HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/28/1999 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 28, 1999 7:30 P.M. Public Input Session - 10 Minute Limitation. Presentation: EAC Plaques of Recognition to Eco-Friendly Businesses. Public Hearing: 1999-2000 Annual Appropriation Ordinance. 1. Consent Agenda:  Lakeland Park Phase III Project - Final Payment to Thelen Sand & Gravel - $33,754.95;  1998 Street Program Contract Closeout – Final Payment to Curran Contracting - $63,850.75;  Amendment to Traffic Code;  Request to Connect to Police Alarm Panel – 420 North Green Street;  Block Party Requests;  Picnic Permits/Special Use Permits;  Maintenance of Municipal Center Floors;  Approve City Council Minutes: July 7, 1999; July 14, 1999;  Bills for Approval. 2. Request from State Rep. Jack Franks for the Use of Council Chambers. 3. Semi-Annual Distribution of Developer Donations to Taxing Entities. 4. Update on McCullom Lake Sewer Project. 5. Transfer of Class A-24 Liquor License - New Age TM, Inc., 2314 West Route 120. 6. Annexation, Rezoning, and Variance at 3200 Bull Valley Road. 7. Zoning Map Amendment – 402 N. Front Street. 8. Variance to Front Building Setback – 6011 Barkley Court. 9. Amendment to Annexation Agreement, Zoning Map Amendment, Conditional Use Permit & Variance – Busch Knox Property (Windsor Development). 10. Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Update. 11. Tree Preservation Ordinance. 12. Department Head Reports. 13. New Business. 14. Executive Session: Personnel/Union Negotiations 15. Any and all business that may properly come before the Council. Posted and Mailed: July 23, 1999 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the July 28, 1999 Regular Council Meeting consists of the following items:  Lakeland Park Phase III Project - Final Payment to Thelen Sand & Gravel - $33,754.95;  1998 Street Program Contract Closeout – Final Payment to Curran Contracting - $63,850.75;  Amendment to Traffic Code;  Request to Connect to Police Alarm Panel – 420 North Green Street;  Block Party Requests;  Picnic Permits/Special Use Permits;  Maintenance of Municipal Center Floors;  Approve City Council Minutes: July 7, 1999; July 14, 1999;  Bills for Approval. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 28, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Maintenance – Municipal Center RECOMMENDATION: Award contract to Service Master of McHenry to maintain the floor as well as the windows in the Municipal Center for $5,070.00 per year. During the 1999-2000 fiscal year budget discussions, Staff recommended replacement of the floor in the lobby area of the Municipal Center. The Finance Committee did not approve this request, recommending that the City increase the maintenance on the current floor. Pursuant to the Finance Committee’s recommendation, Staff solicited three quotes: Pro-Clean, Inc. Lang State ServiceMaster Mundelein McHenry McHenry Window Cleaning Per year $1,080.00 $ 700.00 $ 750.00 Floor Scrubbing Per year $5,520.00 $4,500.00 $4,320.00 Total: $6,600.00 $5,200.00 $5,070.00 mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: City Council FROM: Mayor Steven J. Cuda FOR: July 28, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Use of Municipal Facilities – State Rep. Jack Franks State Representative Jack D. Franks is requesting the use of the City Council Chambers Monday, September 27, 1999 at 7:00 P.M., for a town hall meeting. At this meeting, McHenry residents will have an opportunity to speak, ask questions, or voice any concerns they may have to Rep. Franks. Schedule permitting, Rep. Franks may attend the meeting on July 28, 1999, to personally request the use of the Council Chambers. A copy of his request is attached for your review. Mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 28, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Transfer of Liquor License RECOMMENDATION: To approve the transfer of the Class A-24 Liquor License from XLNC, Inc. d/b/a Diversions, to New Age TM, Inc. d/b/a The Viper Club. A liquor license transfer request was received from Anthony McCarty of New Age TM, Inc., who is purchasing Diversions located at 2314 West Route 120. A copy of the completed liquor license application is attached for your review. The required $250.00 transfer fee has been paid. The current manager of Diversions will remain with the new business. Mr. McCarty has been fingerprinted and he has me with the Mayor. As Liquor Commissioner, Mayor Cuda recommends that the Council approve this transfer of the Class A-24 liquor license from XLNC, Inc. to New Age TM, Inc. d/b/a The Viper Club. Mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 28, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Update, McCullom Lake Sanitary Sewer Project Doug Youman Trustee for the Village of McCullom Lake, will be present to update the City Council on the progress the Village of McCullom Lake has made toward the installation of sanitary sewers in their Village. He will also answer any questions Council may have regarding this project. Mmg MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator Date: January 10, 2022 Via: July 28, 1999 Agenda Packet Subject: Thornwood Drainage Ditch Last Friday, I delivered to the City Council information from Tom Quamme regarding the Thornwood Drainage Ditch. Originally, this matter was to be discussed at the July 28, 1999 City Council meeting; however, Alderman Baird will be out of town and asked that this matter be continued until August 4, 1999. After delivering the materials to the City Council, I spoke with Tom Quamme. I indicated to him the information he provided was in my opinion, inconclusive but ultimately that was a decision for the City Council. From this discussion, Tom sent the enclosed letter and documentation. mmg Enc. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 28, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Amendment to Traffic Code Pursuant to City Council action at the July 14, 1999 Council meeting, enclosed is the amended ordinance that allows funeral processions to turn left from Green Street onto Elm Street between the prohibited hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. mmg