HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 11/3/2021 - Police Commission City of McHenry Board of Police Commissioners November 3, 2021 Police Chairman Sue Meyer called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm in the McHenry Municipal Center City Council Chambers with the following Commissioners present, Mike Roberts and John Jones. Also present was Chief John Birk, Deputy Chief Tom Walsh and Administrative Assistant Deb Shuett. Public Comment None. 1. Motion to Approve October 6, 2021 Meeting Report Motion by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to approve meeting minutes. Police Commission John Jones and second by Mike Roberts to approve the minutes from the October 6, 2021. Police Commission meeting as presented. All ayes, motion carried. 2. Unfinished Business Personnel Update - Officer Szoke still in the academy. Tentative graduation date is sometime mid-December. Doing well. Sergeant Promotional Exam – Police Commission will finish with scoring candidates. Will bring final list to next Police Commission Meeting on November 18th, in open forum and vote on it. Police Commission approved the moving of the next Police Commission meeting from December 1st to November 18th for the adoption of the next Sergeant Promotional list. 3. New Business Patrol Officer Eligibility list – Friday November 5th applications will close. Orientation set for Thursday November 18th at 7:00 pm. Candidates will take written exam on Saturday November 20th at 9:00 am. Sometime in December set up date(s) for interviews. 4. Communications The following bill(s) were presented for approval: Industrial/Organization Solutions First Line Supervisor exams - $1,080.00 Police Chairman Sue Meyer motion to approve bills, John Jones and second by Mike Roberts. All ayes, motion carried. 2 5. Adjournment Motion by Police Chairman Sue Meyer to adjourn meeting, Police Commission John Jones and second by Mike Roberts to adjourn the meeting at 2:10 pm. All ayes, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, __________________________________ Debbie Shuett, Recording Secretary