HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 10/06/1999 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, October 6, 1999 7:30 P.M. Presentation: “DO THE RIGHT THING” Public Input Session - 10 Minute Limitation. 1. Consent Agenda:  Resolution for the Reduction of the Speed Limit on Bull Valley Road;  Resolution requesting permission to close Elm Street;  Temporary Signs and Waiver of Permit Fees - Home of the Sparrow Harvest Craft Show;  Waiver of Permit Fees – Addition to McHenry Youth Baseball Building;  Semi-Annual Interest Payments on City Bonds - $190,300.00;  Sale of Delinquent Special Assessments – County Club Estates;  Payment to Thelen Sand & Gravel – Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repairs – $9,481.10;  Bulk Rock Salt Purchase – Not to Exceed $54,980.00;  Amendment to Teamsters Local #301 Union Contract;  Approve City Council Minutes for September 15, 1999; September 21, 1999; and September 22, 1999.  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills. 2. Amendment to Conditional use Permit – McHenry Villa, 3516 Waukegan Rd. 3. Request to seek bids for Computer Hardware – Police Department. 4. Request to seek bids for Laptop Computers – Police Department. 5. Request to seek bids for Records Management Software – Police Department. 6. Mayor – Statement and Reports. 7. Committee Reports. 8. Department Head Reports. 9. Executive Session: Personnel 10. New Business. 13. Any and all business that may properly come before the City Council Posted and Mailed: October 1, 1999 C O N S E N T A G E N D A The Consent Agenda for the October 6, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting consists of the following items:  Resolution for the Reduction of the Speed Limit on Bull Valley Road;  Resolution requesting permission to close Elm Street;  Temporary Signs and Waiver of Permit Fees - Home of the Sparrow Harvest Craft Show;  Waiver of Permit Fees – Addition to McHenry Youth Baseball Building;  Semi-Annual Interest Payments on City Bonds - $190,300.00;  Sale of Delinquent Special Assessments – County Club Estates;  Payment to Thelen Sand & Gravel – Emergency Sanitary Sewer Repairs – $9,481.10;  Bulk Rock Salt Purchase – Not to Exceed $54,980.00;  Amendment to Teamsters Local #301 Union Contract;  Approve City Council Minutes: - September 15, 1999; - September 21, 1999; - September 22, 1999;  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills. Attachments C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: October 6, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Resolution for the Reduction of the Speed Limit on Bull Valley Road As directed by the City Council at its September 22, 1999 City Council meeting, Staff has drafted a Resolution for the reduction of the speed limit on Bull Valley Road. Upon approval of the Resolution, a letter will be sent to the McHenry County Transportation Committee, along with this Resolution, for consideration. mmg P R E S E N T A T I O N TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: October 6, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: McHenry Police Department, “Do the Right Thing” Sgt. William J. Brogan will present to the City Council the latest recipients of the “DO THE RIGHT THING” award. Attached are the applications submitted for Mark A. Handrock and Juana L. Hernandez for your review. mmg M A Y O R’ S R E P O R T To: City Council From: Mayor Steven J. Cuda For: October 6,1999 Regular City Council Meeting Subject: Appointment to Landmark Commission Currently, there are two vacancies and one Student Member vacancy on the Landmark Commission. I intend to appoint Dawn Johnson as the newest member of the Landmark Commission at the October 6,1999 Regular City Council meeting. Ms. Johnson’s application is attached for your review. If you have any objections, please contact me before the meeting. I may be reached at my office in Woodstock 338-1334, or my home 385-7332. Thank you. mmg