HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 05/31/2000 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, May 31, 2000 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 4. Consent Agenda:  Request for Connection to Alarm Panel – Pickus Companies;  Ordinance Adopting Updated Building Codes;  Ordinance – Traffic Code Amendments;  Resolution, Annual Publication of Updated Official Zoning Map;  Reject Bid – Well #11 Installation of Pump and Associated Equipment;  Contract with Waste Management North – Exclusive Scavenger License;  Approve Committee of the Whole Minutes May 8, 2000;  Approve City Council Minutes: May 17, 2000; 5. Lions Club Annual Carnival – Request for Temporary Use/Signs and Waiver of all Permit Fees 6. Conditional Use Permit to Serve Alcoholic Beverages at 1249 N. Green Street – Michael’s Bistro 7. Transfer of Class H-3 Liquor License – Michael’s Bistro, 1249 N. Green Street 8. Variance from Sign Regulations – Buss Ford, 111 South Route 31 9. Riverwalk – Presentation of Concept Plan by McHenry EDC 10. Variance & Conditional Use -Automobile Service Station, 2102 W. Route 120, Thorton Oil Corp. 11. Water Service Request, District 15 Middle School 12. Annexation of District 15 Property - Hilltop School, 2615 W. Lincoln Road and Valley View School 6515 W. Route 120 13. Mayor – Statement and Reports 14. Committee Reports 15. Department Head Reports 16. New Business 17. Executive Session: Land Acquisition 18. Any and all other business that may properly come before the City Council 19. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: May 26, 2000 C O N S E N T A G E N D A The Consent Agenda for the May 31, 2000 City Council meeting consists of the following items:  Request for Connection to Alarm Panel – Pickus Companies;  Ordinance Adopting Updated Building Codes;  Ordinance – Traffic Code Amendments;  Resolution, Annual Publication of Updated Official Zoning Map;  Reject Bid – Well #11 Installation of Pump and Associated Equipment;  Contract with Waste Management North – Exclusive Scavenger License;  Approve Committee of the Whole Minutes May 8, 2000;  Approve City Council Minutes: May 17, 2000; Attachments A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: May 31, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request to Transfer Liquor License – Michael’s Bistro RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request from Daniel & Barbara Susong d/b/a Michael’s Bistro to transfer the liquor license location from 818 N. Front Street to 1249 N. Green Street. Daniel & Barbara Susong d/b/a Michael Bistro, are requesting the transfer of their current Class H-3 Liquor License from the current location 818 N. Front Street, to a new location at 1249 N. Green Street, former location of Partymaker’s Fine Catering. The Class H license permits the retail sale of beer and wine on the premises; however, all consumption is at tables; no bar sales are permitted. The Susong’s petitioned the Zoning Board of Appeals for a conditional use permit to serve alcoholic beverages at 1249 N. Green Street. This request was approved with no conditions. All the necessary paperwork has been submitted and the required $250 transfer fee has been paid. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 4-14, a liquor license is issued for one location only; therefore, a transfer is necessary. As Liquor Control Commissioner for the City of McHenry, Mayor Cuda is recommending that the Council confirm the approval to transfer the Class H liquor license for Michael’s Bistro from 818 N. Front Street to 1249 N. Green. Street. mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: May 31, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Water Service Request, School District 15 Middle School RECOMMENDATION: 1. To approve the request by District 15 to connect to the City water system for irrigation purposes at the McHenry Middle School site. 2. To allow District 15 to pay the reduced “Inside the City” fee for water/sewer usage and capital development fees, and to waive tap fees for connection to the City water and sewer system. Enclosed is a letter from Dr. D. William Dodds, Superintendent of School District 15 requesting water connection for irrigation purposes at the McHenry Middle School site. This request is being made in advance of the Intergovernmental Agreement due to flooding problems on adjacent properties. The neighbors are experiencing flooding due to the lack of vegetation on the school site. As the City Council is aware, last year District 15 requested connection to the water and sewer system. At that time, the City Council directed staff to draft an intergovernmental agreement. Because the property being serviced is outside the City corporate limits, the intergovernmental agreement is to contain language requiring the District to annex at the time the property becomes contiguous. The draft agreement is currently under review. Written comments have been received from the District’s Attorney and have been forwarded to the City Attorney for his review and comment. It is anticipated the draft agreement will be brought to the City Council for consideration in June. In addition, District 15 is requesting a waiver of user fees and connection fees to the water/sewer system. Because the property is not within the City’s corporate boundary, the user fee rate and capital development fee is one and one-half (1-1/2) times the standard charges. The following fees would apply based on a 2-inch water meter. Annexation of Property, District 15 May 31, 2000 Page Two WATER Item Inside the City Outside the City Meter Cost $1,125.00 $1,125.00 Tap Fee 250.00 375.00 Cap. Dev. Fee 13,348.00 20,022.00 Total $14,723.00 $21,522.00 SEWER Item Inside the City Outside the City Tap Fee $250.00 $375.00 Cap. Dev. Fee 11,977.00 17,965.50 Total $12,227.00 $18,340.50 User Fee Rate (combined water/sewer) : Inside the City: $3.65/1,000 gal. Outside the City: $5.48/1,000 gal. The City has recently committed to water improvements east of the river at a cost of approximately $1.5 million. In 1995, the City spent $3.6 million on providing sewers east of the river. These improvements are expensive and you can expect the cost of future system improvements to increase each year. The City utilizes every dollar collected towards these improvements, and it is expected the City will finance future improvements to the sewage treatment plant. Historically, the City has not waived fees for capital development but has waived tap fees. As you are aware, capital development fees are based on the cost of building additional capacity lost from the connection of new users. These monies, when collected, are segregated from the operating funds of the water/sewer fund and used to pay for the construction of new facilities; for example, water storage tanks and sewage treatment plant expansion. The existing water/sewer users and new users would pay for any shortfall in this fund by higher user fees and/or higher capital development fees. The waiver of fees for the School District 15 will benefit the District that consists of both resident and non-resident people. The latest information provided by the School District is that approximately 60% of District 15 students live outside the City limits. The Mayor and City Administrator have discussed the waiver of fees with Superintendent Dodds. It was suggested to waive the tap fee and charge the District for the capital development fees and water/sewer usage at the “Inside the City” rate. This would result in a net savings of $13,662.50. In addition, the District would realize a savings of $1.83/1,000 gallons of water/sewer usage. mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: May 31, 2000 Regular City Council Meeting RE: McHenry Riverwalk Concept Plan Members of the McHenry Riverwalk Committee will be in attendance to present the concept plan and status update on the McHenry Riverwalk. The Committee is also requesting the City Council to appropriate $40,000 to be used for the Riverwalk design and grant application expenses. A copy of the memorandum from Kit Carstens, Chair of the Committee and color exhibit of the concept plan is attached. mmg Attach. FEE SCHEDULE 1999 2000 2001 2002 Bag Price (1) $1.77 $1.77 $1.83 (max) $1.90 (max) Yard Waste Stickers (2) $1.66 $1.66 $1.73 (max) $1.80 (max) Toters (3) $20.45 $20.45 $21.24(max) $22.06 (max) Operation of Yard Waste Site $15,200 $15,200 $15,200 $15,200 (1) Includes the 4% maximum CPI adjustment and the leaf collection as stated in the agenda supplement. (2) Includes the 4% maximum CPI adjustment (3) Includes a maximum 4% CPI adjustment and the additional cost of the curbside leaf collection. 05/26/00