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City of McHenry Council
Meeting Minutes
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Monday, January 17, 2022, 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 333 S Green St, McHenry, IL 60050
In light of the current COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting will be held
remotely only.
The public can observe and participate by connecting online via Zoom at
Or by phone at 312-626-6799, Meeting ID 865 0243 5633
Call to Order: The meeting was held remotely via Zoom due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
meeting was in compliance with the Open Meetings Act per guidelines by the Illinois Attorney
General's Office.
Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call.
Members present: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman
Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller-absent, and Mayor Jett.
Others present: Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Public Works Strange,
Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and
Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City
Planner Sheriff, and City Clerk Ramel.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge.
Public Comments: No public comment.
Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items:
A. A resolution authorizing the City Administrator to complete, sign and submit all
necessary forms required for the participation in the Opioid Settlement prior to January
26, 2022; (Police Chief Birk)
B. January 3, 2022 City Council Meeting Minutes;
D. Issuance of Checks in the amount of$215,441.60;
F. As Needed Checks in the amount of$118,581.05.
A motion was made by Alderman Sant! and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to
approve Consent Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi,
Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman
Devine, Alderwoman Mille- absent. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
City of McHenry Council
Meeting Minutes
*Clerks Note Consent Agenda Item below was pull for separate consideration by
Alderman Santi.
B. A resolution adopting regulations relating to the collection of the Amusement Push Tax
Imposed Upon the Playing of a Video Gaming Terminal within the City of McHenry; (City
Attorney McArdle)
Alderman Santi- pulled these items, its an item without a supplement and wanted to know the
length or the date. Received push back that there was not time to implement collection
measures, per Attorney McArdle, agreed more time would be needed. It could be brought back
on agenda; the correspondence is being monitored. Alderman Santi asked if an updated
monthly could be attached to this. Attorney McArdle stated he could add a line to it stating
Mayor Jett will come back to The Council with updates.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Strach to approve
Consent Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman
Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman Devine,
Alderwoman Mille- absent. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
*Clerks Note Consent Agenda Item below was pull for separate consideration by Alderman
C. An Ordinance Amending the FY21/22 Parks Developer Budget in the amount of
$61,152; and, to approve a quote with Wm. Tonyan and Sons in the amount of$237,152
for the repair and renovation of the horse barn on the Colby-Petersen Farm; (Parks and
Recreation Director Hobson)
Alderman Santi wanted to understand more regarding this item. Noting that this is from
something that cannot be controlled such as mother nature, would it be a repair or restoration.
According to Director Hobson it is more of a repair than a history restoration, also noting the
roof is not included in the contract that is presented, but has shifted more towards repair.
Timetable for the repairs was questioned by Alderman Santi, to understand with storm season
upon us, etc. There has not been a certain timetable, it is also finding someone to do the work
as well, per Director Hobson.
Alderman Glab, understands the situation and would not want to see the barn be lost and also
the pricing to go up, also supporting the sooner the repairs the better. Would like to know if
there are issues with the money that The Council is made aware of it, wants the roof to be
inspected before the restoration, as added by Director Hobson the roof is going to be a
complete tear off and redone.
`- Public Comment: Jeff Varda Landmark Commission Chair, explained the circumstances that
he saw with the barn. Some discussion regarding the windows and doors, but also stated that
City of McHenry Council
Meeting Minutes
the damage in the pictures is water damage, from the roof. Thanks to Bill Hobson and the Park
District for the work they have done. Hoping to have something to The Council by the second
meeting in March, if approved tonight will be moving forward with other quotes as well.
A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Glab to
approve Consent Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi,
Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman
Devine, Alderwoman Mille- absent. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
Individual Action Item Agenda:
A. Motion to approve a Class A Liquor License to The Vixen, located at 1208 N Green
Street, and to pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section
6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of
Licenses, pending the successful completion of background checks.
The background checks are cleared, per Chief Birk. Mayor Jett made also explained that he
is off the Downtown Theater and all documents pertaining to it.
Alderman Glab stated that Amber Jett is involved who is the wife of Wayne Jett, also
commenting that the of states statues and that a Mayor of the Town is the liquor commissioner
but if they have any interested in the sales of the liquor that they have to shut down an appoint
an attorney as a substitute. Per Attorney McArdle, if there is an issue, he will address it at the
next meeting.
Chief Birk, stated that there is a conflict of interest that the Major would step aside during that.
The discussion went on, back and forth, and Attorney McArdle stated he would review it.
Alderman Santi wanted to know how liquor is presented in this facility, per Chief Birk there is
an existing bar that can be expanded bar in that location.
Mike Sullivan, the new owner of the establishment commented on the staffing, and how things
will be run smoothly. T
The entire building will be refurbished. Per Director Polerecky, should be able to accommodate
300-400 people, but will need to be double checked. The discussion went on for some time.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Strach to approve
Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman
McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman Miller-
absent. 1-nays-Alderman Glab,O-abstained. Motion carried.
B. Based on the approval of Agenda Item 6A, a motion to approve the issuance of a Video
Gaming License to The Vixen, located at 1208 N. Green Street, for three (3) video
gaming terminals.
Alderman Glab asked if they are separated, yes they are. No Public Comment.
City of McHenry Council
Meeting Minutes
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to
approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi,
Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman
Devine, Alderwoman Miller- absent. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
Discussion Items:
A. Implementation of existing Honorary Street Sign Policy.
Per Director Strange, the challenge is many streets are running out of spaces in regard to the
popular street sign request. Talking about how long the honorary signs stay up and what is the
consensus with The Council and the manner of that directive.
Alderman Strach would like to display them in a certain location once they are taken down,
Alderman Santi would like to hand the signs off to the families with some documentation or
maybe a mural. Alderman Glab agrees to start taking them down likes the letter as well.
Alderman Harding will not mind if the signs stay up as long as they can.
Director Hobson stated there are a lot of them and it becomes cumbersome with there or four
just on one street, from the downtown perspective, Alderman Strach's idea is supported by him
as well as in favor was Alderman Devine.
B. Review of Honorary Street Sign Applications for 2022.
Director Strange also reviewed there are 5 applications at least three will be honored this year,
some of the public that supported those that would like to honor someone. Everyone that
applied was also invited to this call this evening.
Alderman Santi would like to approve all 5 applicants and then afterward can we do a first come
first serve process to keep it at 3. Alderman McClatchey would like to a lottery system. Per
Alderman Devine, he would like to move forward to change the policy from 3 to 5.
The discussion on ideas continued for some time. Mayor Jett gave The Council some time to
look over the 5 applicants and were able to choose the three that they would allow honorary
for this year. This will be brought to The Council for a vote on the next agenda.
Congrats to all that had be chosen for this process.
Executive Session as needed: Not at this time
Staff Reports:
Director Hobson, final draft of site plan has been submitted, please contact him with questions.
Rise Up Foundation is looking to help raise money, headliners will be announced per Mayor
A. Staff Report for January 17, 2022
Mayor's Report: None
City of McHenry Council
Meeting Minutes
City Council Comments: None
Adjourn: A motion was made Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Santi
to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 PM. Roll Call: Vote:6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab,
Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Harding, Alderman Strach, Alderman Devine, Alderwoman
Miller- absent. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
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Mayor Wayne Jett City Clerk Trisha Ramel