HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 6/8/2021 - MCMRMA McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency Regular Board Meeting Tuesday,June 8,2021 Roll Call An online meeting of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency was called to order by Chair Sandi Rusher on Tuesday,June 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m.via Zoom in compliance with the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove; Mike Hill, Woodstock FRD;Ann Campanella, City of McHenry. Others present: Recording Secretary Monte Johnson; Paul Christensen; Board Consultant Michael Nugent; and Lori Mittelstaedt. Members absent: Ed McGinty,Village of Island Lake Public Comment There were no members of the public to offer comment. Service Provider Discussion There was no discussion regarding service providers. Approval of the Minutes of the April 1 2021 Regular Meeting A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Bechler to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 1, 2021. Roll call:Vote: 6-ayes: Algonquin, Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove. 1-absent: Island Lake, 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Chairman's Report There was no report from the Chairman. Approval of the Treasurer's Report Investment income is down, claims expenses are down, and insurance premiums are up since the last renewal. A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Campanella to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Roll call: Vote: 6-ayes: Algonquin, Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove. 1-absent: Island Lake, 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Clerk's Note: Ed McGinty of Island Lake joined the meeting at 1:05 p.m. Approval of the 2021 Insurance Coverage and Renewal and Annual Member Allocations Mr. Nugent shared his screen to show the insurance renewal information.The renewal came in at a 12.3% increase, which is under budget.The cost for excess liability was the largest increase. It is assumed that the increase for workers comp insurance is due to possible COVID claims that may still come in. It is proposed to do $1.9 million in loss funding for 2021. The current year we have about $661,000 against funding of$1.9 million, so even if we double our losses, we still have money added to the surplus.The recommended funding is less than the actuary predicted losses, but it is believed those predictions are based on former large claims. The market for cyber protection has been deteriorating, and we no longer have a pooled option. Each municipality has their own options with their own costs.There is the option to have a $25,000 or $100,000 deductible.The coverage offered is competitive and matches up well with what we currently have. Many municipalities aren't even able to get cyber coverage. A motion was made by Member Campanella and seconded by Member Bechler to approve the 2021 Insurance Coverage Renewal and Annual Member Allocations as proposed. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Algonquin, Fox River Grove, McHenry, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove, Island Lake. 0-absent,0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Attorneys Report Mr. Nugent explained that in Tom DiCianni's absence it would be wise to hold a special meeting next week to discuss the newly passed police legislation. Insurance Consultant Report Mr. Nugent stated that we should be able to schedule regular trainings again now that COVID restrictions are being lifted. Some flagger trainings have been held in the last year, but a schedule of other trainings will be created starting in August through the rest of the year. The loss report was contained in the packet to help support funding decisions. CCMSI Reports Mr. Nugent shared his screen of the CCMSI report. Lori Mittelstaedtreported that we only have half as many new claims this year compared to last.The closing ratios are over 100%, and payments are still up due to paying large claims.Trips and falls continue to be the leading cause of claims, and collisions continue to be the biggest cause for liability. Executive Session A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Hill to enter into Executive Session at 1.28 p.m.for the purpose of discussing litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).). Roll call:Vote: 7- ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Algonquin,Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District,Spring Grove, Island Lake. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Reconvene Chair Sandi Rusher reconvened the meeting back into open session at 1:35 p.m. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock,Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove; Mike Hill,Woodstock FRD; Ed McGinty,Village of Island Lake,Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin. Approval of Executive Session Actions A Motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Walker to approve the settlement for Pilarski v.Algonauin asdiscussed inclosed session.Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Algonquin, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove, Island Lake.0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried. Other Business Mr. Nugent explained that the board will be able to meet in-person starting in August, and the City of McHenry will continue to host those meetings. Adiournment A motion was made by Member Schober and seconded by Member Campanella to adjourn the meeting at 1:37 p.m. Roll call: Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, Island Lake, Spring Grove, Woodstock FRD, City of Woodstock, City of McHenry,Village of Algonquin, 0-nays, 0-abstianed. Motion carried. '1 +- C . A�7 Recording Secretary Monte Johnson