thousand *750* dollars and no cents 897,750.00 and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby fully and finally waive and release: a) any and all lien or claim or right of lien under the Statutes of the MI',n ,;; t ate of. Illinois relating to Liens Against Public Funds on the monies, bonds or warrants due or about to become due from the owner on account of labor or services, material, fixtures, apparatus, equipment or machinery heretofore furnished by the undersigned for the above described premises; and b) any and all claims or rights under any payment bond furnished by Wtj.)4.ams Brothers Construction Inc. covering said project or under the Illinois Public Construction Bond Act, as now or hereafter amended, to the extent said Act is applicable. G2ven under our hand and seal. this C. . day of OC 7c)f'< 1(- 20 Xylem Water Solutions USA fs.L!: Title: (;-7I c,1)tiCT /11 Tt;;A-t'1,Ee Mate of /1+C:-I1, Yolk_ county of (. J of\fr 4r .1 Sfubsciibed and sworn to before me this ,Y: •i)(t\t\ L (001 v., 1 :t Notary Public Christine L Lovejoy NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Onondaga County#01L05035226 Commission expires on 10/31120LS" Department of ti Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 McHenr J Fax: (815) 363-2128 O"""o'RV IR011 www.ci.mchenry.il.us CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO:Mayor and City Council FOR: December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting FROM: Douglas Martin, Director of Economic Development RE:Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Service in 2020 ATT: 1.Ordinance authorizing Mayor's Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Services in 2020 2.Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Services in 2020 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Attached is an ordinance authorizing the Mayor's execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Services in 2020. BACKGROUND: Pace Dial-A-Ride is a demand response service defined as curb-to-curb pickup and drop off. In November 2011, the City entered into Intergovernmental Agreements with Pace Suburban Bus Division, McHenry County, City of Crystal Lake and City of Woodstock for annual dial-a-ride transit to consolidate four contracts into one to maximize service, standardize fares, service hours, and adopt a standardized "no-show" policy. Since that time, additional communities have joined onto this collaborative effort, the service territory has expanded and public transit has become a more viable option for many more people in McHenry County. McHenry County coordinates with Pace Suburban Bus. ANALYSIS: The terms and provisions in the attached IGA for year 2020 are consistent with those previously approved by the City Council. The City of McHenry's annual contribution for 2020 will be$33,740. In 2019 the City's contribution was $33,740. McHenry County pays whatever is left after reimbursement from grant programs. They also administer the program through Pace and all entities participating through the intergovernmental agreement. 1 Department of Economic Development e) r~ 041 McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Py Phone: (815) 363-2110 Vl cl jIel 1r 7 Fax: (815) 363-2128 or,«w•ow w..ww www.ci.mchenry.il.us RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs, it is recommended the attached Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the attached Intergovernmental Agreement as presented for General Public Dial-A-Ride Transit Services in 2020 be approved. 2 74 ,, Department of Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 P y^ Phone: (815) 363-2110 McluIenl Fax: (815) 363-2128 www.ci.mchenry.il.us ORDINANCE NO. ORD-18- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR'S EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MCHENRY,THE CITY OF CRYSTAL LAKE,THE CITY OF HARVARD,THE CITY OF MARENGO,THE CITY OF MCHENRY, THE CITY OF WOODSTOCK,THE VILLAGE OF FOX RIVER GROVE, THE VILLAGE OF HEBRON,THE VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY,THE VILLAGE OF JOHNSBURG, THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND,THE VILLAGE OF RINGWOOD,THE VILLAGE OF UNION,THE TOWNSHIP OF DORR,THE TOWNSHIP OF GRAFTON,THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWOOD,THE TOWNSHIP OF MARENGO,THE TOWNSHIP OF MCHENRY,THE TOWNSHIP OF NUNDA,THE TOWNSHIP OF RICHMOND, AND THE TOWNSHIP OF RILEY FOR THE PROVISION OF MCRIDE DIAL-A-RIDE TRANSIT SERVICE IN 2020 WHEREAS, the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, is a home rule municipality as contemplated under Article VII, Section 6, of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the passage of this ordinance constitutes an exercise of the City's home rule powers and functions as granted in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MCHENRY, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of McHenry, the City of Crystal Lake, the City of Harvard, the City of Marengo, the City of McHenry, the City of Woodstock, the Village of Fox River Grove, the Village of Hebron, the Village of Huntley, the Village of Johnsburg, the Village of Richmond, the Village of Ringwood, the Village of Union, the Township of Dorr, the Township of Grafton, the Township of Greenwood,the Township of Marengo, the Township of McHenry, the Township of Nunda, the Township of Richmond, and the Township of Riley is hereby approved. A complete and accurate copy of said agreement is attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to affix their signatures to said Agreement for the purposes therein set forth. SECTION 3: All Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the terms and provisions hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: This Ordinance shall be published in pamphlet form by and under the authority of the corporate authorities of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois and shall be in full force and effect from the date of passage. 3 4 Department of w„ Economic Development 41....)McHenry Municipal Center 40 al" 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 McHenr Fax: (815) 363-2128 www.ci.mchenry.il.us PASSED THIS 2nd day of December 2019. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Not Voting: Abstaining: Wayne S. Jett, Mayor ATTEST: Trisha Grambel, City Clerk 4 4 Department of so, NasOkm*Economic Development yMcHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2110 McHenr 7 Fax: (815) 363-2128 O TM6'°x RIVt www.ci.mchenry.il.us Exhibit A Intergovernmental Agreement Copy on file with the office of the City Clerk) 5 Page 1 of 27 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF McHENRY, THE CITY OF CRYSTAL LAKE,THE CITY OF HARVARD,THE CITY OF MARENGO,THE CITY OF McHENRY,THE CITY OF WOODSTOCK,THE VILLAGE OF FOX RIVER GROVE,THE VILLAGE OF HEBRON,THE VILLAGE OF HUNTLEY, THE VILLAGE OF JOHNSBURG,THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND,THE VILLAGE OF RINGWOOD,THE VILLAGE OF UNION,THE TOWNSHIP OF DORR, THE TOWNSHIP OF GRAFTON,THE TOWNSHIP OF GREENWOOD,THE TOWNSHIP OF MARENGO, THE TOWNSHIP OF McHENRY,THE TOWNSHIP OF NUNDA, THE TOWNSHIP OF RICHMOND,AND THE TOWNSHIP OF RILEY FOR THE PROVISION OF MCRIDE DIAL-A-RIDE TRANSIT SERVICE IN 2020 This Intergovernmental Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the County of McHenry(hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY"), and the City of Crystal Lake, the City of Harvard, the City of Marengo, the City of McHenry, the City of Woodstock, the Village of Fox River Grove, the Village of Hebron,the Village of Huntley,the Village of Johnsburg, the Village of Richmond,the Village of Ringwood, and the Village of Union (hereinafter referred to collectively as "MUNICIPALITIES"), the Township of Dorr, the Township of Grafton,the Township of Greenwood, the Township of Marengo, the Township of McHenry, the Township of Nunda, the Township of Richmond, and the Township of Riley hereinafter referred to collectively as "TOWNSHIPS") for the purpose of improving dial-a-ride transit services in McHenry County. The COUNTY, MUNICIPALITIES, and TOWNSHIPS shall hereinafter referred to collectively as the"Partner Agencies." 1. Service. The Partner Agencies agree to coordinate one dial-a-ride transit service called"MCRide," contracted with Pace Suburban Bus, to improve service delivery, reduce administrative costs, and better utilize grant monies. MCRide shall be provided to the general public, seniors, and people with disabilities as set forth herein within the Service Area,defined in Section 5 below.The Partner Agencies agree to define seniors as individuals sixty (60)years of age and older. A. The Partner Agencies agree that the COUNTY will contract with Pace Suburban Bus to offer MCRide within the Service Area; B. The Partner Agencies agree the MUNICIPALITIES, Marengo Township, and Riley Township shall provide MCRide to the general public within the Service Area; and, C. The Partner Agencies agree the TOWNSHIPS shall provide MCRide to seniors and individuals with disabilities within the Service Area. 2. Term. This Agreement will be in effect starting on January 1, 2020 and shall end on December 31, 2020. The Partner Agencies agree that the intergovernmental agreement for MCRide service for 2021 shall be subject to approval before December 31,2020. 3. Payments. The Partner Agencies agree that each shall contribute the amounts set forth below to pay for a portion of the cost of MCRide: A. Each of the MUNICIPALITIES shall pay the 2020 Annual Contribution amount shown in Table 1 below. The COUNTY shall invoice the MUNICIPALITIES quarterly. Each of the MUNICIPALITES agrees that all funding from Pace will continue to be dedicated to MCRide. Table 1 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 2 of 27 Municipality Financial Need Per Capita 2019 Annual Category Based on Need) Contribution Crystal Lake Low 1.45 59,077 Fox River Grove Moderate 1.25 6,068 Huntley Moderate 1.25 30,364 Johnsburg Moderate 1.25 7,921 McHenry Moderate 1.25 33,740 Ringwood Moderate 1.25 1,045 Woodstock Moderate 1.25 30,963 Harvard High 1.05 9,919 Marengo High 1.05 8,030 Richmond High 1.05 1,968 Union High 1.05 609 Hebron Very High 0.85 1,034 B. Each of the TOWNSHIPS shall pay the 2020 Annual Contribution amount shown in Table 2 below. The COUNTY shall invoice the TOWNSHIPS no more frequently than quarterly. Table 2 Township Population Category 2019 Annual Contribution 2010 Census) Grafton 30,000 to 60,000 7,560 McHenry 30,000 to 60,000 7,560 Nunda 30,000 to 60,000 7,560 Dorr 10,000 to 30,000 5,040 Greenwood 10,000 to 30,000 5,040 Marengo under 10,000 2,520 Richmond under 10,000 2,520 Riley under 10,000 2,520 McHenry Township also agrees to pay an annual fee of$3,600 for the township's share of call center costs. C. The COUNTY shall pay the remainder of the costs of MCRide. 4. Service Fare. The Partner Agencies agree to the fare structure as shown in Table 3 (the "Service Fare"). Table 3 Fare Type Base Fare General Public Base Fare (First 5 Miles) 3.00 Senior Citizen Base Fare (First 5 Miles) 1.50 Person with Disability Base Fare (First 5 Miles)1.50 2020 MCRide 1GA with Municipalities and Townships Page 3 of 27 Fare per Mile After First 5 Miles 0.25 5. Service Area. The Partner Agencies agree that MCRide shall operate within all areas of the MUNICIPALITIES and the TOWNSHIPS and as further depicted in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein(the "Service Area"). 6. Service Hours. The Partner Agencies agree that MCRide shall operate during the hours detailed in Table 4(the"Service Hours"). Table 4 Monday-Friday Monday-Friday Saturday-Sunday Saturday-Sunday Start End Start End Service Hours 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Reservation Hours 5:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 7. Service Reservations. The Partner Agencies agree to allow trip reservations for general public riders no more than two (2) days before the requested trip, and no less than two (2) hours before the requested trip, and trip reservations for seniors and individuals with disabilities no more than seven (7) days before the requested trip, and no less than two (2)hours before the requested trip(the"Service Reservations"). 8. Modifications to Services. The Partner Agencies agree the COUNTY may modify the MCRide services (Service Fare, Service Area, Service Hours, and Service Reservations) at its discretion upon fourteen (14) days written notification to the Partner Agencies affected by the modification. The Partner Agencies further agree the COUNTY may modify the Agreement by the addition or deletion of municipalities and/or townships as Partner Agencies.The COUNTY and any additional municipality and/or township shall execute an amendment to this Agreement setting forth the 2020 Annual Contribution, prorated as applicable, and modifications to the services (Service Fare, Service Area, Service Hours, and Service Reservations), if any. The Partner Agencies agree to monitor cost effectiveness and periodically provide feedback to the COUNTY regarding MCRide. 9. Headings. The headings of several paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and are in no way intended to define, limit, or describe the scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement; nor shall they be construed to affect in any manner the terms and provisions hereof or the interpretation or construction thereof. 10. Indemnification. Each of the MUNICIPALITIES and TOWNSHIPS,in response to all claims,suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries, judgments, or demands arising from this Agreement and caused by the actions of its elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives, hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the COUNTY and each of the remaining MUNICIPALITIES and TOWNSHIPS,their elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives from and against all claims, suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries,judgments, or demands. Likewise, the COUNTY agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless each of the MUNICIPALITIES and TOWNSHIPS their elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives from and against all claims, suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries,judgments, or demands in response to all claims, suits, settlements, actions, losses, expenses, damages, injuries, judgments, or demands arising from this Agreement and caused by the actions of its elected officials, duly appointed officials, agents, employees and representatives. 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 4 of 27 11. Waiver. A Partner Agency's failure to insist upon strict compliance with any provision hereof or its failure to enforce any rights or remedy in any instance shall not constitute or be deemed to be a waiver of any provision, right or remedy. 12. Severability. The terms of this Agreement shall be severable. In the event any of the terms or provision of this Agreement are deemed to be void or otherwise unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 13. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Venue for the resolution of any disputes or the enforcement of any right pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 14. No Personal Liability. No official, director, officer, agent, or employee of the COUNTY shall be charged personally or held contractually liable under any term or provision of the Agreement or because of their execution, approval or attempted execution of this Agreement. 15. Modification or Amendment. This Agreement, the documents it incorporates, and its attachments constitute the entire Agreement of the Partner Agencies on the subject matter hereof and may not be changed, modified, discharged, or extended except by written amendment duly executed by the Partner Agencies,except as set forth in Sections 8 and 17 herein. The Partner Agencies agree that no representations or warranties shall be binding upon the Partner Agencies unless expressed in writing herein or in a duly executed amendment hereof. 16. Notices Required Under this Agreement. Any notice required by the provisions of this Agreement shall be mailed to: Attn: Director of Transportation/County Engineer Attn: City Manager McHenry County Division of Transportation City of Woodstock 16111 Nelson Road 121 W. Calhoun Street Woodstock,IL 60098 Woodstock,IL 60098 Attn: City Manager Attn: Village Administrator City of Crystal Lake Village of Fox River Grove 100 W.Woodstock Street 305 Illinois Street Crystal Lake,IL 60014 Fox River Grove, IL 60021 Attn: City Administrator Attn: Village President City of Harvard Village of Hebron 201 W. Diggins Street P.O. Box 372 Harvard,IL 60033 Hebron,IL 60034 Attn: City Administrator Attn: Village Manager City of Marengo Village of Huntley 132 E. Prairie Street 10987 Main Street Marengo,IL 60152 Huntley,IL 60142 Attn: City Administrator Attn: Village Administrator City of McHenry Village of Johnsburg 333 S.Green Street 1515 Channel Beach Avenue McHenry,IL 60050 Jolnbsburg,IL 60051 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 5 of 27 Attn: Village President Attn: Supervisor Village of Richmond Township of Greenwood 5600 Hunter Drive 5211 Miller Road Richmond,IL 60071 Wonder Lake,IL 60097 Attn: Village President Attn: Supervisor Village of Ringwood Township of Marengo 6000 Barnard Mill Road 4010 North Route 23 Ringwood,IL 60072 Marengo,IL 60152 Attn: Village President Attn: Supervisor Village of Union Township of McHenry 17703 Ocock Road 3703 N. Richmond Road Union,IL 60180 Johnsburg,IL 60051 Attn: Supervisor Attn: Highway Commissioner Township of Dorr Township of Nunda-Highway Department 1039 Lake Avenue 3518 Bay Road Woodstock,IL 60098 Crystal Lake,IL 60012 Attn: Supervisor Attn: Supervisor Township of Grafton Township of Richmond 10109 Vine Street 7812 S.Route 31 Huntley,IL 60142 Richmond,IL 60071 Attn: Supervisor Township of Riley 9312 Riley Road Marengo,IL 60152 17. Termination. Any party may withdraw from this Agreement for any or no reason upon providing at minimum sixty (60) days' written notice to all the other parties and the Agreement shall terminate as to that party. The Partner Agencies agree that termination of this Agreement by one of the MUNICIPALITIES or TOWNSHIPS may result in modification to the Service Area as determined by the COUNTY. 18. Counterpart Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which, taken together, shall constitute one agreement. Any counterpart may be delivered by any party by transmission of signature pages to the other parties at the addresses set forth above, and delivery shall be effective and complete upon completion of such transmission. 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 6 of 27 McHenry County Name: Signature: Title: Chairman, McHenry County Board Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 7 of 27 City of Crystal Lake Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 8 of 27 City of Harvard Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 9 of 27 City of Marengo Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 10 of 27 City of McHenry Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 11 of 27 City of Woodstock Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 12 of 27 Village of Fox River Grove Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 13 of 27 Village of Hebron Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 14 of 27 Village of Huntley Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 15 of 27 Village of Johnsburg Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 16 of 27 Village of Richmond Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 17 of 27 Village of Ringwood Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 18 of 27 Village of Union Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide 1GA with Municipalities and Townships Page 19 of 27 Township of Dorr Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 20 of 27 Township of Grafton Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 21 of 27 Township of Greenwood Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 22 of 27 Township of Marengo Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide 1GA with Municipalities and Townships Page 23 of 27 Township of McHenry Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide 1GA with Municipalities and Townships Page 24 of 27 Township of Nunda Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 25 of 27 Township of Richmond Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide 1GA with Municipalities and Townships Page 26 of 27 Township of Riley Name: Signature: Title: Date: Attested: Date: 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Page 27 of 27 Exhibit A 2020 MCRide Service Area 14 Y Villiall I 1.+.1"1 Z!1.:3 4 if I S JI 9 I f 12 i3i! 1 ff 1 1t ll k"i wd:JJ:J t NC I t i ri 1111111M14 All r . _. 1 AL Ii1iIZ411m--- IP Gl No Jgglellbg N 1111 t Utl aL, .NEH i _.. r. • 611.i 1116. riklip. IF l._. MCRide Destination IMGeneralPublicDial-A-Ride available to Everyone Ride iSeniors(60+)and People with Disabilities Only Effective:September 1,2019 2020 MCRide IGA with Municipalities and Townships Department of Public Works Troy Strange, Director of Public Works 1415 Industrial Drive e)McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 Mcj leer www.cityofmchenry.org cwwr or•«c ro.awcwJ CONSENT AGENDA SUPPLEMENT DATE: December 2, 2019 TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:January 2020 Surface Transportation Program Project Locations ATT: Attachment A, EOPC for Recommended Program Candidates Project Location Map AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY: Public Works Staff requests City Council to accept Staff's recommendation for project candidates for application submittal to the January 2020 McHenry County Council of Mayors Surface Transportation Program in the call for projects. BACKGROUND: The Surface Transportation Program (STP) is a source of federal funding by which local agencies including municipalities are able to fund maintenance and improvements of municipally maintained federal aid routes. The McHenry County Council of Mayors and Illinois Department of Transportation act as the liaison to local agencies with regard to the distribution of federal funding on local federal aid routes. In years past, STP projects have included the Crystal Lake Road Project, Bull Valley Road and Curran Road Intersection Improvements, and the Pearl Street and Lincoln Road Improvements which were completed in 2019. The next STP call for projects will open in January of 2020 and will be a particularly well-funded program ($18-$20 Million) due to a long gap between calls for projects. Staff have been focused on preparing projects which are financially feasible to complete though this program by focusing efforts on resurfacing only projects which will need to be completed at some point regardless of the City's participation in the program. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. At the November 7, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting, staff presented background information on the overall program as well as information regarding staff's research and approach to the identification of program candidates for Public Works Committee. Public Works Committee accepted Staff's recommendation and provided direction to bring the recommendation before the full City Council for approval at a later date. ANALYSIS: Projects are being submitted as resurfacing only Local Agency Functional Overlay(LAFO) projects. Based upon these rankings the three following projects score the highest, are most financially feasible, and can be completed on an acceptable schedule. The following locations will be submitted for application to the January 2020 McHenry County Council of Mayors Surface Transportation Program in the call for projects pending City Council approval: Green Street (Charles Miller Road to Elm Street) Bull Valley Road (East of Curran Road to Crystal Lake Road) Dartmoor Drive (Bridge to Crystal Lake Road) Preliminary Engineer's Estimate of Costs have been prepared for each projection location and have been provided for Council's information. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if City Council concurs, it is recommended to allow staff to submit the identified Surface Transportation Program candidates for application to the January 2020 McHenry County Council of Mayors Surface Transportation Program call for projects. The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. Attachment A ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST(EOPC) GREEN STREET 10/15/2019 SCHEDULE I-GREEN STREET(CONSTRUCTION ONLY)-8,800 LF(centerline)-28'E-E PLUS PARKING&TURN LANES STP FUNDED IMPROVEMENT No. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 HMA BC IL 4.5(Polymerized),N50-0.75" 1,483 TON $ 100.00 $ 148,300.00 2 HMA SC IL 9.5,N50-1.5" 2,965 TON $ 75.00 $ 222,375.00 3 HMA Surf Removal-2.0" 35,300 SY $ 3.50 $ 123,550.00 4 Comb Curb&Gutter Removal 1,760 LF $ 10.00 $ 17,600.00 5 Comb.Curb&Gutter Type M3.12 1,760 LF $ 25.00 $ 44,000.00 6 Class D Patch-4" 1,765 SY $ 35.00 $ 61,775.00 7 Bit Driveway Removal and Replacement-3" 100 SY $ 90.00 $ 9,000.00 8 Structures to be Adjusted 60 EA $ 500.00 $ 30,000.00 9 Thpl Pvt Marking-24" Line 650 LF $ 3.00 $ 1,950.00 10 Thpl Pvt Marking-4"Double Yellow 8,800 LF $ 2.00 $ 17,600.00 11 Thpl Pvt Marking-4"White 3,000 LF $ 1.00 $ 3,000.00 12 Thpl Pvt Marking-Letter and Symbols 100 SF $ 10.00 $ 1,000.00 13 Thpl Pvt Marking Letters and Symblos(Special)-Sharrow 36 EA $ 350.00 $ 12,600.00 14 Signs 36 EA $ 350.00 $ 12,600.00 15 Street Trees 176 EA $ 350.00 $ 61,600.00 16 PCC Sidewalk Removal&Replacement-ADA Ramps only 3,600 SF $ 10.00 $ 36,000.00 17 Detectable Warnings 288 SF $ 30.00 $ 8,640.00 18 Traffic Control 1 LUMP SUM $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 19 Mobilization 1 LUMP SUM $ 5,000.00 $ 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-GREEN STREET(CONSTRUCTION ONLY) 851,590.00 Phase I Engineering,Surveying and Permitting @ 2% 17,031.80 Phase II Design Engineering and Permitting @ 10% 85,159.00 Phase III Construction Engineering and Testing @ 10% 85,159.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-GREEN STREET(ENGINEERING ONLY) 187,349.80 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-GREEN STREET(CONTINGENCY) 10% 85,159.00 TOTAL COST SCHEDULE I-GREEN STREET 1,124,098.80 CITY PARTICIPATION(100%PHASE I AND II+20%OF PHASE III ENG AND CONSTRUCTION) 306,572.40 FEDERAL PARTICIPATION 817,526.40 Attachment A ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST(EOPC) DARTMOOR DRIVE 10/15/2019 SCHEDULE I-DARTMOOR DRIVE(CONSTRUCTION ONLY)-3350 LF(centerline)-31'E-E STP FUNDED IMPROVEMENT No. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 HMA BC IL 4.5(Polymerized),N50-0.75" 533 LF $ 100.00 $ 53,300.00 2 HMA SC IL 9.5,N50-1.5" 1067 TON $ 75.00 $ 80,025.00 3 HMA Surf Removal-2.0"12700 SY $ 3.50 $ 44,450.00 4 Comb Curb&Gutter Removal 750 LF $ 10.00 $ 7,500.00 5 Comb.Curb&Gutter Type M3.12 750 LF 25.00 $ 18,750.00 6 Class D Patch-4" 635 SY $ 35.00 $ 22,225.00 7 Bit Driveway Removal and Replacement-3" 100 SY $ 90.00 $ 9,000.00 8 Structures to be Adjusted 10 EA $ 500.00 $ 5,000.00 9 Thpl Pvt Marking-24"Line 100 LF 25.00 $ 2,500.00 10 Thpl Pvt Marking Letters and Symblos(Special)-Sharrow 15 EA $ 350.00 $ 5,250.00 11 Signs 10 EA $ 350.00 $ 3,500.00 12 Trees-2.5"Caliper 50 EA $ 275.00 $ 13,750.00 13 PCC Sidewalk Removal&Replacement-ADA Ramps only 1500 SF $ 10.00 $ 15,000.00 14 Detectable Warnings 150 SF $ 30.00 $ 4,500.00 15 Traffic Control 1 LUMP SUM $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 16 Mobilization 1 LUMP SUM $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-DARTMOOR DRIVE(CONSTRUCTION ONLY) 299,750.00 Phase I Engineering,Surveying and Permitting @ 2% 5,995.00 Phase II Design Engineering and Permitting @ 10% 29,975.00 Phase III Construction Engineering and Testing @ 10% 29,975.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-DARTMOOR DRIVE(ENGINEERING ONLY) 65,945.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I-DARTMOOR DRIVE(CONTINGENCY) 10% 29,975.00 TOTAL COST SCHEDULE I-DARTMOOR DRIVE 395,670.00 CITY PARTICIPATION(100%PHASE I AND II+20%OF PHASE III ENG AND CONSTRUCTION) 107,910.00 FEDERAL PARTICIPATION 287,760.00 Attachment A ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST(EOPC) BULL VALLEY ROAD 10/15/2019 SCHEDULE I - BULL VALLEY ROAD(CONSTRUCTION ONLY)-2,800 LF(centerline)-24'E-E STP FUNDED IMPROVEMENT No. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 HMA BC IL 4.5 (Polymerized), N50-0.75" 450 TON $ 100.00 $ 45,000.00 2 HMA SC IL 9.5, N50- 1.5" 900 TON $ 75.00 $ 67,500.00 3 HMA Surf Removal -2.0" 10732 SY 3.50 $ 37,562.00 4 Aggregate Wedge Shoulder,Type B-2" 307 TON $ 15.00 $ 4,605.00 5 HMA Shoulders-4" 44 TON $ 75.00 $ 3,300.00 6 Class D Patch -4" 537 SY 35.00 $ 18,795.00 7 Thpl Pvt Marking- 24" Line 25 LF 3.00 $ 75.00 8 Thpl Pvt Marking-4" Double Yellow 2800 LF 2.00 $ 5,600.00 9 Thpl Pvt Marking-4" Lane Line White 5600 LF 1.00 $ 5,600.00 10 Thpl Pvt Marking Letters and Symbols 140 SF 10.00 $ 1,400.00 11 Trees-2.5" Caliper 56 EA 275.00 $ 15,400.00 12 Traffic Control 1 LUMP SUM $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 13 Mobilization 1 LUMP SUM $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I - BULL VALLEY ROAD (CONSTRUCTION ONLY) 219,837.00 Phase I Engineering,Surveying and Permitting @ 2% 4,396.74 Phase II Design Engineering and Permitting @ 10% 21,983.70 Phase III Construction Engineering and Testing @ 10% 21,983.70 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I - BULL VALLEY ROAD (ENGINEERING ONLY) 48,364.14 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE I -BULL VALLEY ROAD (CONTINGENCY) 10% 21,983.70 TOTAL COST SCHEDULE I- BULL VALLEY ROAD 290,184.84 CITY PARTICIPATION (100%PHASE I AND II +20%OF PHASE III ENG AND CONSTRUCTION) 79,141.32 FEDERAL PARTICIPATION (80%OF PHASE III ENG AND CONSTRUCTION)211,043.52 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes f "%,. 11.18.19 jnrry— MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING City Council Chambers, 333 S Green Street Monday, November 18, 2019 Call to Order: The City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, November 18, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the McHenry City Council Chambers, 333 S. Green Street, McHenry, IL. Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call. Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Interim Director of Public Works Strange, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, and Chief of Police Birk, and City Clerk Ramel. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett introduced the Boy Scout Troop from Johnsburg that led the pledge. Public Comments: Judy Szilak of Chesapeake Hills Home Owners Association spoke to The Council. She is the president of the association and talked about city taxes and how they do not benefit their subdivision; there is no leaf pick up, or street cleaner, she knows her streets are private. She wants to know why this was allowed she explained that there are many elderly people in the complex and is asking The Council for help paying the subdivisions winter road salt by The City of McHenry. The snow contract will not start until November 15 this is very concerning for the elderly and the sheets of ice that can occur in the subdivision. It is very difficult for them to be plowed, it costs $300 and $1,300 each time they help salt and plow. She is just asking for consideration for help with salt expenses at this time. Mayor Jett stated he will talk to the Director of Public Works Strange about this. Next: Chief Birk introduced a new K-9 Officer, Officer Conway and his dog Yogi, going to be a year old next week. Yogi is going through TOPS in Grayslake to finish his training, Yogi stood in front of the crowd during the introduction. Congratulations was given to Officer Conway and Yogi the service dog. Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: A. Resolution designating November 30, 2019 Small Business Saturday in the City of McHenry; B. Resolution establishing the 2020 City Council Meeting Schedule; City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 11.18.19 C. Appointment of Susan E. Meyer to the McHenry Police Commission Board for a term that will expire on April 30th, 2022; and to the McHenry City Ethics Commission Board for a term that will expire on August 19th, 2020; D. Authorization to sign and execute an update an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Northeast McHenry County Major Crash Assistance Team (MCAT); E. Ordinance authorizing the execution of Northern Illinois Purchasing Cooperative NIPC") 2020 Intergovernmental Agreement for the Purchase of Electricity and other Goods and Services; H. November 4, 2019, City Council Meeting Minutes; I. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $2,140,466.68; J. Issuance of As Needed Checks in the amount of $313,190.28. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to approve Consent Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the following Consent Agenda Items: 5F- Pulled by Alderman Glab as a separate Consent Item). F. Authorization to Execute Draw Certificate and Sight Draft Relating to Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 150026679-201 in favor for the account of First Midwest Bank in the amount of$330,000; Alderman Glab wanted to know where the proceeds go to, Tiff fund is where they will go per Director of Economic Development Martin. It was a Tiff project agreement. The motion is for 55K A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderman Mihevc to approve Consent Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the Following Consent Agenda Items: 5G Pulled from Alderman Glab). G. Two Interconnection Agreements with Aqua Illinois to provide temporary water service for McHenry Shores and Eastwood Manor water systems for the good of the general public at large Alderman Glab is satisfied that Eastwood Manor has the facilities for a water supply emergency. His main concern is to know if we are recouping all of our expenses to keep things where they are for water and sewer. Thinks it's unfair to the residents for the charges. Director 2 City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 11.18.19 of Public Works Strange talked about the info structure and gave some insight on it, Eastwood Manor and McHenry Shores emergency water connection was the topic of discussion. Alderman Schaefer wanted to know how many times the McHenry Shores was used, Director of Public Works Strange stated that there was a time when it was used, but it's very seldom that it has been used as a connection. There is no sewer involved just water. The Eastwood Manor connection is off Lincoln a couple of hundreds of feet. Alderman Santi questioned if the temporary hook up was used prior to the annexation of McHenry Shores. He was trying to understand the history of McHenry Shores before annexation. Director of Public Works Strange explained that there is no liability if needed to use the McHenry Shores system, this is more about emergency interconnection as explained by Director of Public Works. The discussion then concluded. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Consent Agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 1-nays , Alderman Glab, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Individual Action Item Agenda: A. Motion to approve a Resolution estimating the Property Tax Levy request for 2019 collected in 2020) at $4,618,786. Presented by Finance Director Lynch, December 16th property Tax Levy hearing request. Several council members are happy that taxes are staying flat. A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Schaefer to approve individual agenda items as presented. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 1-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Discussion Items: A. Presentation of the FY18/19 Audit Finance Director Lynch, introduced Rachel she gave the audit report, issued an unqualified opinion no misstatement at all. All-encompassing balance sheet was present for Council to view. The statements that were talked about were presented to The Council. The audit summary was printed for The Council to review. B. Allowing Non-Highway Vehicles on Roadways in McHenry Chief Birk presented the item allowing non-highway vehicles. He read over the requirements, many local towns have approved these vehicles. The room was filled with supportive residents. Alderman Schaefer had asked some question to Chief Birk regarding the speed limit of the non-highway vehicles. Chief Birk also explained that there can be off limit areas within the City City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 11.18.19 of McHenry; non-highway vehicles can cross a county road, highway, and one city owned street, but not allowed drive down them. All non-highway vehicles will need to be inspected and registered for a cost. Then there is a renewal fee at a discount after the first year in many neighboring towns. The Council can designate the exact streets that they would like to have approved for this, street signs can also highlight the appropriate streets as well. The discussion continued regarding the limits. The rules of the road need to be followed just like a car. Alderman Glab wanted to make sure that there are safe crossings for the non-highway vehicles to go. The Council can set restrictions and Chief Birk would help implement those that he would recommend. The ordinances can also be renewed so that The Council can see how it is working. Alderwoman Miller talked a bit about going to Florida and how they have two classifications of golf carts and wants to make sure that people are safe, she is in favor of the idea. Wants to spend more time to figure out how it's going to work. The rules of the road apply. Several council members talked about being in favor of this idea as long as safety is one of the top priority. The discussion on this topic went on for some time. Ideas on safety, vehicle types and other restrictions and inspections that would occur with this. Safety, insurance, waiver of liability as well need to be part of the vehicle inspections as explained by Chief Birk to summarize. Public input: Several McHenry Residents came to the meeting to discuss how they felt about this topic. Many in favor, others had concerns regarding the safety and noise of the streets regarding ATV's or UTV's. Other residents feel that it could make the community come together for some fun as well. This will be revisited after the first of the year, with a draft per Chief Birk. Several residents spoke to The Council: Michael Levis Thomas Sroka Lisa Schwartz Rachel Burmafelo Salvatore Burmafelo Staff Reports: Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson stated that the Christmas walk is this weekend along with Toys for Tots Parade at noon and the Tree lightening at 5:30, at Veterans Park. Administrator Morefield stated that the Holiday party is back in McHenry and is on Wednesday, Dec 11th Country Club, more information to follow. He also stated that December 13th is the employee breakfast and lunch, he will get information out on these. Mayor's Report: none City Council Comments: Alderman Schaefer- question regarding the city limits for non-highway vehicles that was explained by Chief Birk. City of McHenry Council Meeting Minutes 11.18.19 Alderman Glab- Wanted to know if Director of Public Works Strange could look into private roads for safety and snow plowing for certain subdivisions through the Township, this is being considered. s Adjourn: A motion was made Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Devine to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Schaefer, Alderman Glab, Alderman Mihevc, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried X X Mayor Wayne Jett City Clerk Trisha Ramel 5 T H: Expense Approval Register McHenry, IL List of Bills Council Meeting 12-2-19 rroyeactsayarol Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:AQUA PA AQUA PA MS-2135850 12/02/2019 534 READS 9/20-11/19/19 510-32-5110 160.20 Vendor AQUA PA Total: 160.20 Vendor:BAXTER&WOODMAN BAXTER&WOODMAN 0210026 12/02/2019 CURRAN RD S CURVE 270-00-8600 11,010.71 Vendor BAXTER&WOODMAN Total: 11,010.71 Vendor:COMED COMED INV0009178 12/02/2019 ELEC 100-45-5510 180.57 COMED INV0009178 12/02/2019 ELEC 400-00-5510 4,062.03 COMED INV0009179 12/02/2019 UTIL 510-31-5510 2,516.16 COMED INV0009179 12/02/2019 UTIL 510-32-5510 7,931.39 Vendor COMED Total: _-..._..__14,690.15 Vendor:COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 536534 12/02/2019 ROAD SALT 270-00-6110 8,606.25 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 537721 12/02/2019 ROAD SALT 270-00-6110 5,801.88 Vendor COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA Total: 14,408.13 Vendor:DIXON ENGINEERING INC DIXON ENGINEERING INC 19-5983 12/02/2019 RET PERS MCH AT&T 740-00-5220 1,050.00 Vendor DIXON ENGINEERING INC Total:1,050.00 Vendor:ETTEN,CHRISTOPHER ETTEN,CHRISTOPHER INV0009163 12/02/2019 UNIFORM REIMB 100-45-4510 390.88 Vendor ETTEN,CHRISTOPHER Total: 390.88 Vendor:FEDERAL MOGUL MOTORPARTS LLC FEDERAL MOGUL INV0009164 12/02/2019 OVER PD ALARM MONITOR 225-1200 270.00 Vendor FEDERAL MOGUL MOTORPARTS LLC Total: 270.00 Vendor:FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETY FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETY IN00310914 12/02/2019 MUN RADIO MAINT 9/16- 225-00-5110 1,345.50 Vendor FOX VALLEY FIRE&SAFETY Total:1,345.50 Vendor:HLR HLR 20192161 12/02/2019 MCH BV PHASE I BIKE PATH 440-00-8900 1,130.75 Vendor HLR Total:1,130.75 Vendor:HRGREEN HRGREEN 130886 12/02/2019 2019 ROAD PGM CONST ENG 440-00-8600 28,950.00 Vendor HRGREEN Total: 28,950.00 Vendor:IUOE-LOCAL 150 IUOE-LOCAL 150 INV0009165 12/02/2019 K BEGGS STATUS CHANGE 600-00-4310 1,502.00 Vendor IUOE-LOCAL 150 Total:1,502.00 Vendor:MAHER,PATRICK MAHER,PATRICK INV0009166 12/02/2019 P MAHER UNIFORM 510-35-4510 160.89 Vendor MAHER,PATRICK Total: 160.89 Vendor:MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW INV0009167 12/02/2019 LEGAL NOV 2019 100-01-5230 4,000.00 Vendor MCANDREWS PC,THE LAW OFFICE OF PATRICK Total:4,000.00 Vendor:MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF INV0009168 12/02/2019 DEC MTG 100-22-5430 60.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE Total: 60.00 Vendor:MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER 20191120-16 12/02/2019 1ST QUARTER LAREDO 620-00-5110 275.00 Vendor MCHENRY COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS Total: 275.00 11/27/2019 1:00:18 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01668-12-2-19 AP CKS Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC MUNICIPAL COLLECTION 015471 12/02/2019 COLL FEES 100-04-5110 70.62 MUNICIPAL COLLECTION 015473 12/02/2019 COLL FEE STUCKEL 510-31-5110 7.15 Vendor MUNICIPAL COLLECTION SERVICES INC Total: 77.77 Vendor:NICOR GAS NICOR GAS INV0009169 12/02/2019 UTIL 100-42-5510 803.66 NICOR GAS INV0009169 12/02/2019 UTIL 100-43-5510 56.16 NICOR GAS INV0009169 12/02/2019 UTIL 100-45-5510 89.70 NICOR GAS INV0009169 12/02/2019 UTIL 100-46-5510 45.54 NICOR GAS INV0009169 12/02/2019 UTIL 400-00-5510 1,584.69 NICOR GAS INV0009170 12/02/2019 UTIL 510-31-5510 583.13 NICOR GAS INV0009170 12/02/2019 UTIL 510-32-5510 895.82 Vendor NICOR GAS Total:4,058.70 Vendor:RYBA,RON RYBA,RON INV0009171 12/02/2019 SUPP REIMB 100-47-6110 29.55 Vendor RYBA,RON Total: 29.55 Vendor:SCHAFER,PAT SCHAFER,PAT INV0009173 12/02/2019 TEMP SIGN REFUND 100-00-3410 30.00 Vendor SCHAFER,PAT Total: 30.00 Vendor:SCHWALENBERG,RYAN SCHWALENBERG,RYAN INV0009174 12/02/2019 REIMB CITY HALL WREATHS 100-00-3410 67.00 Vendor SCHWALENBERG,RYAN Total: 67.00 Vendor:SCHWEDA,SCOTT SCHWEDA,SCOTT INV0009175 12/02/2019 UNIFORM REIMB 100-33-4510 177.72 Vendor SCHWEDA,SCOTT Total: 177.72 Vendor:SEMROW JR,HARRY H SEMROW JR,HARRY H NOV 2019 12/02/2019 NOV SVS 100-03-5110 85.31 SEMROW JR,HARRY H NOV 2019 12/02/2019 NOV SVS 100-22-5110 767.99 SEMROW JR,HARRY H OCT 2019 12/02/2019 OCTOBER SVS 100-03-5110 133.75 SEMROW JR,HARRY H OCT 2019 12/02/2019 OCTOBER SVS 100-22-5110 1,203.75 Vendor SEMROW JR,HARRY H Total:2,190.80 Vendor:STANLEY CONSULTANTS STANLEY CONSULTANTS 0218876 12/02/2019 WWTP LIT ASSST 510-32-5110 3,850.00 Vendor STANLEY CONSULTANTS Total:3,850.00 Vendor:STERLING CODIFIERS STERLING CODIFIERS 22611 12/02/2019 REMAINDER 100-01-5110 12,865.00 Vendor STERLING CODIFIERS Total: 12,865.00 Vendor:TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT REV FUND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT T2011057 12/02/2019 MTHLY COMM CHGS 620-00-5110 10.00 Vendor TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT REV FUND Total: 10.00 Vendor:TYLER TECHNOLOGIES TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 025-278314 12/02/2019 ELEC TIME CLOCK MAINT 100-01-5110 433.65 Vendor TYLER TECHNOLOGIES Total: 433.65 Vendor:WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO 5035 12/02/2019 SLDG 510-32-5580 2,643.28 Vendor WINNEBAGO LANDFILL CO Total:2,643.28 Vendor:ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD&MCARDLE ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 139943 12/02/2019 CORP SEPT 2019 100-01-5230 9,604.62 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 139944 12/02/2019 TRAFFIC SEPT 100-01-5230 6,439.60 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 139979 12/02/2019 CORP-OCT 100-01-5230 17,852.50 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 139980 12/02/2019 RET PERS CRYSTAL CLEAR 740-00-5230 2,972.50 ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD& 139989 12/02/2019 TRAFFIC OCT 100-01-5230 9,139.70 Vendor ZUKOWSKI ROGERS FLOOD&MCARDLE Total: 46,008.92 Grand Total: 151,846.60 11/27/2019 1:00:18 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01668-12-2-19 AP CKS Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100-GENERAL FUND 64,527.27 225-ALARM BOARD FUND 1,615.50 270-MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND 25,418.84 400-RECREATION CENTER FUND 5,646.72 440-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 30,080.75 510-WATER/SEWER FUND 18,748.02 600-EMPLOYEE INSURANCE FUND 1,502.00 620-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 285.00 740-RETAINED PERSONNEL ESCROW 4,022.50 Grand Total: 151,846.60 Expense Approval Register M McHenry, IL 2 List of Bills Council Meeting 12-2-19 1-n Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:A-1 EQUIPMENT A-1 EQUIPMENT 32099 12/02/2019 tire machine parts 100-33-5370 73.00 Vendor A-1 EQUIPMENT Total: 73.00 Vendor:A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC 66105 12/02/2019 Contractual:Door/lock services 100-45-5110 1,345.32 A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC 66125 12/02/2019 Contractual:Door/lock services 100-45-5110 576.88 Vendor A-ABLE ALARM SERVICE INC Total:1,922.20 Vendor:ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A S017642 12/02/2019 409 100-33-5370 870.13 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A 5018312 12/02/2019 432 100-33-5370 397.33 ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A S018313 12/02/2019 434 100-33-5370 197.10 Vendor ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC,R A Total:1,464.56 Vendor:AMERICAN HEATING&COOLING AMERICAN HEATING&4042386 12/02/2019 Heat Exchanger Change Out 100-33-6115 2,150.00 Vendor AMERICAN HEATING&COOLING Total:2,150.00 Vendor:AT&T AT&T 207612-2-19 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 2,592.20 AT&T 238412-2-19 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 872.27 AT&T 2453 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 1,995.02 AT&T 336912-2-19 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 252.80 AT&T 4386 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 245.23 AT&T 4908 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 246.73 AT&T 237 812-2-19 12/03/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5320 372.66 Vendor AT&T Total:6,576.91 Vendor:AUTO TECH CENTERS INC AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299555 12/02/2019 tires 130 100-45-5370 333.92 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299556 12/02/2019 Tires 528 510-31-5370 626.00 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299558 12/02/2019 tires 316 100-22-5370 625.52 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299620 12/02/2019 Tires 628 510-32-5370 718.14 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299738 12/02/2019 Tires 312 100-22-5370 636.52 AUTO TECH CENTERS INC 299798 12/02/2019 tire 301 100-22-5370 625.52 Vendor AUTO TECH CENTERS INC Total:3,565.62 Vendor:BARRINGTON PARK DISTRICT BARRINGTON PARK DISTRICT 4 12/02/2019 Trip-Eataly/Driehaus 100-46-5110 548.00 Vendor BARRINGTON PARK DISTRICT Total: 548.00 Vendor:BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W 556756 12/02/2019 Furnace Filters 510-32-5375 279.84 Vendor BERKHEIMER CO INC,G W Total: 279.84 Vendor:BUSS FORD SALES BUSS FORD SALES 5036205 12/02/2019 seat belt 316 100-22-5370 108.42 BUSS FORD SALES 5036274 12/02/2019 coolant parts 316 100-22-5370 152.44 BUSS FORD SALES 6060638 12/02/2019 repair 803 510-35-5370 743.46 Vendor BUSS FORD SALES Total:1,004.32 Vendor:CABAY&COMPANY INC CABAY&COMPANY INC 61856 12/02/2019 building supplies 400-00-6110 44.72 Vendor CABAY&COMPANY INC Total: 44.72 Vendor:CAREY ELECTRIC CAREY ELECTRIC 35597 12/02/2019 WTP#3 Electrical work for 510-31-5110 730.00 Vendor CAREY ELECTRIC Total: 730.00 11/27/2019 2:06:34 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01672-12-2-19 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:CARRIER CORPORATION CARRIER CORPORATION B002716741 12/02/2019 Rec Center RTU repair 400-00-5110 565.00 Vendor CARRIER CORPORATION Total: 565.00 Vendor:CDW GOVERNMENT INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC VDX2769 12/02/2019 DISPLAY PORT 620-00-6270 51.96 Vendor CDW GOVERNMENT INC Total: 51.96 Vendor:CENTURY SPRINGS CENTURY SPRINGS 03441910/31/19 12/02/2019 Lab Water 510-32-6110 19.00 CENTURY SPRINGS INV0009206 12/02/2019 Lab Water 510-32-6110 27.00 Vendor CENTURY SPRINGS Total: 46.00 Vendor:COMCAST CABLE COMCAST CABLE 6201920226 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5110 130.82 COMCAST CABLE 6201920227 12/02/2019 MONTHLY STATEMENT 620-00-5110 135.76 Vendor COMCAST CABLE Total: 266.58 Vendor:CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS&SPORTS ACADEMY CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS& 695 12/02/2019 Fall Invoice Gymnastics 695 100-47-5110 2,056.70 Vendor CORKSCREW GYMNASTICS&SPORTS ACADEMY Total:2,056.70 Vendor:CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY CURRAN CONTRACTING 17980 12/02/2019 43584 N50 binder. vendor 100-33-6110 323.60 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17980A 12/02/2019 43584 N50 binder. vendor 100-33-6110 662.96 CURRAN CONTRACTING 17980B 12/02/2019 43584 N50 binder. vendor 100-33-6110 382.18 Vendor CURRAN CONTRACTING COMPANY Total:1,368.74 Vendor:CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INC CUTTING EDGE 190934 12/02/2019 REPLACE ELECTRIC STRIKE 620-00-5110 352.00 Vendor CUTTING EDGE COMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 352.00 Vendor:DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0239546-IN 12/02/2019 Scifit 400-40-6142 4,625.00 DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0549098-IN 12/02/2019 treadmill repair 400-40-5375 239.84 DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 0549830-IN 12/02/2019 AMT repair 400-40-5375 191.00 Vendor DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS Total:5,055.84 Vendor:DOCUMENT IMAGING SERVICES,LLC DOCUMENT IMAGING 1605 12/02/2019 TONER 620-00-6210 600.10 Vendor DOCUMENT IMAGING SERVICES,LLC Total: 600.10 Vendor:DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS 1138769 12/02/2019 Liquid Ring Compressor 510-32-5375 256.71 Vendor DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS INC Total: 256.71 Vendor:FISCHER BROS FRESH FISCHER BROS FRESH 12652 12/02/2019 6 yards ready mix-INV#12652 510-35-6110 1,010.75 Vendor FISCHER BROS FRESH Total:1,010.75 Vendor:FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 56175 12/02/2019 see below. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 604.00 FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC 56183 12/02/2019 4 yds.topsoil. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 104.00 Vendor FOXCROFT MEADOWS INC Total: 708.00 Vendor:GALLS LLC GALLS LLC 014217766 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-GARRETT 100-23-4510 82.04 GALLS LLC 14166618 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-ALLEN 100-23-4510 43.95 GALLS LLC 14194226 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-NOYES 100-22-4510 177.59 GALLS LLC 14233350 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-LORENZ 100-22-4510 49.99 GALLS LLC 14233783 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-VARVIL 100-22-4510 128.33 GALLS LLC 14265779 12/02/2019 UNIFORM ORDER-J.DUCAK 100-22-4510 140.57 Vendor GALLS LLC Total: 622.47 Vendor:HAWKINS INC HAWKINS INC 4608842 12/02/2019 Chemical Delivery 510-32-6110 8,151.20 Vendor HAWKINS INC Total:8,151.20 11/27/2019 2:06:34 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01672-12-2-19 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:HBK WATER METER SERVICE INC HBK WATER METER SERVICE 19707 12/02/2019 Large Meter Testing- 510-31-5110 2,116.00 Vendor HBK WATER METER SERVICE INC Total:2,116.00 Vendor:HUBER TECHNOLOGY INC HUBER TECHNOLOGY INC CD10018996 12/02/2019 Solenoid Valve for Step Screen 510-32-5375 1,202.00 Vendor HUBER TECHNOLOGY INC Total:1,202.00 Vendor:HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND 342369 12/02/2019 410 100-33-5370 648.00 Vendor HYDRAULIC SERVICES AND REPAIRS INC Total: 648.00 Vendor:ILLINI POWER PRODUCTS ILLINI POWER PRODUCTS PS0005096-1 12/02/2019 Generator Engine Block 510-32-5375 736.43 Vendor ILLINI POWER PRODUCTS Total: 736.43 Vendor:IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY 1628 12/02/2019 Monthly service fee 510-32-5110 7,750.00 Vendor IN-PIPE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY INC Total:7,750.00 Vendor:INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3017300297 12/02/2019 636 coolant parts 510-32-5370 494.90 INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE 3017316637 12/02/2019 817 510-35-5370 227.40 Vendor INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC Total: 722.30 Vendor:JET VAC JET VAC 1813 12/02/2019 Rental of easement machine 510-35-6110 700.00 JET VAC 1891 12/02/2019 Root Cutter blade 510-35-6110 74.48 Vendor JET VAC Total: 774.48 Vendor:1X PETERBILT-WADSWORTH JX PETERBILT-WADSWORTH 2168781P 12/02/2019 washer tank 510-32-5370 176.99 Vendor JX PETERBILT-WADSWORTH Total: 176.99 Vendor:KIMBALL MIDWEST KIMBALL MIDWEST 7557154 12/02/2019 stock 510-35-5370 536.70 Vendor KIMBALL MIDWEST Total: 536.70 Vendor:KOMLINE-SANDERSON KOMLINE-SANDERSON 42044792 12/02/2019 Dryer Liquid Ring Compressor 510-32-5375 2,000.00 Vendor KOMLINE-SANDERSON Total:2,000.00 Vendor:LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 711923006 12/02/2019 CM-6 Virigin Grade-UTY- 510-35-6110 133.92 LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA 711923006A 12/02/2019 FM-2 Sand-UTY-167587519 510-35-6110 83.20 Vendor LAFARGE NORTH AMERICA Total: 217.12 Vendor:MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC CLUB MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC 312A 12/02/2019 MMAC Fee for ECST&J-HAWK 100-47-5110 93.00 Vendor MCHENRY MARLINS AQUATIC CLUB Total: 93.00 Vendor:MEADE INC MEADE INC 690249 12/02/2019 Traffic Signal Repairs-690249 100-33-5110 986.05 Vendor MEADE INC Total: 986.05 Vendor:MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC MID AMERICAN WATER OF 224072W 12/02/2019 8"Alpha valve 510-35-6110 1,070.00 MID AMERICAN WATER OF 224075W 12/02/2019 Tapping sleeve,41nch valve 510-35-6110 1,227.00 Vendor MID AMERICAN WATER OF WAUCONDA INC Total:2,297.00 Vendor:MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SALES CO INC MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL 17276 12/02/2019 Filters for heaters 100-33-6115 1,062.00 Vendor MIDWEST ENVIRONMENTAL SALES CO INC Total:1,062.00 Vendor:MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS M27287 12/02/2019 Hose Fittings and Valves 100-33-6110 28.91 MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS M27312 12/02/2019 pressure washer parts 100-33-5115 14.36 Vendor MIDWEST HOSE AND FITTINGS INC Total: 43.27 11/27/2019 2:06:34 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01672-12-2-19 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS-STARCOM21 NETWORK MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS- 8280867715 12/02/2019 BATTERIES 100-22-6210 502.62 Vendor MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS-STARCOM21 NETWORK Total: 502.62 Vendor:MOTOROLA MOTOROLA 457651022019 12/02/2019 STARCOM21 STATEMENT 100-22-5320 2,453.00 Vendor MOTOROLA Total:2,453.00 Vendor:NENA NENA 200017226 12/02/2019 TRAINING 100-23-5430 825.00 Vendor NENA Total: 825.00 Vendor:NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE 13186 12/02/2019 LANGUAGE LINE 100-22-5110 10.00 Vendor NORTHERN ILLINOIS POLICE ALARM SYSTEM Total: 10.00 Vendor:NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS 49703 12/02/2019 Rlverwalk amenities 100-45-6110 4,260.00 Vendor NUTOYS LEISURE PRODUCTS Total:4,260.00 Vendor:OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT CORP OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT 371329-IN 12/02/2019 Rain suits 510-35-6110 111.10 Vendor OLSEN SAFETY EQUIPMENT CORP Total: 111.10 Vendor:PENZE,JACQUELINE S PENZE,JACQUELINE S 1219-804 12/02/2019 Cont-Ballroom Dance 100-46-5110 320.00 Vendor PENZE,JACQUELINE S Total: 320.00 Vendor:PETROCHOICE LLC PETROCHOICE LLC 11116611 12/02/2019 Fuel 100-45-6250 525.03 PETROCHOICE LLC 11116614 12/02/2019 FUEL 11116614 100-22-6250 1,651.87 PETROCHOICE LLC 11126390 12/02/2019 Waukegan st generater 510-32-6250 754.73 PETROCHOICE LLC 11126393 12/02/2019 mmo2537 510-35-6250 1,005.64 PETROCHOICE LLC 11126428 12/02/2019 32 510-35-6250 1,875.71 PETROCHOICE LLC 11126434 12/02/2019 Fuel city hall generator 100-22-6250 388.57 PETROCHOICE LLC 11131299 12/02/2019 Fuel-UTY-11131299 510-35-6250 380.15 PETROCHOICE LLC 11131316 12/02/2019 Fuel 100-45-6250 250.06 PETROCHOICE LLC 11131317 12/02/2019 Fuel-STS-11131317 100-33-6250 1,070.29 PETROCHOICE LLC 11138346 12/02/2019 Fuel-UTY-11138346 510-35-6250 166.06 PETROCHOICE LLC 11138358 12/02/2019 Fuel-WW-11138358 510-32-6250 446.75 PETROCHOICE LLC 11138359 12/02/2019 Fuel-WTR-11138359 510-31-6250 171.78 PETROCHOICE LLC 11138361 12/02/2019 Fuel-STS-11138361 100-33-6250 1,863.66 PETROCHOICE LLC 11138357 12/03/2019 Fuel Bill 100-03-6250 70.39 Vendor PETROCHOICE LLC Total: 10,620.69 Vendor:PLATINUM HEATING&COOLING INC PLATINUM HEATING& 8680 12/02/2019 SWWTP&Regional Pump-A/C& 510-32-5375 1,328.19 Vendor PLATINUM HEATING&COOLING INC Total:1,328.19 Vendor:ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD 19110211 12/02/2019 Millstream Lift-Alterantives 510-32-8500 5,253.00 Vendor ROBINSON ENGINEERING LTD Total:5,253.00 Vendor:ROCK'N'KIDS INC ROCK'N'KIDS INC MCHF1119 12/02/2019 Cont-Tot/Kid Rock 100-46-5110 420.00 Vendor ROCK'N'KIDS INC Total: 420.00 Vendor:SAATHOFF,CHERYL SAATHOFF,CHERYL 1219-818 12/02/2019 Cont-KiddyKeys 100-46-5110 225.00 Vendor SAATHOFF,CHERYL Total: 225.00 Vendor:SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC 211159 12/02/2019 Pest Control:Petersen 100-45-5110 98.00 Vendor SCHOPEN PEST SOLUTIONS INC Total: 98.00 Vendor:SENCOMMUNICATIONS INC SENCOMMUNICATIONS INC IN0959916 12/02/2019 HEADSET REPAIR 100-23-6110 25.00 Vendor SENCOMMUNICATIONS INC Total: 25.00 11/27/2019 2:06:34 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01672-12-2-19 RECT INV Vendor Name Payable Number Post Date Description(Item) Account Number Amount Vendor:STANS LPS MIDWEST STANS LPS MIDWEST 349219 12/02/2019 SERVICE AGREEMENT 620-00-6270 118.29 STANS LPS MIDWEST 349222 12/02/2019 SERVICE AGREEMENT 620-00-6270 495.00 Vendor STANS LPS MIDWEST Total: 613.29 Vendor:SUPER AGGREGATES SUPER AGGREGATES 58357 12/02/2019 dump,hard to handle,p.matt. 100-33-6110 200.00 SUPER AGGREGATES 58637 12/02/2019 dump,hard to handle,p.matt. 100-33-6110 200.00 SUPER AGGREGATES 58637A 12/02/2019 dump,hard to handle,p.matt. 100-33-6110 200.00 SUPER AGGREGATES 58637E 12/02/2019 dump,hard to handle,p.matt. 100-33-6110 200.00 SUPER AGGREGATES 58637C 12/02/2019 dump,hard to handle,p.matt. 100-33-6110 200.00 Vendor SUPER AGGREGATES Total:1,000.00 Vendor:SYNCB/AMAZON SYNCB/AMAZON INV0009207 12/02/2019 ALL-METAL SINGLE TILT PRISM 100-22-6110 48.99 SYNCB/AMAZON INV0009208 12/02/2019 ENVELOPES 100-22-6210 18.98 SYNCB/AMAZON INV0009209 12/02/2019 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 100-22-6210 109.48 SYNCB/AMAZON INV0009210 12/02/2019 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100-22-6210 58.73 SYNCB/AMAZON INV0009211 12/02/2019 OFFICE SUPPLIES 100-22-6210 58.89 Vendor SYNCB/AMAZON Total: 295.07 Vendor:THELEN MATERIALS LLC THELEN MATERIALS LLC 382458 12/02/2019 Grade 9 vendor ticket number 100-33-6110 224.45 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 382458A 12/02/2019 Grade 9 Vendor Ticket number 100-33-6110 169.18 THELEN MATERIALS LLC 383382 12/02/2019 21110 grade#9. vendor ticket 100-33-6110 119.76 Vendor THELEN MATERIALS LLC Total: 513.39 Vendor:TRAFFIC CONTROL&PROTECTION INC TRAFFIC CONTROL& 1022607 12/02/2019 street signs 100-33-6110 997.90 Vendor TRAFFIC CONTROL&PROTECTION INC Total: 997.90 Vendor:ULINE ULINE 113999444 12/02/2019 Spill Containment Skid 510-32-6110 373.91 ULINE 114098957 12/02/2019 Safety Supplies 510-32-5375 773.83 Vendor ULINE Total:1,147.74 Vendor:USA BLUEBOOK USA BLUEBOOK 066410 12/02/2019 PVC Ball Valves 510-32-5375 471.80 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK Total: 471.80 Vendor:WHOLESALE DIRECT INC WHOLESALE DIRECT INC 242663 12/02/2019 Light bar 100-45-5370 477.81 Vendor WHOLESALE DIRECT INC Total: 477.81 Grand Total: 92,801.16 11/27/2019 2:06:34 PM Expense Approval Register Packet:APPKT01672-12-2-19 RECT INV Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 100-GENERAL FUND 34,470.99 400-RECREATION CENTER FUND 5,665.56 510-WATER/SEWER FUND 44,203.77 620-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 8,460.84 Grand Total: 92,801.16 Department of Community& Economic Development orm mar orrs for McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170McHenrFax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director, Troy Strange, Public Works Director FOR: December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting RE:Update of Capital Development Fee Structure Agenda Item Summary: The City Council agreed to reduce Capital Development fees by 50% for one year starting in September of 2018, staff was directed to perform a capital development fee study to determine if the current fee structure was accurate. The study was performed by engineering firm Baxter and Woodman, staff has reviewed the study and is recommending the attached fee structure be adopted. Background Water and sewer capital development fees are fees collected at the issuance of a building permit in order to cover upgrades of public infrastructure associated with the addition of that building or structure. In September of 2018 the city council agreed to a one year capital development and impact fee reduction in order to attract single family home development. With the reduction council directed staff to perform a complete capital development fee study, an RFP was developed and a contract was granted to Baxter and Woodman to perform the study. Baxter and Woodman presented their findings to the council on October 21st, since this presentation staff has met several times to discuss Baxter and Woodman's findings, included in this packet is a recommendation from the public works department, this recommendation letter references the study which is also attached. Staff recommends the following capital development fee structure: 4_.....) Department of Community& Economic Development tir• McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenr Phone: (815) 363-2170 Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RECOMMENDED RESIDENTAIL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE PER UNIT WATER SEWER CAP.CAP. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DEV.DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less 5,225 $3,879 3 Bedrooms 7,509 $5,575 4 Bedrooms 9,749 $7,238 5 Bedrooms/More 9,765 $7,250 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes) 1 Bedroom 3,090 $2,294 2 Bedroom 5,155 $3,827 3 Bedroom 6,196 $4,600 4 Bedrooms/More 8,146 $6,048 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 3,352 $2,488 1 Bedroom 4,554 $3,381 2 Bedroom 4,958 $3,681 3 Bedrooms/More 7,908 $5,871 CURRENT RESIDENTAIL(non-reduced)PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE PER UNIT WATER SEWER CAP. CAP. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DEV.DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less 2,399 $2,844 3 Bedrooms 4,157 $4,080 4 Bedrooms 4,470 $5,224 5 Bedrooms/More 4,470 $5,311 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 Bedroom 1,461 $1,728 2 Bedroom 2,432 $2,889 3 Bedroom 2,924 $3,540 4 Bedrooms/More 3,850 $4,559 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 1,582 $1,882 1 Bedroom 2,148 $2,553 2 Bedroom 2,342 $2,776 3 Bedrooms/More 3,736 $4,430 Department of Community& r Economic Development e) bolo McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 McHenr Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us RECOMMENDED COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEES CITY WATER CITY SEWER CONNECTION CONNECTION ONLY CONNECTION ONLY WATER&SEWER 2,590 1,923 4,513 7,252 5,384 12,636 12,432 9,230 21,662 20,720 15,384 36,104 46,620 34,614 81,234 129,500 96,150 225,650 129,500 96,150 225,650 CURRENT COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEES CITY WATER CITY SEWER CONNECTION CONNECTION ONLY CONNECTION ONLY WATER&SEWER 4,282 4,202 8,484 11,984 7,026 19,010 20,551 14,004 34,555 34,248 22,409 56,657 77,059 44,862 121,921 214,053 70,093 284,146 214,053 140,137 354,190 RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council agrees, then a motion to approve the attached ordinance reestablishing a new capital development fee schedule to be implemented January 25th 2020 is appropriate. ORDINANCE NO. MC -19-XXX An Ordinance Amending the McHenry Municipal Code with Respect to Water and Sewer Capital Development Fees WHEREAS, the City of McHenry desires to maintain a safe and adequate water supply and distribution system for existing and future residents; and WHEREAS, an increase in the water capital development fees charged for new residential development is needed to ensure that adequate funds are available to provide a safe and adequate water supply and distribution system in the City. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That Table (A) entitled, "Residential Building Uses" within Section 9-6-2, entitled, "Amount of Fees,"of Chapter 6, Title 9,Public Utilities, of the McHenry City Code shall be, and is hereby amended and shall hereinafter be read as follows: PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE PER UNIT BLDG. PLMB. WATER WATER SEWER SEWER INS. CAP. CAP. SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED FEE FEE CONN. DEV. CONN. DEV. 2 Bedrooms/Less 25/S.F.112 $250 $5,225 $250 $3,879 3 Bedrooms 25/S.F.112 $250 $7,509 $250 $5,575 4 Bedrooms 25/S.F.112 $250 $9,749 $250 $7,238 5 Bedrooms/More 25/S.F.112 $250 $9,765 $250 $7,250 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED (Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $3,090 $250 $2,294 2 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $5,155 $250 $3,827 3 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $6,196 $250 $4,600 4 Bedrooms/More 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $8,146 $250 $6,048 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $3,352 $250 $2,488 1 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $4,554 $250 $3,381 2 Bedroom 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $4,958 $250 $3,681 3 Bedrooms/More 25/S.F. $84.00* $250 $7,908 $250 $5,871 SECTION 2: That Table (B) entitled, "Nonresidential Building Uses" within Section 9-6-2, entitled, "Amount of Fees," of Chapter 6, Title 9, Public Utilities, of the McHenry City Code shall be, and is hereby amended and shall hereinafter be read as follows: COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIAL BUILDING FEES Effective January 25, 2020 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEES WATER WATER METER METER TAP FEES CITY WATER CITY SEWER CONNECTION SIZE COST WATER SEWER CONNECTION CONNECTION WATER& ONLY ONLY SEWER 3/4" 225 $250 $250 2,590 1,923 4,513 1" 325 $250 $250 7,252 5,384 12,636 11/2"600 $250 $250 12,432 9,230 21,662 2"2,050 $250 $250 20,720 15,384 36,104 3"2,500 $250 $250 46,620 34,614 81,234 4"3,700 $250 $250 129,500 96,150 225,650 6"5,100 $250 $250 129,500 96,150 225,650 SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 25, 2020, and shall be published in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Passed this 2nd day of December, 2019. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderman Devine Alderman Glab Alderman Mihevc Alderwoman Miller Alderman Santi Alderman Schaefer Wayne Jett, Mayor Trisha Ramel, City Clerk v. Department of Public Works Troy Strange, P.E., Director of Public Works 4111 1415 Industrial Drive NO Ole McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2186 Fax: (815) 363-2214 tstrange@cityofmchenry.org McHenr MEANT OF.THE FOX NIVEN MEMORANDUM DATE: November 4, 2019 TO:Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director Doug Martin, Economic Development Director Derik Morefield, City Administrator FROM: Troy Strange, Director of Public Works RE:Capital Development Fee, Water& Sewer Recommendation Options Water Capital Development Fee Recommendations Water system improvements which are warranted by future developments specifically include the construction and/or expansion of a few of the City's transmission water mains and the addition of water production through the construction of a new water plant. The City has performed preliminary engineering of two future plant locations, both of which were examined though the course of the study. There is a well located in Adams Industrial Park near Water Tower 3 which has a 500 gpm capacity. The construction of a water treatment plant at this location would provide the City with its only source of water production on the east side of the Fox River which is currently lacking. There is an additional location on the west end of town near Legend Lakes Subdivision. At this location there are two wells: a shallow well capable of 500 gpm and a deep well capable of an additional 1200 gpm which does not currently have pumping equipment installed. The western plant provides substantially more production but also comes at a significantly higher cost due to the cost of construction for a deep well and necessary radium treatment associated with deep water aquifers. Staff have analyzed both plan options over different population equivalent projection options in order to determine the recommended fee option. There are three options for water capital development fees which vary based upon different options for water production facilities and the population equivalent over which the cost for warranted improvements is collected. Fee Option 1 for water is based upon the construction of a new water plant on the east side of the Fox River near Water Tower 3, with the cost of this facility shared by near future population equivalent only. Fee Option 2 for water is based upon the construction of a new water plant on the west side of town near the Legend Lakes Subdivision, with the cost of this facility shared by near The City of McHenry is dedicated to providing the citizens,businesses and visitors of McHenry with the highest quality of programs and services in a customer-oriented,efficient and fiscally responsible manner. future population equivalent only. Fee Option 3 for water is based upon the construction of a new water plant on the west side of town near the Legend Lakes Subdivision, with the cost of this facility shared by the total of near and distant future population equivalent. Fee Option 1 and the construction of an eastern plant will serve all near future demand and will keep run times on all water plants below maximum recommended run times. This will also place the cost of warranted improvements due to near future development solely on the projected population equivalent of the near future. Construction of an eastern plant will address a security and redundancy challenge of the current system as the City currently has no water production capability east of the Fox River. One limitation of this option is that in the case that distant future development occurs sooner than is projected which would warrant the western plant location rather than the eastern plant location)the entirety of a western plant would not be able to be funded based upon these water capital development fees and warrant additional financing. This however can be the case with any capital development fee as a new plant would in all likelihood be warranted prior to a full buildout and all capital development fees being collected. It is also possible that should the eastern plant be constructed and development continue to occur that a plant at the western location could still be warranted at a future point that is beyond the current near future development projection. This concern however, may be overstated as the potential for this to occur is beyond twenty years from the present. Ultimately, if capital development fees are kept in place even at this level, the cost of a facility expansion will be able to be recouped regardless of the plant location. Fee Option 2 and the construction of a western plant will serve all near and distant future demand and will keep run times on all water plants below maximum recommended run times. Fee Option 2 is also the highest fee option. This option will place the cost of warranted improvements due to near future and distant future development solely on the projected population equivalent of the near future. The construction of a western plant will meet all production needs beyond the foreseeable future. Should development be slower than anticipated, this option will also provide sufficient funding for the construction of an eastern plant and therefore provides the City with the most flexibility but comes at the highest rate. Fee Option 3 and the construction of a western plant will serve all near and distant future demand and will keep run times on all water plants below maximum recommended run times. Fee Option 3 is the lowest fee option. This option will place the cost of warranted improvements due to near future and distant future development on the total projection population equivalent of the near and distant future development. This option was not strongly considered because the time over which the fees necessary to build a plant were recouped was too long. This all but guarantees the need for a significant amount of additional financing to build any future plant. Because water capital development fee Option 1 represents the City's most accurate projected need and population equivalent growth over the near future development term, Public Works staff is recommending fee Option 1. Option 2 is an option that can serve the City's needs almost infinitely into the future but this option disproportionately places the financial burden of both near future and distance future users on near future users only. Both Option 1 & Option 2 are increases over the existing capital development fee. It is worth noting that due to the complexity of the decision to construct the next water plant, it is important to regularly reevaluate capital development fees during the term of this update. Additionally, whenever the decision is made to construct a new water plant, there needs to be some certainty that the buildout will be able to properly serve existing demand while still providing capacity for future demand. Sewer Capital Development Fee Recommendations Sewer system improvements which are warranted by future developments specifically include increasing the size of a number of trunk sewers as well as upgrading pumping capacities of lift stations. No treatment plant expansion improvements were recommended as warranted improvements due to near future development. Population equivalent projections indicate that anticipated near future development will not increase biological loading on the new plant to a level which will warrant a plant expansion (Section 4.2.1, Table 30). Near future development is anticipated to increase hydraulic loading on the newly constructed wastewater treatment plant above the plants current rated hydraulic loading (Section 4.2.1, Table 329). However, this effect does not mean that an expansion of the plants will be necessary. Staff have discussed the possibility of re-rating the plant in an effort to bring the rated capacity to 4.5 mgd which would keep both organic and hydraulic loading below threshold levels for expansion. At this time the City retains the right to pursue this re-rate and given the great expense of an expansion of the recently completed plant, a re-rating is the prudent course of action. The time frame under which this re-rate is pursued is within the City's discretion. Distant future developments will potentially warrant a plant expansion however these effects are too distant to project. For the purposes of the study, distant future development was not included in any considerations of a plant expansion as this is beyond the time frame of typical facilities planning reports and beyond the duration of the capital development fee update. There were two options provided for sewer capital development fees which include identical schedules of warranted improvements with one exception. Option 1 for sewer fees assumes that should development occur east of the Fox River which warrants capacity improvements to the Boone Lagoon Lift Station, the cost of these improvements will be included in capital development fees. Option 2 assumes that the future completion of the consolidation of the Millstream and Freund lift stations will reduce loading on the Boone Lagoon Lift Station, and therefore capacity improvements of the lift station will not be warranted. The justification for the Millstream and Freund consolidation project includes capacity considerations for the Boone Lagoon Lift Station. Because of this consideration, staff believe that either the Boone Lagoon Lift Station upgrades or a portion of the Millstream and Freund project are warranted by development and should be considered as improvements subject to inclusion in sewer capital development fees. Therefore Public Works Staff are recommending Option 1 for sewer capital development fees. Both Option 1&Option 2 are an increase over the existing sewer capital development fees. A a. t t A i. .: 1 4 City of M f 2019 Capital Development Fee Study October 2019' t- ... , ,'..trit- "-to Ilf- .isA, , 4, -,„Ale. . ,! c, 4 BAXTE OODMAN Consulting Engineers City of McHenry, Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Study Purpose and Scope 11 1.2 Existing System 11 1.3 Planned Land Use 12 2. WATER SYSTEM 2.1 Existing Conditions 14 2.2 Near Future Development Conditions 14 2.3 Water Distribution System 15 2.4 Elevated Storage 15 2.5 Wells and Water Treatment Plants 17 2.5.1 Near Future Development Demands 18 Near Future Developments: Option 1 19 Near Future Developments: Option 2 20 2.5.2 Distant Future Development Demands 21 2.6 Recommendations 22 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 3.1 Existing Conditions 23 3.1.1 Introduction 23 3.1.2 Existing Trunk Sewer Analysis 23 3.1.3 Lift Station Analysis 24 3.2 Future Demands 25 3.2.1 Bull Valley Trunk Sewer 25 Legend Lakes Development 25 West Dartmoor Lift Station 25 Preserves of Boone Creek Development 26 Legend Lakes Part 2 Development 27 Fieldstone Lift Station 27 Bull Valley Trunk Sewer 27 3.2.2 Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer 28 Oaks at Irish Prairie Development 28 Doolin Lift Station 28 Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer(McHenry Shores Subdivision)29 South Riverside Lift Station 29 3.2.3 Route 120 Trunk Sewer 30 Future Developments at Route 120&Chapel Hill Road 30 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER :WOODMAN TABLE OF CONTENTS i ° .. Route 120 Lift Station 30 Route 120 Trunk Sewer between Route 120 & River Road Lift Stations 31 River Road Lift Station 31 Route 120 Trunk Sewer between River Road&Boone Lagoon Lift Stations 32 Boone Lagoon Lift Station 32 3.3 Recommendations 33 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM 4.1 Existing Conditions 34 4.1.1 Background 34 4.1.2 McHenry WWTP&Regional Pump Station 34 4.2 Future Demands 35 4.2.1 Near Future 36 4.2.2 Distant Future 38 4.3 Recommendations 39 4.3.1 NPDES Plant Re-Rating 39 4.3.2 Addressing Infiltration and Inflow 41 4.3.3 Wastewater Capacity Discussion 41 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE 5.1 Existing Capital Development Fee 43 5.2 Water Capital Development Fee 44 5.3 Sanitary Sewer Capital Development Fee 46 5.4 Comparison of Neighboring Development Fees 48 LIST OF TABLES Table Page No. 1 Near Future (<20 years) Development Projected Population Equivalents 12 2 Distant Future (>20 years) Development Projected Population Equivalents 13 3 Existing Water Demands 14 4 Near Future Development Additional Water Demand 15 5 Existing Elevated Storage Tanks 16 6 Elevated Storage Tank Evaluation 16 7 Existing Wells and Water Treatment Plants 17 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER`-WOODMAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 8 City of McHenry WTP's Operating Runtimes 18 9 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development 19 10 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development: Option 1 20 11 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development: Option 2 20 12 Distant Future Development Additional Water Demand 21 13 Water Distribution Improvement Cost Summary 22 14 Existing Lift Stations 24 15 Dartmoor Drive Sewer Capacity Evaluation 25 16 West Dartmoor Lift Station Evaluation 26 17 Eaglewood,Newport&Fieldstone Sewer Capacity Evaluation 27 18 Bull Valley Road Sewer Capacity Evaluation 28 19 Doolin Lift Station Evaluation 28 20 Barreville Road&Pearl Avenue Sewer Capacity Evaluation 29 21 South Riverside Lift Station Evaluation 29 22 Route 120 Lift Station Evaluation 30 23 Route 120 Sewer Capacity Evaluation to River Road Lift Station 31 24 River Road Lift Station Evaluation 31 25 Boone Lagoon Lift Station Evaluation 32 26 Trunk Sewer&Lift Station Cost 33 27 Trunk Sewer&Lift Station Cost with Freund Lift Station Diversion 33 28 NPDES Permit Effluent Limit Requirements 35 29 Hydraulic Load Projection 36 30 Organic Load Projection 37 31 Solids Load Projection 38 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BANTER +1N00DMAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 7191 Page 5 32 Distant Future Hydraulic Load Projections 39 33 Max Concentration to Meet Load Limit at a 4.5 MGD Re-Rate 40 34 Re-Rate Now Versus at a Future Date Comparison 41 35 Wastewater Capacity Summary Table 42 36 Existing Residential Water&Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure 43 37 Water System Capacity Improvement Costs per Average Household 44 38 Residential Water Capital Development Fee Structure 44 39 Commercial and Industrial Water Capital Development Fee Structure 45 40 Existing&Proposed Water Capital Development Comparison 45 41 Sewer Capital Development Fee for Average Household 46 42 Residential Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure 46 43 Commercial and Industrial Capital Fee Structure 47 44 Existing&Proposed Sewer Capital Development Comparison 47 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Population Equivalent Projections B McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit C Water Connection Fee Comparison Survey D Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee Comparison Survey LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Study Area Map City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER'+WOODMAN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 6 B Water System C Sanitary Sewer System LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BOD5 five day biochemical oxygen demand cfs cubic feet per second EPA Environmental Protection Agency ft feet gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute in inches I/I infiltration/inflow lbs pounds LS lift station max maximum MG million gallons (or mil gal) MGD million gallons per day mg/L milligrams per liter(parts per million in dilute solutions) MH manhole min minimum NH3 ammonia nitrogen PE population equivalent SSES sanitary sewer evaluation survey TP total phosphorous TSS total suspended solids (or SS) WTP water treatment plant WWTP wastewater treatment plant City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is intended to review the required capacity improvements to the City of McHenry's water supply, water treatment, wastewater collection, and wastewater treatment processes in order to handle the planned developments that will occur within the next twenty years.The anticipated Near Future Development is anticipated to introduce approximately 5,000 additional water and wastewater users,most of which is residential with some commercial. Additional development was discussed beyond the twenty years for long term planning purposes only (Distant Future Developments),and introduces another 10,000 additional water and wastewater users that is largely residential. A review of the existing water treatment capacity shows that the Near Future Developments will require an additional water treatment plant to meet the projected maximum daily demands.The City has previously invested in designs for a new water treatment plant at two potential sites. Well 11,which is located on the east side of the Fox River,would provide additional redundancy due to the location and can meet the demands of the Near Future Developments. However, any developments beyond the Near Future Developments would require the construction of another treatment plant. A second treatment plant was designed around the existing Well 12, which has a deep well,Well 13, already installed nearby. Well 13 would provide the City with an abundance of capacity to last beyond the Near Future Developments and well into the Distant Future Developments. Three water capital development fees are proposed depending on the decision the City decides to take. Option 1 provides the rates if a treatment plant is built around Well 11 with the cost spread over the Near Future Development population projection.Option 2 provides the rates if a treatment plant is built around Wells 12 and 13 with the costs spread over the Near Future Development population projection. Option 3 provides the rates if a treatment plant is built around Wells 12 and 13 with the costs spread over the Near and Distant Future Development population projections. Commercial and Industrial Water Capital Development Fee Structure Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Capital Capital Capital Capacity Development Fee Development Fee Development Fee Meter Size Ratio Well 11 Wells 12/13 Wells 12/13 5/8"x 3/4" 1.00 2,590 3,410 980 1"2.80 7,252 9,548 2,744 1-1/2" 4.80 12,432 16,368 4,704 2"8.00 20,720 27,280 7,840 3" 18 46,620 61,380 17,640 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER''='WOODMAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 8 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Capital Capital Capital Capacity Development Fee Development Fee Development Fee Meter Size Ratio Well 11 Wells 12/13 Wells 12/13 4" 50 129,500 170,500 49,000 6" 50 129,500 170,500 49,000 8"180 466,200 613,800 176,400 Residential Water Capital Development Fee Structure Total Person Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 per Capital Capital Capital Dwelling Development Fee Development Fee Development Fee Type of Unit Unit Well 11 Wells 12/13 Wells 12/13 Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2.017 5,225 6,878 1,977 3 Bedroom 2.899 7,509 9,886 2,841 4 Bedroom 3.764 9,749 12,836 3,689 5 Bedroom 3.770 9,765 12,856 3,695 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1.193 3,090 4,069 1,169 2 Bedroom 1.990 5,155 6,786 1,950 3 Bedroom 2.392 6,196 8,157 2,344 4 Bedroom 3.145 8,146 10,725 3,082 Apartments Efficiency 1.294 3,352 4,413 1,268 1 Bedroom 1.758 4,554 5,995 1,723 2 Bedroom 1.914 4,958 6,527 1,876 3 Bedroom 3.053 7,908 10,411 2,992 A review of the existing sanitary sewer system shows that the Near Future Developments will require upgrading portions of the existing trunk sewers and lift stations to be able to convey the additional projected wastewater. The sanitary sewer system contribution to the sewer capital development fee is the cost to increase the size of the trunk sewer and force main piping,and lift station capacity upgrades. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER\WOODMAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 9 A review of the existing wastewater treatment plant capacity shows that the Near Future Developments will not require additional capital improvements to treat the projected hydraulic load to plant.The Near Future flow contribution is projected to put the treatment plant at approximately 91% of its total rated hydraulic capacity. The Distant Future flow contribution, assuming all Near Future Developments are added first, will put the treatment plant at 17% over its total rated hydraulic capacity. The City's South Consolidated Wastewater Treatment Plant was permitted for 4.0 MGD Design Average which is a net loss of 0.5 MGD from the pre-consolidation status. Approaching a re-rate to 4.5 MGD at a future date would provide additional capacity to service the Distant Future Developments.The wastewater contribution to the sewer capital development fee is the cost for the re-rate process,which would include the development of a Facility Plan Report. The sewer capital development fee accounts for sanitary sewer and wastewater treatment capital improvements. Option 1 provides the Capital Development Fee under the required improvements for the Near Future Developments with no upgrades to the Freund Lift Station,which would divert flow to the Millstream Lift Station.Option 2 provides the Capital Development fee with the upgrades to the Freund Lift Station made within the near future which would alleviate capacity issues downstream of the Freund Lift Station. Commercial and Industrial Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure Option 1 Option 2 Sewer Capital Sewer Capital Meter Size Capacity Ratio Development Fee Development Fee 5/8"x 3/4" 1.00 1,923 1,437 1" 2.80 5,384 4,024 1-1/2" 4.80 9,230 6,898 2" 8.00 15,384 11,496 3" 18 34,614 25,866 4" 50 96,150 71,850 6" 50 96,150 71,850 8" 180 346,140 258,660 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTE OODNAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Page 10 Residential Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure Option 1 Option 2 Total Person per Capital Capital Type of Unit Dwelling Unit Development Fee Development Fee Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2.017 3,879 2,898 3 Bedroom 2.899 5,575 4,166 4 Bedroom 3.764 7,238 5,409 5 Bedroom 3.770 7,250 5,417 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1.193 2,294 1,714 2 Bedroom 1.990 3,827 2,860 3 Bedroom 2.392 4,600 3,437 4 Bedroom 3.145 6,048 4,519 Apartments Efficiency 1.294 2,488 1,859 1 Bedroom 1.758 3,381 2,526 2 Bedroom 1.914 3,681 2,750 3 Bedroom 3.053 5,871 4,387 A survey of neighboring and similar communities' development fees was conducted as part of this study.The survey required minor assumptions to compare development(connection)fee structures that do not match McHenry's existing fee structure. The results for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Development Fees are shown in Appendix C and D. Overall,the existing McHenry Capital Development Fees are approximately average,if not lower than its surrounding municipalities. Even with the proposed options that increase the rates,no proposed fee option for water or sewer puts the City of McHenry high above its neighbors for residential or industrial connections.The only notable exception to this is where no comparison exists against the neighboring communities due to differences in fee structure or higher capacity ratios for the larger non-residential meter sizes which drive the rates up higher than others. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study• 190382.30 BAXTER :WOODMAN 1, INTRODUCTION Page 11 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Study Purpose and Scope The City of McHenry, located in the eastern portion of McHenry County, Illinois, is currently home to approximately 27,000 people as of the 2017 Census and has seen no major growth since 2008. Although the City is not expecting significant future growth, there are a number of developments expected to occur within the next twenty years that could drive the need for additional water and wastewater infrastructure capacity.Baxter&Woodman,Inc.prepared the last Capital Development Fee for Water and Sewer in 2004,and the City has not made modifications to those rates since.The purpose of this report is to analyze and propose new capital development fees that would accurately reflect the upcoming developments and their planned impacts to the existing infrastructure capacity. The purposes of this Water and Wastewater Capital Development Fee Study are: 1. Review the size and capacity of the existing water supply, treatment, storage facilities, wastewater treatment capacity,lift stations,and distribution/collection mains; 2. Determine the adequacy of the water and wastewater facilities; 3. Project the population growth of planned and proposed developments and determine their impacts on the existing system's capacity. 4. Estimate the cost of any infrastructure improvements to the system to handle the additional capacity required. 5. Propose the amount of capital development fees to be collected for water and sewer using the City's current fee structure. 1.2 Existing System The City owns and operates a full water treatment and distribution system,a wastewater treatment plant,sanitary lift stations and a sewer collection system. The City of McHenry is largely comprised of residential water and wastewater users and some commercial and industrial users.Notable large system capacity user is the Northwestern Medicine McHenry Hospital located in the south end of the City. The water treatment system includes four primary water treatment facilities, 129 miles of water main,and two emergency backup wells with no treatment Each primary water plant is supplied by two shallow wells of varying capacities. The system also includes four elevated storage tanks that provide additional storage,pressure,and fire flow. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER ,WOODMAN 1. INTRODUCTION Page 12 The City's wastewater treatment facilities were consolidated in early 2018 which included decommissioning the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and converting it into a Regional Booster Pumping Station. The Regional Booster Pumping Station collects the wastewater flow that was formerly treated by the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and sends it to the South Consolidated Wastewater Treatment Plant. Sewage is collected through approximately 12 miles of gravity sewer and force mains and 19 lift stations, which convey sewage to either the Regional Booster Pumping Station or directly to the South Consolidated Wastewater Treatment Plant. 1.3 Planned Land Use The City of McHenry has identified potential developments into two major groups, which are categorized by whether the development is planned to occur within 20 years (Near Future Development) or after 20 years (Distant Future Development).This study primarily focuses on the developments planned to occur within the next 20 years to estimate the reasonable amount of growth without oversizing any infrastructure system. Each development that was identified was provided in acreages and, if applicable, a percentage breakdown of land use between residential and commercial. There are currently no planned industrial developments that the City is aware of that would contribute significant wastewater loads or add substantial demands to the water system. Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the planned near future and distant future developments respectively and their population equivalent (PE) contributions for planning purposes. Appendix A provides a detailed breakdown of the PE calculation for each planned development and Exhibit A is a map showing the proposed development locations. TABLE 1 Near Future (<20 years) Development Projected Population Equivalents Total Development Type Acres Total PE Legend Lakes(1) Single Family 165 375 Legend Lakes Part 2 Single Family 80 756 Preserves of Boone Creek Single Family 115 1,068 Oaks at Irish Prairie Single Family 75 700 Bull Valley&Curran Commercial 20 100 West of Chapel Hill Road (south of 120) Single Family&Commercial 75 642 East of Chapel Hill Road (south of 120) Single Family&Commercial 110 942 TOTAL 640 4,582 1) Planned Development will only connect to McHenry's sanitary sewer. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER`,W00DMAN 1. INTRODUCTION Page 13 TABLE 2 Distant Future (>20 years) Development Projected Population Equivalents Total Development Type Acres Total PE South of Bull Valley&Curran Single Family 230 1,701 East of Crystal Lake Road Single Family 545 4,583 North McCullom Lake Road Single Family 335 3,166 120&Martin Road Single Family 95 898 Chapel Hill Road (north of 120) Single Family&Commercial 100 193 TOTAL 1,305 10,540 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER`',;WOODMAN 2, WATER SYSTEM Page 14 2. WATER SYSTEM 2.1 Existing Conditions The City of McHenry operates its water distribution system as a single pressure zone that is comprised of four water treatment plants,four elevated storage tanks,and approximately 129 miles of water main.The City of McHenry is divided by the Fox River,with only a single main crossing the river located just north of Pearl Street and North River Road.A majority of the infrastructure exists on the west side of the river,with only Elevated Tank 3 and a backup well (Well 11) active on the east side. The 2017 population for the City of McHenry was 27,022,however the entire City is not served with City water. The following subdivisions are served by private wells:Burning Tree,Deerwood Estates, Glacier Ridge,Martin Woods,McHenry Shores,Woodcreek and Wooded Ridge. The total population served by City water is 23,335. A summary of the existing water demand is provided in Table 3. TABLE 3 Existing Water Demands 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Average Daily Demand(mgd) 2.30 2.16 2.14 2.15 2.06 Average Usage per PE 100 94 93 92 88 2.2 Near Future Development Conditions The increase in water demand was projected for the Near Future Developments with the Population Projections from Section 1. The total population projection is 4,582 P.E for Near Future Developments, but is reduced to 4,207 PE since the Legend Lakes development will only be connecting to the sanitary sewer system.The future water demand is estimated by assuming a water usage factor of 90 gpd per P.E.which is the average usage based on 2017 and 2018 data. Table 4 below shows the additional average day and max day demand for the Near Future Development. A peaking factor of 1.8 is used to estimate the max day demand, which is based on City data. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 15 TABLE 4 Near Future Development Additional Water Demand Additional Average Day Demand (gpd) 378,639 Peaking Factor 1.8 Additional Max Day Demand (gpd) 681,550 Existing Average Day Demand (gpd) 2,088,000 Total Average Day Demand(gpd) 2,466,639 Existing Max Day Demand (gpd) 3,402,700 Total Max Day Demand(gpd) 4,084,250 2.3 Water Distribution System A detailed analysis of the existing water distribution system was not completed without a working water model. A review of the water main sizing and layout in the vicinity of the proposed developments was done to determine if any new water main are required to provide adequate water main looping. The following water distribution system improvements are needed: The new Legend Lakes and Preserves at Boone Creek developments will require 2,500 feet of 12-inch water main on Bull Valley Road from Curran Road to the existing 12-inch stub near Brookwood Trail. The new developments at West and East of Chapel Hill Road and south of Route 120 will require approximately 1,000 feet of 12-inch water main along Route 120 from Adams Drive to the edge of the development property. This will be an unlooped water main until development east of Chapel Hill Road and north of Route 120 is developed which is part of the Distant Future Development projection. These water distribution improvements are shown on Exhibit B. 2.4 Elevated Storage The City has four elevated storage tanks that provide a total capacity of 2.75 MGal. A summary of the elevated storage tanks is provided in Table 5 below. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER: M00DMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 16 TABLE 5 Existing Elevated Storage Tanks Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Location Sioux Lane Albany Street Barney Court& Crystal Lake Road Richard Court Year Constructed 1961 1985 2000 2006 Volume (MGals) 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 HWL (ft) 153 160 160 LWL(ft) 123 63.3 129.3 68.8 Ground Elevation (ft) 787 829 820 Elevated tanks provide water to meet the maximum hourly demands,water for fire protection,and a reserve capacity. Maximum Hourly Demand-Storage facilities must provide the difference between the firm capacity of the wells and the maximum hourly rate or usage. Fire Flow Demand-Volume for fire flow is based on 3,500 gpm for a duration of 3 hours. Reserve Capacity-An additional amount of storage is required to provide reserve supply of water to meet the demands during emergencies and provide capacity in the event of a fire occurring when a tank is partially fully. A reserve capacity of 20%was used. This criteria was used along with the existing water usage and proposed water usage for the Near Future Developments,shown in Table 6,to evaluate the storage needs for the City. TABLE 6 Elevated Storage Tank Evaluation Existing Future Maximum Hourly Demand (MGal)0.90 1.21 Fire Flow(MGal) 0.63 0.63 Reserve Capacity(MGal) 0.31 0.37 Total Required Storage(MGal) 1.84 2.12 Existing Storage(MGal) 2.75 2.75 Adequate Storage Yes Yes The City has adequate elevated storage to accommodate the proposed Near Future Developments. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER'`;W00DMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM` Page 17 2.5 Wells and Water Treatment Plants Each of the four water treatment plants are fed by two shallow wells,and there are two emergency backup wells currently available in the system.A third backup well,Well 13,has been drilled near the current location of Well 12 but a deep well pump has not been installed therefore it currently is not active. Well 13 was previously tested and it is anticipated that the well can produce between 1,000-1,200 gpm. The four elevated storage tanks control the water treatment plants. Generally, control is based off of tower levels within the elevated tanks that are assigned to the water treatment plant.When the level in the tank falls to a lower setpoint,the water treatment plant will be called to run and produce water into the system.The plant will continue to run until the tank reaches its higher setpoint.Table 7 summarizes the capacities of the water treatment plants and backup wells. TABLE 7 Existing Wells and Water Treatment Plants Pumping Capacity(gpm) WTP 1 Well 2 400 Well 3 275 Total 675 WTP 2 Well 5 490 Well 6 450 Total 940 WTP 3 Well 7 242 Well 8 203 Total 445 WTP 4 Well 9 725 Well 10 375 Total 1,100 Emergency Back-up Wells No Treatment) Well 11 500 Well 12 500 Total 1,000 Monthly pumping data from each treatment plant was analyzed over a five year period between 2014 and 2018 to determine the average flow from each plant. Collectively, the water produced from each plant provided 2,088,000 gallons per day(2.1 MGD)over the five year period to the entire system. Each treatment plant generally saw a reduction in usage over the five year period between City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER, WOODMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 18 50 to 100 gallons per day with the exception of Water Treatment Plant 3 which saw a gain of approximately 20 gallons per day compared to its five year average. The maximum daily flow for each treatment plant was found from daily pumping records from January 2018 through March 2019. The max day demand observed was 3,402,700 gallons, with Water Treatment Plant 2 running for over 19 hours.Typically,wells are not recommended to run beyond 18 hours a day to allow for adequate recharge. Table 8 summarizes the average and max pumpage and runtimes for each treatment plant. TABLE 8 City of McHenry WTP's Operating Runtimes WTP 1 WTP 2 WTP 3 WTP 4 Well 11* Well 12* Max Well Pump Capacity 675 940 700 1,100 500 500 gpm) Average Daily Pumpage 348,000 611,000 409,000 720,000 0 0gpd) Average Runtime 8.6 10.8 9.7 10.9 0 0hrs./day) Max Daily Pumpage 635,000 1,107,000 626,000 1,034,700 0 0gpd) Max Daily Runtime 15.7 19.6 14.9 15.7 0 0hrs./day) Peaking Factor 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.4 Wells 11 and 12 are emergency backup wells and are not used on a regular basis. 2.5.1 Near Future Development Demands The total additional average and max day demands were split equally between the four existing water treatment plants to see whether the existing infrastructure could handle the load for the proposed Near Future Developments. Table 9 below shows the required run times for each treatment plant to meet the total average and max day demands with the Near Future Developments fully built out. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 19 TABLE 9 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development WTP 1 WTP 2 WTP 3 WTP 4 Well 11* Well 12* Max Well Pump Capacity 675 940 700 1,100 500 500 gpm) Average Daily Pumpage 442,660 705,660 503,660 814,660 0 0gpd) Average Runtime 10.9 12.5 12.0 12.3 0 0hrs./day) Max Daily Pumpage 805,388 1,277,388 796,388 1,205,088 0 0gpd) Max Daily Runtime 19.9 22.7 19.0 18.3 0 0hrs./day) Wells 11 and 12 are emergency backup wells and are not used on a regular basis. Although the existing infrastructure can handle the additional average day demands,the projected max day demands push the treatment plants beyond the recommended 18 hours of run time per day.Therefore,an additional water treatment plant is required to cover the additional demand.The City of McHenry has previously investigated two potential options for the buildout of Water Treatment Plant 5. The first option was to construct Water Treatment Plant 5 around the existing Well 11,which would allow the City to have a treated source of water on the east side of the Fox River with Elevated Tank 3. Plans and preliminary designs were created in 2002 by Baxter&Woodman,Inc. The second option was to construct Water Treatment Plant 5 around existing Wells 12 and 13,which would provide the City with more capacity through the combined flows of a shallow and deep well. Plans and preliminary designs were created in 2007 by Donahue&Associates,Inc. Near Future Developments: Option 1 The addition of Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 11 on the east side of the Fox River would add about 500 gpm into the system.In order to meet the projected average and max day demands, run times between the five treatment plants were balanced to verify that none of the wells would run over 18 hours a day. Table 10 below summarizes the required run times from each treatment plant to meet demand. It should be noted however, that these values may differ from reality based on which elevated tanks control each treatment plant. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BARTER ',WOODMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 20 TABLE 10 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development: Option 1 WTP 1 WTP 2 WTP 3 WTP 4 Well 11 Well 12* Max Well Pump Capacity 675 940 700 1,100 500 500 gpm) Average Daily Pumpage 425,250 592,200 441,000 693,000 315,000 0gpd) Average Runtime 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 0hrs./day) Max Daily Pumpage 708,750 987,000 735,000 1,155,000 510,000 0gpd) Max Daily Runtime 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.0 0hrs./day) Well 12 is an emergency backup well. Although the combined flows from all five treatment plants would be enough to meet the max day demand without exceeding 18 hours run time, it is likely that due to uneven consumption of water through the system, some treatment plants may run longer than others. In the event a treatment plant is unavailable,this may cause a scenario in which the system can't keep up with demand. Near Future Developments: Option 2 The addition of Water Treatment Plant 5 at Wells 12 and 13 would add about 1,700 gpm into the system. In order to meet the projected average and max day demands, run times between the five treatment plants were balanced to verify that none of the wells will run over 18 hours a day.Table 11 summarizes the required run times from each treatment plant to meet demand. It should be noted however,that these values may differ from reality based on which elevated tanks control each treatment plant. TABLE 11 WTP's Operating Runtimes with Near Future Development: Option 2 WTP 1 WTP 2 WTP 3 WTP 4 Well 11* Wells 12/13 Max Well Pump Capacity 675 940 700 1,100 500 1,700 gpm) Average Daily Pumpage 344,250 451,200 336,000 528,000 0 816,000gpd) Average Runtime 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 0 8.0hrs./day) Max Daily Pumpage 546,750 761,400 567,000 891,000 0 1,326,000gpd) Max Daily Runtime 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 0 13.0hrs./day) Well 11 is an emergency backup well. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BARTER` WOODMAN 2. WATER SYSTEM Page 21 This option would require a deep well pump to be purchased and installed at existing Well 13 in addition to the construction of the water treatment plant at Well 12. The larger capacity of a deep well helps to cut down on the overall run times of several of the smaller wells, reducing the stress on the ground water table. The average run times of 13.5 hours a day during peak demand allows for adequate time for the wells to adequately recharge. 2.5.2 Distant Future Development Demands The increase in water demand was projected for the Distant Future Developments with the Population Projections from Section 1. The population projection for the Distant Future Developments is an additional 10,540 PE. Table 12 shows the additional average day and max day demand.A peaking factor of 1.8 is used to estimate the max day demand. TABLE 12 Distant Future Development Additional Water Demand Additional Average Day Demand (gpd) 948,623 Peaking Factor 1.8 Additional Max Day Demand (gpd) 1,707,521 Existing Average Day Demand (gpd) 2,088,000 Near Future Average Day Demand (gpd) 378,639 Total Average Day Demand (gpd) 3,415,262 Existing Max Day Demand (gpd) 3,402,700 Near Future Max Day Demand (gpd)681,550 Total Max Day Demand(gpd) 5,791,771 If Water Treatment Plant 5 is constructed around Well 11 in order to meet the Near Future Development growth (Option 1), then a new water treatment plant will be required before the Distant Future Developments begin in order to meet the max day demands. If Water Treatment Plant 5 is constructed around Wells 12/13 in order to meet the Near Future Development growth (Option 2), the water treatment plants are projected to max out the system capacity during max day demands when the Distant Future Development growth is nearing completion. This would mean running all five treatment plants at 19 hours a day to meet the projected max day demands which is above the recommended 18 hours a day. A new water treatment plant will be required towards the tail end of development to supplement this future growth. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTERWOODMAN 2.`WATOli SYSTEM 1^ 4F:'*iie22 Due to the extra capacity provided by a water treatment plant installed at Well 12/13, a separate fee was established where the cost of constructing the water treatment plant is divided across the cumulative PE that the treatment plant can serve,which would be both the Near and Distant Future Developments. 2.6 Recommendations Based on the water distribution analysis,upgrades are needed to provide water to the Near Future Developments. The required improvements are shown on Exhibit B. Table 13 outlines the costs: TABLE 13 Water Distribution Improvement Cost Summary Option 1 Option 2/3 WTP5@ WTP5@ Cost Water Main Well 11 Well 12/13 Construction 962,500 $ 2,043,000 3,717,000 Contingency(15%) 145,000 $ 307,000 483,000 Design&Construction Engineering(15%) $195,000() $ 307,000 483,000 TOTAL $1,302,500 $2,657,000 4,683,000 1) Design includes a flat$50,000 for a hydraulic model analysis. Constructing Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 11 would provide an immediate benefit to the water system's redundancy on the east side of the river, and would largely be able to meet the projected demands of the Near Future Developments. However, a sixth treatment plant would likely be required soon after the full build out of the Near Future Developments. Constructing Water Treatment Plant at Wells 12 and 13 would provide a larger increase in the overall system capacity.The addition of a high capacity deep well would allow the City to handle the full growth of the Near Future Developments,and likely well into the Distant Future Developments before a sixth water treatment plant is required. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER 4WOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 23 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM 3.1 Existing Conditions 3.1.1 Introduction The City's existing sanitary sewer system and lift stations were analyzed to determine available reserve capacity for the future developments outlined in Table 1 in Section 1.3. This evaluation only includes the sewers and lift stations for which the future development is tributary to. Exhibit C shows the study area and trunk sewer routes. 3.1.2 Existing Trunk Sewer Analysis The capacity of the existing sanitary sewers were evaluated to determine if there is available reserve capacity for the future developments or if an upgrade is needed. To determine the reserve capacity, the annual peak flow was calculated based on the contributing population equivalents (PE)to each sewer segment. Contributing PE was determined by summing the residential and commercial PE to each sewer segment. The City's GIS sanitary sewer data included pipe size,length and inverts of the sewers which was also was used to determine the sanitary sewer capacity. The reserve capacity was determined by subtracting the peak flow from the pipe capacity. To account for infiltration and inflow,the design capacity of a sewer between 8"and 10"was calculated flowing half full and for sewers 12"and larger was calculated flowing 2/3 full. The three trunk sewer routes that were evaluated are: 1. Bull Valley Road Trunk Sewer - Starts in the Legend Lakes Subdivision located in the southwest portion of the City. The sewer discharges to the West Dartmoor and Fieldstone lift stations which then discharges to the sewer on Bull Valley Road east of Brookwood Trail. The remainder of the trunk sewer discharges by gravity to the WWTP. 2. Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer- Starts in the Oaks at Irish Prairie Subdivision located in the southeast portion of the City. The sewer discharges to the Oaks at Irish Prairie (Doolin) Lift Station which discharges north to the sewer on Barreville Road. The sewer runs through the McHenry Shores Subdivision to the South Riverside Lift Station then to the WWTP. 3. Route 120 Trunk Sewer- Starts at the intersection of Chapel Hill Road and Route 120 and runs west along Route 120 to old Central WWTP which is now a regional pump station. Along this route there are three lift stations: Route 120,River Road and Boone Lagoon. These trunk sewer routes and tributary areas are shown on Exhibit C. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTERIMOODMAN k 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 24 3.1.3 Lift Station Analysis The City has 19 lift stations connected to their sanitary sewer distribution system to help convey wastewater to the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant. The lift station information is summarized in Table 14. TABLE 14 Existing Lift Stations Pump Number of Capacity Lift Station Location Pumps gpm) Type of Pump Boone Lagoon 1201 S Riverside Rd 2 1531 Constant Speed River Road 1115 River Rd 2 800 Constant Speed Route 120 2515 W Route 120 2 800 Constant Speed North Riverside 1401 N Riverside Rd 2 931 Constant Speed Hemlock 1934 Hemlock Ave 2 400 Constant Speed Diamond 3621 Diamond Dr 2 400 Constant Speed Donavan 1809 Donavan St 2 1531 Constant Speed Millstream 3710 Millstream Rd 2 400 Constant Speed Freud 3611 Freund Ave 2 400 Constant Speed Willow 4506 W Willow Ln 2 850 Constant Speed East Dartmoor 5400 Dartmoor Dr 2 400 Constant Speed Fieldstone 5809 Fieldstone Tr 3 700 Variable Speed Cartwright 501 Cartwright Tr 2 400 Constant Speed Carrick 1105 Carrick Ln 2 400 Constant Speed West Dartmoor 6400 Dartmoor Dr 2 800 Constant Speed Anne St/Grove 3805 Grove Ave 2 400 Constant Speed Doolin 1914 Doolin Rd 2 1531 Constant Speed Broadway 1016 Broadway Rd 2 400 Constant Speed South Riverside 701 S Riverside Rd 2 500 Constant Speed For the purposes of this evaluation, only the lift stations along the trunk sewer routes were evaluated to determine the reserve capacity for the future developments. These lift stations include: Bull Valley Trunk Sewer-West Dartmoor and Fieldstone Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer-Doolin and South Riverside Route 120 Trunk Sewer-Route 120,River Road and Boone Lagoon The City provided pump run times for July 2018 to June 2019 for each lift station. The pump station capacity evaluation was based on a pump run time of 18 hours which is good planning practices so that the pump is not running 24 hours a day. The existing peak flow was calculated by multiplying the average daily flow by the IEPA peaking factor. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER;%`kWOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 25 3.2 Future Demands 3.2.1 Bull Valley Trunk Sewer Legend Lakes Development The future Legend Lakes development will be located north of Draper Road. This development is 165 acres with a density of approximately 0.6 single family households per acre which equates to 375 PE. Utilizing the IEPA peaking factor,the future peak flow from this development is 0.15 mgd. An 8" sewer stub is provided for this development on the north side of Draper Road east of Farmstead Drive(MH#6N016SN). This sewer stub connects to the sewer on Middleton Lane which ultimately discharges to the West Dartmoor Lift Station. The existing sewer between the stub at Draper Road and the West Dartmoor Lift Station has adequate capacity for the future Legend Lakes development except for the 10" sewer on Dartmoor Drive starting at Cork Lane. This is a connection point for the sewer system where the sewers north and south of Dartmoor Drive connect. The first sewer segment is a 10" pipe and does not have adequate capacity to handle the future development flow. Table 15 summarizes the capacity deficiency in this sewer. TABLE 15 Dartmoor Drive Sewer Capacity Evaluation Existing Future Sewer Down- Pipe Design Peak Peak Capacity Req'd Upstream stream Size Capacity Flow Flow Deficiency Pipe MH MH in) (mgd)mgd)mgd) mgd) Size 60013SN ( 60017SN 10 0.53 0.60 0.15 0.23 12 West Dartmoor Lift Station The future Legend Lakes development will be tributary to the West Dartmoor Lift Station. This lift station is located on Dartmoor Drive east of Cork Lane and west of Legend Lane in the Legend Lakes Subdivision. This lift station has adequate capacity handle the future wastewater flow which is outlined in Table 16 below: City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 SAXTEle WOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 26 TABLE 16 West Dartmoor Lift Station Evaluation Flow Lift Station Parameter mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 0.86 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.10 Existing Peak Flow 0.38 Reserve Capacity 0.48 Future Peak Flow 0.15 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.33 This lift station discharges to a 10" force main that connects to a 12"gravity sewer on Curran Road near Eaglewood Trail. The peak velocity of the sewage in the force main should not exceed 10 fps based on good engineering design practices. The future peak velocity will be 1.5 fps,therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future Legend Lakes development. Preserves of Boone Creek Development The future Preserves of Boone Creek development will be located north of Bull Valley Road,west of Curran Road and south of the existing Legend Lakes Subdivision. This development is 115 acres and will be a mix of single family,multi-family and commercial. The projected PE is 1,068 which equates to a peak flow of 0.40 mgd. Two options were evaluated for connecting to the existing sanitary sewer system: (1) connect to 8" sewer stub is provided on Wicklow Drive in the Legend Lakes Subdivision and (2) connect to 12" gravity sewer on Curran Road at discharge from West Dartmoor lift station force main. 1) Connect to 8"sewer stub on Wicklow Drive:A sewer stub has been provided on Wicklow Drive which connects to the West Dartmoor lift station. This sewer is an 8" sewer until Tralee Trail where it increases to a 10"sewer to the lift station. All of the sanitary sewer segments along this route do not have adequate capacity for the future Preserves of Boone Creek development,therefore this option was no longer evaluated. 2) Connect to 12" sewer on Curran Road: The West Dartmoor Lift Station force main discharges to this 12" sewer on Curran Road which then goes through the Boone Creek Subdivision on Eaglewood Trail then to the Fieldstone Lift Station. This sewer is a 12" until Fieldstone Trail where it increases to a 15"sewer to the lift station. For this option, the future Legend Lakes,Preserves of Boone Creek and Legend Lakes Part 2 (see Section below) developments are tributary to this sewer. The total future peak flow is 0.78 mgd. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTEIt 4 OODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM page 27 Legend Lakes Part 2 Development The future Legend Lakes Part 2 development will be located east of Curran Road and north of Bull Valley Road. This development is mix of single and multi-family homes with a projected PE of 756. The future peak flow from this development is 0.29 mgd. This development will connect to the 12" sewer on Curran Road where the West Dartmoor Lift Station discharges which will also include flow for the future Legend Lakes and Preserves of Boone Creek developments. The total future peak flow from these developments will be 0.78 mgd. There are two sewer segments on Eaglewood Trail that do not have adequate capacity for these future developments. Also there is one sewer segment of the 15"sewer on Fieldstone Trail does not have adequate capacity. These sewers do not have capacity due to the shallow slope of the pipe compared to the other pipes of the same size. Table 17 summarizes the capacity deficiencies in this sewer. The remaining sewers along this route to the Fieldstone Lift Station have adequate capacity. TABLE 17 Eaglewood.Newport&Fieldstone Sewer Capacity Evaluation Existing Future Sewer Req'd Down- Pipe Design Peak Peak Capacity Pipe Upstream stream Size Capacity Flow Flow Deficiency Size MH MH Street (in) (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) (mgd)in) 7P007SN 7P006SN Eaglewood 12 0.55 0.43 0.78 0.66 15 7P029SN 7P031SN Eaglewood 12 0.60 0.49 0.78 0.67 15 7P023SN 7P024SN Fieldstone 15 1.27 0.88 0.78 0.38 18 Fieldstone Lift Station The Fieldstone Lift Station is located on Fieldstone Trail in the Boone Creek Subdivision. It is a triplex, submersible station with 700 gpm variable speed pumps. This station was recently upgraded by the City and has adequate capacity for future developments, therefore further evaluation of this lift station was not done. Bull Valley Trunk Sewer The Fieldstone Lift Station discharges to a 15"gravity sewer on Bull Valley Road east of Brookwood Trail. The remainder of this sanitary trunk sewer to the WWTP is all gravity sewer. The pipe size increases to a 24" sewer at Bull Valley Road and Cunat Drive then finally to a 30" sewer when it starts heading north of Bull Valley Road (east of Ridgeview Drive). A large majority of the trunk sewer has adequate capacity. There are two sewer segments on Bull Valley Road that do not have adequate capacity due to the shallow slope of the sewer. Table 18 below summarizes the deficiencies. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 28 TABLE 18 Bull Valley Road Sewer Capacity Evaluation Existing Future Sewer Req'd Down- Pipe Design Peak Peak Capacity Pipe Upstream stream Size Capacity Flow Flow Deficiency Size MH MH in) (mgd)mgd) (mgd) mgd) in) 8P006SN 8P009SN 15 1.49 1.07 0.78 0.36 18 9S006SN 9S005SN 24 0.92 1.07 0.78 0.93 36 3.2.2 Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer Oaks at Irish Prairie Development The future Oaks at Irish Prairie development will be located north of Veterans Parkway and east of Barreville Road. This development is 75 acres with a density of 2.7 single family households per acre which equates to 700 PE. The future peak flow from this development is 0.27 mgd. Two sewer stubs have been provided on Veterans Parkway for this development. One is located at Doolin Avenue and the other at Charmar Lane. For the basis of our evaluation, the flow from the future development was split equally to these two connection points. Both sewer routes ultimately connect to the Doolin Lift Station. All of these sanitary sewers have adequate capacity for the future Oaks at Irish Prairie development. Doolin Lift Station The future Oaks at Irish Prairie development will be tributary to the Doolin Lift Station that is located on Doolin Road in the Oaks at Irish Prairie Subdivision. This lift station has adequate capacity handle the future wastewater flow which is outlined in Table 19: TABLE 19 Doolin Lift Station Evaluation Lift Station Parameter II Flow(mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 1.65 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.16 Existing Peak Flow 0.59 Reserve Capacity 1.06 Future Peak Flowl 0.56 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.53 1 An additional 0.29 mgd has been added to the future peak flow for the undeveloped residential lots in the current Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision and undeveloped commercial lots. This lift station discharges to a 8"force main that connects to a 12"gravity sewer on Barreville Road near Forest Road. The future peak velocity in the force main will be 5.9 fps which is below the 10 fps threshold therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future development. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTEkoWOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 29 Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer(McHenry Shores Subdivision) The Doolin Lift Station discharges to a 12"gravity sewer on Barreville Road near Forest Road which conveys the wastewater through the McHenry Shores Subdivision to the South Riverside Lift Station. The sewer increases to a 15"at Barreville Road and Beach Drive then to an 18"sewer at Beach Drive and South Broadway Street. There are two sewer segments along the existing 12" sewer on Barreville Road that do not have adequate capacity for the future development. Also there is a segment of 18" on Pearl Avenue that does not have adequate capacity due to a shallow slope. Table 20 summarizes the deficiency. TABLE 20 Barreville Road&Pearl Avenue Sewer Capacity Evaluation Existing Future Sewer Req'd Down- Pipe Design Peak Peak Capacity Pipe Upstream stream Size Capacity Flowl Flow Deficiency Size MH MH Street (in) (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) (mgd) (in) 11U019SN 11U018SN Barreville 12 0.60 0.79 0.27 0.47 15 11U018SN 11U017SN Barreville 12 0.41 0.73 0.27 0.65 15 12T001SN 12S028SN Pearl 18 090 1.36 0.27 0.73 21 lAn additional 0.29 mgd is included in the existing peak flow in this table for the undeveloped residential lots in the current Oaks at Irish Prairie subdivision and undeveloped commercial lots. South Riverside Lift Station The future Oaks at Irish Prairie development will also be tributary to the South Riverside Lift Station that is located at the north end of South Riverside Drive in the McHenry Shores Subdivision. The South Riverside Lift Station does not have adequate capacity to handle the future flow from the Oaks at Irish Prairie development which is outlined in Table 21. TABLE 21 South Riverside Lift Station Evaluation Flow Lift Station Parameter mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 0.54 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.12 Existing Peak Flow 0.46 Reserve Capacity 0.08 Future Peak Flow 0.56 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.48 Required Pump Upgrade 2 pumps @ 1,000 gpm each City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER ',.WOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 30 This lift station discharges to a 10"force main that connects to the McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant. The future peak velocity in the force main will be 2.0 fps which is below the 10 fps threshold therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future development. 3.2.3 Route 120 Trunk Sewer Future Developments at Route 120&Chapel Hill Road Future developments at the southeast and southwest corners of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road will be a mix of single family homes and commercial development. These developments will add 1,584 PE which equates to a future peak flow of 0.58 mgd. These developments will discharge to the existing 12"sanitary sewer on Route 120 which discharges to the Route 120 Lift Station. The existing flow tributary to the Route 120 trunk sewer is from non-residential businesses. The existing peak flow at the Route 120 Lift Station is 0.10 mgd. This flow was used as the existing peak flow in the trunk sewer. The existing 12" sewer on Route 120 has adequate capacity to convey the flow from the future developments and the existing flow at the Route 120 Lift Station. Route 120 Lift Station The future developments at the intersection of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road will be tributary to the Route 120 Lift Station which is located on Route 120 between Adams Drive and Hillside Lane. This lift station has adequate capacity for the future developments which is outlined in Table 22. TABLE 22 Route 120 Lift Station Evaluation Flow Lift Station Parameter mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 1.01 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.02 Existing Peak Flow 0.10 Reserve Capacity 0.91 Future Peak Flow 0.58 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.33 This lift station discharges to a 6"force main that connects to a 12"gravity sewer on Route 120.The future peak velocity in the force main will be 5.3 fps which is below the 10 fps threshold therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future developments. City of McHenry,Illinois fl 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER'AVOODMAN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM r Page 31 Route 120 Trunk Sewer between Route 120&River Road Lift Stations The 12" sanitary sewer continues west along Route 120 until Northside Avenue where is starts to meander along side streets south of Route 120 to the River Road Lift Station. There are two trunk sewers that discharge to the River Road Lift Station. It was estimated that about 25%of the flow is coming from the Route 120 trunk sewer. There are three sewer segments that do not have adequate capacity to handle the future peak flow due to a shallow slope, therefore these sewer segments will require to be upgraded. These sewer segments are located in a parking lot south of Route 120 and east of Charles Street. Table 23 summarizes the deficiencies. TABLE 23 Route 120 Sewer Capacity Evaluation to River Road Lift Station Existing Future Sewer Req'd Down- Pipe Design Peak Peak Capacity Pipe Upstream stream Size Capacity Flow Flow Deficiency Size MH MH in) (mgd)mgd) (mgd) mgd) in) 13L018SN 13L016SN 12 0.43 0.23 0.86 0.11 15 13L016SN 13L017SN 12 0.38 0.23 0.86 0.20 15 13L017SN 13L015SN 12 0.38 0.23 0.86 0.20 15 River Road Lift Station The future developments at the intersection of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road will be tributary to the River Road Lift Station which is located on River Road south of Route 120. This lift station does not have adequate capacity to handle the future flow from the future developments at Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road which is outlined in Table 24. TABLE 24 River Road Lift Station Evaluation Flow Lift Station Parameter mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 0.86 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.14 Existing Peak Flow 0.52 Reserve Capacity 0.35 Future Peak Flow 0.58 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.23 Required Pump Upgrade 2 pumps @ 1,100 gpm each City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTERS'<1N00DMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 32 This station discharges to a 6"force main that connects to a 12"gravity sewer on Riverside Avenue. The future peak velocity in the force main will be 8.6 fps which is below the 10 fps threshold therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future developments. Route 120 Trunk Sewer between River Road&Boone Lagoon Lift Stations The River Road Lift Station discharges to a 12"sanitary sewer which then increases to a 24"pipe at Riverside Drive where the North Riverside Lift Station connects. The 24" sewer connects to the Boone Lagoon Lift Station. Both these sewers have adequate capacity for the future developments. Boone Lagoon Lift Station The future developments at the intersection of Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road will be tributary to the Boone Lagoon Lift Station which is located on Riverside Avenue south of Venice Avenue. This lift station does not have adequate capacity to handle the future flow from the future developments at Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road which is outlined in Table 25. TABLE 25 Boone Lagoon Lift Station Evaluation Flow Lift Station Parameter mgd) Lift Station Firm Capacity 1.65 Existing Average Daily Flow 0.47 Existing Peak Flow 1.55 Reserve Capacity 0.11 Future Peak Flow 0.58 Remaining Reserve Capacity 0.47 Required Pump Upgrade 2 pumps @ 2,300 gpm each The Freund Lift Station currently discharges to the Boone Lagoon Lift Station. The City is currently discussing the possibility of diverting the Freund Lift Station to the Millstream Lift Station which would provide additional capacity at the Boone Lagoon Lift Station. Based on July 2018 to June 2019 pump run time data,the peak flow at the Freund Lift Station is 0.66 mgd. The proposed future peak flow from the new developments at Route 120 and Chapel Hill Road is 0.58 mgd, therefore if the Freund Lift Station is diverted to the Millstream Lift Station then no upgrades would be required at the Boone Lagoon Lift Station. This station discharges to a 10" force main that connects to the old Central WWTP which is now a regional pumping station. The regional pumping station then pumps the wastewater to the McHenry WWTP.The future peak velocity in the force main will be 6.0 fps which is below the 10 fps threshold therefore this force main has adequate capacity for the future developments. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER' AVOODMAN 3. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM Page 33 3.3 Recommendations Based on the sanitary sewer and lift station capacity analysis,upgrades are needed to accommodate the peak wastewater flow from the future developments. The total cost for all sanitary sewer and lift station improvements is$3,055,000. Table 26 outlines the costs by trunk sewer route. TABLE 26 Trunk Sewer&Lift Station Cost Oaks at Irish Cost Bull Valley Prairie Route 120 Sanitary Sewer 465,500 163,275 58,800 Lift Station 475,000 1,100,000 Subtotal 465,500 638,275 1,158,800 Contingency(20%) 93,000 127,675 231,800 Design&Construction Engineering (15%) 69,800 95,750 173,800 628,300 861,700 1,564,400 TOTAL 3,055,000 If the City decides to divert the Freund Lift Station flow to the Millstream Lift Station,then the total cost for all the sanitary sewer and lift station improvements is$2,245,000. Table 27 outlines the costs by trunk sewer route for this option. TABLE 27 Trunk Sewer&Lift Station Cost with Freund Lift Station Diversion Oaks at Irish Cost Bull Valley Prairie Route 120 Sanitary Sewer 465,500 163,275 58,800 Lift Station 475,000 500,000 Subtotal 465,500 638,275 558,800 Contingency(20%) 93,000 127,675 111,800 Design&Construction Engineering (15%) 69,800 95,750 83,800 628,300 861,700 754,400 TOTAL 2,245,000 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER `WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 34 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM 4.1 Existing Conditions 4.1.1 Background Prior to January 2018,the City of McHenry owned and operated two wastewater treatment plants: the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and the South Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Central Wastewater Treatment Plant is located at 3308 Waukegan Road, and was designed for a daily average flow of 3.0 MGD.The South Wastewater Treatment Plant is located just west of the Fox River at 3200 Charles J.Miller Road,and was designed for a daily average flow of 1.5 MGD. The City completed its wastewater consolidation program in January 2018,which transformed the Central Wastewater Plant into the Regional Booster Pumping Station and upgraded the South Wastewater Treatment Plant to handle the City's total loads. The renamed McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant was permitted for 4.0 MGD Design Average Flow (DAF)and 16.0 MGD Design Max Flow(DMF),which is a net loss of 0.5 MGD from the pre-consolidation status. 4.1.2 McHenry WWTP&Regional Pump Station The McHenry WWTP can be described as having two treatment processes during average flow conditions,the liquid steam and the solids stream treatment.The liquid stream treatment consists of primary, secondary and tertiary treatment with UV disinfection. The solids stream treatment consists of thickening,partial digestion ,and dewatering of the produced/removed solids from the liquid stream treatment process. Primary treatment removes coarse solids though a step screen, fine solids and grit are removed by proceeding micro-screens. Secondary treatment degrades organic matter and settles suspended solids that were not removed during primary treatment. Organic matter is degraded through a biological process that takes place in a sequence batch reactor and two oxidation ditches.The liquid then goes through secondary clarification where the smaller particle solids are settled and removed. Tertiary treatment polishes secondary effluent by further removal of suspended solids and further reduction of organic concentrations. Finally, the polished effluent passes through UV disinfection where pathogenic organisms are inactivated,allowing for clean and safe water discharge.Plant effluent is discharged directly into the Fox River,which is a tributary to the Illinois River. Thickening,of the secondary produced sludge,is accomplished by a gravity belt thickener to increase the percent solids concentration of the sludge. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAITER 'WOODMAN r 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page Sa Partial digestion takes place in an aerated sludge holding tank that where sludge is stabilized through a biological process targeting reduction of odor, and pathogen concentration. Dewatering is accomplished by passing the partially digested sludge through two belt filter presses which dewater and thicken sludge to approximately 15-20%solids.The dry sludge is then sent to hauling trucks that take the dry sludge to the Winnebago landfill in Rockford. During max flow conditions,triggered by a significant storm event,the process is modified to be able to handle a design max flow of 16 MGD. In such conditions a high-rate clarifier unit is brought on line for additional secondary treatment capacity. The McHenry Wastewater Treatment Plant received its new NPDES Permit effective November 1, 2015 with an expected expiration date of October 31,2020.A copy of the current NPDES permit and supplemental conditions for the treatment plant is included in Appendix E. The permitted limit requirements are listed in Table 28. TABLE 28 NPDES Permit Effluent Limit Requirements Parameter Limit Monthly Avg CBOD 20 mg/L Monthly Avg TSS 25 mg/L Daily Minimum Dissolved Oxygen March-July 5.0 mg/L Aug- Feb 3.5 mg/L Monthly Avg Phosphorus 1.0 mg/L Monthly Avg Ammonia-Nitrogen March-Oct 1.5 mg/L The Regional Booster Pumping Station collects flow that was originally treated at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant and sends it to the McHenry WWTP through a 16 inch force main.The pump station contains two pumps for a combined max capacity of 4.2 MGD that send the regular regional discharge to the WWTP. There are two additional storm pumps that activate during a storm mode",which sends the water through a dedicated 24 inch force main to the treatment plant. 4.2 Future Demands WWTP capacity is important to consider because each process in the plant has been designed to handle so much flow in order to properly treat wastewater to meet NPDES discharge limits.When applying for a new NPDES permit,IEPA examines the percent of total capacity WWTP is rated for. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER\WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 36 Determining future capacity of a wastewater treatment plant considers the, hydraulic loading, organic loading, and total solids loading the plant is expected to have. Loading projections are estimated based on the 10 States Standards listed projection factors 100 gpd/PE, 0.17 lbs. BOD/PE, and 0.20 lbs.TSS/PE respectively.The 10 States Standards are an industry accepted set of standards widely used in the Midwest region of the United States. 4.2.1 Near Future Wastewater capacity in Near Future conditions were examined by computing plant capacity respective to the added flow from the three trunk sewers identified in Section 3 of the report. Bull Valley Road Trunk Sewer will add flow from the Legend Lakes, Preserves of Boone Creek, and Bull Valley& Curran developments. The additional 2,298 P.E will add 0.23 MGD,which will increase hydraulic loading to 3.33 MGD and cause plant to be at 83%of total plant capacity. Oaks at Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer will add flow only from the Oaks at Irish Prairie development.The additional 700 P.E will add 0.07 MGD, which will increase hydraulic loading to 3.17 MGD and cause plant to be at 79% of total plant capacity. Route 120 Trunk Sewer will add flow from East and West of Chapel Hill Road developments.The additional 1,584 P.E will add 0.16 MGD,which will increase hydraulic loading to 3.26 MGD and cause plant to be at 82%of total capacity. Assuming all Near Future Developments, the additional 4,582 P.E will add 0.46 MGD, which will increase hydraulic loading to 3.56 MGD and cause plant to be at approximately 89%of total capacity. Table 29 summarizes the respective evaluation for Near Future conditions. TABLE 29 Hydraulic Load Projection Oak at Irish Bull Valley Rd. Prairie Route 120 All Near Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Future Additional Total P.E 2,298 700 1,584 4,582 Flow Factor 100 100 100 100 gpd/P.E) Additional flow 229,800 70,000 158,360 458,160gpd) Additional flow 0.23 0.07 16 0.46 MGD) Existing hydraulic load 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10MGD) City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 37 Oak at Irish Bull Valley Rd. Prairie Route 120 All Near Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Future Near Future Hydraulic 3.33 3.17 3.26 3.56 Loading(MGD) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Existing Plant Capacity Percent of Total Plant 83% 79% 82% 89% Capacity Future organic and total solids loadings were examined similarly.The wastewater treatment plant has design loadings of 7,206 lbs. BOD/day and 7,907 lbs. TSS/day. Loading projections for both parameters remain at or under 70%of total design capacity with all Near Future Developments. Tables 30 and 31 summarize the added organic and solids load and the respective percent of total design capacity. TABLE 30 Organic Load Projection Oak at Irish Bull Valley Rd Prairie Route 120 All Near Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Future Additional total P.E 2,298 700 1,584 4,582 Organic contribution factor lbs.BOD5/PE) 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 Additional organic load 390 119 269 779lbs.BODS/day) Existing organic Loading 4,213 4,213 4,213 4,213 lbs.BODS/day) Total organic loading 4,603 4,332 4,482 4,992lbs.BOD5/day) Organic design loading ! 7,206 7,206 7,206 7,206 lbs.BOD5/day) of Organic loading 64% 60% 62% 69% ca.acit City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER `` WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 38 TABLE 31 Solids Load Projection Oak at Irish Bull Valley Rd Prairie Route 120 All Near Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Trunk Sewer Future Additional Total PE 2,298 700 1,584 4,582 Total solids contribution factor 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 lbs.TSS/PE) Additional SS Load 460 140 317 916 lbs.TSS/day) Existing total solids loading 4,228 4,228 4,228 4,228 lbs.TSS/day) Total solids loading, 4,688 4,368 4,545 5,145 lbs.TSS/day) Total solids design loading 7,907 7,907 7,907 7,907lbs.TSS/day) of Total solids loading 59% 55% 57% 65%ca.aci Organic and solids loading projections remain at or under 65%of total capacity with all Near Future developments contributing flow to McHenry WWTP. 4.2.2 Distant Future Distant Future Developments are presumed to be developed after all Near Future Developments. There are four identified Distant Future developments for which wastewater treatment plant capacity was examined. All Distant Future Developments will add flow from South of Bull Valley&Curran, East of Crystal Lake Road, North of McCullum Lake Road, 120 &Martin Road, and Chapel Hill Road north of 120. The additional 10,540 P.E will add 1.05 MGD,which will increase hydraulic loading to 4.62 MGD and cause plant to be 15% over the hydraulic capacity. Table 32 below summarizes the respective hydraulic capacity evaluation for Distant Future. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER'WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 39 TABLE 32 Distant Future Hydraulic Load Projections Chapel South of East of North 120& Hill Road All Bull Valley Crystal Lake McCullom Martin (north of Distant Curran Road Lake Road Road 120) Future Additional Total P.E 1,701 4,583 3,166 898 193 10,540 Flow Factor gpd/P.E) 100 100 100 100 100 100 Additional flow gpd)170,100 458,300 316,600 89,800 19,300 105,4000 Additional flow MGD) 0.17 0.46 0.32 0.09 0.02 1.05 Existing hydraulic load MGD) 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 Distant Future hydraulic load 3.73 4.02 3.88 3.65 3.58 4.62 MGD) Existing Plant Capacity 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 MGD) Percent of Total 93% 101% 97% 91%90% 115% Plant Capacity The organic and total solids loading projections were evaluated at Distant Future conditions as well. The loadings with all Distant Future Developments remained under 92%, and 88% respectively. These loadings are not of significance since the limiting factor for the plant is the hydraulic load, with all Distant Future Developments the hydraulic load exceeds capacity by 15%. 4.3 Recommendations 4.3.1 NPDES Plant Re-Rating Re-rating McHenry WWTP from 4.0 MGD to 4.5 MGD has been examined as a possible solution.The City can approach a re-rate now or approach at a future date within the next ten years. In order to achieve a re-rate from IEPA McHenry must: 1) Provide information required by IEPA to conduct a new Anti-Degradation Analysis 2) Prove the McHenry WWTP has 4.5 MGD of capacity through a Basis of Design showing that each treatment process has the capacity to justify a re-rate. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BARTER IMOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 40 Approaching a re-rate now would require the two things mentioned above to be submitted to IEPA for approval.Based on the evaluation for Potential and Distant Future Developments,hydraulic load was pointed as the limiting factor of the plant.With this being said, the City would approach a re- rate to 4.5 MGD and agree to keep load limits as if it was rated for 4 MGD. Table 33 depicts the max concentration load to meet if a re-rate to 4.5 MGD is approached keeping 4.0 MGD load limits. TABLE 33 Max Concentration to Meet Load Limit at a 4.5 MGD Re-Rate BODS SS NH3 TP Permitted Flow 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0MGD) Concentration Limit 20 25 1.5 1 mg/L) Conversion Factor Ib.-L/mg MG) 8.34 8.34 8.34 8.34 Load Limit 667 834 50 33 lbs/day) Load Limit lbs./day) 667 834 50 33 Re-Rate MGD) 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Conversion Factor lb. L/mg MG) 8.34 8.34 8.34 8.34 Max Concentration to meet Load Limit at re-rated flow of 4.5MGD 17.8 22.2 1.3 0.9 mg/L) Re-rating at a future date is another option. At this point in time there is no immediate need to provide the plant with additional capacity. Currently, the plant is at 73% of its total hydraulic capacity and is projected to have sufficient capacity for all Near Future Developments expected in the next twenty years. Planning for a re-rate together with the Facility Plan Report at a future date will give the City planning time to prepare for those identified Distant Future Developments. Incorporating the cost to re-rate to the capital development fee will provide funds specifically allocated for this purpose.It is also important to mention that requirements to re-rate in the future are bound to change. Table 34 below compares advantages and disadvantages. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTERWOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 41 TABLE 34 Re-Rate Now Versus at a Future Date Comparison Advantages Disadvantages Gives security for the next 20 years Immediate Cost Re-Rate Now Avoid request changes from Development Fee Increase Environmental Advocacy Groups Reduction in Capital Environmental AdvocacyDevelopmentFee Groups could add more Re Rate at a Provides City with planning time onerous request Future Date Provides City with time to Changes in EPA limits and allocate funds procedures 4.3.2 Addressing Infiltration and Inflow Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) is additional flow wastewater plants receive via sanitary sewer. Inflow refers to water from improper connections,such as downspouts or sump pumps.Infiltration refers to groundwater entering the sewer pipe through leaks.A focus to decrease I/I would entail making upgrades to the City's sanitary sewer system. Such upgrades will assist in the hydraulic load reduction to the treatment plant. The most recent NPDES permit evaluation for the McHenry WWTP, noted that the City has been actively using a televising system to identify and repair lines as needed.It was also pointed out that the City budgets$100K per year for sewer lining.The City is expecting an update to their SSES model in the near future,the latest update to the report was completed in 2008. 4.3.3 Wastewater Capacity Discussion Section 4.3 discusses possible solutions with a target to provide the wastewater treatment plant with sufficient capacity to service all Near Future and Distant Future Developments. The plant is projected to have sufficient capacity for all Near Future Developments but for Distant Future, assuming all Near Future are developed first,the plant is projected to be 15%over its rated capacity. Table 35 below summarizes the projected loadings and respective percent of total capacity for each parameter evaluated. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BARTER WOODMAN 4. WASTEWATER SYSTEM Page 42 TABLE 35 Wastewater Capacity Summary Table Near Future Distant Future Near Future +Distant Existing Development Development Future Developments Loading % of Capacity Loading % of Capacity Loading %of Capacity Loading %of Capacity Hydraulic MGD) 3.10 78% 3.56 89.07% 4.15 104% 4.62 115% Organic lbs. BOD/day) 4,206 58% 4992 69% 5,998 83% 6,777 92% Total Solids lbs. TSS/day) 4,222 53% 5,145 65% 6,330 80% 7,246 88% As there is no immediate need to re-rate the plant,approaching a re-rate at a future date is identified as the option with least impact to the development fee. The cost to re-rate would include a Facility Plan Report, and allocated budget to meet with local Environmental Advocacy groups.The present value of a Facility Plan Report accounting for meetings is estimated to be$100,000.Inflating at a 4% rate to ten years from now,the estimated future cost will be approximately$148,00,00. Inflation records from Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for Chicago were used to calculate the 4% inflation rate. Records show that the ENR CCI has increased an average of 4.15% per year from December of 1993 to July of 2019,for the purpose of this report the rate was rounded to the nearest percent value. It is ultimately up to the City to decide which option it is most appropriate. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER, *WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 43 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE 5.1 Existing Capital Development Fee The City of McHenry's existing water and sanitary sewer development fees effective on May 1,2016 are summarized in Table 36. TABLE 36 Existing Residential Water&Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure Connection to Connection to Connection to Both Type of Unit Water Only Sewer Only Water&Sewer Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom or less 2,199 2,607 4,806 3 Bedroom 3,811 3,739 7,550 4 Bedroom 4,098 4,788 8,886 5 Bedroom or more 4,098 4,868 8,966 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1,300 1,538 2,838 2 Bedroom 2,164 2,571 4,735 3 Bedroom 2,602 3,151 5,753 4 Bedroom or more 3,426 4,057 7,483 Apartments Efficiency 1,408 1,674 3,082 1 Bedroom 1,912 2,273 4,185 2 Bedroom 2,084 2,471 4,555 3 Bedroom 3,325 3,942 7,267 Connection to Connection to Connection to Both Meter Size Water Only Sewer Only Water&Sewer 3/ 4" 3,811 3,739 7,550 1" 10,655 6,252 16,917 11/2" 18,288 12,462 30,750 2" 30,478 19,942 50,420 3" 68,578 39,924 108,502 4" 190,492 62,377 252,869 6" 190,492 124,712 315,204 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER''.WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 44 5.2 Water Capital Development Fee Three options were evaluated for the water capital development fee: 1) Build Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 11 2) Build Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 12/13 and spread cost over Near Future PE 3) Build Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 12/13 and spread cost over Near and Distant Future PE The cost per household to construct the required water system improvements are shown in Table 37 below. TABLE 37 Water System Capacity Improvement Costs per Average Household Cost per Options Household 1 -Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 11 2,590 2-Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 12/13 (Near Future PE)3,410 3 -Water Treatment Plant 5 at Well 12/13 (Distant Future PE) 980 Table 38 provides the following capital development fee structure for residential units for both options. TABLE 38 Residential Water Capital Development Fee Structure Option 3 Option 2 Wells 12/13 Total Person Option 1 Wells 12/13 Distant Future Type of Unit per Dwelling Unit Well 11 (Near Future PE) PE) Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2.017 5,225 6,878 1,977 3 Bedroom 2.899 7,509 9,886 2,841 4 Bedroom 3.764 9,749 12,836 3,689 5 Bedroom 3.770 9,765 12,856 3,695 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1.193 3,090 4,069 1,169 2 Bedroom 1.990 5,155 6,786 1,950 3 Bedroom 2.392 6,196 8,157 2,344 4 Bedroom 3.145 8,146 10,725 3,082 Apartments City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 45 Efficiency 1.294 3,352 4,413 1,268 1 Bedroom 1.758 4,554 5,995 1,723 2 Bedroom 1.914 4,958 6,527 1,876 3 Bedroom 3.053 7,908 10,411 2,992 The City's capital development fee system for commercial and industrial users assesses fees based on the size of the water meter installed,which is shown below in Table 39. TABLE 39 Commercial and Industrial Water Capital Development Fee Structure Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Wells 12/13 Wells 12/13 Meter Size Capacity Ratio Well 11 (Near Future PE) (Distant Future PE) 5/8"x 3/4" 1.00 2,590 3,410 980 1"2.80 7,252 9,548 2,744 1-1/2" 4.80 12,432 16,368 4,704 2"8.00 20,720 27,280 7,840 3" 18 46,620 61,380 17,640 4" 50 129,500 170,500 49,000 6" 50 129,500 170,500 49,000 8"180 466,200 613,800 176,400 Table 40 provides a comparison between the existing and proposed costs for a 3 bedroom detached single family home: TABLE 40 Existing&Proposed Water Capital Development Comparison Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed Type of Unit Water Fee Water Fee Water Fee Water Fee Detached Single-Family 3 Bedroom 3,811 7,509 9,886 2,841 Increase 97% 159% 25% For the purpose of this report and given the fact that there is a still a Distant Future development category, Baxter and Woodman would recommend Option 2. This option gets all the wells at a comfortable max daily runtime,all very well under the recommended max of 18 hours per day.This leave the City is a good position in the event development occurs more quickly than anticipated as well as provided a larger firm capacity to the entire system. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAITER- WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 46 5.3 Sanitary Sewer Capital Development Fee The Sewer Capital Development Fee is comprised of the capacity improvement upgrades required in both the collection and conveyance of sewage and the treatment process. Two options were evaluated: 1) Fee based on sanitary sewer improvements with current lift station configuration. 2) Fee based on sanitary sewer improvements if the Freund Lift Station is diverted to the Millstream Lift Station. Table 41 summarizes the cost per household for the required improvements. TABLE 41 Sewer Capital Development Fee for Average Household Cost per Household Option 1 Option 2 Sanitary Sewer Capacity Improvements 1,834 1,348 Wastewater Capacity Improvements 89 89 Sewer Capital Development Fee 1,923 1,437 The City's current capital development fee structure for residential units is based on the Table of Estimated Ultimate School Population Per Dwelling Unit from the 1996 Illinois School Consulting Service,Associated Municipal Consultants,Inc.,Naperville,Illinois.The published figures were used to establish the respective population densities per type of residential unit. Table 42 provides the following capital development fee structure for residential units. TABLE 42 Residential Sewer Capital Development Fee Structure Option 1 Option 2 Total Person per Capital Capital Type of Unit Dwelling Unit Development Fee Development Fee Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2.017 3,879 2,898 3 Bedroom 2.899 5,575 4,166 4 Bedroom 3.764 7,238 5,409 5 Bedroom 3.770 7,250 5,417 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1.193 2,294 1,714 City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 47 Option 1 Option 2 Total Person per Capital Capital Type of Unit Dwelling Unit Development Fee Development Fee 2 Bedroom 1.990 3,827 2,860 3 Bedroom 2.392 4,600 3,437 4 Bedroom 3.145 6,048 4,519 Apartments Efficiency 1.294 2,488 1,859 1 Bedroom 1.758 3,381 2,526 2 Bedroom 1.914 3,681 2,750 3 Bedroom 3.053 5,871 4,387 Table 43 provides the capital development fee structure for commercial and industrial units based on meter size. TABLE 43 Commercial and Industrial Capital Fee Structure Option 1 Option 2 Sewer Capital Sewer Capital Meter Size Capacity Ratio Development Fee Development Fee 5/8"x 3/4" 1.00 1,923 1,437 1" 2.80 5,384 4,024 1-1/2" 4.80 9,230 6,898 2" 8.00 15,384 11,496 3" 18 34,614 25,866 4" 50 96,150 71,850 6" 50 96,150 71,850 8" 180 346,140 258,660 Table 44 provides a comparison between the existing and proposed costs for a 3 bedroom detached single family home: TABLE 44 Existing&Proposed Sewer Capital Development Comparison Option 1 Option 2 Existing Proposed Proposed Type of Unit Sewer Fee Sewer Fee Sewer Fee Detached Single-Family 3 Bedroom 3,739 5,575 4,166 Increase 50% 11% City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER``WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 48 5.4 Comparison of Neighboring Development Fees A survey of neighboring and similar communities' development fees was conducted as part of this study.The survey required minor assumptions to compare development(connection)fee structures that do not match McHenry's existing fee structure. The results for the Water and Sanitary Sewer Development Fees are shown in Appendix C and D. Overall, the existing Residential Water Development Fees for McHenry rank the lowest in comparison to the Village of Algonquin, Village of Cary, City of Crystal Lake, Village of Lakewood, Village of Lake in the Hills, and the City of Woodstock. McHenry's existing Residential Water Connection fee comes in at $2,199 for the base unit of a Detached Single-Family home with two bedrooms.The Village of Lakewood's fee for an equivalent unit is$10,766.In comparison,the most costly option of proceeding with the construction of Water Treatment Plant 5 at Wells 12/13 over the Near Future PE Projection,McHenry's water development fees rank 4th,out of the group at$6,878 for the base unit. Non-Residential Water Development Fees for McHenry rank fairly high on the whole compared to the figures available for comparison among the communities listed above. It should be noted that the capacity ratio between meters appears to be unequal between each municipality,and causes the larger meters to be more costly within McHenry. Capacity ratios roughly equate how much more water would pass through a given meter size,with the base ratio starting at a 4-inch connection for McHenry. Only the City of Crystal Lake and City of Woodstock appear to use this as the base ratio. McHenry's capacity ratio are listed below: Meter Capacity Size Ratio 3/4" 1.00 1" 2.80 1-1/2" 4.80 2" 8.00 3" 18 4" 50 6" 50 McHenry's existing Residential Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee is again the lowest of the group at 2,607 for the base unit of a Detached Single-Family home with two bedrooms. The Village of Lakewood comes in with the highest at$9,904 for an equivalent unit.Even with the more expensive Option 1 for McHenry,this fee is just slightly above the next lowest fee from the City of Woodstock at$3,879 to$3,3635 respectively. Non-Residential Sanitary Sewer Development Fees for McHenry rank lowest at the 3/4-inch base connection size compared against the City of Crystal Lake and City of Woodstock.However,with the City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BAXTER ,WOODMAN 5. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FEE Page 49 same capacity ratios applied to McHenry, the fees surpass all but the Village of Lakewood for connections up to 6 inches. City of McHenry,Illinois 2019 Capital Development Fee Study•190382.30 BARTER WOODMAN APPENDICES BAXTER WOODMAN Appendix A CITY OF McHENRY POPULATION EQUIVALENT PROJECTIONS Number of Single Family Residential Multi-Family Commercial Residential Single Family Houses Density Number of Multi. Multi-Family Density Commercial Density Near Future Development Development Type Total Acres Acres Houses per Acre (PE/Home) Family Units Units per Acre (PE/Home) Acres (PE/acre) Total P.E. Legend Lakes Single Family 165 107 0.6 3.5 375 Legend Lakes Part 2 Single Family 80 80 216 2.7 3.5 756 Preserves of Boone Creek Single Family 115 95 205 2.2 3.5 100 1.1 2.5 20 5 1068 Oaks at Irish Prairie Single Family 75 200 2.7 3.5 700 Bull Valley&Curran Commercial 20 20 5 100 West of Chapel Hill Road(south of 120) Single Family&Commercial 75 60 162 2.7 3.5 15 5 642 East of Chapel Hill Road(south of 120) Single Family&Commercial 110 88 238 2.7 3.5 22 5 942 TOTAL' 740 I 403 I 1344 - 1 I I I I. 97 I I 4,582 Number of Single Family Residential Undevelopable Developable Single Family Houses Density Distant Future Development Development Type Total Acres Acres Acres Houses per Acre PE/Home)P.E. South of Bull Valley&Curran Single Family 230 50 180 486 2.7 3.5 1701 East of Crystal Lake Road Single Family 545 CO 485 1310 2.7 3.5 4583 North McCullom Lake Road Single Family 335 335 905 2.7 3.5 3166 120&Martin Road Single Family 95 95 257 2.7 3.5 898 Chapel Hill Road(north of 120)Single Family&Commercial 100 80 216 2.7 3.5 20 5 193 TOTAL 1305 190 1311 2959 I t 10,540 10/14/2019 ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 1021 NORTH GRAND AVENUE EAST,P.O.Box19276,SPRINGFIELD,ILI.INOIS 62794-9276 • (217)782-2829 BRUCE RAUNER,GOVERNOR LISA BONNETT, DIRECTOR 217/782-0610 October 14, 2015 City of McHenry 333 South Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 OM 1 O 2O1Ij Re: McHenry -South WWTP NPDES Permit No. 1L0066257 C.W(01'r.t:1I'2"%,`f Final Permit Gentlemen: Attached is the final NPDES Permit for your discharge. The Permit as issued covers discharge limitations, monitoring,and reporting requirements. Failure to meet any portion of the Permit could result in civil and/or criminal penalties. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is ready and willing to assist you in interpreting any of the conditions of the Permit as they relate specifically to your discharge. The Agency has completed our review of the comment letter dated September 8,2015 and offers the following response: I. The language in Special Condition 4 was revised based on comments from USEPA and remains unchanged. 2. Special Conditions 14 and 15 have been revised to include language requiring the optimization and feasibility studies be completed after the construction of•the WWTP consolidation or 42 months after the effective date of this permit, whichever comes first. The Agency has begun a program allowing the submittal of electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports NetDMRs) instead of paper Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). If you are interested in NetDMRs, more information can he found on the Agency website, http://epa.state.il.us/water/net-dmr/index.html. If your facility is not registered in the NetDMR program, a supply of preprinted paper DMR Forms for your facility will be sent to you prior to the initiation of DMR reporting Ender the reissued permit. Additional information and instructions will accompany the preprinted DMRs upon their arrival. The attached Permit is effective as of the date indicated on the first page of the Permit. Until the effective date of any re-issued Permit, the limitations and conditions of the previously-issued Permit remain in full effect. You have the right to appeal any condition of the Permit to the Illinois Pollution Control Board within a 35 clay period following the issuance date. Should you have questions concerning the Permit, please contact Kaushal Desai at 217/782-0610. Sincerely, tg4t /Q/11\_ Alan Keller,P.E. Manager, Permit Section Division of Water Pollution Control SAK:KKD:1506I601.bah Attachment: Final Permit 4302 N.Main St.,Rockford,IL 61 103(815)987.7760 9511 Harrison St.,Des Plaines,IL 60016(847)294-4000 595 5.State,Elgin,IL 60123(847)608-3131 412 SW Washington St.,Suite D,Peoria,IL 61602(309)671-3022 2125 S.First St.,Champaign,IL 61820(21 T 278-5800 2309 W.Main St.,Suite 116,Marlon,IL 62959(618)993.7200 2009 Mall St.,Collinsville,IL 62234(618:346.5120 100 W.Randolph,Suite 10.300,Chicago,IL 60601 (312)81 4.6026 Page 2 cc: Records Compliance Assurance Section Des Plaines Region Billing FIR Green US EPA Facility CMAP 4302 N.Main St.,Rockford,IL 61 103(815)987-7760 951 1 Harrison St.,Des Plaines,IL 60016(847)294-40005955.State,8Iglt IL 60123(847)608-3131 412 SW Washington St..Suite D,Peoria,IL 61602(309)671-30222125S.First St.,Champaign,IL 61820(217)278-5800 2309 W.Main St.,Suito 1 16,Marion,IL 62959(618)993-7200 2009 Mall 5t.,Coll:ntville,IL 62234(618)346.5120 100 W.Randolph,Suite I0.300,Chicago,IL 60601 (3121 814.6026 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM Reissued(NPDES)Permit Expiration Date: October 31, 2020 Issue Date: October 14, 2015 Effective Date: November 1, 2015 Name and Address of Permittee: Facility Name and Address: City of McHenry McHenry-South WWTP 333 South Green Street 222 South McHenry Avenue McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenry, Illinois 60050 McHenry County) Receiving Waters: Fox River In compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act,Title 35 of the III.Adm.Code,Subtitle C,Chapter I,and the Clean Water Act (CWA), the above-named Permittee is hereby authorized to discharge at the above location to the above-named receiving stream in accordance with the Effluent Limitations,Monitoring,and Reporting requirements;Special Conditions and Attachment H Standard Conditions attached herein. Permittee is not authorized to discharge after the above expiration date. In order to receive authorization to discharge beyond the expiration date, the Permittee shall submit the proper application as required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency(IEPA)notlaterthan180dayspriortotheexpirationdate. dil7fi Alan Keller,P.E. Manager, Permit Section Division of Water Pollution Control SAK:K K D:15061601.bah Page 2 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Effluent Limitations, Monitoring,and Reporting. FINAL Discharge Number(s) and Name(s): 001 STP Outfall(Existing Facility) Load limits computed based on a design average flow(DAF)of 1.5 MGD(design maximum flow(DMF)of 4.2 MGD). From the effective date of this Permit until the start of operation of the proposed facility or expiration date, whichever conies first, theeffluentoftheabovedischarge(s) shall be monitored and limited at all times as follows: LOAD LIMITS lbs/day CONCENTRATION DAF(DMF)' LIMITS mq/L Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Sample SampleParameterAverageAverageMaximumAverageAverageMaximumFrequencyType Flow(MGD) Continuous CBOD5**l 167(500) 334(1001)20 40 3 Days/Week Composite Suspended Solids•*l 209(626) 375(1126)25 45 3 Days/Week Composite pH Shall be in the range of 6 to 9 Standard Units 3 DaysNVeek Grab Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum shall not exceed 400 per 100 mL 3 DaysNVeek Grab Chlorine Residual 0.05 3 Days/Week Grab Ammonia Nitrogen: As(N) March-May/Sept.-Oct. 19(53) 28 (77) 1.5 2.2 3 Days/VVeek Composite June-August 19(53) 40(112) 1.5 3.2 3 Days/Week Composite Nov.-Feb.34 (95) 2.7 3 DaysNVeek Composite Total Phosphorus(as P) 13(35) 1.0 3 DaysANeek Composite Total Nitrogen Monitor only 1 Day/Week Composite Monthly Weekly Average Average not less not less Daily than than MinimumDissolvedOxygen March-July N/A 6.0 5.0 3 DaysNVeek GrabAugust-February 5.5 4.0 3.5 3 Days/Week Grab Load limits based on design maximum flow shall apply only when flow exceeds design average flow. Carbonaceous BOD5(CBOD5)testing shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 136. RODS and Suspended Solids(85% removal required): In accordance with 40 CFR 133, the 30-day average percent removal shall notbelessthan85percentexceptasprovidedinSections133.103 and 133.105. The percent removal need not be reported to the IEPA onDMRsbutinfluentandeffluentdatamustbeavailable, as required elsewhere in this Permit, for IEPA inspection and review. For measuring compliance with this requirement, 5 mg/L shall be added to the effluent CBOD5 concentration to determine the effluent RODSconcentration. Percent removal is a percentage expression of the removal efficiency across a treatment plant for a given pollutant parameter, asdeterminedfromthe30-day average values of the raw wastewater influent concentrations to the facility and the 30-day average values oftheeffluentpollutantconcentrationsforagiventimeperiod. Flow shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR) as monthly average and daily maximum.Fecal Coliform shall be reported on the DMR as a daily maximum value. pH shall be reported on the DMR as minimum and maximum value. Chlorine Residual shall be reported on DMR as daily maximum value. Dissolved oxygen shall be reported on the DMR as a minimum value. Total Phosphorus shall be reported on the DMR as a monthly average and daily maximum value. rage 3 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Effluent Limitations, Monitoring, and Reporting FINAL Discharge Number(s) and Name(s): 001 STP Outfall(Proposed Facility) Load limits computed based on a design average flow(DAF)of 4.0 MGD(design maximum flow(DMF)of 16.0 MGD). From the completion of construction and start of operation of the proposed facility until the expiration date, the effluent of the abovedischarge(s)shall be monitored and limited at all times as follows: LOAD LIMITS lbs/day CONCENTRATION DAF (DMF)*LIMITS mq/L Monthly Weekly Daily Monthly Weekly Daily Sample SampleParameterAverageAverageMaximumAverageAverageMaximumFrequencyType Flow(MGD) Continuous CBOD5**' 667(2669) 1334(5338)20 40 3 Days/Week Composite Suspended Solids**' 834(3336) 1501 (600 25 45 3 DaysNWeek Composite pH Shall be in the range of 6 to 9 Standard Units 3 Days/Week Grab Fecal Coliform Daily Maximum shall not exceed 400 per 100 mL 3 Days/Week Grab Chlorine Residual 0.05 Grab Ammonia Nitrogen: As(N) March-May/Sept.-Oct. 50(200) 73(294) 1.5 2.2 3 Days/Week CompositeJune-August 50(200) 107(427)1.5 3.2 3 Days/Week Composite Nov.-Feb. 90(360) 2.7 3 Days/Week Composite Total Phosphorus(as P) 33(133) 1.0 3 Days/VVeek Composite Total Nitrogen Monitor only 1 Day/Week Composite Monthly Weekly Average Average not less not less Daily than than MinimumDissolvedOxygen March-July N/A 6.0 5.0 3 DaysNWeek Grab August-February 5.5 4.0 3.5 3 DaysNVeek Grab Load limits based on design maximum flow shall apply only when flow exceeds design average flow. Carbonaceous BOD5(CBOD5)testing shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 136. See Special Condition 9. BODE and Suspended Solids(85% removal required): In accordance with 40 CFR 133, the 30-day average percent removal shall notbelessthan85percentexceptasprovidedinSections133.103 and 133.105. The percent removal need not be reported to the IEPA onDMRsbutinfluentandeffluentdatamustbeavailable, as required elsewhere in this Permit, for IEPA inspection and review. Formeasuringcompliancewiththisrequirement, 5 mg/L shall be added to the effluent CBOD5 concentration to determine the effluent BODEconcentration. Percent removal is a percentage expression of the removal efficiency across a treatment plant for a given pollutant parameter, asdeterminedfromthe30-day average values of the raw wastewater influent concentrations to the facility and the 30-day average values oftheeffluentpollutantconcentrationsforagiventimeperiod. Flow shall be reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR) as monthly average and daily maximum.Fecal Coliform shall be reported on the DMR as a daily maximum value. pH shall be reported on the DMR as minimum and maximum value. Chlorine Residual shall be reported on DMR as daily maximum value. Dissolved oxygen shall be reported on the DMR as a minimum value. Total Phosphorus shall be reported on the DMR as a monthly average and daily maximum value. Page 5 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Special Conditions SPECIAL CONDITION 1. This Permit may be modified to include different final effluent limitations or requirements which are consistentwithapplicablelawsandregulations. The IEPA will public notice the permit modification. SPECIAL CONDITION 2. The use or operation of this facility shall be by or under the supervision of a Certified Class 1 operator. SPECIAL CONDITION 3. The IEPA may request in writing submittal of operational information in a specified form and at a requiredfrequencyatanytimeduringtheeffectiveperiodofthisPermit. SPECIAL CONDITION 4. The IEPA may request more frequent monitoring by permit modification pursuant to 40 CFR§ 122.63 andWithoutPublicNotice. SPECIAL CONDITION 5. The effluent, alone or in combination with other sources, shall not cause a violation of any applicable waterqualitystandardoutlinedin35III.Adm. Code 302. SPECIAL CONDITION 6. The Permittee shall record monitoring results on Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR) Forms using one suchformforeachoutfalleachmonth. In the event that an outfall does not discharge during a monthly reporting period, the DMR Form shall be submitted with no dischargeindicated. The Permittee may choose to submit electronic DMRs (NetDMRs) instead of mailing paper DMRs to the IEPA. More information,including registration information for the NetDMR program, can be obtained on the IEPA website,http://www.epa.state.il.us/water/net-dmr/index.html. The completed Discharge Monitoring Report forms shall be submitted to IEPA no later than the 25th day of the following month, unlessotherwisespecifiedbythepermittingauthority. Permittees not using NetDMRs shall mail Discharge Monitoring Reports with an original signature to the IEPA at the following address: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control Attention: Compliance Assurance Section, Mail Code#19 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 SPECIAL CONDITION 7. The provisions of 40 CFR Section 122.41(m)&(n)are incorporated herein by reference. SPECIAL CONDITION 8. Samples taken in compliance with the effluent monitoring requirements shall be taken at a point representativeofthedischarge, but prior to entry into the receiving stream. SPECIAL CONDITION 9. For Discharge No. 001 (proposed facility), any use of chlorine to control slime growths, odors or as anoperationalcontrol, etc. shall not exceed the limit of 0.05 mg/L (daily maximum) total residual chlorine in the effluent. Sampling isrequiredonadailygrabbasisduringthechlorinationprocess. Reporting shall be submitted on the DMR's on a monthly basis. SPECIAL CONDITION 10. The Permittee shall conduct semi-annual monitoring of the effluent and report concentrations(in mg/I)of thefollowinglistedparameters. Monitoring shall begin three (3) months from the effective date of this permit. The sample shall be a24-hour effluent composite except as otherwise specifically provided below and the results shall be submitted on Discharge MonitoringReportFormstoIEPAunlessotherwisespecifiedbytheIEPA. The parameters to be sampled and the minimum reporting limits to beattainedareasfollows: STORET MinimumCODEPARAMETER reporting limit01002Arsenic 0.05 mg/L01007Barium 0.5 mg/L01027Cadmium 0.001 mg/L01032Chromium(hexavalent) (grab) 0.01 mg/L01034Chromium(total) 0.05 mg/L01042Copper 0.005 mg/L00718Cyanide(grab) (available***or amenable to chlorination) 5.0 ug/L00720Cyanide(total) (grab not to exceed 24 hours) 5.0 ug/L00951Fluoride 0.1 mg/L page 6 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Special Conditions STORET Minimum CODE PARAMETER reporting limit 01045 Iron(total) 0.5 mg/L 01046 Iron(Dissolved) 0.5 mg/L 01051 Lead 0.05 mg/L 01055 Manganese 0.5 mg/L 71900 Mercury(grab)** 1.0 ng/L* 01067 Nickel 0.005 mg/L 00556 Oil (hexane soluble or equivalent)(Grab Sample only) 5.0 mg/L 32730 Phenols(grab) 0.005 mg/L 01147 Selenium 0.005 mg/L 01077 Silver(total) 0.003 mg/L 01092 Zinc 0.025 mg/L Minimum Reporting Limits are defined as—(1)The minimum value below which data are documented as non-detects. (2) Three to ten times the method detection limit. (3) The minimum value of the calibration range. All sample containers, preservative, holding times,analyses,method detection limit determinations and quality assurance/quality control requirements shall be in accordance with 40 CFR 136. Unless otherwise indicated,concentrations refer to the total amount of the constituent present in all phases,whether solid,suspended or dissolved,elemental or combined, including all oxidation states. 1.0 ng/L= 1 part per trillion. Utilize USEPA Method 1631E and the digestion procedure described in Section of 1631E. US EPA Method OIA-1677. The Permittee shall provide a report briefly describing the permittee's pretreatment activities and an updated listing of the Permittee's significant industrial users. The list should specify which categorical pretreatment standards, if any, are applicable to each Industrial User. Permittees who operate multiple plants may provide a single report. Such report shall be submitted within six(6) months of the effective date of this Permit to the following addresses: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 77 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, Illinois 60604 Attention:Water Assurance Branch Enforcement and Compliance Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Division of Water Pollution Control Attention: Compliance assurance Section, Mail Code#19 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 SPECIAL CONDITION 11. During January of each year the Permittee shall submit annual fiscal data regarding sewerage system operations to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency/Division of Water Pollution Control/Compliance Assurance Section. The Permittee may use any fiscal year period provided the period ends within twelve(12)months of the submission date. Submission shall be on forms provided by IEPA titled"Fiscal Report Form For NPDES Permittees". SPECIAL CONDITION 12. The Permittee shall conduct biomonitoring of the effluent from Discharge Number(s)001. Biomonitorinq 1.Acute Toxicity - Standard definitive acute toxicity tests shall be run on at least two trophic levels of aquatic species (fish, invertebrate) representative of the aquatic community of the receiving stream. Testing must be consistent with Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms (Fifth Ed.) EPA/821-R-02-012. Unless substitute tests are pre-approved;the following tests are required: a.Fish-96 hour static LC50 Bioassay using fathead minnows(Pimephales promelas). Page 7 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Special Conditions b.Invertebrate 48-hour static LC50 Bioassay using Ceriodaphnia. 2.Testing Frequency-The above tests shall be conducted using 24-hour composite samples unless otherwise authorized by the IEPA. Samples must be collected in the 18th, 15th, 12th,and 9th month prior to the expiration date of this Permit. 3.Reporting-Results shall be reported according to EPA/821-R-02-012, Section 12,Report Preparation,and shall be submitted to IEPA, Bureau of Water, Compliance Assurance Section within one week of receipt from the laboratory. Reports are due to the IEPA no later than the 16th, 13th, 10th, and 7th month prior to the expiration date of this Permit. 4.Toxicity- Should a bioassay result in toxicity to>20%of organisms test in the 100%effluent treatment, the IEPA may require, upon notification,six(6)additional rounds of monthly testing on the affected organism(s)to be initiated within 30 days of the toxic bioassay. Results shall be submitted to IEPA within (1) week of becoming available to the Permittee. Should any of the additional bioassays result in toxicity to >50% of organisms tested in the 100% effluent treatments, the Permittee shall immediately notify IEPA in writing of the test results. 5.Toxicity Reduction Evaluation and Identification- Should the biomonitoring program identify toxicity and result in notification by IEPA, the permittee shall develop a plan for toxicity reduction evaluation and identification. This plan shall be developed and implemented in accordance with Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Guidance for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, EPA/833B-99/002, and shall include an evaluation to determine which chemicals have a potential for being discharged in the plant wastewater,a monitoring program to determine their presence or absence and to identify other compounds which are not being removed by treatment,and other measures as appropriate. The Permittee shall submit to the IEPA its plan within ninety 90)days following notification by the IEPA. The Permittee shall implement the plan within ninety(90)days of notification date of the permittee above or other such date as is received by letter from IEPA. The IEPA may modify this Permit during its term to incorporate additional requirements or limitations based on the results of the biomonitoring. In addition, after review of the monitoring results and toxicity reduction evaluation, the IEPA may modify this Permit to include numerical limitations for specific toxic pollutants and additional whole effluent toxicity monitoring to confirm the results of the evaluation. Modifications under this condition shall follow public notice and opportunity for hearing. SPECIAL CONDITION 13. For the duration of this Permit, the Permittee shall determine the quantity of sludge produced by the treatment facility in dry tons or gallons with average percent total solids analysis. The Permittee shall maintain adequate records of the quantities of sludge produced and have said records available for U.S. EPA and IEPA inspection. The Permittee shall submit to the IEPA, at a minimum, a semi-annual summary report of the quantities of sludge generated and disposed of, in units of dry tons or gallons average total percent solids)by different disposal methods including but not limited to application on farmland,application on reclamation land, landfilling, public distribution, dedicated land disposal, sod farms, storage lagoons or any other specified disposal method. Said reports shall be submitted to the IEPA by January 31 and July 31 of each year reporting the preceding January thru June and July thru December interval of sludge disposal operations. Duty to Mitigate. The Permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize any sludge use or disposal in violation of this Permit. Sludge monitoring must be conducted according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR 136 unless otherwise specified in 40 CFR 503, unless other test procedures have been specified in this Permit. Planned Changes. The Permittee shall give notice to the IEPA on the semi-annual report of any changes in sludge use and disposal. The Permittee shall retain records of all sludge monitoring,and reports required by the Sludge Permit as referenced in Standard Condition 25 for a period of at least five(5)years from the date of this Permit. If the Permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit or the Sludge Permit,the results of this monitoring shall be included in the reporting of data submitted to the IEPA. The Permittee shall comply with existing federal regulations governing sewage sludge use or disposal and shall comply with all existing applicable regulations in any jurisdiction in which the sewage sludge is actually used or disposed. The Permittee shall comply with standards for sewage sludge use or disposal established under section 405(d)of the CWA within the time provided in the regulations that establish the standards for sewage sludge use or disposal even if the permit has not been modified to incorporate the requirement. The Permittee shall ensure that the applicable requirements in 40 CFR Part 503 are met when the sewage sludge is applied to the land, placed on a surface disposal site, or fired in a sewage sludge incinerator. Page 8 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Special Conditions Monitoring reports for sludge shall be reported on the form titled'Sludge Management Reports"to the following address: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Water Compliance Assurance Section Mail Code#19 1021 North Grand Avenue East Post Office Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276 SPECIAL CONDITION 14. The Permittee shall develop and submit to the Agency a Phosphorus Discharge Optimization Plan within eighteen (18)months from completion of construction of the WWTP consolidation or 42 months after the effective date of this permit, whichever comes first. The plan shall include a schedule for the implementation of these optimization measures. Annual progress reports on the optimization of the existing treatment facilities shall be submitted to the Agency by March 31 of each year. In developing the plan,the Permittee shall evaluate a range of measures for reducing phosphorus discharges from the treatment plant, including possible source reduction measures, operational improvements, and minor facility modifications that will optimize reductions in phosphorus discharges from the wastewater treatment facility. The Permittee's evaluation shall include, but not be limited to,an evaluation of the following optimization measures: A. WWTF influent reduction measures. 1. Evaluate the phosphorus reduction potential of users. 2. Determine which sources have the greatest opportunity for reducing phosphorus(i.e., industrial,commercial,institutional, municipal and others). a. Determine whether known sources(i.e.,restaurant and food preparation)can adopt phosphorus minimization and water conservation plans. b. Evaluate implementation of local limits on influent sources of excessive phosphorus. B. WWTF effluent reduction measures without causing non-compliance with permit effluent limitations or adversely impactingstreamhealth. 1. Reduce phosphorus discharges by optimizing existing treatment processes without causing non-compliance with permit effluent limitations or adversely impacting stream health. a. Adjust the solids retention time for biological phosphorus removal. b. Adjust aeration rates to reduce dissolved oxygen and promote biological phosphorus removal. c. Change aeration settings in plug flow basins by turning off air or mixers at the inlet side of the basin system. d. Minimize impact on recycle streams by improving aeration within holding tanks. e. Adjust flow through existing basins to enhance biological nutrient removal. f. Increase volatile fatty acids for biological phosphorus removal. SPECIAL CONDITION 15. The Permittee shall,within eighteen (18)months from completion of construction of the WWTP consolidationor42monthsaftertheeffectivedateofthispermit,whichever comes first, prepare and submit to the Agency a feasibility study thatidentifiesthemethod,timeframe,and costs of reducing phosphorus levels in its discharge to a level consistently meeting a potential futureeffluentlimitof0.5 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L on a monthly, seasonal and annual average basis. The study shall evaluate the construction andO&M costs of the application of these limits on an annual average basis. SPECIAL CONDITION 16:This Permit may be modified to include alternative or additional final effluent limitations pursuant to anapprovedTotalMaximumDailyLoad(TMDL) Study or upon completion of an alternate water quality study. SPECIAL CONDITION 17. The Permittee shall work towards the goals of achieving no discharges from sanitary sewer overflows orbasementback-ups and ensuring that overflows or back-ups,when they do occur do not cause or contribute to violations of applicablestandardsorcauseimpairmentinanyadjacentreceivingwater. Overflows from sanitary sewers are expressly prohibited by this PermitandbyIII.Adm.Code 305.304. In order to accomplish these goals of complying with this prohibition and mitigating the adverse impacts ofanysuchoverflowsiftheydooccur,the Permittee shall(A)identify and report to IEPA all SSOs that do occur,and(B)develop,implementandsubmittotheIEPAaCapacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance (CMOM) plan which includes an Asset Managementstrategywithintwelve(12)months of the effective date of this Permit or review and revise any existing plan accordingly. The permitteeshallmodifythePlantoincorporateanycommentsthatitreceivesfromIEPAandshallimplementthemodifiedplanassoonaspossible.The Permittee should work as appropriate, in consultation with affected authorities at the local, county,and/or state level to develop theplancomponentsinvolvingthirdpartynotificationofoverflowevents. The Permittee may be required to construct additional sewagetransportand/or treatment facilities in future permits or other enforceable documents should the implemented CMOM plan indicate thatthePermittee's facilities are not capable of conveying and treating the flow for which they were designed. The CMOM plan shall include the following elements: Page 9 NPDES Permit No. IL0066257 Special Conditions A. Measures and Activities: 1. A complete map and system inventory for the collection system owned and operated by the Permittee; 2. Organizational structure; budgeting;training of personnel;legal authorities; schedules for maintenance,sewer system cleaning, and preventative rehabilitation;checklists,and mechanisms to ensure that preventative maintenance is performed on equipment owned and operated by the Permittee; 3. Documentation of unplanned maintenance; 4. An assessment of the capacity of the collection and treatment system owned and operated by the Permittee at critical junctions and immediately upstream of locations where overflows and back-ups occur or are likely to occur; use flow monitoring as necessary; 5. Identification and prioritization of structural deficiencies in the system owned and operated by the Permittee; 6. Operational control, including documented system control procedures, scheduled inspections and testing; 7. The Permittee shall develop and implement an Asset Management strategy to ensure the long-term sustainability of the collection system. Asset management shall be used to assist the Permittee in making decisions on when it is most appropriate to repair,replace or rehabilitate particular assets and develop long-term funding strategies; and 8. Asset management shall include but is not limited to the following elements: a. Asset Inventory and State of the Asset; b. Level of Service; c. Critical Asset Identification; d. Life Cycle Cost; and e. Long-Term Funding Strategy. B. Design and Performance Provisions: 1. Monitor the effectiveness of CMOM; 2. Upgrade the elements of the CMOM plan as necessary;and 3. Maintain a summary of CMOM activities. C. Overflow Response Plan: 1. Know where overflows and back-ups within the facilities owned and operated by the Permittee occur; 2. Respond to each overflow or back-up to determine additional actions such as clean up;and 3. Locations where basement back-ups and/or sanitary sewer overflows occur shall be evaluated as soon as practicable for excessive inflow/infiltration,obstructions or other causes of overflows or back-ups as set forth in the System Evaluation Plan. D. System Evaluation Plan: 1. Summary of existing SSO and Excessive I/I areas in the system and sources of contribution; 2. Evaluate plans to reduce I/I and eliminate SSOs; 3. Special provisions for Pump Stations and force mains and other unique system components; and 4. Construction plans and schedules for correction. E. Reporting and Monitoring Requirements: 1. Program for SSO detection and reporting; and 2. Program for tracking and reporting basement back-ups, including general public complaints. F. Third Party Notice Plan: 1. Describes how, under various overflow scenarios, the public, as well as other entities, would be notified of overflows within the Permittee's system that may endanger public health, safety or welfare; 2. Identifies overflows within the Permittee's system that would be reported, giving consideration to various types of events including events with potential widespread impacts; 3. Identifies who shall receive the notification; 4. Identifies the specific information that would be reported including actions that will be taken to respond to the overflow;5. Includes a description of the lines of communication;and 6. Includes the identities and contact information of responsible POTW officials and local,county, and/or state level officials. For additional information concerning USEPA CMOM guidance and Asset Management please refer to the following web site addresses.http://www.eoa.gov/npdes/pubs/cmom guide for collection systems.pdf and http://water.epa.gov/type/watersheds/wastewater/upload/guide smallsystems assetmanagement bestpractices.pdf Page 10 Attachment H 8-Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least 3 sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at periodic Standard Conditions intervals during the operating hours of a facility over an 8-hour period. Definitions Flow Proportional Composite Sample means a combination of Act means the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, 415 ILCS 5 as sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters collected at periodic Amended. intervals such that either the time interval between each aliquot or the volume of each aliquot is proportional to either the stream flow Agency means the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. at the time of sampling or the total stream flow since the collection of the previous aliquot. Board means the Illinois Pollution Control Board. 1) Duty to comply. The permittee must comply with all Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance Pollution Control Act) means Pub. L 92-500, as amended. 33 constitutes a violation of the Act and is grounds for U.S.C. 1251 et seq. enforcement action, permit termination, revocation and reissuance, modification, or for denial of a permit renewalNPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) means application. The permittee shall comply with effluent standards the national program for issuing, modifying, revoking and reissuing, or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the Clean terminating, monitoring and enforcing permits, and imposing and Water Act for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the enforcing pretreatment requirements, under Sections 307, 402, 318 regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions,evenand405oftheCleanWaterAct. if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the USEPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency. requirements. 2) Duty to reapply. If the permittee wishes to continue an activityDailyDischargemeansthedischargeofapollutantmeasured regulated by this permit after the expiration date of this permit,during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably the permittee must apply for and obtain a new permit. If therepresentsthecalendardayforpurposesofsampling. For permittee submits a proper application as required by thepollutantswithlimitationsexpressedinunitsofmass, the "daily Agency no later than 180 days prior to the expiration date, thisdischarge" is calculated as the total mass of the pollutant permit shall continue in full force and effect until the finaldischargedovertheday. For pollutants with limitations expressed Agency decision on the application has been made.in other units of measurements, the "daily discharge" is calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the day. 3) Need to halt or reduce activity not a defense. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it wouldMaximumDailyDischargeLimitation(daily maximum)means the have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity inhighestallowabledailydischarge. order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. Average Monthly Discharge Limitation (30 day average) means (4) Duty to mitigate. The permittee shall take all reasonablethehighestallowableaverageofdailydischargesoveracalendarstepstominimizeorpreventanydischargeinviolationofthismonth, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affectingduringacalendarmonthdividedbythenumberofdailydischargeshumanhealthortheenvironment. measured during that month. 5) Proper operation and maintenance. The permittee shall atAverageWeeklyDischargeLimitation(7 day average)means the all times properly operate and maintain all facilities andhighestallowableaverageofdailydischargesoveracalendar systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances)week, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured which are installed or used by the permittee to achieveduringacalendarweekdividedbythenumberofdailydischarges compliance with conditions of this permit. Proper operationmeasuredduringthatweek. and maintenance includes effective performance, adequate Best Management Practices (BMPs) means schedules of funding, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and laboratory apnd processr controls, includingrequiresappropriateheoperationquality fothermanagementpracticestopreventorreducethepollutionofassuranceback-up, or auxiliaryaux This provision, s the ly nwatersoftheState. BMPs also include treatment requirements, ssa ch facilities, or similar thesystems only of thenecessarytoachievecompliancewithconditionstheoperatingprocedures, and practices to control plant site runoff, permit.spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. 6) Permit actions. This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued,or terminated for cause by the Agency pursuant to 40AliquotmeansasampleofspecifiedvolumeusedtomakeupaCFR122,62 and 40 CFR 122.63. The filing of a request by thetotalcompositesample. permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, Grab Sample means an individual sample of at least 100 milliliters or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance,does not stay any permit condition.collected at a randomly-selected time over a period not exceeding 15 minutes. 7) Property rights. This permit does not convey any property 24-Hour Composite Sample means a combination of at least 8 rights of any sort,or any exclusive privilege. sample aliquots of at least 100 milliliters, collected at periodic (8) Duty to provide information. The permittee shall furnish tointervalsduringtheoperatinghoursofafacilityovera24-hour the Agency within a reasonable time,any information which theperiod. Agency may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying,revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit, or to determine compliance with the permit. The permittee shall also furnish to the Agency upon request, copies of records reauired to he kept by this permit. Page 11 9) Inspection and entry. The permittee shall allow an authorized authorized representative only if: representative of the Agency or USEPA (including an 1) The authorization is made in writing by a person authorized contractor acting as a representative of the Agency described in paragraph(a);and or USEPA), upon the presentation of credentials and other 2) The authorization specifies either an individual or a documents as may be required by law,to: position responsible for the overall operation of the a) Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility, from which the discharge originates, such as facility or activity is located or conducted,or where records a plant manager, superintendent or person of must be kept under the conditions of this permit; equivalent responsibility;and b) Have access to and copy,at reasonable times,any 3) The written authorization is submitted to the Agency. records that must be kept under the conditions of this c) Changes of Authorization. If an authorization under(b) permit; is no longer accurate because a different individual or c) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities,equipment position has responsibility for the overall operation of the including monitoring and control equipment),practices,or facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of operations regulated or required under this permit;and b) must be submitted to the Agency prior to or together d) Sample or monitor at reasonable times,for the purpose of with any reports,information,or applications to be signed assuring permit compliance,or as otherwise authorized by by an authorized representative. the Act,any substances or parameters at any location. d) Certification. Any person signing a document under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall make the 10) Monitoring and records. following certification: a) Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored I certify under penalty of law that this document and all activity. attachments were prepared under my direction or b) The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring supervision in accordance with a system designed to information, including all calibration and maintenance assure that qualified personnel properly gather and records, and all original strip chart recordings for evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all of the person or persons who manage the system, or reports required by this permit, and records of all data those persons directly responsible for gathering theusedtocompletetheapplicationforthispermit, for a information, the information submitted is, to the best of period of at least 3 years from the date of this permit, my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,and complete. I measurement, report or application. Records related to am aware that there are significant penalties forthepermittee's sewage sludge use and disposal activities submitting false information, including the possibility ofshallberetainedforaperiodofatleastfiveyears (or fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.longer as required by 40 CFR Part 503). This period may be extended by request of the Agency or USEPA at any (12) Reporting requirements. time.a) Planned changes. The permittee shall give notice to the c) Records of monitoring information shall include: Agency as soon as possible of any planned physical1) The date, exact place, and time of sampling or alterations or additions to the permitted facility. measurements; Notice is required when: 2) The individual(s) who performed the sampling or 1) The alteration or addition to a permitted facility maymeasurements; meet one of the criteria for determining whether a3) The date(s)analyses were performed; facility is a new source pursuant to 40 CFR 122.294) The individual(s)who performed the analyses;h);or 5) The analytical techniques or methods used;and 2) The alteration or addition could significantly change6) The results of such analyses. the nature or increase the quantity of pollutantsd) Monitoring must be conducted according to test discharged. This notification applies to pollutantsproceduresapprovedunder40CFRPart136, unless other which are subject neither to effluent limitations in thetestprocedureshavebeenspecifiedinthispermit. Where permit, nor to notification requirements pursuant tonotestprocedureunder40CFRPart136hasbeen40CFR122.42(a)(1). approved, the permittee must submit to the Agency a test 3) The alteration or addition results in a significantmethodforapproval. The permittee shall calibrate and change in the permittee's sludge use or disposalperformmaintenanceproceduresonallmonitoringandpractices, and such alteration, addition, or changeanalyticalinstrumentationatintervalstoensureaccuracymayjustifytheapplicationofpermitconditionsthatofmeasurements. are different from or absent in the existing permit, reports or including notification of additional use or disposal11) Signatory requirement. All applications, P sites not reported during the permit applicationinformationsubmittedtotheAgencyshallbesignedandprocessornotreportedpursuanttoanapprovedcertified. land application plan.a) Application. All permit applications shall he signed as b) Anticipated noncompliance. The permittee shall givefollows: advance notice to the Agency of any planned changes in1) For a corporation: by a principal executive officer of the permitted facility or activity which may result inatleastthelevelofvicepresidentorapersonornoncompliancewithpermitrequirements.position having overall responsibility for c) Transfers. This permit is not transferable to any personenvironmentalmattersforthecorporation: except after notice to the Agency.2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general d) Compliance schedules. Reports of compliance orpartnerortheproprietor, respectively;or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim3) For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public and final requirements contained in any complianceagency: by either a principal executive officer or schedule of this permit shall be submitted no later than 14rankingelectedofficial. days following each schedule date.b) Reports. All reports required by permits, or other e) Monitoring reports. Monitoring results shall be reportedinformationrequestedbytheAgencyshallhesignedbyaattheintervalsspecifiedelsewhereinthispermit.person described in paragraph(a)or by a duly authorized 1) Monitoring results must be reported on a DischargerepresentativeofthatnarsnnAncrennie ,,,.1., Page•12 2) If the permittee monitors any pollutant more required in paragraph(12)(f)(24-hour notice). frequently than required by the permit, using test d) Prohibition of bypass. procedures approved under 40 CFR 136 or as 1) Bypass is prohibited, and the Agency may takespecifiedinthepermit, the results of this monitoring enforcement action against a permittee forshallbeincludedinthecalculationandreportingofbypass,unless: the data submitted in the DMR. i) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life,3) Calculations for all limitations which require personal injury,or severe property damage; averaging of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic ii) There were no feasible alternatives to the mean unless otherwise specified by the Agency in bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatmentthepermit. facilities, retention of untreated wastes, orf) Twenty-four hour reporting. The permittee shall report maintenance during normal periods of any noncompliance which may endanger health or the equipment downtime. This condition is not environment. Any information shall he provided orally satisfied if adequate back-up equipment shouldwithin24-hours from the time the permittee becomes have been installed in the exercise of aware of the circumstances. A written submission shall reasonable engineering judgment to prevent aalsobeprovidedwithin5daysofthetimethepermitteebypasswhichoccurredduringnormalperiodsbecomesawareofthecircumstances. The written of equipment downtime or preventivesubmissionshallcontainadescriptionofthemaintenance;and noncompliance and its cause; the period of iii) The permittee submitted notices as requirednoncompliance, including exact dates and time; and if the under paragraph(13)(c). noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated 2) The Agency may approve an anticipated bypass,time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or after considering its adverse effects,if the Agencyplannedtoreduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence determines that it will meet the three conditionsofthenoncompliance. The following shall be included as listed above in paragraph(13)(d)(1).information which must be reported within 24-hours: 1) Any unanticipated bypass which exceeds any (14) Upset. effluent limitation in the permit. a)Definition. Upset means an exceptional incident in which2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation in there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance withthepermit. technology based permit effluent limitations because of3) Violation of a maximum daily discharge limitation for factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee.any of the pollutants listed by the Agency in the An upset does net include noncompliance to the extentpermitoranypollutantwhichmayendangerhealthorcausedbyoperationalerror, improperly designedtheenvironment. treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack ofTheAgencymaywaivethewrittenreportonacase- preventive maintenance, or careless or improperby-case basis if the oral report has been received operation. within 24-hours. b)Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an affirmativeg) Other noncompliance. The permittee shall report all defense to an action brought for noncompliance with suchinstancesofnoncompliancenotreportedundertechnologybasedpermiteffluentlimitationsiftheparagraphs (12) (d), (e), or (f), at the time monitoring requirements of paragraph (14)(c) are met. Noreportsaresubmitted. The reports shall contain the determination made during administrative review ofinformationlistedinparagraph(12)(f). claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, andh) Other information. Where the permittee becomes before an action for noncompliance,is final administrativeawarethatitfailedtosubmitanyrelevantfactsinapermitactionsubjecttojudicialreview.application, or submitted incorrect information in a permit c)Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. Aapplication, or in any report to the Agency, it shall permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defensepromptlysubmitsuchfactsorinformation. of upset shall demonstrate, through properlysigned, 13) Bypass. contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant a) Definitions. evidence that: 1)An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify1) Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste the cause(s)of the upset;streams from any portion of a treatment facility.2) permitted facility was at the time being The properly2) Severe property damage means substantial operated;andphysicaldamagetoproperty, damage to the 3)The permittee submitted notice of the upset astreatmentfacilitieswhichcausesthemtobecomerequiredinparagraph(12)(f)(2)(24-hour notice).inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of 4)The permittee complied with any remedial measuresnaturalresourceswhichcanreasonablyberequiredunderparagraph(4).expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. d)Burden of proof. In any enforcement proceeding theSeverepropertydamagedoesnotmeaneconomicpermitteeseekingtoestablishtheoccurrenceofanupsetlosscausedbydelaysinproduction. has the burden of proof.b) Bypass not exceeding limitations. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause (15) Transfer of permits. Permits may be transferred byeffluentlimitationstobeexceeded, but only if it also is modification or automatic transfer as described below:for essential maintenance to assure efficient a)Transfers by modification. Except as provided inoperation. These bypasses are not subject to the paragraph b , a provisions ofparagraphs 13 c and 13 d permit may be transferred by thepO ( )O. permittee to a new owner or operator only if the permitc) Notice, has been modified or revoked and reissued pursuant to1) Anticipated bypass. If the permittee knows in 40 CFR 122.62 (b) (2), or a minor modification madeadvanceoftheneedforabypass, it shall submit pursuant to 40 CFR 122.63 (d), to identify the newpriornotice, if possible at least ten days before permittee and incorporate such other requirements asthedateofthebypass.may be necessary under the Clean Water Act.2) Unanticipated bypass. The permittee shall submit notice of an unanticipated bvnass as Page 13 b)Automatic transfers. As an alternative to transfers under (19) If an applicable standard or limitation is promulgated underparagraph (a), any NPDES permit may be automatically Section 301(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), or 307(a)(2)and thattransferredtoanewpermitteeif: effluent standard or limitation is more stringent than any1)The current permittee notifies the Agency at least 30 effluent limitation in the permit, or controls a pollutant notdaysinadvanceoftheproposedtransferdate; limited in the permit, the permit shall be promptly modified or2)The notice includes a written agreement between the revoked, and reissued to conform to that effluent standard orexistingandnewpermitteescontainingaspecifiedlimitation. date for transfer of permit responsibility,coverage and liability between the existing and new permittees;and 20) Any authorization to construct issued to the permittee3)The Agency does not notify the existing permittee and pursuant to 35 III. Adm. Code 309.154 is hereby incorporatedtheproposednewpermitteeofitsintenttomodifyorbyreferenceasaconditionofthispermit.revoke and reissue the permit. If this notice is not received, the transfer is effective on the date specified (21) The permittee shall not make any false statement,in the agreement. representation or certification in any application, record, 16) All manufacturing, commercial, mining, and silvicultural report, plan or other document submitted to the Agency or the USEPA,or required to be maintained under this permit.dischargers must notify the Agency as soon as they know orhavereasontobelieve: 22) The Clean Water Act provides that any person who violates aa) That any activity has occurred or will occur which would permit condition implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307,result in the discharge of any toxic pollutant identified 308, 318, or 405 of the Clean Water Act is subject to a civilunderSection307oftheCleanWaterActwhichisnot penalty not to exceed$25,000 per day of such violation. Anylimitedinthepermit, if that discharge will exceed the person who willfully or negligently violates permit conditionshighestofthefollowingnotificationlevels: implementing Sections 301, 302, 306,307,308, 318 or 405 of1) One hundred micrograms per liter(100 ug/l); the Clean Water Act is subject to a fine of not less than2) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 ug/l) for 2,500 nor more than $25,000 per day of violation, or byacroleinandacrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms imprisonment for not more than one year,or both.per liter (500 ugh') for 2,4-dinitrophenol and for 2- Additional penalties for violating these sections of the Cleanmethyl-4,6 dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter Water Act are identified in 40 CFR 122.41 (a)(2)and(3).1 mg/I)for antimony. 3) Five (5) times the maximum concentration value (23) The Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies,reported for that pollutant in the NPDES permit tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoringapplication;or device or method required to be maintained under this permit4) The level established by the Agency in this permit. shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more thanb) That they have begun or expect to begin to use or 10,000, or by imprisonment for not more than 2 years, ormanufactureasanintermediateorfinalproductorboth. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committedbyproductanytoxicpollutantwhichwasnotreportedin after a first conviction of such person under this paragraph,the NPDES permit application. punishment is a fine of not more than $20,000 per clay of17) All Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) must provide violation, or by imprisonment of not more than 4 years, or adequate notice to the Agency of the following: Both. a) Any new introduction of pollutants into that POTW from ( 24) The Clean Water Act provides that any person who knowinglyanindirectdischargewhichwouldbesubjecttoSections makes any false statement, representation, or certification in301or306oftheCleanWaterActifitweredirectlyanyrecordorotherdocumentsubmittedorrequiredtohedischargingthosepollutants;and b) Any substantial change in the volume or character of maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or pollutants being introduced into that POTW by a source reports of compliance or non-compliance shall, upon introducing pollutants into the at the time of conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 6 monthsissuanceofthepermit. c) For purposes of this paragraph, adequate notice shall per violation,or by both. include information on (i) the quality and quantity of ( 25) Collected screening, slurries, sludges, and other solids shalleffluentintroducedintothePOTW, and (ii) any be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent entry of thoseanticipatedimpactofthechangeonthequantityorquality wastes (or runoff from the wastes) into waters of the State.of effluent to be discharged from the POTW. The proper authorization for such disposal shall be obtained18) If the permit is issued to a publicly owned or publicly regulated from the Agency and is incorporated as part hereof bytreatmentworks, the permittee shall require any industrial reference. user of such treatment works to comply with federal requirements concerning: 26) In case of conflict between these standard conditions and anya) User charges pursuant to Section 204 (b) of the Clean other condition(s) included in this permit, the otherWaterAct, and applicable regulations appearing in 40 condition(s)shall govern. CFR 35; b) Toxic pollutant effluent standards and pretreatment ( 27) The permittee shall comply with, in addition to the requirements of the permit, all applicable provisions of 35 III.standards pursuant to Section 307 of the Clean WaterAct;and Adm. Code, Subtitle C, Subtitle D, Subtitle E, and allc) Inspection, monitoring and entry pursuant to Section 308 applicable orders of the Board or any court with jurisdiction.of the Clean Water Act. 28) The provisions of this permit are severable, and if anyprovisionofthispermit, or the application of any provision of this permit is held invalid, the remaining provisions of this permit shall continue in full force and effect.Rev. 7-9-2010 bah) Appendix C WATER CONNECTION FEE RESIDENTIAL EXISTING PROPOSED WATER CONNECTION NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES McHENRY FEE McHENRY Type of Unit Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Algonquin Cary Crystal Lake Lakewood LITH Woodstock Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2,199 $ 5,225 $6,878 $ 1,977 $ 7,571 $ 5,864 $ 4,456 $ 10,766 $ 9,740 $ 2,368 3 Bedroom 3,811 $ 7,509 $ 9,886 $ 2,841 $ 8,040 $ 5,864 $ 4,456 $ 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 3,395 4 Bedroom 4,098 $ 9,749 $ 12,836 $ 3,689 $ 8,040 $ 5,864 $ 4,456 $ 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 3,395 5 Bedroom 4,098 $ 9,765 $ 12,856 $ 3,695 $ 8,040 $ 5,864 $ 4,456 $ 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 3,395 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1,300 $ 3,090 $ 4,069 $ 1,169 $ 7,571 $ 4,340 10,766 $ 6,500 $ 1,401 2 Bedroom 2,164 $ 5,155 $6,786 $ 1,950 $ 7,571 $ 4,340 10,766 $ 9,740 $ 2,329 3 Bedroom 2,602 $ 6,196 $ 8,157 $ 2,344 $ 8,040 $ 4,340 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 2,801 4 Bedroom 3,426 $ 8,146 $ 10,725 $ 3,082 $ 8,040 $ 4,340 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 2,801 Apartments Efficiency 1,408 $ 3,352 $ 4,413 $ 1,268 2,062 1 Bedroom 1,912 $ 4,554 $5,995 $ 1,723 2,062 2 Bedroom 2,084 $ 4,958 $6,527 $ 1,876 2,251 3 Bedroom 3,325 $ 7,908 $ 10,411 $ 2,992 3,585 NON-RESIDENTIAL EXISTING PROPOSED WATER CONNECTION NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES McHENRY FEE McHENRY Meter Size Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Algonquin Cary Crystal Lake Lakewood LITH Woodstock 3/4" 3,811 $2,590 $ 3,410 $ 980 3,428 3,086 1" 10,655 $7,252 $ 9,548 $2,744 4,456 $ 10,766 $ 11,800 $ 3,086 1-1/2" 18,288 $ 12,432 $ 16,368 $4,704 6,536 $ 6,856 $ 21,532 $ 16,650 $ 6,172 2" 30,478 $ 20,720 $ 27,280 $7,840 9,332 $ 10,284 $ 43,070 $ 34,380 $ 10,029 3" 68,578 $ 46,620 $ 61,380 $ 17,640 13,712 $ 96,910 4" 190,492 $ 129,500 $ 170,500 $ 49,000 17,140 $ 215,357 6" 190,492 $ 129,500 $ 170,500 $ 49,000 20,568 $ 430,717 8" 466,200 $ 613,800 $ 176,400 10/11/19 Appendix D SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEE RESIDENTIAL EXISTING PROPOSED SEWER Mc NRY CONNECTION FEE NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES McHENRY Type of Unit Option 1 Option 2 Algonquin Cary Crystal Lake Lakewood Woodstock Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 2,607 $ 3,879 $ 2,898 $ 6,861 $ 6,656 $6,153 $ 9,904 $ 3,635 3 Bedroom 3,739 $ 5,575 $ 4,166 $ 7,658 $ 6,656 $6,153 $ 9,904 $ 5,225 4 Bedroom 4,788 $ 7,238 $ 5,409 $ 7,658 $ 6,656 $6,153 $ 9,904 $ 5,225 5 Bedroom 4,868 $ 7,250 $ 5,417 $ 7,658 $ 6,656 $6,153 $ 9,904 $ 5,225 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 1,538 $ 2,294 $ 1,714 $ 6,861 $ 5,180 9,904 $ 2,156 2 Bedroom 2,571 $ 3,827 $ 2,860 $ 6,861 $ 5,180 9,904 $ 3,596 3 Bedroom 3,151 $ 4,600 $ 3,437 $ 7,658 $ 5,180 9,904 $ 4,324 4 Bedroom 4,057 $ 6,048 $ 4,519 $ 7,658 $ 5,180 9,904 $ 4,324 Apartments Efficiency 1,674 $ 2,488 $ 1,859 3,180 1 Bedroom 2,273 $ 3,381 $ 2,526 3,180 2 Bedroom 2,471 $ 3,681 $ 2,750 3,446 3 Bedroom 3,942 $ 5,871 $ 4,387 5,553 PROPOSED SEWER NON-RESIDENTIAL EXISTING CONNECTION FEE NEIGHBORING COMMUNITIES McHENRY McHENRY Meter Size Option 1 Option 2 Algonquin Cary Crystal Lake Lakewood Woodstock 3/4" 3,739 $ 1,923 $ 1,437 4,733 4,750 1"6,252 $ 5,384 $ 4,024 6,153 $ 9,904 $ 4,750 1-1/2" 12,462 $ 9,230 $ 6,898 7,460 $9,466 $ 19,810 $ 9,502 2"19,942 $ 15,384 $ 11,496 10,832 $ 14,199 $ 39,621 $ 15,440 3"39,924 $ 34,614 $ 25,866 18,932 $ 89,153 4"62,377 $ 96,150 $ 71,850 23,665 $ 198,117 6" 124,712 $ 96,150 $ 71,850 28,398 $ 396,238 8" 346,140 $ 258,660 10/11/19 EXHIBITS BAXTER WOODMAN North of f /`... 1 1 s._ ' __s McCullom Lake Road I 1 i I_1_._i , . S\ jam- -- - 1 1 •.,;! J I__i , - I i i --- 1 --Z I 1 / 1 1 1 1 1 i I 4 1 ' I 1 N. t20 and f 7 Y. "_"_ Martin Road Q 1 ---Z, 1 1 i 1 i.p In . i 1 • ......... _ II _.i____ ._..1 1 11 North of 120 -_ 2,„ East of t f i tM Chapel FOR I El\I v' South of'12 I L--- ! f. , I I West of i J i _,- i r I Chapel Hill Legend Lakes i f •_1 South of 120 East of i f\` l •-. 1 I - .__, I Chapel Hill I . 3- l J Legend i I 1 ir 1 __ - Lakes f^ O l-- 111 Preserves of Part 2 1 L r t Boone CreekiQ i t I I W_1 i / South of A Butt Valley J s_ o--i I 'i and Curran / / I P I TT 1 •-_. I I Exhibit A I I-= 1 1 City of McHenry,Illinois I l; --- I Proposed Developments v d Oaks of s_. Legend Irish Prairie i Near Future Developments 7East of 9 I Distant Future Developments I Cystal 3 I J i t Lake Road 1•''_1J I" r' i 2 r 00 t 1 BAXTER-,WOODMAN i ,1 . 1 I 1.----1 I, 1 \ i i 1 1 I L_ i — I I 7- 11 4 1 I i I 1 _ I I * 1 • II -- 1 ----1 I . 4 1----J 11(.-_-_,-'ILI. pi W ,tint .' II lira10jilf/r44111_11",, i - .11111=111 IN 011° I Una e i ILO - 1, kvillikl". ji • I i 4• pli . - s.... eft . 410_,kilt* ' N wag ElFrated Option 1: 01411 rill- -- Tower 3 . VVater Treatment Plant 2 ../ s VVTP 2 ' ........„ • , .. ss, 41. , at Well 11 Air : -114414 —_ '1414011.111111- - 1 1 11/11. 11 ,c. South of 120 i I 14 ..:.-46.1000 WI - ' ,---" A n'sew 12"water &West of main extension Chapel Hill Legend Lakes 16, It- i/kWilmilligrAli fte South of 120 i , ,r r ated 11111W . i — Chapel Hill i',. 1 Option 2: VVater Treatment Plant 10.4 11111.1'...24 47°Iewver i at Wells 12/13 MINIM 1' immtenow I' it 1147 M. -rp i mulm y,pm. i 1 1- 14•0: Legend 10." ALP Arl I WWTP Lakes 1 trir"."111" 1 i _..Preserves of 1 Boone Creek P —.ED :3 ! ' i Elevated r1L—eler - . --- ' 1. ' I A new 12"waterK Tower 4 Exhibit B main extension 11"y, i... 7...... 4.,L.... .hi ISM MIIMI 1 i I City of McHenry,Illinois Water System i'..i:.. i.if.-:, / :--i N. 1 Legend c., i ! Elevated Towers 1---- 1 i IS VVater Treatment i Oaks of i Irish Backup VVells 1111111.111111( - E—le—vated— Prairie i Proposed Waterman I It_--,— , Tower 2 1/ i Developments le1 2 i N i 1.•-•--- i MO f it ,,,,,, WEIL-,WOODMAN l 1 I. 1 1 II1 I — ; 7 iI - 1 -- i I-- p......il ,74,,,,, , , ...... ,....,.._-__ ta, ,,,,,,,---- L- , 11 , ilti tH 1 f r i bR. South of 120 I I 8 West ofII ,-- :Chapel Hill 1 Legend Lakes r MI-- I If., South of 120• r l East of I 1 I `- 1, I li /- Chapel Hill r\., ; t .. A I i " N L7 i i l LegendLakesr-;_,,, r-- , i t i Preserves of Part 2 Boone Creek _____ ill i Exhibit C r_ City of McHenry,Illinois Ii eee s -.-• Sanitary Sewer System N I --r R Legend II / -' 1_-_ 1_ 0 Uft Station Upgrades i f' i_ -- f i Sewer Upgrades J,f} I -_ t l7 _ Bull Valley Trunk Sewer Imo' I Oaks of Irish Prairie Trunk Sewer I fiiiGp rr_Route 120 Trunk Sewer j Oaks of; r II Irish Y h Bull Valley Tributary I' Prairie g I I Oaks of Irish Prairie Tributary I I Route 120 Trunk Sewer Tributary Area t I 1 / /ri /r ----` Developments 1 i ie. 1.11% ...... aBAXTER':,f00DMAll 7 i t 1 Department of Community& Economic Development McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 y Phone: (815) 363-2170 Mc ely ll Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us REGULAR AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO:Mayor and City Council FROM: Ross Polerecky, Community Development Director FOR: December 2, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting RE:Impact Fee Schedule Agenda Item Summary: In September of 2018 City Council agreed to reduce impact fees by 50% in order to attract single family home development on roughly 300 platted lots within the city. Staff was directed to review the impact fee schedule and make adjustments accordingly, Land Use and Valuation Consultants Harrison and Associates was hired to perform a Developer Donation Consultation,the findings of the consolation resulted in a decrease of the value of 1 acre of improved land from $107,586 to 80,000 per acre. This new $80,000 value was input into the Naperville formula to establish the new fee structure. Staff is looking for an approval of this new fee schedule. Background Impact fees are fees collected at the issuance of a residential single family home building permit. These fees are collected in order to offset the cost associated with the impact of the added population in the community, fees are distributed to the schools, parks, library and fire district. In 1972,the Village of Naperville, Illinois began to assess impact fees for road improvements and later used the number of bedrooms in a home to determine school impact fees, which became known as the "Naperville Formula”. Many communities including the City of McHenry have adopted this formula to calculate local impact fees,the determination of impact fees is based off the value of a 1 acre improved parcel of land. Improved land is land that has been partially or fully developed for use. Any of the following activities on a piece of raw land will result in improved land: landscaping and grading; installation of utilities; construction of roads, curbs, or gutters; and construction of buildings. In January of 2004 the city of McHenry determined the value of a 1 acre parcel was $107,586, impact fees were based off of this value and per our ordinance have risen each year according to the Chicago Area Price Index. Staff has hired Land Use and Valuation Consultants Harrison and Associates to perform a Developer Donation Consultation, the findings of the consolation resulted in a decrease of the value of 1 acre of improved land to $80,000 per acre. 00.1110. Department of Community& Economic Development ikk McHenry Municipal Center vZil .^333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 py Phone: (815) 363-2170 MC el ll Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us Analysis: Attached is the full report from Harrison and Associates, also attached is the current ordinance including the Naperville formula,the fee schedule prior to the 50%reduction approved by council in September of 2018 and the current proposed adjusted fee schedule.The new fee schedule will affect all new single family homes not currently covered under an active annexation agreement, subdivisions with active annexation agreements will revert back to the non-reduced fee schedule negotiated in the original annexation agreement. All new fees will take effect January 24th 2020. RECOMMENDATION: Therefore, if Council agrees, then a motion to approve the attached Ordinance reestablishing a new impact fee schedule based on a 1 acre land value of $80,000 is appropriate. This fee schedule shall be implemented January 25th 2020. 4.....„)• `;, Department of Community& Economic Development 1 McHenry Municipal Center 333 Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: (815) 363-2170 McHenr Fax: (815) 363-2173 www.ci.mchenry.il.us NEW FEES BASED ON$80,000 VALUE PER IMPROVED ACRE STANDARD FEE PER UNIT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL/UNIT 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 797 $2,420 356 356 3,929 3 BEDROOMS 2,985 $3,478 356 356 7,175 4 BEDROOMS 4,976 $4,517 356 356 10,205 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 3,805 $4,524 356 356 9,041 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 BEDROOM 0 $1,432 356 356 2,144 2 BEDROOMS 715 $2,388 356 356 3,815 3 BEDROOMS 1,376 $2,870 356 356 4,958 4 BEDROOMS 2,678 $3,774 356 356 7,164 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 0 $1,553 356 356 2,265 1 BEDROOM 0 $2,110 356 356 2,839 2 BEDROOMS 718 $2,297 356 356 3,727 3 BEDROOMS/MORE 1,961 $3,664 356 356 6,337 CURRENT FEES BASED ON$107,586 VALUE PER IMPROVED ACRE STANDARD FEES-RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL/UNIT 2 BEDROOMS/LESS 2,835 $4,279 356 356 7,826 3 BEDROOMS 4,609 $6,150 356 356 11,471 4 BEDROOMS 6,385 $7,984 356 356 15,081 5 BEDROOMS/MORE 6,560 $7,995 356 356 15,267 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED(Townhouses,duplexes,etc.) 1 BEDROOM 0 $2,573 362 362 3,297 2 BEDROOMS 2,425 $4,297 362 362 7,446 3 BEDROOMS 2,744 $5,165 362 362 8,633 4 BEDROOMS 6,608 $6,788 362 362 14,120 MULTI-FAMILY(Apartments) Efficiency 0 $2,793 362 362 3,517 1 BEDROOM 0 $3,794 362 362 4,518 2 BEDROOMS 1,163 $4,140 362 362 6,027 3 BEDROOMS/MORE 5,235 $6,592 362 362 12,551 I t s 1 ARRISON Associates, Inc 7'' r" y/ r '''" r„`' {'. i».y'rr.r + {yk' --'k , ate._ _ _ Land Use&Valuation Consultants E t Frank E. Harrison, AI IPostOfficeBox684StateCertified-General-Illinois Woodstock, Illinois 60098-0684 1 October 9, 2018 Telephone: (815)338-3004 Cell Phone: (815)382-2877 Fax: (815)338-3387 email: appraise@mc.net i F1 Mr. Ross Polerecky a. Director of Community Development City of McHenry 333 S. Green Street t1. McHenry,IL 60050 g In Re: Our File No. 11246 McHenry Developer Donation ti Dear Mr. Polerecky: 1 I This letter is intended to respond to the request of the City of McHenry relative to the impact fee component of Section 8 of McHenry's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance. This i ordinance provides the formulas that are used to calculate donations (cash and/or land)that are to il be made for park and school sites, libraries, and the fire protection services. You have provided j imewithpages36through41ofthisordinancerelativetothisassignment; it is retained in my file. As I understand this consulting assignment, the City of McHenry wants me to review this document and to determine whether the per-acre value of development land incorporated into the t ordinance remains appropriate as of the current date. When that ordinance was adopted in 2001, the base developer donation was$107,586, and it was to be reviewed and modified, as necessary, c on a periodic basis. Consideration of Land in its "Raw" State x. r In the valuation of development acreage,to the extent that it exists in McHenry County,the first step to consider is the raw acreage value. This is the purchase price of the land by the developer, ii in its"raw"state. I define land in its"raw"state as land that has been annexed into a community,11 rezoned and entitled within that community to allow its development,and availed of city water and sewer by that community. The price paid for land in this condition reflects that annexation, Pi zoning,entitlement, and utility availability has been accomplished,or that there is a reasonable probability that they will be accomplished prior to closing. Variations in the per-acre prices are g usually caused by the amount of wetlands or other development impediments on the premises, f' the off-site costs necessary to extend municipal utilities to the site,the densities achieved in the x zoning and entitlement process,or a combination of these factors. 1 3 1 ttt I 3}} Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246,McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9, 2018,Page 2 Unfortunately, over the past several years,the single-family residential development market has been decimated,to the point where there have effectively been no sales of"raw"acreage acquired to be developed with single-family residential subdivisions. Between 2008 and the current date,the market for single-family residences,particularly new single-family residences, has been reduced significantly. Many builders were left with potential subdivisions for which there was no market. The more fortunate developers were those that had not yet installed road, utilities,and storm water management systems. Most developers had financed the purchase and/or improvement of subdivisions,and many of these projects (including entire projects as well as partial projects)were'taken back by lenders through the foreclosure and/or bankruptcy process. To date,there is no meaningful market for undeveloped subdivisions in eastern McHenry • County,regardless of the level of improvements in the subdivision. Occasionally,a developer that was not ruined by the real estate market implosion will have a small number of lots (say 20- 25)in an existing subdivision that is,effectively,pad ready. They build homes on the purchased sites without the necessity of going through the entitlement and subdivision processes. Many former single-family residential subdivisions are currently being farmed,mostly with row crops. These properties are being farmed regardless of their locations, their zoning,and their entitlements. Subdivisions that have roads,utilities, storm water management systems, and other items of infrastructure,however, are not conducive to agricultural use, and in those few instances when they do sell they sell for lower unit prices than properties that can be farmed. Based on my analysis of acreage tracts of land in relatively close proximity to (or annexed into) a municipality in eastern McHenry County, I have developed the conclusion that a meaningful range of unit prices for"raw"acreage, as defined in this report, under current market conditions is$20,000 to $30,000 per acre. it Distinctions Between a "Raw"Acre of Land and an"Improved" Acre of Land If an"improved"acre of land is defined as an acre of land that has been developed,to any extent, beyond the"raw"state,then$20,000 to$30,000 per acre is low. In the ordinance, developers are allowed to make a cash contribution in lieu of a land dedication; when such a contribution is made, however,the amount of the contribution is to be based on the formula contained in the ordinance. Currently,the base cost in the formula for school and park contributions is$107,586 per acre, cited Section 8.7.0 Cash in Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash) on page 39 of the ordinance. With respect to school land donations, Section 8.7.0 assumes that"the fair market value is for vacant land that is zoned residential, subdivided, fully improved with public sanitary and water ' 1. service, and is otherwise capable of being used for residential development:" Park donations in the ordinance seem to mirror,for the most part,the school donations. These portions of the ordinance appear to suggest what constitutes an"improved"acre of land. With respect to park land donations, Section 8.5.0 assumes that"the slope, topography,and geology of the dedicated site must be suitable for active park and recreation purposes. My interpretation of these factors is that an"improved"acre of land is substantially further along in the development process than an k. 44 IlIARRISON & Associates, Inc. Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246,McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9,2018,Page 3 acre of land in its "raw" state. Accordingly, it is reasonable to assume that the value of an improved"acre of land is greater than the $20,000 to $30,000 per acre range exhibited for"raw" land. There is one caveat relative to my analysis that I should note at this point. For purposes of this analysis, I am considering that an"improved"acre of land is one that, were it not being donated by the developer,would alternatively be used for residential development by the developer making the donation, to the same extent as other acreage not being donated. This allows me to exclude from my analysis wetlands,severely sloping land, and other, similar acreage in developments with physical limitations to the extent that they would be incapable of development to any significant degree. This factor is addressed,to some degree, in Section 8.5 of the ordinance. Ij It seems clear to me that McHenry intends such a site to be viewed as a fully-improved component of a residential subdivision. Since the donation is to be made after the subdivision improvements have been installed,an"improved"site would occur after the final plat has been I. approved, after the engineering has been approved, after the subdivision infrastructure(streets, utilities, storm water management,curbing, etc.)has been installed, and after the earth movement phase is completed and the land has been rough-graded to its near-finished condition. Usually,it is at this point in time that developers are enabled to sell subdivision lots to prospective purchasers, at the commencement of the sell-off phase of the development. The Effect of Density I If a community has several different single-family residential zoning classifications, density would certainly be a consideration that would affect the value of an"improved"acre of land. The least dense single-family residential zoning classification in McHemy, aside from the estate and low-density zoning classifications (with densities of one-acre, 30,000 square foot and 18,000 square foot sites)is RS2,which requires a minimum of 10,890 square feet per dwelling unit, allowing about 4 dwelling units per acre;the most dense single-family residential zoning classification in McHenryis RS4,which requires a minimum of square feetper dwellingq5,000q g unit, allowing about 8.71 dwelling units per acre. The RS3 zoning classification requires a minimum of 9,000 square feet per dwelling unit,allowing about 4.84 dwelling units per acre. The RA1 is an attached residential zoning classification, and the RM1 and RM2 zoning classifications are multifamily classifications. Variations on densities in the RS2, RS3 and RS4zoning classifications can be achieved if(1)a project is considered as a planned unit development(PUD), or(2) a project is a mixed-use residential development. Since the amount - of the donation is based upon the population of the proposed development,the same per-acre improved"value can be applied to all types of subdivisions. As an example,consider a.40-acre tract of land where two development•alternatives are possible. If the property were to be developed with a density of 2.5 homes per acre, a total of 100 homes could be built on the site (40 acres x 2.5 homes per acre). If the homes in the development were all 3-bedroom homes, according to the Table of Estimated Ultimate HARRISON & Associates, Inc. I Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246,McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9, 2018, Page 4 School Population Per Dwelling Unit(1996), cited in Section 8.4.B of the ordinance, a total population of about 290 persons would result. Using the table on page 37 of what is commonly known as"The Naperville Study"(prepared by the Illinois School Consulting Service/Associated Municipal Consultants,Inc. in 1996), 72.60 total students would be generated by the subdivision. Relying on the formulas in Sections 8.5 and 8.6 of the ordinance,4.35 acres of park land and 3.6796 acres of school land would be required to accommodate the subdivision, for a total of 8.0296 acres. At$107,586 per acre, this would require a developer's donation of cash in lieu of land of$863,873, or about$8,639 per dwelling unit If the same property were to be developed with a density of 3.5 homes per acre, a total of 140 homes could be built on the site (40 acres x 3.5 homes per acre), If the homes in the development were all 3-bedroom homes,according to the Table of,Estimated Ultimate Population Per Dwelling Unit(1996),cited in Section 8.4.B of the ordinance,a total population of about 406 persons would result. Using the table on.page 37 of what is commonly known as"The Naperville Study" (prepared by the Illinois School Consulting Service/Associated Municipal Consultants,Inc. in 1996), 101.36 total students would be generated by the subdivision. Relying on the formulas in Sections 8.5 and 8.6 of the ordinance, 6.09 acres of park land and 4.7098 acres of school land would be required to accommodate the subdivision, for a total of 10.7998 acres. At$107,586 per acre,this would require a developer's donation of cash in lieu of land of$1,161,907, or about 8,300 per dwelling unit. Obviously,the higher the population,density, the greater the total amount of the donation. However,the formula is equitable because the per-dwelling unit cost is about the same under both scenarios. This application may be rather simplistic, but it does show that the formula does work to insure that developments of different densities require proportionate donations,but that the per-dwelling unit costs are very close. Public Use Sites vs. Residential Sites An additional factor that should be considered in the analysis is the distinction between a public use site in a development and residential sites in the development. For the most part,a lesser amount of infrastructure is usually required for a public use site than is required for residential lots. Consider,for example,a 5-acre tract of land in a single-family residential subdivision that is zoned R2S. As a potential park or school site,the developer would have to make some infrastructure expenditures. These improvements might consist of creation of access, availing the site of utilities in the street,and providing rough grading and seeding of the site to the point where it can be more fully developed by the appropriate public entity. However, if this same 5- • acre tract of land were to be developed with residential lots, a substantially greater development cost would occur, since significantly more street and utility costs would•be encountered. Accordingly, the fact that a developer would not have to spend as much in development costs on a public use site should be taken into consideration in the donation analysis. tl HARRISON & Associates, Inc. 9>€ i Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246,McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9,2018, Page 5 Reasonable Range of Value for Donation Land There is a bit of a variety of minimum area requirements in the non-estate,non-low-density single-family residential zoning classifications in McHenry. To be consistent with the minimum lot area content requirements of McHenry's.single-family residential zoning classifications,I have assumed for purposes of this analysis in this assignment that a typical"improved"acre of land would have zoning that would allow a density of 10,800 square feet per dwelling unit. I have also assumed that such a density would allow about 3.5 dwelling units per acre. In conjunction with my analysis and investigation, I have reviewed literally hundreds of sales that have occurred in platted single-family residential subdivisions in east-central McHenry County. I only reviewed sales that were annexed and had city water and sewer available to them. The sales that I reviewed occurred between 2016 and the current date. Municipalities where I reviewed sales included McHenry,Johnsburg,and Lakemoor. I found that in the vast majority of newer subdivisions there are no separate sales of individual lots to individual purchasers after the subdivision has taken place. These subdivisions are representative, but certainly not every subdivision in every community was reviewed. For example,I did not review older subdivisions that have been built out for i= years, golf course communities, gated communities,multifamily and townhome communities, etc. I also did not consider waterfront sales. Although I reviewed more than 500 total sales that occurred between 2016 and the current date, in dozens of single-family residential subdivisions in three municipalities,the vast majority of the sales were improved single-family residences and some of the improved single-family residential subdivisions were REO sales from lenders that acquired title to the properties through the foreclosure process. On the following pages, is a summary of what I was able to identify as the results of my investigation. The intent of my investigation was to find sales of vacant single- family residential sites that were purchased for immediate single-family residential development. These sales constituted the basis for my valuation of an"improved"acre of single-family residential land in McHenry. McHenry--It has been several years since there were any new single-family residential subdivisions developed in McHenry. Most of sales that I encountered in the McHenry subdivisions that were developed in the 2000s were sales of improved properties. I was only able to identify six vacant lot sales in McHenry that have occurred since 2016. As far as I have been able to determine, all were purchased for single-family residential. development. Four of the sales were single-lot sales;two of the sales were two-lot sales. Two sales occurred in 2016,three occurred in 2017, and one occurred in 2018. The sizes' fi of the sales ranged from 7,200 square feet to 13,421 square feet. Unit prices ranged from 8,000 to $40,000 and from$1.11 to $3.25 per square foot. The•highest sale (both from a sale price and a unit price perspective)was in Edgebrook Heights. The lowest sale (both from a sale price and a unit price perspective) was in Lakeland Park. The average sale price was$18,829; the average per square foot unit price was$1.80 per square foot. HARRISON & Associates, Inc. I jl 4 Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246,McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9,2018, Page 6 i I also reviewed vacant lot sales in the Deerwood subdivision. This subdivision is in McHenry,but is not served by water or sewer. It is in the most westerly part of McHenry, 1 with access off of Ridge Road. This subdivision is in McHenry's school districts. I identified two vacant land sales in this.subdivision. One occurred in 2016 and one occurred in 2017. Because these lots required septics and wells,they were much larger than sales that used city water and sewer. The contained 32,303 square feet to 40,855 square feet. The significantly larger sizes were not considered in my analysis. However, one of the lots sold for$25,000 and the other sold for$29,500. I also reviewed vacant lot sales in the Martin Woods subdivision. This subdivision is in McHenry, but is not served by water or sewer. It is in the northwesterly part of McHenry, with access off of Martin Road. This subdivision is in McHenry's school districts. I identified one vacant land sale in this subdivision; it occurred in 20.18. Because this lot required septic and well,it was much larger than sales that used city water and sewer. It contained 40,260 square feet. The significantly larger size was not considered in my 11 analysis. The lot sold for$15,500. H i' 11 Johnsburg—I reviewed vacant lot sales in Running Brook Farm of Johnsburg Phase 2. This subdivision is in Johnsburg and•is served by water and sewer. Although not served by McHenry schools,Johnsburg is adjacent to McHenry and this subdivision provided some market data that I used in my analysis. This is a relatively new subdivision. Two11 of the sales occurred in 2017 and two occurred in 2018. These lots-are much smaller than 11 11 typical lots,ranging in size from 3,444 square feet to'5,066 square feet. The significantly 1 smaller sizes were not considered in my analysis. However, each of the four lots sold for 25,000. k In the current market,the demand seems to be for smaller,not larger,lots. Accordingly,in the A completion of my analysis I assumed that any new subdivisions in McHenry would most Iikely have R3S zoning, which requires a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet,and carries a density of 4.84 units per acre. Based upon my analysis of the market data that I collected in this t assignment, a reasonable projection for the value of a 9,000 square foot,fully-improved single-l- family residential lot in McHenry(based on the minimum area requirement of an R3S zoned lot)j. is$20,000. If an average density of about four lots per acre could be obtained on such an acre of t.• land,the combined sale price of the four lots would be$80,000($20,000 x 4). k On the assumption that a developer would have to pay a lower infrastructure cost to develop a i public use site than to develop a fully improved residential development site, it is reasonable to • k assume that the value of a one-acre,fully-improved public use site would be lower than a one- f.. acre,fully-improved residential development site. For purposes of this analysis,I have assumed ' li that the value of such an improved public use site would be about 75% of the corresponding value of an improved residential development site. Following the analysis through to its conclusion,therefore,the value of a hypothetical, one-acre,fully-improved public use site that is consistent with the definition of an"improved"acre in McHenry's Subdivision Control and Development Ordinance would be $60,000 ($80,000 x 0.75). i t HARRISON & Associates, Inc. Mr. Ross Polcrecky, File No. 11246, McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9,2018, Page 7 Conclusion It is my understanding that the City of McHenry is reviewing the per-acre value of an improved acre of land, $107,586,as it exists in the present ordinance. Based upon my preceding analysis, 107,586 is too high for such an acre of land. It would he reasonable for McHenry to reduce its per-acre value of an improved acre of land. My suggestion, as noted above, is $80,000. Should you require anything else from me on this matter,please let me know. Very trulyyours, Frank E. Harrison,MAI FEH:kah HARRISON & Associates, Inc. Mr. Ross Polerecky,File No. 11246, McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9, 2018,Page 8 CERTIFICATION I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions,and conclusions. 3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. 4. I have performed no services,as an appraiser or in any other capacity,regarding the property that is the subject of this report within the three-year period immediately preceding acceptance of this assignment. 5. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. 6. My engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. 7. My compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client,the amount of the value opinion,the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. 8. My analyses, opinions,and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Code of Professional Ethics & Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Institute. 9. My analyses, opinions,and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 10. I have made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report. 11. No one provided significant real property appraisal assistance to the person signing this certification. 12. The use of this report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives. HARRISON & Associates, In.c. Mr. Ross Polerecky, File No. 11246, McHenry Developer Donation Analysis October 9, 2018, Page 9 CERTIFICATION, cont'd. 13. As of the date of this report, I have completed the continuing education program of the Appraisal Institute. 14 I am currently a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois. Frank E. Harrison, MA 553.000005 (Illinois) Expires 9/30/19 HARRISON & Associates, Inc. ORDINANCE NO. MC -19-XXX An Ordinance Amending the McHenry Municipal Code with Respect to Cash Contributions for Schools, Park, Fire Protection District, and Library Purposes as Condition of Approval for Residential Building Permit BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION 1: That the table for Section 10-1-5: Cash Contributions Required as Condition of Approval, Chapter 1 Title 10, Building Regulations, of the McHenry City Code shall be, and is hereby amended and shall hereinafter be read as follows: SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED SCHOOLS PARK LIBRARY FIRE DIST TOTAL/UNIT 2 BEDROOMS/LESS $797 $2,420 $356 $356 $3,929 3 BEDROOMS $2,985 $3,478 $356 $356 $7,175 4 BEDROOMS $4,976 $4,517 $356 $356 $10,205 5 BEDROOMS/MORE $3,805 $4,524 $356 $356 $9,041 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED (Townhouses, duplexes, etc.) 1 BEDROOM $0 $1,432 $356 $356 $2,144 2 BEDROOMS $715 $2,388 $356 $356 $3,815 3 BEDROOMS $1,376 $2,870 $356 $356 $4,958 4 BEDROOMS $2,678 $3,774 $356 $356 $7,164 MULTI-FAMILY (Apartments) Efficiency $0 $1,553 $356 $356 $2,265 1 BEDROOM $0 $2,110 $356 $356 $2,839 2 BEDROOMS $718 $2,297 $356 $356 $3,727 3 BEDROOMS/MORE $1,961 $3,664 $356 $356 $6,337 SECTION 2: That Section 12-8-7(C): Cash In Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash, Chapter 8, Title 12, Subdivision Control and Development, of the McHenry City Code shall be, and is hereby amended and shall hereinafter be read as follows: C. Fair Market Value: Based on a study of real estate transactions in the planning jurisdiction of the City, the City has determined that the fair market value of improved land within the planning jurisdiction of the City is eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) per acre. The fair market value is for vacant land that is zoned Residential, subdivided, fully improved with public sanitary and water service, and is otherwise capable of being used for residential development. This fair market value shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary, to ensure its accuracy, and shall be used in making any calculation of the cash donation in lieu of land donation as specified herein, unless a timely objection is provided. SECTION 3: If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair, invalidate or nullify the remainder thereof, which remainder shall remain and continue in full force and effect. SECTION 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 25, 2020, and shall be published in pamphlet form (which publication is hereby authorized) as provided by law. Passed this 2nd day of December, 2019. Ayes Nays Absent Abstain Alderman Devine _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Glab _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Mihevc _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderwoman Miller _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Santi _____ _____ _____ _____ Alderman Schaefer _____ _____ _____ _____ ______________________ ________________________ Wayne Jett, Mayor Trisha Ramel, City Clerk 8 Developer Donations 8.1 Purpose. This Section is intended to assure the provision of public facilities needed to serve new development by requiring each new development to pay its fair share of the costs of such improvements as a condition of approval, and to mitigate the adverse impacts from inadequate community facilities by providing a means of allocating the costs of needed services and facilities among new developments in proportion to the demand for such facilities created by each new development. 8.2 Applicability. Unless otherwise provided for in an annexation agreement with the City, as a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision, planned unit development, or building permit, each subdivider shall dedicated land and/or make cash donations in lieu of land for park and school sites and cash donations for library and fire protection services to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents of the development, in accordance with the criteria and formulas as hereinafter set forth. 8.3 Imposition of Donations. Developer donations shall be imposed as a condition of approval for all new subdivisions. A. Within the corporate boundaries of the City, developer donations shall be imposed at the time of final plat approval in the case of a land donation, or issuance of a building permit in the case of a cash donation. If not sooner paid, however, one-half of said cash donations shall be due and payable 18 months after approval of the final plat, and the remaining amount of said cash donations shall be due and payable 36 months after approval of the final plat. B. For a subdivision within the corporate boundaries of the City that has received final plat approval prior to the effective date of these regulations, and for which no replatting or approval is necessary prior to issuance of a building permit, developer donations shall be imposed at the time of issuance of a building permit. C. For a subdivision outside the corporate boundaries of the City that is subject to subdivision approval by the City, the governing body of any governmental entity which would be entitled to land and/or cash donations pursuant to this Section may request that the City vary the terms of this Section by allowing such governmental entity to make its own agreement and/or waiver as to any or all of the donations required in this Section with the subdivider of such land. The request shall be made in writing by a resolution adopted by the governing board of such governmental entity. In such event, the City may, by motion, condition subdivision approval upon compliance with the provisions of this Section as modified by the variation or waiver. 8.4 Donations Based on Projected Population. A. The ultimate density of a proposed subdivision shall bear directly upon the amount of land required for donation for park and school purposes. The projected population shall be computed in accordance with Table 8-1, which is generally indicative of current and short range projected trends in family size by age groups. Table 8-1 is based on the "Table of Estimated Ultimate School Population Per Dwelling Unit" published for 1996 by Illinois School Consulting Service/Associated Municipal Consultants, Inc. Naperville, Illinois. 36- B. Table 8-1 shall be used for all population estimates unless a subdivider files a written objection to the City's data, together with their own demographic study showing the estimated population to be generated by the subdivision. In such event, the final determination of the density formula to be used in such calculations shall be made by the City on the basis of the foregoing data, data submitted by the subdivider,and from other relevant sources. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution and local conditions change over time and that Table 8-1 is subject to periodic review and amendment, if necessary. 1996 TABLE OF ESTIMATED ULTIMATE SCHOOL POPULATION PER DEWLLING UNIT Elementary Jr.High Total High School Preschool Grades K-6 Grades 6-8 Grades KS Grades 9-12 Adults Total Type of Unit 0-4 Years 6-10 Years 11-13 Years 6-13 Years 14-17 Years 18+Years Per Unit Detached Single-Family 2 Bedroom 0.113 0.136 0 048 0.184 0.020 1.700 2 017 3 Bedroom 0.292 0.369 0.173 0.542 0.184 1.881 2.899 4 Bedroom 0.418 0.530 0.298 0.828 0.360 2.158 3.764 5 Bedroom 0.283 0.345 0248 0.593 0.300 2 594 3.770 Attached Single-Family 1 Bedroom 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.193 1.193 2 Bedroom 0.064 0.088 0.048 0.136 0.038 1.752 1.990 3 Bedroom 0.212 0.234 0.058 0.292 0.059 1.829 2.392 4 Bedroom 0.323 0.322 0.154 0.476 0.173 2.173 3.145 Apartments Efficiency 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 0.000 1.294 1.294 1 Bedroom 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 1.754 1.758 2 Bedroom 0.047 0.086 0.042 0.128 0.046 1.693 1.914 3 Bedroom 0.052 0.234 0.123 0.357 0.118 2.526 3.053 Table 8-1 8.5 Criteria for Park Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land to be donated for park sites for a particular subdivision shall he a direct function of the ultimate population to be generated by the subdivision. The City has determined that the land donation requirement shall be 1.5 acres of parkland per 100 ultimate population. B. Credit for Private Park Areas. When a subdivision includes private open space for park and recreation areas and facilities, it may have the effect of reducing the demand for local public recreational services. Depending on the size of the subdivision, a portion of the park land donation may, at the sole option of the City, be provided as private, in lieu of dedicated public park land. The extent of the required public park land shall be determined by the City, and based on the needs of the current and future residents in the general area. 37 - In general, a substitution of private park land in lieu of public park land requires a higher degree of improvement and the installation of recreational equipment or improvements by the subdivider. The City must approve detailed plans of such areas, including specifications of facilities to be installed,and the subdivider must guarantee that these areas will be permanently maintained for such use before any credit is given for private park land. C. improvements. Prior to conveyance, all sites shall be final graded and seeded in accordance with the City Technical Specifications Manual. The slope,topography, and geology of the dedicated site must be suitable for active park and recreation purposes. D. Location of Land to be Donated. The City shall determine the location of park land to be donated for a particular subdivision. This determination shall be based on the availability of land,the suitability of the land for park and recreation purposes, the location of the land relative to population concentrations, the proximity of the land to other park sites, and park and open space locations identified in the Comprehensive Plan. E. Minimum Size and Quality of Donated Land. The minimum size of any land to be dedicated for park and recreation purposes shall be 10,000 square feet, with no exterior boundary dimension less than 100 feet, except as may be approved by the City because of special circumstances. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for park and recreation purposes, except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for park and recreation purposes as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. 8.6 Criteria for School Land Donation. A. Required Land Donation. The amount of land required to be donated for school sites for a particular subdivision shall be a direct function of the ultimate number of students to be generated by the subdivision. The land donation requirement shall be determined in accordance with the following equation: Estimated number of children to be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Table 8-1) Divided By Maximum number of students that can be served in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.6.B) Multiplied By Minimum Acreage for each school site in each school classification. (Calculated in accordance with Section 8.6.B) 38 - B. School Classifications and Size of School Sites. School classifications and the required minimum size of new school sites shall be determined in accordance with the following standards: School Classification Maximum Minimum By Grade Level Students Acreage Elementary(K-5) 450 20 Junior High(6-8) 600 35 High School(9-12)1500 90 C. Location of Land to be Donated. The location of each school site shall be determined by the City, as guided by the Comprehensive Plan and standards adopted by the affected school district. D. Minimum Quality of Donated Land. Stormwater detention or retention areas shall not qualify as land suitable for donation for a school site, except as may be approved by the City after the suitability of such land for a school site as a secondary use is clearly demonstrated. 8.7 Cash in Lieu of Land; Combination of Land and Cash. A. Criteria for Requiring Cash Donation. When a subdivision is small and the resulting land donation is too small to be practical or when the available land is otherwise inappropriate for a park or school site, the City shall require the subdivider to pay a cash donation in lieu of the required land donation, or a combination of a land donation and cash donation. B. Calculation of Cash Donation. The cash donation shall be based on the "fair market value" of the required land donation,as specified herein. C. Fair Market Value. Based on a study of real estate transactions in the planning jurisdiction of the City, the City has determined that the fair market value of improved land within the planning jurisdiction of the City is $107,586 per acre. The fair market value is for vacant land that is zoned residential, subdivided, fully improved with public sanitary and water service, and is otherwise capable of being used for residential development. This fair market value shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary,to ensure its accuracy, and shall be used in making any calculation of the cash donation in lieu of land donation as specified herein, unless a timely objection is provided. D. Method of Calculating Number of Bedrooms: Supplementary Payments. 1. In those situations where a cash donation is due upon issuance of a building permit, such donation shall be calculated pursuant to the Table 8-1 on the basis of the type of residential unit to be constructed and the number of bedrooms specified. 39 - 2. in those situations where a cash donation is due prior to issuance of a building permit, such cash donation shall be calculated pursuant to Table 8-1 on the basis that detached single family dwellings will contain a minimum of three bedrooms, and that apartments, townhouses, row houses and quadriplexes will contain a minimum of two bedrooms, provided, however, that if later an application for building permit is made showing more than the aforesaid number of bedrooms per dwelling unit,the applicant for such building permit shall then pay a supplementary cash donation to the City to make up the difference between the amount previously paid and the amount required for the actual number of bedrooms to be constructed in such residential dwelling unit. E. Objections to Fair Market Value. In the event of any written objection to the fair market value, the applicant shall submit an appraisal showing the fair market value of improved land in the area of the subdivision or development, or other evidence thereof. The final determination of such fair market value shall be made by the City Council, based upon information submitted by the applicant and from other relevant sources. F. Disposition of Cash Donations. 1. Cash donations in lieu of parkland dedications shall be held in trust by the City, in a special segregated fund, solely for the acquisition or development of park and recreational land and facilities to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents. 2. Cash donations in lieu of school site donations shall be held in trust solely for the acquisition of land for a school site to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. a. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the cash donations shall be remitted to the grade school district affected by said subdivision or development, and 35% shall be remitted to the affected high school district. b. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected school district not less frequently than annually,who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. G. Refund of Cash Donations. If any portion of a cash donation is not expended for the purposes set forth herein within 20 years after the date of receipt of such donation by the City, then that donation shall be refunded, upon written application,to the subdivider who made such donation,or its successor or assign. 8.8 Reservation of Additional Land. When the Comprehensive Plan or other applicable standard or policy of the City requires a park or school site in a particular subdivision that is larger that the subdivider is required to donate, then the land needed in excess of the required donation shall be reserved by the subdivider for subsequent purchase by the City or other public body designated by the City, provided that such acquisition is initiated within one year after the date of approval of the final plat. 40- 6/11 8.9 Fire Protection District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing fire pro-tection for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation as indicated in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code Section 7-4 shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for fire protection services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. 8.10 Public Library District Donation. In order to help defray the cost of providing library services for residents of new subdivisions during the construction process, and before tax revenues are generated by such subdivisions, a cash donation as indicated in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Code Section 7-4 shall be due and payable to the City upon issuance of a building permit. Cash donations for library services shall be held in trust to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that subdivision or development. The City shall remit the cash donations to the affected district not less frequently than annually, who shall hold such contributions in a special segregated fund. 8.11 Updating of Fair Market Value and Required Donations. It is recognized that the population density, age distribution, land values, the cost of providing park, school, library and fire protection services, construction costs and other local conditions change over time. Therefore, the specific formula for the dedication of land, or cash donations in lieu of thereof shall be regularly reviewed, and amended if necessary, and the required contribution for library and fire protection services and the fair market value of land in the planning jurisdiction of the City shall be regularly updated. The "fair market value" and cash contribution amounts to the fire protection and public library districts as required in these regulations shall be amended on May 1st of each year by the percentage change in the Chicago Area Consumer Price Index for the previous year. For the purposes of this paragraph, the price index to be used for comparative purposes shall be that index published for the Annual Average Chicago Area CPI-U, as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 41 -