HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 06/14/1999 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 14, 1999 7:30 P.M. Public Input Session - 10 Minute Limitation. Presentation: Resolution Honoring Area Participants in the 1999 Junior Olympics in Nevada. Public Hearing: Amendment to Kresswood Annexation Agreement– Pacini Property. Public Hearing: Special Service Area –Shamrock Lane & Route 31 Improvements. 1. Consent Agenda:  Prevailing Wage Ordinance, Public Works Projects;  Ordinance Amending Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code;  Town of Cicero, Gang Free Zones Ordinance;  Ordinance Approving Conditional Use, Sunnyside Dodge;  Payment No. 2, Thelen Sand & Gravel – $40,445.51;  Picnic/Special Use Permits;  Bills for Approval.  Approve Executive Session Minutes;  Approve City Council Minutes: April 26, 1999; June 2, 1999; 2. Update on Fox Waterway Agency 3. McHenry Area Jaycees 1999 Fireworks Program. 4. Route 31 Agreement – McHenry County EDC. 5. Approve the hiring of a Professional Land Appraiser – Park Donations. 6. Purchase of Mowing Equipment, Parks & Rec. Dept. 7. Approval of Landscape Bid and Change Order for Wm. H. Althoff Park. 8. Approval of 1999 Street Program. 9. Walgreens Revised Site Plan and Ordinance. 10. Approve Collective Bargaining Agreement for MCPOA Unit I and Unit II. 11. McHenry/Johnsburg Boundary Agreement. 12. Mayor – Statement and Reports. 13. Committee Reports. 14. Department Head Reports 15. Executive Session: Personnel 16. Any and All Business That May Properly Come Before the Council. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the June 14, 1999 Regular Council Meeting consists of the following items:  Prevailing Wage Ordinance, Public Works Projects;  Ordinance Amending Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code;  Town of Cicero, Gang Free Zones Ordinance;  Ordinance Approving Conditional Use, Sunnyside Dodge;  Payment No. 2, Thelen Sand & Gravel – $40,445.51;  Picnic/Special Use Permits;  Bills for Approval.  Approve Executive Session Minutes;  Approve City Council Minutes: April 26, 1999; June 2, 1999; Attachments C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: City Council FROM: Mayor Steven J. Cuda FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Town of Cicero – “Gang Free Zones” Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: To consider the request made by President Betty Loren- Maltese of the Town of Cicero to draft a Resolution in support of the ‘Gang Free Zone” ordinance. April 27, 1999, the Town of Cicero passed an ordinance establishing “Gang Free Zones.” This ordinance was created to help identify gang members in the Town of Cicero and to act as an aid in establishing procedures for administrative hearings resulting in the elimination of gangs in their town. In addition, a second ordinance was passed for the seizure and impoundment of motor vehicles entering a gang free zone. Copies of both ordinances are attached for your review. The American Civil Liberties Union has recently announced its intention to contest this ordinance as unconstitutional. President Maltese is requesting a resolution from the City of McHenry in support of this ordinance. The Town of Cicero is in the making this request to every City, Village, Town, and County in the State of Illinois. A copy of the ordinance and letter from President Maltese to the Mayor is attached. mmg Attach. A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Fox Waterway Agency Dr. William Dam, Chairman of the Fox Waterway Agency will provide the Council with a brief update on the Agency’s activities for Council’s information. mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: McHenry/Johnsburg Boundary Agreement RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Ordinance authorizing the Mayor’s execution of the Intergovernmental Agreement Establishing a jurisdictional boundary line between City of McHenry and the Village of Johnsburg. May 12, 1999 the City of McHenry’s ADHOC Committee met with Village of Johnsburg officials to discuss the boundary agreement drafted by McHenry. Prior to the meeting, Johnsburg had submitted a letter outlining changes they were seeking to the Agreement. These changes along with other non-substantive changes that were later requested (namely recitals A through L), have been incorporated into the Agreement and were previously distributed to the City Council on June 2, 1999. At the time of this writing, it is anticipated Johnsburg will be approving this Agreement on Thursday, June 10,1999. To approve the boundary agreement, the City Council must pass the Ordinance enclosed that references the Agreement. In addition upon approval, a legal description of the boundary line will be added to Exhibit A of the Agreement. The Ordinance will then be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds. mmg Enc. DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT To: Mayor and City Council From: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator Date: January 10, 2022 For: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting Subject: Branch III Courtroom Renovations As you know, the County Circuit Clerk’s office uses the City’s facilities to hold Court on Wednesdays. Vernon Kays, McHenry County Circuit Clerk, contacted the City Administrator regarding proposed renovations to the fine-payment center area located at the front of the Court entrance to City Hall. Enclosed is a memorandum to Under-Sheriff Kottke from Captain Olson of the McHenry County Sheriffs Department addressing concerns regarding the security of the fine- payment center. A large amount of money is collected in this area and they feel that security should be enhanced to prevent anyone from trying to burglarize their employees. The Circuit Clerk is requesting approval from the City Council to make the recommended changes stated in the enclosed memorandum from Captain Olson. All of the approved changes would be at the County’s expense and the City’s Building and Grounds Department would be consulted to ensure these modifications were done appropriately. mmg Enc C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Amending Chapter 26 of the Municipal Code It has come to Staff’s attention that the establishment of a water and sewer department as a combined waterworks and sewage system was never executed. The enclosed ordinance is necessary to define the correct procedure for the acquisition of certain properties relating to the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant. From a practical standpoint, this ordinance does not alter how these departments function. As best Staff can determine, the omission of this ordinance in our Municipal Code was simply an oversight. mmg Enc. A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Public Hearing: Special Service Area, Shamrock Lane & Route 31 RECOMMENDATION: To conduct a Public Hearing and solicit comments from the Public. At the May 19, 1999 City Council Meeting, the City Council approved an ordinance proposing the establishment of a Special Service Area for the improvements at Shamrock Lane and Route 31. Specifically, the proposed improvements include a three-way traffic signal at the intersection of Shamrock Lane and Route 31; turning lane improvements on Route 31 from approximately Bull Valley Road to Corporate Drive; and synchronization of the traffic signal at Bull Valley and Route 31 with the proposed traffic signal at Shamrock Lane and Route 31. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed project. This may be done orally or a person may file their comments in writing. Upon adjournment of the final hearing, there is a 60-day waiting period in which the affected owners and electors of the Special Service Area will have an opportunity to file a petition to block the creation of the Special Service Area. Notice of the hearing was published in the newspaper 15-days prior to the hearing, and written notice was provided to the last known taxpayer within the proposed Special Service Area 10-days prior to the hearing. After the 60-day period, the City Council must pass an ordinance establishing the Special Service Area and conduct a public hearing for the sale of bonds. This may be done at the same meeting. Prior to the hearing, the City will have bid the project and established the cost of improvements. For City Council review, I have enclosed previous correspondence that discusses the improvement cost and estimated cost to the Special Service Area participants. mmg Enc. A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: June 14, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Collective Bargaining Agreements RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor to executive the Collective Bargaining Agreement between MCPOA Police Officers and MCPOA Civilian Bargaining Unit. Enclosed are the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreements between the City of McHenry and the McHenry Police Officers Association (MCPOA Unit I) Police Officers and the Civilian Bargaining Unit (MCPOA Unit II). Both agreements are for a term of three years. The effective date is May 1, 1999 and will remain in effect through April 30, 2002. Outlined below are provisions of the agreements that are substantive changes to the previous agreements. MCPOA Unit I – Police Officers Section 6.7: The agreement provides for compensatory time off for overtime hours worked up to a maximum of 3-shifts subject to Police Chief approval. Section 6.10: Reduced the years of seniority for shift bidding from 5-years to 3-years. Section 6.11: Provides for compensation to police officers assigned as officers in charge or field training officers, provided a minimum of 5-hours is worked. Compensation is $15.50 and $13.00 respectively. Section 16.2: Allows the uniform allowance to be used for civilian clothes worn by plain-clothes officers. Section 17.6: Incorporates a new fee schedule for prescription drugs. Wages: Reference Appendix A of the agreement. Agenda Supplement, June 14, 1999 Collective Bargaining Agreements Page Two MCPOA Unit II – Civilians Section 5.2: Modified the work schedule for telecommunication employees from the “Kelly” schedule to a “6-3” schedule. Effective January 1, 2000. Sec. 5.7: Provides for one additional shift of compensatory time if the employee accumulates and uses 3-full shifts of compensatory time. Also provides for carryover of one shift of compensatory time into the next year. Section 5.8: Outlines parameters in which the City will select employees for overtime. Sec 14.2: Increase tuition reimbursement from $1,000 to $1,200. Restricted to tuition fee only. Section 15.2: Increase uniform allowance form $300 to $350. Wages: Reference Appendix A. mmg