HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/3/2022 - MCMRMA McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency Regular Board Meeting Thursday, February 3, 2022 Roll Call A meeting of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency was called to order by Chair Sandi Rusher representing the Village of Spring Grove on Thursday, February 3, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.The meeting was held remotely via Zoom in compliance with the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake; Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Mike Hill,Woodstock Fire & Rescue.Others present: Recording Secretary Monte Johnson; Paul Christensen; Board Consultant Michael Nugent; Board Counsel Tom DiCianni; and Lori Mittelstaedt,John Zaborowski, and Josie Davis of CCMSI. Public Comment There were no members of the public to offer comment. Consultant Evaluation There was no discussion regarding any of the Board consultants. Approval of the Minutes of the December 2, 2021, Regular Meeting A motion was made by Member Bechler and seconded by Member Hill to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 2, 2021. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire& Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Chairman's Report Member Rusher thanked Mike Nugent for providing us with an updated contact list and roster. Approval of the Treasurer's Report Mr. Nugent shred his screen to show the report.There has baeen substantial recovery from old worker's comp an dproperty cliams. About$560,000 has been recovered. Claims payments were up from $1,240,000 to$1,334,478.37,which is a 7.6%increase. Overall we are in good shape financially.A motion was made by Member Bechler and seconded by Member Walker to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. CCMSI Reports Mr. Nugent shared his screen to show the CCMSI Reports. Ms. Mittelstaedt reported that through the first 6 moths, we have 18 claims this year compared to 21 last year. Payments have decreased from $1,118,507 last year to$608,104 this year for a variance of about$500,000. All coverages this year sit at $490,433 with a variance of$156,057.Two large claims to note are a lighting strike to a well and wind damage to a barn. There are four worker's comp settlements of$154,935. We have $141,163 in recoveries. There were also four worker's comp claims and three liability claims that were reported after the 10 day period. Insurance Consultant's Report Mr. Nugent reported that he included three reports in the packet. The first is a 10 year summary. The two years of significant claim activity has shown that it is not a trend and we have been looking better. The second report is 8 pages long and shows all claims incurred by each member. There are a couple of large claism but overall the claim activity is positive through seven months.The last report shows large open claims, mostly from worker's comp, by member as of the end of January. A budget overview was shown and the firt page is an overall cost with a 25% increase. Given the marekt towards the end of the year, many brokers are expecting th erates to ease a bit and we might see an actual increase of 10-15%across all lines. A projected allocation of each member was shown with overall allocated costs up 9%.This is only a projection but is a good place to start if each member was using these for their budget. Attorney's Report Attorney Tom DiCianni reported that there was an amendment to the safety act with smaller times. One exception was to the phone call requirement for the police departments.This can be important if an arrest is made and there could still be witnesses and people with information about the crime. Executive Session A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Bechler to enter into Executive Session at 9:13 a.m.for the purpose of discussing litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) ) Roll call:Vote: 7- ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Reconvene Chair Sandi Rusher reconvened the meeting back into open session at 9:34 a.m. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober,City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher, Village of Spring Grove;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake;Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Mike Hill,Woodstock Fire& Rescue. Approval of Executive Session Actions A Motion was made by Member Camoanella and seconded by Member Schober to approve the settlementfor David Fees v. City of McHenry asdiscussed inclosed session., ession Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. A Motion was made by Member Campanella and seconded by Member Bechler to approve the settlementfor Robert Lumber v City of McHenry asdiscussed inclosed session Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. A Motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Murray to approve the settlement for Tracy Crowder v.City of McHenry asdiscussed inclosed session. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0- absent, 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. A Motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Murray to approve the settlement for Katelyn Lorenz v. City of McHenry asdiscussed inclosed session. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin,Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0- absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Other Business Member Schober explained that it would be helpful if Attorney DiCianni could give us a list of the amendments from the safety act, and Attorney DiCianni stated he would take care of that.The next meeting is set for April 7, 2022. Adjournment A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Hill to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 a.m. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. ai.do�, Recording Secretary Monte Johnson