HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - 07/18/2001 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 18, 2001 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation: The Honorable John Hennessey-Niland, U.S. State Department 5. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 6. Public Hearing: 2001/2002 Annual Appropriation Ordinance 7. Consent Agenda:  Final Payment to Glenbrook Excavating not to exceed $81,692.80 for John Street Sanitary Sewer Project;  Final Payment not to exceed $20,474.87 to Peter Baker & Sons, 2000 Street Reconstruction Program;  Final Payment not to exceed $62,956.56 to Payne & Dolan, 1999 Street Program;  Easement Agreement/Replacement Trees at 715 N. Green Street not to exceed $2,450 ;  Resolution Authorizing Delegate to MCMRMA;  Authorization to Advertise for Bids, Royal /Crystal Lake Road Traffic Signal;  List of Bills for Approval;  Approve City Council Minutes: July 2, 2001 8. Semi-Annual Distribution of Developer Donation Fees 9. Request for Special Use Permit/Waive all Fees - Veteran’s Memorial Park 10. Request for Reduction in Building Permit Fees - Follett Library Addition, 1340 Ridgeview Drive 11. Text Amendment to Create Additional Residential Zoning Districts 12. Request to Waive Formal Bids and Authorize the Purchase of Water Meter Reading Devices not to exceed $15,000 13. Increase in Water Meter Fee for New Water Services 14. Award of Bid for North Interceptor Sewer Project to George W. Kennedy not to exceed $2,598,707.20. 15. Approve Contract with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. not to exceed $92,000 - Engineering Services for North Interceptor Sewer Project 16. Request to Waive Formal Bids and Approve Contract to Testing Services Corporation not to exceed $25,000 for the 2001 Street Program 17. Mayor – Statement and Reports 18. Committee Reports 19. Department Head Reports 20. New Business 21. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: July 13, 2001