HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 07/15/2002 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, July 15, 2002 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Presentation to the City of McHenry of the Governor’s Home Town Award Plaque 5. Public Hearing: Request from C&A Leasing Corporation for an Annexation Agreement; Vacation of a Portion of Hill Street; Rezoning from Estate District to I-1, Industrial District; and a Conditional use Permit to allow for the Outside Storage of Recreational Vehicles. 6. Public Input Session – 10 Minute Limitation 7. Consent Agenda:  Block Party Request;  Recommendation to Hire Russell Horning as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531;  Recommendation to Hire John Dillon as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531;  Ordinance changing the name of Capital Drive to Metalmasters Drive, Inland Business Park;  Recommendation to approve an amendment to the North Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Contract with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. not to exceed $40,000;  Recommendation to purchase replacement bricks from Care Beauty Development Landscaping Inc., for east side patio area at Municipal Center not to exceed $5,986;  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills for Approval. 8. Semi-Annual Distribution of Developer Donations to Taxing Districts. 9. Request for use of Petersen Park, Temporary Signs, and Waiver of all Associated Fees by the Wonder Lake Ski Team 10. Request for Fence Variance from Corner Side Yard Setback at 602 S. Hilltop Avenue 11. Recommendation to increase the fee charged for Bulk Water Uses 12. Payment to Rubloff Development for 50/50 Cost Share for McCullom Lake Road Improvements not to exceed $62,342.83 13. Mayor – Statement and Reports 14. Committee Reports 15. Department Head Reports 16. New Business 17. Executive Session: Personnel and Potential Litigation 18. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: July 10, 2002 C O N S E N T A G E N D A The Consent Agenda for the July 15, 2002 City Council meeting consists of the following items:  Block Party Request;  Recommendation to Hire Russell Horning as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531;  Recommendation to Hire John Dillon as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531;  Ordinance changing the name of Capital Drive to Metalmasters Drive, Inland Business Park;  Recommendation to approve an amendment to the North Interceptor Sewer Project Engineering Services Contract with Baxter & Woodman, Inc. not to exceed $40,000;  Recommendation to purchase replacement bricks from Care Beauty Development Landscaping Inc., for east side patio area at Municipal Center not to exceed $5,986;  As Needed Checks;  List of Bills for Approval. Attachments C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John T. Lockerby, Assistant City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Hiring Recommendation for Street Maintenance Worker AGENDA SUPPLEMENT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Semi-Annual Distribution of Developer Donations to Taxing Entities RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Semi-Annual Distribution of Developer Donation Fees to McHenry School Districts 15; McHenry School District 156; McHenry Public Library District; and McHenry Township Fire Protection District and direct the City Clerk to distribute these funds. Attached is a chart depicting the developer donation fees collected from January 2002 through June 2002. As outlined in the City of McHenry Subdivision Control Ordinance, the City Council must direct the City Clerk to distribute these funds to the appropriate taxing entities. The amount of distribution to each is: McHenry School District 15 $232,612.90 McHenry School District 156 $125,253.10 McHenry Public Library District $27,779.00 McHenry Township Fire Protection District $27,779.00 In 2001, Mayor Althoff established that all affected taxing districts would be asked to appear at the July meetings only; each January, distribution checks will be mailed to the taxing entities. For City Council information, the amount of developer donation fees collected for the Parks & Recreation Department is $320,032.00. Total fees collected for all taxing entities is $733,456.00. mmg DEPARTMENT HEAD REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Decrease in Assessments Sought through Appeal to the McHenry County Board of Review by Gary Lang (Beneficiary of Trusts) Attachment: 1. Notice from the McHenry County Board of Review 2. Property-in-Question Map The City of McHenry has received notice that a decrease in assessed value of what may finalize at $100,000 or more, is being sought by Gary Lang (Beneficiary of Trusts) involving the property at 1111 – 1116 S. Route 31(map attached). This property is vacant (farmhouse and accessory buildings were recently razed). As a taxing district, the City of McHenry is allowed to participate in some way with the appeal process. This action will require the Board of Review to provide the city with filings and notices of hearing throughout the process. In the past with some appeals, the city has joined with other taxing districts to share in the cost of hiring an appraiser to determine if the request to lower the assessed value of the property in question is appropriate. This is not being recommended at this time. Staff recommends the City Council to direct the Corporate Attorney to file Papers of Intervention with the McHenry County Board of Review. mmg C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John T. Lockerby, Assistant City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Hiring Recommendation for Street Maintenance Worker Through attrition, there are two vacancies in the Street Maintenance Division. After reviewing applications and conducting interviews for replacement Street Maintenance Workers, it is staff’s recommendation that the City of McHenry hire Mr. Russell Horning. Mr. Horning has a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University and has experience as a mechanic. A copy of his application is attached. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the hiring of Russell Horning as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531 upon successful completion of a pre-employment physical. mmg C O N S E N T A G E N D A TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John T. Lockerby, Assistant City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Hiring Recommendation for Street Maintenance Worker Through attrition, there are two vacancies in the Street Maintenance Division. After reviewing applications and conducting interviews for replacement Street Maintenance Workers, it is staff’s recommendation that the City of McHenry hire Mr. John Dillon. Mr. Dillon attended the College of Lake County and is currently a Management Trainee for Enterprise Rental Car. A copy of his application is attached. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the hiring of John Dillon as Street Maintenance Worker at an annual salary of $29,531 upon successful completion of a pre-employment physical. mmg A G E N D A S U P P L E M E N T TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: John A. Lobaito, City Administrator FOR: July 15, 2002 Regular City Council Meeting RE: McCullom Lake Cost Share Improvements Recommendation: Authorize payment of $62,342.83 to Rubloff McHenry, LLC for the installation of certain improvements to McCullom Lake Road. In conjunction with the Rubloff Development commercial project on North Richmond Road, the developer was required to make certain improvements to McCullom Lake Road. These improvements included the installation of traffic signals and widening of McCullom Lake Road to three lanes at the new intersection. Simultaneous to Rubloff’s plan approval, staff received preliminary plans from the city engineer for the State Route 31/McCullom Lake Road Intersection Project. Upon review of the plans, it was discovered that the limits of the city’s intersection project ended 312- feet short of the developer's improvements to McCullom Lake Road. To facilitate motor vehicle safety, and to avoid leaving one segment of McCullom Lake Road unimproved, it was decided this segment should be modified to connect the two projects. Prior to this, IDOT had already approved the project limits for the State Route 31/McCullom Lake Road Intersection Improvements making it impossible to add another 312-feet to the design. Consequently, city staff approached Bob Brownson of Rubloff Development for assistance. After several meetings, Mr. Brownson on behalf of Rubloff McHenry, LLC agreed to share in 50% of the cost to improve the omitted segment of McCullom Lake Road and to include it in Rubloff’s improvement plan. The $124,685.66 cost of the project was reviewed and approved by Baxter and Woodman as being a reasonable expected cost for the project. A map of the approximate location is attached. This past spring Rubloff McHenry, LLC completed the improvements to McCullom Lake Road including the 312-feet. Staff has inspected and approved the improvements and Mr. Brownson has requested payment of $62,342.83 (50% of the total project cost). The funds necessary to pay this expense have been accounted for in the State Route 31/McCullom Lake Road Intersection Improvements Project.