HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 01/20/1999 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1999 7:30 P.M. Public Input Session - 10 Minute Limitation. 1. Consent Agenda:  Fence Improvements at Hickory Creek Farm - $6,565.00;  Payment Request No. 2, Wm. H. Althoff Park Restroom/Concession/Storage Building - $16, 196.00;  Reduction in Letter of Credit - Timber Trails Phase 2A;  Intergovernmental Agreement - McHenry Township Road District;  Ordinance Amending Conditional Use Permit - 4910 W. Elm Street;  Approval of City Council Minutes: • December 30, 1998 • January 6, 1999;  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills for Approval. 2. Request from Rep. Jack D. Franks for the use of City Council Chambers for Town Hall Meeting. 3. Ordinance Approving Variance at 5010 West Elm Street. 4. Proposed Zoning Text Amendment for Detached Garages. 5. Zoning Map Amendment and Expansion of Conditional Use - 2103 W. Route 120. 6. Zoning Map Amendment for 3503 Fairway Drive. 7. Northwest Extension of Lillian Street. 8. Mayor - Statement and Report. 9. Committee Reports. 10. Department Head Reports. 11 . New Business. 12. Executive Session: Personnel 13. Any and all business which may properly come before the Council. Posted and Mailed January 15, 1999 A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Joseph P. Napolitano, Director, Community Development FOR: January 20, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Ordinance Approving a Variance to allow Two Principal Buildings on a Single Zoning Lot (File #Z-450). RECOMMENDATION: To pass the attached ordinance. Background Attached is the Ordinance required to approve the Variance for Colin and Anna MacMeekin considered at the City Council Meeting on December 30, 1998. A condition limiting the use of the converted garage to permitted uses in the O-1 and O-2 zoning districts has been included as Section 3 of this Ordinance. Section 4 of the Ordinance provides that this condition would no longer be in effect if the residential structure were demolished. mmg Attach. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator Date: January 10, 2022 Subject: Daniel L. Adams - Public Hearing Enclosed please find the Agenda Supplement for the Public Hearing on Daniel L. Adams annexation for the January 27, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting. This supplement is given to you two-weeks prior to the City Council Meeting. Please retain this copy for the January 27 meeting. Thank you. mmg C O N S E N T A G E N D A The Consent Agenda for the January 20, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting consists of the following items:  Fence Improvements at Hickory Creek Farm - $6,565.00;  Payment Request No. 2, Wm. H. Althoff Park Restroom, Concession, and Storage Building - $16, 196.00;  Reduction in Letter of Credit - Timber Trails Phase 2A;  Intergovernmental Agreement - McHenry Township Road District;  Ordinance Amending Conditional Use Permit - 4910 W. Elm Street;  Approval of City Council Minutes: • December 30, 1998 • January 6, 1999;  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills for Approval C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fredric C. Batt, Director, Public Works FOR: January 20, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Intergovernmental Agreement - McHenry Township Road District McHenry Township Road District has presented an Intergovernmental Agreement regarding inter-jurisdictional snow plowing and street line painting. A copy of the Agreement is attached. City Attorney McArdle has reviewed this Agreement. Staff recommends its approval to the Mayor and City Council. mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: January 20, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Northwest Extension of Lillian Street At the November 23, 1998 City Council meeting, Staff was directed to meet with the affected property owner's regarding the traffic problems encountered along Crystal Lake road between Royal Drive and Lillian Street. City Council's action was precipitated by a letter the Council received from Craig and Steve Bjorkman (enclosed). January 5, 1999, the Director of Public Works and city Administrator met wit the affected property owners. A copy of the minutes is enclosed for your review. All owners were represented except for First Midwest Bank. Staff's proposal to the group was a public street that aligned with Oakwood Drive at Royal Drive; then extended behind the Post Office and Ace Hardware; then connected to the bank's driveway at Lillian Street. In Staff's opinion, this would alleviate traffic congestion along Crystal Lake Road between Royal Drive and Lillian Street. Attachment "A" depicts the Staff's proposal. This alignment was rejected by Northfox Condominium. They saw no benefit in transforming their private driveway to a public street; and without the cooperation of Northfox Condominiums, the proposed street alignment is impossible. The group did see merit to the following improvements detailed below that are depicted on Attachment B; however, no one was 100% committed: 1. Combine the side by side access drives of the Post Office and Ace Hardware, and make this a "right in/right out only." 2. Join the Post Office parking lot with Ace Hardware. 3. Construct an access drive from Ace Hardware behind the bank and connect with the existing driveway leading to the traffic signal at Lillian Street. 4. Connect Whispering Point Center to the driveway leading to Lillian Street traffic signal, and close the access on e Street. Northwest Extension of Lillian Street January 20, 1999 City Council Agenda Supplement Page Two With these improvements, it is the Staff's opinion there wold be a measurable relief in traffic congestion in this area. Discussion Point 1. What is the City's involvement? Option 1 The City act as a facilitator to coordinate the efforts of the property owners in improving traffic circulation in the area. The City would not participate financially to any aspect of the project, nor would the City accept any portion of the improvements as public right-of-way. Option 2 The City participate financially to the projected by accepting the dedication of the driveway area at the bank from Crystal lake Road to the rear property line of the bank. This would become a public street and; consequently, accessed by all adjoining property owners. If Option 2 is considered by the City, the following investigation and/or potential improvements may have to be done. 1. Investigate the existing conditions of the banks driveway to determine structural adequacy of the pavement. 2. Prepare dedication documents (legal and engineering) for accepting the property for public street. 3. Survey the property to insure adequate property is available for the public street and to accommodate any necessary improvements without interfering with the bank's operation. Improvements such as lane widening or adding a left turn land may be necessary for the intersection to function properly. 4. Modification to the traffic signal. As previously stated, the owners have yet to decide if any or all these improvements would occur. If there are no interconnection of properties there is little value in accepting responsibility of an extension of Lillian Street west of Crystal Lake. mmg Attach. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator Date: January 10, 2022 Subject: Annexation of District 15 School Sites Enclosed is a letter from Superintendent Dodds of McHenry School District 15 requesting annexation of the Hilltop School site, Valley View School site, and a 38-acre plot located at the northwest corner of Lincoln and Chapel Hill Roads. I am asking for direction from the City Council before proceeding with these annexations. If you have comments or require additional information, please call me prior to the January 20, 1999 City Council meeting. mmg Enc. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Steven J. Cuda From: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator Date: January 10, 2022 Subject: New Employee Introductions to City Council The following is a list of new employees to be introduced to the City Council on January 20, 1999: POLICE DEPARTMENT Name Title Length of Service DoRene McIntosh Telecommunications Dispatcher 8-Months Kelley Hohol Telecommunications Dispatcher 4-Months Barbara Goduto Telecommunications Dispatcher 3-Weeks Eric Sexton Police Officer 18-Weeks - Graduated from Police Training Institute on December 4, 1998. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Name Title Length of Service Juanita Oliver Department Secretary 3-Months John Dunne Code Compliance Inspector - 7-Weeks mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: City Council FROM: Mayor Steven J. Cuda FOR: January 20, 1999 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request to Use City Council Chambers State Representative Jack D. Franks is requesting the use of the City Council Chambers Monday, February 8, 1999 at 7:00 P.M., for a town hall meeting. At this meeting, McHenry residents will have a chance to speak or share their concerns to Rep. Franks. Rep. Franks will be in attendance on January 20, 1999 to personally request the use of the Council Chambers. mmg Attach. MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Mayor Steven J. Cuda Date: January 10, 2022 Subject: Appointment to Landmark Commission The retirement of Nancy Fike as Chairman of the Landmark Commission, and the subsequent appointment of Greg Lofgren as the new Chairman, left a vacancy on the board. I intend to appoint Patricia B. Schafer as the newest member of the Landmark Commission at the January 20, 1999 Regular Meeting of the City Council. Ms. Schafer's application is attached for your review. If you have any comments or objections, please contact me prior to the meeting. You may reach me at my office, 338 1334, or my home, 385-7332. Thank you. mmg MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Mayor Steven J. Cuda Date: January 10, 2022 Subject: Appointment to the Environmental Advisory Commission There are two vacancies on the Environmental Advisory Commission. I intend to appoint Billie Jean VanCleave as the newest member of the Environmental Advisory Commission at the January 20, 1999 Regular Meeting of the City Council. Ms. VanCleave's application is attached for your review. My announcement of another appointment will follow in the near future. If you have any comments or objections, please contact me prior to the meeting. You may reach me at my office, 338 1334, or my home, 385-7332. Thank you. mmg