HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 2/4/2021 - MCMRMA McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency Regular Board Meeting Thursday, February 4, 2021 Roll Call An online meeting of the McHenry County Municipal Risk Management Agency was called to order by Chair Sandi Rusher on Thursday, February 4, 2021, at 9:02 a.m.via Zoom in compliance with the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Present: Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin; Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock; Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove; Mike Hill,Woodstock FRD; Ed McGinty,Village of Island Lake; Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Others present: Recording Secretary Monte Johnson; Paul Christensen; Board Consultant Michael Nugent; Board Counsel Tom DiCianni; and Lori Mittelstaedt and John Zaborowski of CCMSI Public Comment There were no members of the public to offer comment. Consultant Evalluation Board members expressed their appreciation for the consultants and said to keep up the good work. Approval of the Minutes of the December 3, 2020, Regular Meeting A motion was made by Member Walker and seconded by Member McGinty to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 3,2020. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Algonquin, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove, Island Lake. 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. Chairman's Report There was no report from the Chairman. Approval of the Treasurer's Report Paul Christensen shared his screen as Mike Nugent reviewed the report. He reported that claim payments are $300,000 less than this time last year, and everything else is in order. A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Campanella to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Roll call:Vote: 7-ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry,Algonquin, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District, Spring Grove, Island Lake. 0-nays,0-abstained. Motion carried. CCMSI Reports Lori Mittelstaedt reviewed the CCMSI report that had been submitted and her screen was shared. Workers Comp claims for this year total$282,270, which is down from $592,245 for the same period last year.The closing ratios are above 100%, and total incurred charges are $334,376 as compared to $627,156 for the same period last year.There have been 8 workers compensation settlements for $568,283, recoveries of$25,036.61, and reimbursements of$42,999. Insurance Consultant's Report The actuary has given us a loss projection for next fiscal year, and is significantly higher by$500,000 more than the budget numbers showed in December. This is believed to be based on two bad claim years. Mr. Nugent recommends that we don't fund to the level that we have in the past. We have enough surplus and will likely add surplus if the trends in losses continue. It appears we will be in the COVID environment for the rest of this year,which should keep losses down. He recommends sticking with the$1.8 million for this period. Once we have another good year, it is anticipated that the actuary will recognize those two bad years and help our numbers come between $1.9 million and $2.3 million. Attorneys Report Attorney DiCianni explained that he prepared a generic vendor agreement.There were many questions regarding everybody's practices to try and accommodate them all. By next meeting we may be ready to have a discussion regarding the agreement.The new legislation in Springfield was watched closely to see how it may impact MCMRMA. Fortunately,the legislation that was passed will probably not impact our exposures much.The criminal justice reform had several provisions that could have been a problem, but we avoided having all immunities taken away. Attorney DiCianni also explained that he had a conference call with Woodstock regarding clearing snow from sidewalks.The concern is that this may create an ongoing duty or liability. He reported that municipalities have immunity from this type of liability, because the accumulation of snow and ice is a natural cause.There is also no liability for not clearing the snow or ice. Executive Session A motion was made by Member Campanella and seconded by Member Hill to enter into Executive Session at 9:29 a.m.for the purpose of discussing litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).). Roll call:Vote: 7- ayes: Fox River Grove, McHenry, Algonquin, Woodstock, and Woodstock Fire/Rescue District,Spring Grove, Island Lake. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried. Reconvene Chair Sandi Rusher reconvened the meeting back into open session at 10:15 a.m. Present: Stephen Bechler,Village of Fox River Grove; Deborah Schober, City of Woodstock, Sandi Rusher,Village of Spring Grove; Mike Hill,Woodstock FRD; Ed McGinty,Village of Island Lake,Ann Campanella, City of McHenry, Todd Walker,Village of Algonquin. Approval of Executive Session Actions There were no executive session actions to approve. Other Business Member Schober explained that one of MCMRMA's representatives from Marsh recently had her husband pass away unexpectedly.There has been an education fund and a GoFundMe account open up where people can donate. Although MCMRMA can't legally contribute, it was recommended that interested parties donate individually. Adjournment A motion was made by Member Hill and seconded by Member Schober to adjourn the meeting 10:22 a.m. Roll call: Vote: Tayes: Fox River Grove, Island Lake,Spring Grove, Woodstock FRD, City of Woodstock, City of McHenry,Village of Algonquin, 0-nays, 0-abstianed. Motion carried. Recording Secretary Monte Johnson