HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 12/2/2021 - MCMRMA McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency Regular Board Meeting Thursday, December 2,2021 Roll Call A meeting of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency was called to order by Chair Sandi Rusher representing the Village of Spring Grove on Thursday, December 2, 2021,at 9:00 a.m.The meeting was held remotely via Zoom in compliance with the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake; Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Mike Hill,Woodstock Fire & Rescue. Others present: Recording Secretary Monte Johnson; Paul Christensen; Board Consultant Michael Nugent; Board Counsel Tom DiCianni; and Lori Mittelstaedt,John Zaborowski, and Josie Davis of CCMSI. Public Comment There were no members of the public to offer comment. Consultant Evaluation There was no discussion regarding any of the Board consultants. Approval of the Minutes of the October 7 2021, Regular Meeting A motion was made by Member Bechler and seconded by Member Hill to approve the minutes of the meeting of October 7 2021. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue,and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Chairman's Report There was no report from the Chairperson. Approval of the Treasurer's Report A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Murray to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. CCMSI Reports Mr. Nugent shared his screen to show the CCMSI Reports.There are 10 workers compensation claims this year compared to 15 last year.A significant number of claims have been closed out.A chart was reviewed showing where the claims come from,with pushing and pulling the biggest workers compensation losses. Liability losses are due to a property damage incident from a lighting strike.A shoulder claim is the biggest cost for body parts. Total costs incurred this year are$423,176, with a variance of$335,540 as compared to last year.The biggest cost factor is the property damage from the lighting strike.There have been three workers compensation settlements totaling$134,690.13, with $141,163.38 in recoveries and $360,154.86 in reimbursements.There has been one workers compensation and two liability claims that were reported 10 days or more after the member was given notice of the claim. Insurance Consultant's Report Mr. Nugent reported that he included the insurance certificate training that was given last summer in the Board packet.This should match up well with Attorney DiCianni's model contract that was also provided to the Board. Training has concluded for the 2021 year and will begin again in March with the flagger training. Regarding the 2022 renewal plan and budget allocation, Mr. Nugent explained that the excess insurance continues to be a disaster.This is the worst market since the mid-1980s.There were some signs that the property market would ease a bit in 2022 and the excess liability market could flatten, but now that does not look like it will happen. He has built in a 25% increase in insurance that will result in a 9% overall increase in all allocated costs. A chart showed the estimated costs and percentage change for each municipality. Mr. Nugent hopes to have a better idea in February where the market is trending for the first quarter.A summary of losses was also included,that showed two bad years in 2018 and 2019, with improvements in 2020. Attorney's Report Attorney Tom DiCianni had no report for the open session of the meeting. Executive Session A motion was made by Member Campanella and seconded by Member Schober to enter into Executive Session at 9:11 a.m.for the purpose of discussing litigation (5 US 120/2(c)(11) ) Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Reconvene Chair Sandi Rusher reconvened the meeting back into open session at 9:25 a.m. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Dennis Murray,Village of Island Lake;Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Mike Hill,Woodstock Fire & Rescue. Approval of Executive Session Actions A Motion was made by Member Campanella and seconded by Member Hill to approve the settlement for Maior v. Woodstock asdiscussed inclosed session Roll call:Vote: 6-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent,0-nays, 1-abstained: Woodstock. Motion carried. A Motion was made by Member Bechler and seconded by Member Murray to approve the settlement for Hoffman v. Woodstock as discussed inclosed session. Roll call:Vote: 6-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays, 1- abstained:Woodstock. Motion carried. Semi-Annual Review of the Closed Session Minutes Attorney DiCianni reported that he has reviewed all of the closed session minutes and we are now able to release all minutes from June 14, 2012 through October 12, 2017. The closed session minutes from December 14, 2017 through the present still need to remail confidential. A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Bechler to release the closed session minutes from June 14, 2012 through October 12,2017, and keep the minutes closed from December 14, 2017,as the need for confidentiality still exists. Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Woodstock, Island Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Other Business There was a discussion about keeping MCMRMA meetings online through Zoom or meeting again in person. Attorney DiCianni suggested that if most members are having City Council meetings in person, then MCMRMA should be meeting in person.Although some Members stated that it would be more convenient to keep meeting remotely, the law states we must have a better reason than convenience. The City of McHenry is now meeting in person for Council meetings, and MCMRMA could come back to McHenry in February. If McHenry is not an option,Todd Walker suggested that Algonquin could be a meeting place. Mike Nugent said the plan moving forward would be to meet in person unless things get worse with COVID. He will keep all members updated as we get closer to the February meeting. Adjournment A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Schober to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 a.m. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, Island Lake,Algonquin, Woodstock Fire & Rescue, and Spring Grove. 0-absent, 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Recording Secretary Monte Johnson