HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket - 09/08/2008 - City Council A G E N D A REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, September 8, 2008, 7:30 PM 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Input Session, 10 Minute Limitation 5. Consent Agenda: A. Settlement Agreement and Release with Charpie Construction Company, Inc. for Water Treatment Plant No. 1 renovations project and payment to Charpie Construction Company, Inc. and its sub-contractors as presented for $110,000; B. Final pay request from Castle Gardens for Petersen Park landscape renovations, $10,047.50; C. Final pay request from Castle Gardens for Freund Field landscape renovations, $8,524; D. Special Event Liquor License, St. Paul Episcopal Church; E. Special Event Liquor License, The Church of Holy Apostles; F. Temporary use permit and waiver of associated fees for Women in Management Mum Sale fundraiser on September 20, 2008; G. Intermittent closure of portions of Center Street and Kane Avenue for McHenry High School Marching Band Festival on Saturday, September 6, 2008; H. Picnic/Special Use Permit; I. Ordinance providing for the renaming of 4937 Metalmaster Way to 1000 Ridgeview Drive; J. Advertise for bids for installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park; K. August 25, 2008 City Council meeting minutes; L. As Needed Checks; and M. List of Bills. 6. Request from the Normal Moments organization to post temporary directional and sponsorship signs in city right-of-ways to advertise a fundraiser on September 27, 2008 7. Request from the PLAV Ladies Auxiliary to post temporary signs in city right-of way to advertise a breakfast fundraiser held one day each month beginning September 14, 2008. 8. Variance to permit temporary signs and banners to be displayed at 1111 North Green Street advertising the Riverwalk Center development 9. Sign variances for CITGO Fuel Station, 4416 West Elm Street 10. Authorize a) the Mayor’s execution of Cross Access Easement Construction Agreement between Bjorkman’s Ace Hardware, U.S. Postal Service, and City of McHenry and, b) authorize staff to advertise for bids for the project 11. Proposal from Water Well Solutions for Rehabilitation of Water Well No. 6 for an amount not to exceed $45,699.75 12. Mayor Statement and Reports 13. Committee Reports 14. Staff Reports 15. Future Agenda Items 16. Adjournment Posted and Mailed: September 3, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA The Consent Agenda for the September 8, 2008, City Council meeting consists of the following items: A. Settlement Agreement and Release with Charpie Construction Company, Inc. for Water Treatment Plant No. 1 renovations project and payment to Charpie Construction Company, Inc. and its sub-contractors as presented for $110,000; B. Final pay request from Castle Gardens for Petersen Park landscape renovations, $10,047.50; C. Final pay request from Castle Gardens for Freund Field landscape renovations, $8,524; D. Special Event Liquor License, St. Paul Episcopal Church; E. Special Event Liquor License, The Church of Holy Apostles; F. Temporary use permit and waiver of associated fees for Women in Management Mum Sale fundraiser on September 20, 2008; G. Intermittent closure of portions of Center Street and Kane Avenue for McHenry High School Marching Band Festival on Saturday, September 6, 2008; H. Picnic/Special Use Permit; I. Ordinance providing for the renaming of 4937 Metalmaster Way to 1000 Ridgeview Drive; J. Advertise for bids for installation of holiday lighting in Veterans Memorial Park; K. August 25, 2008 City Council meeting minutes; L. As Needed Checks; and M. List of Bills. Attachments CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: September 8, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for special event liquor license from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for annual fundraiser. th St. Paul Episcopal Church located at 3706 St. Paul Avenue is hosting its 13 annual Auction and Fundraiser on Saturday, September 20, 2008. Organizers of the event are requesting a special event liquor license for the sale of wine from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Recommendation: It is the Mayor’s recommendation to approve the request from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for a special event liquor license for the sale of wine on September 20, 2008 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Bill Hobson, Assistant City Administrator FOR: September 8, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Authorization to advertise for bids for the installation of holiday lights in Veterans Memorial Park. Annually, the city has contracted services for the installation of holiday tree lighting in Veterans Memorial Park. A total of $20,000 was budget this fiscal year for the lighting. If approved, lighting will be installed prior to the annual Downtown Christmas Walk Toys and Toys for Tots Parade scheduled for November 16, 2008. Attached is a copy of the bid documents and site plan depicting proposed locations for the lights. CONSENT AGENDA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Douglas K. Maxeiner, City Administrator FOR: September 8, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting RE: Request for special event liquor license for beer and wine from The Church of Holy Apostles to host the Spirit of the Lakes Chorus event on December 7, 2008. The Church of Holy Apostles is hosting a performance of the Sweet Adelines singing group in the church’s Bell Tower Place on Friday, December 7, 2008. The Spirit of the Lakes Chorus organization is sponsoring the event and would like to offer beer and wine those in attendance. This is the third special event liquor license requested by the church this year. Pursuant to the Municipal Code, three licenses may be granted per calendar year. Recommendation: It is the Mayor’s recommendation to approve the request from The Church of Holy Apostles Church for a special event liquor license for the sale of beer and wine on December 7, 2008, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.