HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 4/7/2022 - MCMRMA McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency Regular Board Meeting Thursday,April 7, 2022 Roll Call A meeting of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency was called to order by Chair Sandi Rusher representing the Village of Spring Grove on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.The meeting was held at McHenry City Hall, 333 S Green Street, McHenry, IL. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove; Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake; Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Brendan Parker,Woodstock Fire & Rescue. Others present: Recording Secretary Monte Johnson; Kelly Popelka; Paul Christensen; Board Consultant Michael Nugent; Board Counsel Tom DiCianni; and Lori Mittelstaedt,John Zaborowski,and Josie Davis of CCMSL Public Comment There were no members of the public to offer comment. Consultant Evaluation Member Todd Walker thanked Mike Nugent for all of the work he has done. Approval of the Minutes of the February 3,2022, Regular Meeting A motion was made by Member Walker and seconded by Member Campanella to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 3,2022. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0- abstained. Motion carried. Chairman's Report Member Rusher had no report. Approval of the Treasurer's Report Mr. Nugent explained that if you look at the profit and loss columns,we have a large number of claim recoveries that are driving up the profits.We are financially ahead at this point in the year than we were a year ago. Overall, the treasurer's report looks positive. A motion was made by Member Bechler and seconded by Member Walker to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin,Woodstock Fire& Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Insurance Consultant's Report Mr. Nugent reported that the market continues to be a significant challenge, especially when dealing with cyber insurance. Premiums appear to be doubling for cyber coverage.The excess liability market is still horrible for municipalities.The good news is that the numbers that were put in the budget appear to still be solid. Our insurers are making money, so we are in a good position.Training has resumed to in-person. CPR will be in April, and we will need to see how much interest there is as this is a special 6- hour course with limited seating options. CCMSI Reports Ms. Mittelstaedt reported that there are six workers compensation claims and 3 liability claims open with total incurred over$150,000. As of the end of February, there were 20 medical and 3 indemnity claims compared to 21 and 5 the previous year. Closing ratios were over 100%, with total fiscal year payments of$937,795 compared to $1,363,248 the previous year. Total incurred for the fiscal year is $618,325 resulting in a variance of$205,128 from last year.The property claim from lighting strikes at Woodstock and the barn damage from the City of McHenry are the driving factors in those numbers. There have been 7 workers compensation settlements since July totaling$373,380.07. Attorney's Report Attorney Tom DiCianni reported that he should have a document ready this week summarizing the changes that took place with the amendment to the Safety Act.The Illinois Supreme Court has also issued a directive to all courts in Illinois that detail how long it should take to get cases resolved. Executive Session A motion was made by Member Walker and seconded by Member Schober to enter into Executive Session at 9:22 a.m.for the purpose of discussing litigation (5 US 120/2(c)(11).). Roll call:Vote: 7- ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Reconvene Chair Sandi Rusher reconvened the meeting back into open session at 9:47 a.m. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher, Village of Spring Grove;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake;Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Brendan Parker, Woodstock Fire & Rescue. Approval of Executive Session Actions A Motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Murray to ratify the defensive strategy in the case of Michael Braun v. Officer Lorenz.et.Al. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0- nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Semi Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes All executive session minutes since October of 2019 need to be reviewed for approval. Copies will be available prior to the next meeting for each member to review and the minutes will be approved in open session of that meeting. Adjournment A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Campanella to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 a.m. Roll call:Vote: Tayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Recording Secretary Monte Johnson